private void ApplyCurrentScheme(CURSOR_ICON_SCHEME prevScheme, CURSOR_ICON_SCHEME newScheme)
            List <int> indicesToChange = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mouseSchemeStrings.Length; i++)
                if (!schemeStringsList[(int)prevScheme][i].Equals(schemeStringsList[(int)newScheme][i]))

            using (RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Control Panel\Cursors", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree))
                //if we couldn't open the registry, tell the user and exit
                if (regKey == null)
                    Logger.WriteError("Unable to get write permissions to Current User\\Control Panel\\Cursors");

                //Show message box to user if icon cannot be found.
                if (!File.Exists(hcFileStringBaseName + "Arrow.cur"))
                    Logger.WriteError("Unable to find " + hcFileStringBaseName + "Arrow.cur");

                foreach (int i in indicesToChange)
                    //Check if we should use hidden cursor here
                    if (schemeStringsList[(int)newScheme][i].Length > 0)
                        string executingDirectory   = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));
                        string hiddenCursorFullPath = executingDirectory + "\\" + hcFileStringBaseName + pathKeys[i] + ".cur";  //the filename is named accordingly
                        regKey.SetValue(pathKeys[i], hiddenCursorFullPath, RegistryValueKind.String);
                    else //we want to set back to regular mouse scheme
                        regKey.SetValue(pathKeys[i], mouseSchemeStrings[i], RegistryValueKind.String);

            //tell windows we changed the cursor so it gets updated
            User32.SystemParametersInfo(User32.SPI_SETCURSORS, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
        public void SetCursorScheme(CURSOR_ICON_SCHEME newScheme)
            if (newScheme == currentScheme)
                //Already set

            //Do not change scheme from MOUSE to EYEGAZE_ZOOM, as not a valid transition
            if (currentScheme == CURSOR_ICON_SCHEME.MOUSE && newScheme == CURSOR_ICON_SCHEME.EYEGAZE_ZOOM)
            Logger.WriteVar(nameof(currentScheme), currentScheme);
            Logger.WriteVar(nameof(newScheme), newScheme);
            ApplyCurrentScheme(currentScheme, newScheme);
            currentScheme = newScheme;