Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Called every simulation tick.
    /// </summary>
    public void Update()
        if (!mActive)

        // TODO: Maybe stagger updates over multiple ticks.
        // TODO: Maybe worker threads to help with decision making perf.

        // AI Follows a schedule of actions to be taken.
        // State driven? Checks for various conditions then jumps to a certain state.
        // State stack? Allows to return to what it was doing.

        // Fitting objects in the level:
        // A hint system where the level designer places hints for object placement
        // Procedural placement fitting
        //		Don't block of corridors
        //		Favour placing against walls
        //		Have gaps around objects placed in the middle of rooms


        if (_counter == 1)
            //CItemStart spawn = _world.GetEntity<CItemStart>(_world.mPlayers[1].mSpawnItemID);
            //spawn.QueueEvent(new CElevatorEvent(CElevatorEvent.EType.T_SPAWN_UNIT, 1, 0));
            _phase = AIPhase.DECIDE;


            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_desk_test", 19, 15, 2, _playerIndex);

            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_food_test", 17, 12, 1, _playerIndex);

            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 20, 10, 0, _playerIndex);
            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 21, 10, 0, _playerIndex);
            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 22, 10, 0, _playerIndex);
            //mWorld.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 23, 10, 0, mPlayerId);

            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_test_0", 20, 7, 1, _playerIndex);

            //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_door", 16, 6, 1, _playerIndex);
            //mWorld.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_door", 26, 12, 1, mPlayerId);
             * // Check if we have an unassigned desk, and then assign someone to it
             * // TODO: Ideally we only want to assign to desks we know are within reach/safe.
             * CItemProxy deskProxy = _GetUnassignedDesk();
             * if (deskProxy != null)
             * {
             *      CUnit unit = _GetUnassignedWorker();
             *      if (unit != null)
             *      {
             *              Debug.Log("Assigning worker " + unit.mID + " to desk " + deskProxy.mID);
             *              _world.ControllerSelectEntity(_playerIndex, unit.mID);
             *              _world.ControllerClaimDesk(_playerIndex, deskProxy.mID);
             *      }
             * }
             * _DistributeContractToAssignedDesks();
             * if (_counter % 60 == 0)
             * {
             *      _GetFirstAvailableResume();
             *      if (_GetContractCount() < 4)
             *              _GetFirstAvailableContract();
             *      if (_GetTotalInterns(true) < 5)
             *              _world.ControllerHireIntern(_playerIndex);
             * }

            if (_counter % 60 == 0)
                if (_GetTotalInterns(true) < 5)

         * if (_phase == AIPhase.START)
         * {
         *      Debug.LogWarning("The AI is here");
         * }
         * else if (_phase == AIPhase.DECIDE)
         * {
         * }