Exemplo n.º 1
            public Texture(CTPK_Parser.TextureEntry texture)
                TextureHeader = texture;

                Width                  = texture.Width;
                Height                 = texture.Height;
                MipCount               = texture.MipCount;
                ArrayCount             = 1;
                this.DisplayProperties = texture;
                Platform               = new CTRSwizzle(texture.PicaFormat);
Exemplo n.º 2
            public TextureWrapper(Header header, Stream imageData)
                Header    = header;
                ImageData = imageData;

                Name       = Hashing.CreateHashString(header.Hash);
                Width      = header.Width;
                Height     = header.Height;
                ArrayCount = 1;
                MipCount   = 1;
                Platform   = new CTRSwizzle((CTR_3DS.PICASurfaceFormat)header.Format)
                    SwizzleMode = CTR_3DS.Orientation.Transpose,

Exemplo n.º 3
        public G1T(Stream input, Platform platform)
            _platform = platform;

            using (BinaryReaderX br = new BinaryReaderX(input))
                //Deciding on Endianess
                var magic1 = br.ReadString(4);
                br.ByteOrder           = ByteOrder = (magic1 == "GT1G") ? ByteOrder.LittleEndian : ByteOrder.BigEndian;
                br.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                header = br.ReadStruct <Header>();

                br.BaseStream.Position = header.dataOffset;
                var offsetList = br.ReadMultiple <int>(header.texCount);

                meta = new List <Meta>();
                for (int i = 0; i < header.texCount; i++)
                    br.BaseStream.Position = header.dataOffset + offsetList[i];
                    var metainfo = br.ReadStruct <Meta>();
                    byte[] ext = null;
                    if (metainfo.extHeader > 0)
                        var extSize = br.ReadInt32();
                        ext = br.ReadBytes(extSize - 4);

                    //Check if format exists
                    switch (_platform)
                    case Platform.N3DS:
                        if (!Support.N3DSFormat.ContainsKey(metainfo.format))
                            throw new Exception($"Unsupported image format 0x{metainfo.format:X2}.");

                    case Platform.PS:
                        if (!Support.PSFormat.ContainsKey(metainfo.format))
                            throw new Exception($"Unsupported image format 0x{metainfo.format:X2}.");

                    case Platform.Vita:
                        if (!Support.VitaFormat.ContainsKey(metainfo.format))
                            throw new Exception($"Unsupported image format 0x{metainfo.format:X2}.");

                    var format = (_platform == Platform.Vita) ? Support.VitaFormat[meta[i].format] : (_platform == Platform.N3DS) ? Support.N3DSFormat[meta[i].format] : Support.PSFormat[meta[i].format];

                    IImageSwizzle swizzle = null;
                    if (_platform == Platform.Vita)
                        swizzle = new VitaSwizzle(metainfo.width, metainfo.height, format.FormatName.Contains("DXT"));
                    else if (_platform == Platform.N3DS)
                        swizzle = new CTRSwizzle(metainfo.width, metainfo.height, 2);
                    else if (format.FormatName.Contains("DXT"))
                        swizzle = new BlockSwizzle(metainfo.width, metainfo.height);

                    var setting = new ImageSettings
                        Width   = metainfo.width,
                        Height  = metainfo.height,
                        Swizzle = swizzle,
                        Format  = format

                    var length = metainfo.width * metainfo.height * format.BitDepth / 8;
                    bmps.Add(Common.Load(br.ReadBytes(length), setting));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Save(Stream input)
            //Sanity check
            for (int i = 0; i < bmps.Count; i++)
                var padWidth  = 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2);
                var padHeight = 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2);
                if (padWidth >= Math.Pow(2, 16) || padHeight >= Math.Pow(2, 16))
                    throw new Exception($"Image {i} has to be smaller than {Math.Pow(2, 15)}x{Math.Pow(2, 15)}");

            using (BinaryWriterX bw = new BinaryWriterX(input, ByteOrder))
                //Create offsetlist
                var offsetList = new List <int>();
                var off        = header.texCount * 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < header.texCount; i++)
                    var format = (_platform == Platform.Vita) ? Support.VitaFormat[meta[i].format] : (_platform == Platform.N3DS) ? Support.N3DSFormat[meta[i].format] : Support.PSFormat[meta[i].format];

                    off += 0x8 + ((metaExt[i] != null) ? metaExt[i].Length + 4 : 0);
                    off += bmps[i].Width * bmps[i].Height * format.BitDepth / 8;

                //Update meta
                for (int i = 0; i < header.texCount; i++)
                    meta[i].dimension = (byte)((int)(Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2) + 1) | ((int)(Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2) + 1) * 16));

                //Write updated data
                bw.BaseStream.Position = header.dataOffset;
                foreach (var offInt in offsetList)

                //Write images
                for (int i = 0; i < bmps.Count; i++)
                    var format = (_platform == Platform.Vita) ? Support.VitaFormat[meta[i].format] : (_platform == Platform.N3DS) ? Support.N3DSFormat[meta[i].format] : Support.PSFormat[meta[i].format];

                    if (metaExt[i] != null)
                        bw.Write(metaExt[i].Length + 4);

                    IImageSwizzle swizzle = null;
                    if (_platform == Platform.Vita)
                        swizzle = new VitaSwizzle(2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2), 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2), format.FormatName.Contains("DXT"));
                    else if (_platform == Platform.N3DS)
                        swizzle = new CTRSwizzle(2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2), 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2), 2);
                    else if (format.FormatName.Contains("DXT"))
                        swizzle = new BlockSwizzle(2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2), 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2));

                    var setting = new ImageSettings
                        Width       = 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Width - 1, 2),
                            Height  = 2 << (int)Math.Log(bmps[i].Height - 1, 2),
                            Swizzle = swizzle,
                            Format  = format
                    bw.Write(Common.Save(bmps[i], setting));
                header.fileSize = (int)bw.BaseStream.Length;

                bw.BaseStream.Position = 0;