Exemplo n.º 1
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	CREATE / DESTROY
    public override void OnStart_DefineLimb()
        //=== Init Bones and Joints ===
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointExtremity	    = CJointDriver.Create(this, null,					"chestUpper",		15,  8, -000,  000,  000,  000, 1));		//### The body's root bone... is kinematic and has no joint to a parent bone so all zeros
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointChestLower      = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointExtremity,		"chestLower",		15,  8, -015,  015,  010,  010, 1));
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointAbdomenUpper	= CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointChestLower,      "abdomenUpper",	    15,  6, -035,  025,  012,  020, 1));
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointAbdomenLower    = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointAbdomenUpper,    "abdomenLower",	    15,  6, -040,  025,  024,  020, 1));
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointHip			    = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointAbdomenLower,	"hip",			    15,  6, -035,  020,  015,  015, 1));
        //###NOTE: Pelvis bone is in CActorPelvis for extra processing there.

        //###CHECK: Keep? _oJointExtremity._oRigidBody.isKinematic = (CGame.INSTANCE._GameMode == EGameModes.Configure);		//###HACK ###TEMP ####REVA If play no anim just set everything to kinematic... for temp cloth exploration
        //###OBS? _oJointExtremity._oRigidBody.isKinematic = false;				// We need to disable kinematic on bone as we're driving it with our pin!

        //=== Init Hotspot ===
        _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, transform, "Chest", true, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), C_SizeHotSpot_BodyNodes);
        //_oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, _oBody.FindBone("chestUpper"), "Chest", true, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), C_SizeHotSpot_TorsoNodes);

        //=== Init CObject ===
        _oObj = new CObject(this, _oBody._oBodyBase._nBodyID, typeof(EActorChest), "Chest", "Chest");
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        AddBaseActorProperties();						// The first properties of every CActor subclass are Pinned, pos & rot
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorChest.Torso_LeftRight,	"Torso_LeftRight",	0,	-100,	100,	"");		//###BUG: Have to recalibrate to make new abdoment-centric bones look good.
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorChest.Torso_UpDown,		"Torso_UpDown",		0,	-100,	100,	"");		//###NOW###: Forced to enter crappy name because of new CProp restrictions with naming!
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorChest.Torso_Twist,		"Torso_Twist",		0,	-100,	100,	"");
        //###PROBLEM: Base actor adds 'pinned' but chest is always pinned?

        _oObj.PropSet(EActorChest.Pinned, 1);           // Manually set pinned to 1 on torso so body doesn't float in space when no pose is loaded (Weak that we can't set in PropAdd() due to init-time problems)

        if (CGame.INSTANCE.EnableIdlePoseMovement)
            StartCoroutine(Coroutine_ChangeRandomPose());			//###CHECK: When destroyed OK??
Exemplo n.º 2
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	CREATE / DESTROY
    public override void OnStart_DefineLimb()
        //###CHECK _aJoints.Add(_oJointExtremity = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oBody._oActor_Chest._oJointHip, "sex", 1.0f, 1.0f, -0f, 0, -0f, 0f, -0f, 0f));
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointExtremity = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oBody._oActor_Chest._oJointHip,	"pelvis", 15, 8, -025,  025,  010,  015, 1));

        _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, transform, "Pelvis", true, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), C_SizeHotSpot_BodyNodes);

        _oObj = new CObject(this, _oBody._oBodyBase._nBodyID, typeof(EActorPelvis), "Pelvis", "Pelvis");
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        AddBaseActorProperties();						// The first properties of every CActor subclass are Pinned, pos & rot
        _oObj.PropSet(EActorPelvis.Pinned, 1);			// Manually set pinned to 1 on chest so body doesn't float in space when no pose is loaded (Weak that we can't set in PropAdd() due to init-time problems)