Exemplo n.º 1
        public DatosAtencion GetDatosPersonalesAtencion(string serviceId)
                DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext();

                var objEntity = (from s in dbContext.Service
                                 join pe in dbContext.Person on s.v_PersonId equals pe.v_PersonId
                                 join C in dbContext.SystemParameter on new { a = pe.i_SexTypeId.Value, b = 100 }
                                 equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                                 from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 where s.v_ServiceId == serviceId
                                 select new DatosAtencion
                    Paciente = pe.v_FirstLastName,
                    Genero = C.v_Value1

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void sr_llenar_resultados(ref DataGridView dgr, int IDS, DateTime dia)
            animalitos db    = new animalitos(CN.CONEC);
            var        query = (from A in db.dbresultados
                                join B in db.dbSorteos on new { ID_LOTERIA = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_LOTERIA) } equals new { ID_LOTERIA = B.ID_SORTEO } into B_join
                                from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join C in db.dbhorarios
                                on new { A.ID_LOTERIA, ID_SORTEOHR = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_SORTEOHR) }
                                equals new { ID_LOTERIA = C.IDSORTEOHR, ID_SORTEOHR = C.IDHORA } into C_join
                                from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join D in db.dbanimalitos on new { ID_ANIMAL = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_ANIMAL) } equals new { ID_ANIMAL = D.IDANIMALITOS } into D_join
                                from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join E in db.dbestatus on new { ESTATUS = A.ESTATUS } equals new { ESTATUS = E.CODESTATUS } into E_join
                                from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                A.FECHA == dia &&
                                A.ID_LOTERIA == IDS
                                select new
                HORA = C.HORA,
                NOMESTATUS = E.NOMESTATUS,
                Column1 = A.HORA

            dgr.DataSource = query;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList> GetFamilyMedicalAntecedentsReport(string pstrPersonId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = (from A in dbContext.familymedicalantecedents
                             join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 }
                             equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                             from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 }
                             equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                             from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join D in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId }
                             equals new { a = D.v_DiseasesId } into D_join
                             from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId

                             select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList
                    v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId = A.v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId,
                    v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId = A.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseaseName = D.v_Name,
                    //i_TypeFamilyId = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value,
                    i_TypeFamilyId = C.i_ParameterId,
                    v_TypeFamilyName = C.v_Value1,
                    v_Comment = A.v_Comment,
                    v_FullAntecedentName = D.v_Name + " / " + C.v_Value1 + ", " + A.v_Comment,
                    DxAndComment = D.v_Name + "," + A.v_Comment

                // add the sequence number on the fly
                var query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList
                    i_Item = index + 1,
                    v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId = x.v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId,
                    v_PersonId           = x.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId         = x.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseaseName        = x.v_DiseaseName,
                    i_TypeFamilyId       = x.i_TypeFamilyId,
                    v_TypeFamilyName     = x.v_TypeFamilyName,
                    v_Comment            = x.v_Comment,
                    v_FullAntecedentName = x.v_FullAntecedentName,
                    DxAndComment         = x.DxAndComment

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public LogList GetLog(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string pintLogId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var query = (from A in dbContext.log
                             join B in dbContext.node on A.i_NodeLogId equals B.i_NodeId
                             join C in dbContext.organization on A.v_OrganizationId equals C.v_OrganizationId into C_join
                             from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join D in dbContext.systemuser on A.i_SystemUserId equals D.i_SystemUserId into D_join
                             from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join J1 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 102, b = A.i_EventTypeId.Value }
                             equals new { a = J1.i_GroupId, b = J1.i_ParameterId }
                             join J2 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 111, b = A.i_Success.Value }
                             equals new { a = J2.i_GroupId, b = J2.i_ParameterId }
                             where A.v_LogId == pintLogId
                             select new LogList
                    v_LogId = A.v_LogId,
                    i_EventTypeId = A.i_EventTypeId.Value,
                    v_EventTypeName = J1.v_Value1,
                    i_NodeId = A.i_NodeLogId.Value,
                    v_NodeName = B.v_Description,
                    v_OrganizationId = A.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_OrganizationName = C.v_Name,
                    i_SystemUserId = A.i_SystemUserId.Value,
                    v_SystemUserName = D.v_UserName,
                    d_Date = A.d_Date.Value,
                    v_ProcessEntity = A.v_ProcessEntity,
                    v_ElementItem = A.v_ElementItem,
                    i_Success = A.i_Success.Value,
                    v_SuccessName = J2.v_Value1,
                    v_ErrorException = A.v_ErrorException

            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
        private string ConcatenateFamilyMedicalAntecedents(string pstrPersonId, int pintTypeFamilyId)
            var qry = (from A in ctx.FamilyMedicalAntecedents
                       join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 }  // ANTECEDENTES FAMILIARES MÉDICOS
                       equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                       from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       join C in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 }  // [PADRE,MADRE,HERMANOS]
                       equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                       from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       join D in ctx.Diseases on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId }
                       equals new { a = D.v_DiseasesId } into D_join
                       from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       where A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId &&
                       A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && C.i_ParameterId == pintTypeFamilyId
                       select new
                v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name

            return(string.Join(", ", qry.Select(p => p.v_DiseasesName)));
        public List <PersonMedicalHistoryList> GetAntecedentConsolidateForService(string patientId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                List <PersonMedicalHistoryList> lis = new List <PersonMedicalHistoryList>();

                int isDeleted = (int)SiNo.No;

                #region querys individuales

                // Obtener todos loa antecedentes de una persona (una o varias empresas)
                var historyId = (from a in ctx.History
                                 where a.v_PersonId == patientId && a.i_IsDeleted == isDeleted
                                 select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales",
                    v_DiseasesName = null,
                    v_HistoryId = a.v_HistoryId,
                    d_StartDate = a.d_StartDate,
                    d_EndDate = a.d_EndDate,
                    v_Occupation = a.v_workstation,
                    v_GroupName = null

                // personmedicalhistory
                var q1tmp = (from A in ctx.PersonMedicalHistory
                             join D in ctx.Diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals D.v_DiseasesId
                             where A.i_IsDeleted == isDeleted && A.v_PersonId == patientId

                             select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Medicos-Personales",
                    v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name,
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate,
                    v_GroupName = null

                var q1 = (from A in q1tmp
                          select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Medicos-Personales",
                    v_DiseasesName = A.v_DiseasesName,
                    v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString(),
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value

                // typeofeep
                var q2 = (from A in historyId
                          select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales, " + A.v_Occupation,
                    v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateTypeOfeep(A.v_HistoryId),
                    v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy") + " - " + A.d_EndDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate,

                // workstationdangers
                var q3 = (from A in historyId
                          select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales, " + A.v_Occupation,
                    v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateWorkStationDangers(A.v_HistoryId),
                    v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy") + " - " + A.d_EndDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate,

                // noxioushabits
                var q4 = (from A in ctx.NoxiousHabits
                          join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeHabitsId.Value, b = 148 }  // HÁBITOS NOCIVOS
                          equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                          from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == patientId
                          select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Hábitos Nocivos",
                    v_DiseasesName = B.v_Value1 + ", " + A.v_Frequency,

                // familymedicalantecedents

                var q5tmp = (from A in ctx.FamilyMedicalAntecedents
                             join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 }  // ANTECEDENTES FAMILIARES MÉDICOS
                             equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                             from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join C in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 }
                             equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                             from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == patientId
                             group C by new { C.i_ParameterId, C.v_Value1 } into g
                             select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = "Familiares",
                    i_TypeFamilyId = g.Key.i_ParameterId,
                    v_TypeFamilyName = g.Key.v_Value1

                var q5 = (from A in q5tmp
                          select new PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_AntecedentTypeName = A.v_AntecedentTypeName,
                    v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateFamilyMedicalAntecedents(patientId, A.i_TypeFamilyId),
                    v_DateOrGroup = A.v_TypeFamilyName


                #region Fusion

                if (q1.Count > 0)
                if (q2.Count > 0)
                if (q3.Count > 0)
                if (q4.Count > 0)
                if (q5.Count > 0)


                return(lis.OrderBy(x => x.v_AntecedentTypeName).ToList());
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList> GetPersonMedicalHistoryReport(string pstrPersonId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = (from A in dbContext.personmedicalhistory

                             join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId, b = 147 }
                             equals new { a = B.v_Value1, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                             from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 147 }
                             equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                             from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             join D in dbContext.diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals D.v_DiseasesId

                             join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId.Value, b = 139 }
                             equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } into E_join
                             from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             where (A.i_IsDeleted == 0) && (A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId)

                             select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = A.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId,
                    v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId = A.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name,
                    i_TypeDiagnosticId = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId,
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value,
                    v_TreatmentSite = A.v_TreatmentSite,
                    v_GroupName = C.v_Value1,
                    v_TypeDiagnosticName = E.v_Value1,
                    v_DiagnosticDetail = A.v_DiagnosticDetail,
                    i_Answer = A.i_AnswerId.Value,

                // add the sequence number on the fly
                var query1 = new List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList>();

                query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    i_Item = index + 1,
                    v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = x.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId,
                    v_PersonId           = x.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId         = x.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseasesName       = x.v_DiseasesName,
                    i_TypeDiagnosticId   = x.i_TypeDiagnosticId,
                    d_StartDate          = x.d_StartDate,
                    v_TreatmentSite      = x.v_TreatmentSite,
                    v_GroupName          = x.v_GroupName,
                    v_TypeDiagnosticName = x.v_TypeDiagnosticName,
                    v_DiagnosticDetail   = x.v_DiagnosticDetail,
                    i_Answer             = x.i_Answer,

                //List<PersonMedicalHistoryList> objData = query.ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public List <recetadespachoDto> GetRecetaToReport(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string serviceId)
                using (var dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel())
                    pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                    var medicamentos        = MedicamentoDao.ObtenerContasolMedicamentos();
                    var FirmaMedicoMedicina = new ServiceBL().ObtenerFirmaMedicoExamen(serviceId, Constants.ATENCION_INTEGRAL_ID, Constants.EXAMEN_FISICO_7C_ID);

                    var consulta = (from r in dbContext.receta
                                    join d in dbContext.diagnosticrepository on r.v_DiagnosticRepositoryId equals d.v_DiagnosticRepositoryId into dJoin
                                    from d in dJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join s in dbContext.service on d.v_ServiceId equals s.v_ServiceId into sJoin
                                    from s in sJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join C in dbContext.organization on new { id = "N009-OO000000052" } equals new { id = C.v_OrganizationId } into C_join
                                    from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join p in dbContext.person on s.v_PersonId equals p.v_PersonId into pJoin
                                    from p in pJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    where s.v_ServiceId.Equals(serviceId)
                                    select new recetadespachoDto
                        RecetaId = r.i_IdReceta,
                        CantidadRecetada = r.d_Cantidad ?? 0,
                        //Medicamento = m.NombreCompleto,
                        //Presentacion = m.Presentacion,
                        //Ubicacion = m.Ubicacion,
                        NombrePaciente = p.v_FirstLastName + " " + p.v_SecondLastName + " " + p.v_FirstName,
                        FechaFin = r.t_FechaFin ?? DateTime.Now,
                        Duracion = r.v_Duracion,
                        Dosis = r.v_Posologia,
                        NombreMedico = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value2,
                        RubricaMedico = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value5,
                        MedicoNroCmp = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value3,
                        NombreClinica = C.v_Name,
                        DireccionClinica = C.v_Address,
                        LogoClinica = C.b_Image,
                        Despacho = (r.i_Lleva ?? 0) == 1,
                        MedicinaId = r.v_IdProductoDetalle

                    //consulta = consulta.GroupBy(p => p.RecetaId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in consulta)
                        var prod = medicamentos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdProductoDetalle.Equals(item.MedicinaId));
                        if (prod == null)
                        item.Medicamento  = prod.NombreCompleto;
                        item.Presentacion = prod.Presentacion;
                        item.Ubicacion    = prod.Ubicacion;

            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ErrorMessage     = ex.Message;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException != null
                    ? ex.InnerException.Message
                    : string.Empty;
                pobjOperationResult.AdditionalInformation = "RecetaDespachoBl.GetDespacho()";
Exemplo n.º 9
        //Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor mon = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor();

        public List <LogList> GetLogsPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, DateTime?pdatBeginDate, DateTime?pdatEndDate)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.log
                            join B in dbContext.node on A.i_NodeLogId equals B.i_NodeId
                            join C in dbContext.organization on A.v_OrganizationId equals C.v_OrganizationId into C_join
                            from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join D in dbContext.systemuser on A.i_SystemUserId equals D.i_SystemUserId into D_join
                            from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join J1 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 102, b = A.i_EventTypeId.Value }
                equals new { a = J1.i_GroupId, b = J1.i_ParameterId }
                join J2 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 111, b = A.i_Success.Value }
                equals new { a = J2.i_GroupId, b = J2.i_ParameterId }
                select new LogList
                    v_LogId            = A.v_LogId,
                    i_EventTypeId      = A.i_EventTypeId.Value,
                    v_EventTypeName    = J1.v_Value1,
                    i_NodeId           = A.i_NodeLogId.Value,
                    v_NodeName         = B.v_Description,
                    v_OrganizationId   = A.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_OrganizationName = C.v_Name,
                    i_SystemUserId     = A.i_SystemUserId.Value,
                    v_SystemUserName   = D.v_UserName,
                    d_Date             = A.d_Date.Value,
                    v_ProcessEntity    = A.v_ProcessEntity,
                    v_ElementItem      = A.v_ElementItem,
                    i_Success          = A.i_Success.Value,
                    v_SuccessName      = J2.v_Value1,
                    v_ErrorException   = A.v_ErrorException

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (pdatBeginDate.HasValue && pdatEndDate.HasValue)
                    query = query.Where("d_Date >= @0 && d_Date <= @1", pdatBeginDate.Value, pdatEndDate.Value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <LogList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;