Exemplo n.º 1
 static extern bool ReadConsoleOutput(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     [Out] CHAR_INFO[,] lpBuffer,
     COORD dwBufferSize,
     COORD dwBufferCoord,
     ref SMALL_RECT lpReadRegion
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Cosntructor</summary>
 public ConsoleProgressBar()
     m_HConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
     m_barCoord = GetCursorPos();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static extern bool WriteConsoleOutput(
			IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
			/* This pointer is treated as the origin of a two-dimensional array of CHAR_INFO structures
			whose size is specified by the dwBufferSize parameter.*/
			[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray), In] CHAR_INFO[] lpBuffer,
			COORD dwBufferSize,
			COORD dwBufferCoord,
			ref SMALL_RECT lpWriteRegion);
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>Cosntructor</summary>
		public ConsoleProgressBar()
			// TODO: Add constructor logic here.
			mHConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
			barCoord = this.GetCursorPos();
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static bool InitConsole()
        if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
            return false;

        SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, true);

        StdOutHandle = GetStdHandle(unchecked((uint)STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
        StdInHandle = GetStdHandle(unchecked((uint)STD_INPUT_HANDLE));

        // 允许控制台右键菜单
        uint dwConsoleMode = 0;
        GetConsoleMode(StdInHandle, out dwConsoleMode);
        SetConsoleMode(StdInHandle, ~ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT & dwConsoleMode);

        // forbid close
        IntPtr hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
        IntPtr hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWnd, 0);
        RemoveMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);

        COORD BufferSize = new COORD()
            X = 120,
            Y = 320,

        SMALL_RECT WinRect = new SMALL_RECT()
            Left = 0,
            Top = 0,
            Right = (short)(BufferSize.X - 1),
            Bottom = 30,

        IntPtr pBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(BufferSize));
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(BufferSize, pBuffer, false);
        Debug.Log(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(StdOutHandle, pBuffer));

        IntPtr pWinRect = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(WinRect));
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(WinRect, pWinRect, false);
        Debug.Log(SetConsoleWindowInfo(StdOutHandle, true, pWinRect));

        ConsoleAlive = true;

        Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WorkingThread));

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        static private void SetPrompt(string prompt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prompt))

            var handle = NativeMethods.GetStdHandle((uint) StandardHandleId.Output);

            var lineCount = 1 + prompt.Count(c => c == '\n');
            if (lineCount > 1)
                var options = new SetPSReadlineOption {ExtraPromptLineCount = lineCount - 1};
            int bufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth;
            var consoleBuffer = new CHAR_INFO[lineCount * bufferWidth];
            int j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < prompt.Length; i++, j++)
                if (prompt[i] == '\n')
                    for (; j % Console.BufferWidth != 0; j++)
                        consoleBuffer[j] = new CHAR_INFO(' ', Console.ForegroundColor, Console.BackgroundColor);
                    Console.CursorTop += 1;
                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                    j -= 1;  // We don't actually write the newline
                    consoleBuffer[j] = new CHAR_INFO(prompt[i], Console.ForegroundColor, Console.BackgroundColor);
                    Console.CursorLeft += 1;

            var bufferSize = new COORD
                                 X = (short) bufferWidth,
                                 Y = (short) lineCount
            var bufferCoord = new COORD {X = 0, Y = 0};
            var writeRegion = new SMALL_RECT
                                  Top = 0,
                                  Left = 0,
                                  Bottom = (short) (lineCount - 1),
                                  Right = (short) bufferWidth
            NativeMethods.WriteConsoleOutput(handle, consoleBuffer, bufferSize, bufferCoord, ref writeRegion);
Exemplo n.º 7
        //static ConsoleBuffer buffer;

        /// <summary>
        /// Maximizuje okno, hiduje kurzor, a nastavi kodovu stranku na 866, kde su nejake graficke znaky. googluj codepage 866
        /// </summary>
        public static void FullScreen()
            IntPtr hConsole = GetStdHandle(-11);   // get console handle
            COORD  xy       = new COORD(100, 100);

            SetConsoleDisplayMode(hConsole, 1, out xy); // set the console to fullscreen
            System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(866);
            System.Console.CursorVisible  = false;
            System.Console.BufferHeight = System.Console.WindowHeight;
            System.Console.BufferWidth  = System.Console.WindowWidth;
            Width  = System.Console.WindowWidth;
            Height = System.Console.WindowHeight;
Exemplo n.º 8
    //istanza Random

    public Maze(int dimx, int dimy, int difficultyPercentage, int randomPercentage)
        dim = new COORD(dimx, dimy);
        this.randomPercentage     = (double)randomPercentage / 100;
        this.difficultyPercentage = (double)difficultyPercentage / 100;
        maze = new int[dimy, dimx];
        for (int i = 0; i < dim.y; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim.x; j++)
                maze[i, j] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void ScrollBuffer(int lines)
            var handle = NativeMethods.GetStdHandle((uint) StandardHandleId.Output);

            var scrollRectangle = new SMALL_RECT
                Top = (short) lines,
                Left = 0,
                Bottom = (short) (lines + Console.BufferHeight - 1),
                Right = (short)Console.BufferWidth
            var destinationOrigin = new COORD {X = 0, Y = 0};
            var fillChar = new CHAR_INFO(' ', Console.ForegroundColor, Console.BackgroundColor);
            NativeMethods.ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(handle, ref scrollRectangle, IntPtr.Zero, destinationOrigin, ref fillChar);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static IEnumerable <string> ReadFromBuffer(short x, short y, short width, short height)
            IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(width * height * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CHAR_INFO)));

            if (buffer == null)
                throw new OutOfMemoryException();

                COORD      coord = new COORD();
                SMALL_RECT rc    = new SMALL_RECT();
                rc.Left   = x;
                rc.Top    = y;
                rc.Right  = (short)(x + width - 1);
                rc.Bottom = (short)(y + height - 1);

                COORD size = new COORD();
                size.X = width;
                size.Y = height;

                const int STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11;
                if (!ReadConsoleOutput(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), buffer, size, coord, ref rc))
                    // 'Not enough storage is available to process this command' may be raised for buffer size > 64K (see ReadConsoleOutput doc.)
                    throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                IntPtr ptr = buffer;
                for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
                        CHAR_INFO ci    = (CHAR_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(CHAR_INFO));
                        char[]    chars = Console.OutputEncoding.GetChars(ci.charData);
                        ptr += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CHAR_INFO));
                    yield return(sb.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void CenterConsoleWindow(int Width, int Height)
            Screen scr      = Screen.PrimaryScreen;
            COORD  FontSize = GetConsoleFontSize();

            if (FontSize.X > 0 && FontSize.Y > 0)
                int    X    = (scr.Bounds.Width - (Width * FontSize.X)) / 2;
                int    Y    = (scr.Bounds.Height - (Height * FontSize.Y)) / 2;
                IntPtr hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
                if (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                    MoveWindow(hWnd, X, Y, Width * FontSize.X, Height * FontSize.Y, true);
Exemplo n.º 12
    private List <COORD> CalcTargetTileCenter()
        List <COORD> coords = null;

        int index = _path.nodes.Count - 1;

        while (index > 0)
            MapAStar.NODE n  = _path.nodes [index];
            Vector2       nc = MapGrid.GetTileCenter(n.x, n.z);

            coords = CollectTilesInLine(
                _unit.transform.position.x, _unit.transform.position.z, nc.x, nc.y);

            bool blocked = false;
            for (int i = 1; i < coords.Count; ++i)
                COORD coord = coords[i];
                if (_mapGrid.IsBlock(coord.x, coord.z))
                    blocked = true;

            if (!blocked)
//				SetPathLineTiles(coords);

        if (index == 0)
            coords = new List <COORD>();
            coords.Add(new COORD(_path.nodes [index].x, _path.nodes [index].z));
//			SetPathLineTiles(coords);

        MapAStar.NODE nodeShortPath   = _path.nodes [index];
        Vector2       centerShortPath = MapGrid.GetTileCenter(nodeShortPath.x, nodeShortPath.z);

        _targetTileCenter = new Vector3(centerShortPath.x, 0, centerShortPath.y);

Exemplo n.º 13
        private void StartCore()
            if (!_attr.Sys.UseTty)
                throw new Exception("Only a new process with controlled tty supported");

            _inputPipe  = new Win32Pipe();
            _outputPipe = new Win32Pipe();

            var size = new COORD
                X = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
                Y = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,

            var result = Kernel32.CreatePseudoConsole(
                size: size,
                hInput: _inputPipe.Read,
                hOutput: _outputPipe.Write,
                dwFlags: 0,
                phPC: out _ptyHandle

            if (result != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(result, "Could not create pseudo console.");

            startupInfo = ConfigureProcessThread(_ptyHandle, (IntPtr)Kernel32.PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PSEUDOCONSOLE);
            processInfo = RunProcess(ref startupInfo, _fileName);

            if (_attr.RedirectStdin)
                var inStream = new FileStream(_inputPipe.Write, FileAccess.Write);
                Stdin = new StreamWriter(inStream);

            if (_attr.RedirectStdout)
                var outStream = new FileStream(_outputPipe.Read, FileAccess.Read);
                Stdout = new StreamReader(outStream);

            Pid       = processInfo.dwProcessId;
            IsRunning = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static char GetCharacterAtPosition(EngineFunctions.COORD pos)
            IntPtr        handler      = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
            uint          width        = 1;
            StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder((int)width);
            COORD         readCoord    = new COORD(pos.X, pos.Y);
            uint          numCharsRead = 0;

            if (!ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(handler, sb, width, readCoord, out numCharsRead))
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static CharInfo GetCharInfo(int x, int y)
            COORD      size = new COORD(1, 1);
            SMALL_RECT rect = new SMALL_RECT(new COORD((short)x, (short)y), size);

            CharInfo[,] chars = new CharInfo[1, 1];
                new COORD(0, 0),
                ref rect
            CharInfo info = chars[0, 0];

Exemplo n.º 16
        public static IEnumerable<string> ReadFromBuffer(short x, short y, short width, short height)
            IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(width * height * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CHAR_INFO)));
            if (buffer == null)
                throw new OutOfMemoryException();

                COORD coord = new COORD();
                SMALL_RECT rc = new SMALL_RECT();
                rc.Left = x;
                rc.Top = y;
                rc.Right = (short)(x + width - 1);
                rc.Bottom = (short)(y + height - 1);

                COORD size = new COORD();
                size.X = width;
                size.Y = height;

                const int STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11;
                if (!ReadConsoleOutput(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), buffer, size, coord, ref rc))
                    // 'Not enough storage is available to process this command' may be raised for buffer size > 64K (see ReadConsoleOutput doc.)
                    throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                IntPtr ptr = buffer;
                for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
                        CHAR_INFO ci = (CHAR_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(CHAR_INFO));
                        char[] chars = Console.OutputEncoding.GetChars(ci.charData);
                        ptr += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CHAR_INFO));
                    yield return sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve character from console window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
        /// <param name="ptr"></param>
        /// <returns>One character</returns>
        public static char GetChar(COORD coordinate, IntPtr ptr)
            // Convert the coordinates to a uint containing both
            uint coord = (uint)coordinate.X;

            coord |= (uint)coordinate.Y << 16;

            if (!ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(
                    out char chUnicode,     // result: single Unicode char
                    1,                      // # of chars to read
                    coord,                  // (X,Y) screen location to read (see above)
                    out _))                 // result: actual # of chars (unwanted)
                throw new Win32Exception();
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void SetSize(int width, int height, int bufferHeight = -1)
            if (width > 0 && width <= MaximumWidth && height > 0 && height <= MaximumHeight)
                COORD bufferSize = GetConsoleBufferSize();

                if (bufferSize.X > width || bufferSize.Y > height)
                        Math.Min(width, bufferSize.X) - 1,
                        Math.Min(height, bufferSize.Y) - 1

                SetBufferSize(width, bufferHeight > 0 ? bufferHeight : height);
                SetWindowSize(width - 1, height - 1);
Exemplo n.º 19
    public static void CLS()
        IntPtr hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);


        if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, ref csbi))
            throw new ApplicationException("CLS não pode executado");

        long dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;

        COORD coordScreen = new COORD();

        coordScreen.Y = coordScreen.X = 0;

        long cCharsWritten = 0;

        if (FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, ' ', dwConSize, coordScreen, ref cCharsWritten))
            throw new ApplicationException("CLS não pode executado");

        if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, ref csbi))
            throw new ApplicationException("Problema no reposicionamento1");

        if (FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes, dwConSize, coordScreen, ref cCharsWritten))
            throw new ApplicationException("Problema no reposicionamento2");

        if (!SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen))
            throw new ApplicationException("Problema no reposicionamento3");

        if (!CloseHandle(hConsole))
            throw new ApplicationException("Handle não liberado");
Exemplo n.º 20
        private ConsoleEvent GetConsoleEvent()
            // CONSIDER: Any reason to buffer more than one record in our Win32Console class?
            var  records = new INPUT_RECORD[1];
            uint count;

            if (!ReadConsoleInput(_handleIn, records, (uint)records.Length, out count))
                throw new Exception("ReadConsoleInput failed");

            var record = records[0];

            switch (record.EventType)
            case EventType.KEY_EVENT:
                var keyEvent = record.KeyEvent;
                return(new KeyEvent(keyEvent.bKeyDown, keyEvent.UnicodeChar, keyEvent.wRepeatCount, keyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, keyEvent.dwControlKeyState));

            case EventType.MOUSE_EVENT:
                var mouseEvent = record.MouseEvent;
                return(new MouseEvent(mouseEvent.dwMousePosition.x, mouseEvent.dwMousePosition.y, mouseEvent.dwButtonState, mouseEvent.dwControlKeyState, mouseEvent.dwEventFlags));

            case EventType.WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT:
                COORD size = record.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize;
                return(new BufferSizeEvent(size.x, size.y));

            case EventType.FOCUS_EVENT:
            case EventType.MENU_EVENT:
                // Ignore.

                throw new Exception("Invalid EventType enum value");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static void DrawRectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
            if (!AreScreenBufferArraysEqual(left, top, right, bottom))
                int rows = bottom - top + 1;
                int cols = right - left + 1;

                CHAR_INFO[] rectBuf = new CHAR_INFO[rows * cols];

                int i = 0;
                for (int row = top; row <= bottom; row++)
                    for (int col = left; col <= right; col++)
                        rectBuf[i++] = ScreenBuffer.screenBuf[(row * ScreenBuffer.cols) + col];

                COORD rectBufSize = new COORD()
                    X = (short)cols, Y = (short)rows
                COORD rectBufCoord = new COORD()
                    X = 0, Y = 0

                SMALL_RECT rectangle = new SMALL_RECT()
                    Left = (short)left, Top = (short)top, Right = (short)right, Bottom = (short)bottom

                // note that the screen is NOT cleared at any point as this will simply
                // overwrite the existing values on screen. Clearing will cause flickering again.
                bool b = WriteConsoleOutput(
                    ref rectangle);

                Array.Copy(ScreenBuffer.screenBuf, ScreenBuffer.screenBufCopy, ScreenBuffer.screenBuf.Length);
Exemplo n.º 22
    public static GameObject[] CreateBattleTeam(InstanceTeam team, DataConfig.TEAM teamSide,
                                                COORD location, COORD playerLocation, float rotationDegree)
        int n = team.units.Length;

        GameObject[] objects = new GameObject[n];

        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            InstanceUnit unit = team.units[i];
            if (unit != null)
                GameObject obj = CreateBattleUnit(unit, i, teamSide, location, playerLocation, rotationDegree);
                objects[i] = obj;

Exemplo n.º 23
    public void AddSelfToGrid()
        COORD c = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x, _unit.transform.position.z);

        if (_mapGrid.IsInsideMap(c.x, c.z))
            _mapGrid.Add(c.x, c.z);

        if (USER_SQUARE)
            float r = _unit.unit.dataUnit.GetCollisionRadius();

            COORD c1 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x - r, _unit.transform.position.z);
            if (_mapGrid.IsInsideMap(c1.x, c1.z))
                _mapGrid.Add(c1.x, c1.z);

            COORD c2 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x + r, _unit.transform.position.z);
            if (_mapGrid.IsInsideMap(c2.x, c2.z))
                _mapGrid.Add(c2.x, c2.z);

            COORD c3 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x, _unit.transform.position.z - r);
            if (_mapGrid.IsInsideMap(c3.x, c3.z))
                _mapGrid.Add(c3.x, c3.z);

            COORD c4 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x, _unit.transform.position.z + r);
            if (_mapGrid.IsInsideMap(c4.x, c4.z))
                _mapGrid.Add(c4.x, c4.z);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static CHAR_INFO[] ReadBufferLines(int top, int count)
            var result = new CHAR_INFO[Console.BufferWidth * count];
            var handle = NativeMethods.GetStdHandle((uint) StandardHandleId.Output);

            var readBufferSize = new COORD {
                X = (short)Console.BufferWidth,
                Y = (short)count};
            var readBufferCoord = new COORD {X = 0, Y = 0};
            var readRegion = new SMALL_RECT
                Top = (short)top,
                Left = 0,
                Bottom = (short)(top + count),
                Right = (short)(Console.BufferWidth - 1)
            NativeMethods.ReadConsoleOutput(handle, result,
                readBufferSize, readBufferCoord, ref readRegion);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static void Draw(CHAR_INFO[] buffer, int width, int height, int x = 0, int y = 0)
            COORD bufferSize = new COORD();

            bufferSize.x = (short)width;
            bufferSize.y = (short)height;

            COORD bufferCoord = new COORD();

            bufferCoord.x = 0;
            bufferCoord.y = 0;

            SMALL_RECT lpWriteRegion = new SMALL_RECT();

            lpWriteRegion.Left   = (short)x;
            lpWriteRegion.Top    = (short)y;
            lpWriteRegion.Bottom = (short)(y + height);
            lpWriteRegion.Right  = (short)(x + width);

            WriteConsoleOutputW(handle, buffer, bufferSize, bufferCoord, ref lpWriteRegion);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static void Draw()
            COORD bufferSize = new COORD();

            bufferSize.x = (short)Width;
            bufferSize.y = (short)Height;

            COORD bufferCoord = new COORD();

            bufferCoord.x = 0;
            bufferCoord.y = 0;

            SMALL_RECT lpWriteRegion = new SMALL_RECT();

            lpWriteRegion.Left   = 0;
            lpWriteRegion.Top    = 0;
            lpWriteRegion.Bottom = (short)(Height);
            lpWriteRegion.Right  = (short)(Width);

            WriteConsoleOutputW(handle, screen_buffer, bufferSize, bufferCoord, ref lpWriteRegion);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Blit(Rectangle rect)
            COORD sz = new COORD();

            sz.X = (short)consize.Width;
            sz.Y = (short)consize.Height;

            COORD pos = new COORD();

            pos.X = (short)rect.X;
            pos.Y = (short)rect.Y;

            SMALL_RECT rgn = new SMALL_RECT();

            rgn.Left   = (short)rect.X;
            rgn.Top    = (short)rect.Y;
            rgn.Right  = (short)(rect.X + rect.Width - 1);
            rgn.Bottom = (short)(rect.Y + rect.Height - 1);

            bool success = WriteConsoleOutput(output, buf, sz, pos, ref rgn);
Exemplo n.º 28
        static ConsoleEx()
            // Grab input and output buffer handles
            hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
            hConsoleInput  = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
            if (hConsoleOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hConsoleInput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to obtain buffer handle during initialization.");

            // Get information about the console window characteristics.
            ConsoleInfo           = new CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO();
            ConsoleOutputLocation = new COORD();
            GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleOutput, ref ConsoleInfo);
            OriginalConsolePen = ConsoleInfo.wAttributes;

            // Disable wrapping at the end of a line (ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_INPUT); this enables rectangles
            // to be drawn that fill the screen without the window scrolling.
Exemplo n.º 29
    private bool IsDestinationBlocked(Vector3 destination)
        //should already remove self grid block, so don't need to check whether grid is change
        //that means if unit alread inside a grid is blocked, then it is blocked by other unit

        //		COORD c1 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord (_owner.transform.position.x, _owner.transform.position.z);
        COORD c2 = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(destination.x, destination.z);

        //		if(c1.IsEqual(c2))
        //		{
        //			return false;
        //		}

        if (_game.mapGrid.IsBlock(c2.x, c2.z))
Exemplo n.º 30
    private void ValidatePositions()
        COORD[] positions = new COORD[5];
        positions [0] = startPosition;
        positions [1] = extraPositionA;
        positions [2] = extraPositionB;
        positions [3] = extraPositionC;
        positions [4] = extraPositionD;

        for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; ++i)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < positions.Length; ++j)
                if (positions[i] != null && positions[j] != null)
                    int dx = positions[i].x - positions[j].x;
                    int dz = positions[i].z - positions[j].z;
                    Assert.assert(Mathf.Abs(dx) >= 3 || Mathf.Abs(dz) >= 3);
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copies a given character to a rectangular region of the screen
        ///     buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rectangle">A Rectangle structure that defines the area to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="fill">A BufferCell structure that defines the fill character.</param>
        public override void SetBufferContents(Rectangle rectangle, BufferCell fill)
            var   stdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
            COORD coord  = new COORD()
                X = (short)rectangle.Top, Y = (short)rectangle.Left
            var  rows   = rectangle.Top - rectangle.Bottom;
            var  cols   = rectangle.Right - rectangle.Left;
            uint length = (uint)(rows * cols);

            if (length == 0)
                length = (uint)(Console.BufferWidth * Console.BufferHeight);
                coord  = new COORD()
                    X = 0, Y = 0
            uint written;
            int  res = FillConsoleOutputCharacter(stdOut, fill.Character, length, coord, out written);
Exemplo n.º 32
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void Update()
        if (_hasPath)
            COORD currentCoord = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_unit.transform.position.x, _unit.transform.position.z);
            COORD targetCoord  = MapGrid.GetTileCoord(_targetTileCenter.x, _targetTileCenter.z);
            if (currentCoord.IsEqual(targetCoord))
                _hasPath = false;

             * foreach(MapAStar.NODE node in _path.nodes)
             * {
             *      if(tileCoord.x == node.x && tileCoord.z == node.z)
             *      {
             *              _hasPath = false;
             *              break;
             *      }
             * }
Exemplo n.º 33
    public void InitShowTile()
        GameObject root = new GameObject();

        root.name = "HEXAGON_ROOT";

        _tileObjects = new GameObject[MAP_GRID_COUNT_X * MAP_GRID_COUNT_Z];

        string asset  = AppConfig.FOLDER_PROFAB + "tile/hexagon";
        Object profab = Resources.Load(asset);

        for (int x = 0; x < MAP_GRID_COUNT_X; ++x)
            for (int z = 0; z < MAP_GRID_COUNT_Z; ++z)
                GameObject tile = GameObject.Instantiate(profab) as GameObject;
                tile.transform.parent = root.transform;

                tile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.732f * HEXAGON_L, 0.1f, 1.732f * HEXAGON_L);
                Vector2 tileCenter = GetTileCenter(x, z);

                if (AppConfig.DEBUGGING)
                    //validate tile coord <-> pos algorithm
                    COORD tileCoord = GetTileCoord(tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y);
                    if (tileCoord.x != x || tileCoord.z != z)

                tile.transform.position = new Vector3(tileCenter.x, 0, tileCenter.y);

                _tileObjects[GetGridIndex(x, z)] = tile;
Exemplo n.º 34
    public void InitShowTile()
        GameObject root = new GameObject();

        root.name = "HEXAGON_ROOT";

        _tileObjects = new GameObject[mapGridWidth * mapGridHeight];

        string asset  = AppConfig.FOLDER_PROFAB + "tile/square";
        Object profab = Resources.Load(asset);

        for (int x = 0; x < mapGridWidth; ++x)
            for (int z = 0; z < mapGridHeight; ++z)
                GameObject tile = GameObject.Instantiate(profab) as GameObject;
                tile.transform.parent = root.transform;

                tile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(GRID_SIZE - 0.5f, 0.1f, GRID_SIZE - 0.5f);
                Vector2 tileCenter = GetTileCenter(x, z);

                if (AppConfig.DEBUGGING)
                    //validate tile coord <-> pos algorithm
                    COORD tileCoord = GetTileCoord(tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y);
                    if (tileCoord.x != x || tileCoord.z != z)

                tile.transform.position = new Vector3(tileCenter.x, 0, tileCenter.y);

                _tileObjects[GetGridIndex(x, z)] = tile;
Exemplo n.º 35
        private void processInputEvent(INPUT_RECORD inputRecord)
            if (inputRecord.EventType == EventType.WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT)
                if (usingLinux)
                    // Reinitializing ncurses to deal with new dimensions
                    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13707137/ncurses-resizing-glitch
                    // Needs to be called after an endwin() so ncurses will initialize
                    // itself with the new terminal dimensions.

                COORD dwSize = inputRecord.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize;

                // Invoke default handler if no custom handlers attached and
                // userCanvasSize and userRootElementRect are not defined
                if (TerminalSizeChanged == null &&
                    userCanvasSize.IsEmpty &&
                    OnTerminalSizeChangedDefault(this, new TerminalSizeChangedEventArgs(dwSize.X, dwSize.Y));
                else if (TerminalSizeChanged != null)
                    TerminalSizeChanged.Invoke(this, new TerminalSizeChangedEventArgs(dwSize.X, dwSize.Y));

                // Refresh whole display

            eventManager.ParseInputEvent(inputRecord, mainControl);
Exemplo n.º 36
    public static GameObject[][] CreateBattleUnits(InstanceBattle battle, DataMap dataMap)
        int totalGroup = 1 + battle.extraTeamCount;

        GameObject[][] objects = new GameObject[totalGroup][];

        GameObject[] myObjects = CreateBattleTeam(battle.myTeam, DataConfig.TEAM.MY, dataMap.startPosition, dataMap.startPosition, battle.mission.playerRotation);
        objects [0] = myObjects;

        for (int i = 1; i < totalGroup; ++i)
            int   teamIndex = i - 1;
            COORD location  = dataMap.GetExtraPosition(teamIndex);

            InstanceTeam enemyTeam  = battle.enemyTeams[teamIndex];
            InstanceTeam friendTeam = battle.friendTeams[teamIndex];
            Assert.assert(enemyTeam == null || friendTeam == null);

            float teamRotation = battle.mission.teamsRotation[teamIndex];

            GameObject[] members = null;
            if (enemyTeam != null)
                Assert.assert(location != null);
                members = CreateBattleTeam(enemyTeam, DataConfig.TEAM.ENEMY, location, dataMap.startPosition, teamRotation);
            if (friendTeam != null)
                Assert.assert(location != null);
                members = CreateBattleTeam(friendTeam, DataConfig.TEAM.FRIEND, location, dataMap.startPosition, teamRotation);
            objects [i] = members;

Exemplo n.º 37
 public static extern bool SetConsoleDisplayMode(
     IntPtr ConsoleOutput,
     uint Flags,
     out COORD NewScreenBufferDimensions
Exemplo n.º 38
        public string readvalue(ref System.IntPtr ptr, short a)
            SMALL_RECT srctReadRect = new SMALL_RECT
                Top = 0,
                Left = 0,
                Bottom = 1,
                Right = 80
            CHAR_INFO[,] chiBuffer = new CHAR_INFO[2, 80]; // [2][80];10 lines,  with 50 characters

            COORD coordBufSize = new COORD
                X = 80,
                Y = 2
            COORD coordBufCoord = new COORD
                X = 0,
                Y = 0

            bool fSuccess;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            string chartostring = "start";
            string previousstring = "";

            short g = a;
            short h = (short)(g + 1);

            srctReadRect.Top = g;
            srctReadRect.Bottom = h;
            int count = 0;

            //System.Console.WriteLine(g + "." + h);
            while (count < 1)//Hunting:if it find 1 empty rows with text then it will stop reading
                previousstring = chartostring;
                srctReadRect.Top = g;
                srctReadRect.Bottom = h;

                fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutput(ptr, chiBuffer, coordBufSize, coordBufCoord, ref srctReadRect);

                i = 0;
                j = 0;
                chartostring = "";
                while (j < coordBufSize.Y)
                    while (i < coordBufSize.X)
                        if (chiBuffer[j, i].UnicodeChar != 0 && chiBuffer[j, i].UnicodeChar != 32)
                            chartostring += chiBuffer[j, i].UnicodeChar;
                    i = 0;

                if (chartostring.Length == 0)//The character length is zero, reverse the top of the source rect
                    count = 0;
                g += 1;
                h += 1;
            return previousstring;
Exemplo n.º 39
 internal static extern bool SetConsoleCursorPosition(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, 
     COORD cursorPosition);
Exemplo n.º 40
 internal static unsafe extern bool WriteConsoleOutput(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, CHAR_INFO* buffer, COORD bufferSize, COORD bufferCoord, ref SMALL_RECT writeRegion);
Exemplo n.º 41
 public static extern bool WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     string lpCharacter,
     uint nLength,
     COORD dwWriteCoord,
     out uint lpNumberOfCharsWritten
Exemplo n.º 42
 public static extern bool WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     ushort[] lpAttribute,
     uint nLength,
     COORD dwWriteCoord,
     out uint lpNumberOfAttrsWritten
Exemplo n.º 43
 public static extern bool WriteConsoleOutput(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     CHAR_INFO[] lpBuffer,
     COORD dwBufferSize,
     COORD dwBufferCoord,
     ref SMALL_RECT lpWriteRegion
Exemplo n.º 44
 public static extern bool SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     COORD dwSize
Exemplo n.º 45
	private static extern int FillConsoleOutputCharacter(int hConsoleOutput, byte cCharacter, int nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, ref int lpNumberOfCharsWritten);
Exemplo n.º 46
        private int ConvertLineAndColumnToOffset(COORD coord)
            int offset;
            int x = _initialX;
            int y = _initialY + Options.ExtraPromptLineCount;

            int bufferWidth = _console.BufferWidth;
            var continuationPromptLength = Options.ContinuationPrompt.Length;
            for (offset = 0; offset < _buffer.Length; offset++)
                // If we are on the correct line, return when we find
                // the correct column
                if (coord.Y == y && coord.X <= x)
                    return offset;
                char c = _buffer[offset];
                if (c == '\n')
                    // If we are about to move off of the correct line,
                    // the line was shorter than the column we wanted so return.
                    if (coord.Y == y)
                        return offset;
                    y += 1;
                    x = continuationPromptLength;
                    int size = LengthInBufferCells(c);
                    x += size;
                    // Wrap?  No prompt when wrapping
                    if (x >= bufferWidth)
                        int offsize = x - bufferWidth;
                        if (offsize % size == 0)
                            x -= bufferWidth;
                            x = size;
                        y += 1;

            // Return -1 if y is out of range, otherwise the last line was shorter
            // than we wanted, but still in range so just return the last offset.
            return (coord.Y == y) ? offset : -1;
Exemplo n.º 47
 internal static extern bool FillConsoleOutputCharacter(IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     char character, int nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, out int pNumCharsWritten);
Exemplo n.º 48
 static extern bool ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     [Out] StringBuilder lpCharacter, uint nLength, COORD dwReadCoord,
     out uint lpNumberOfCharsRead);
Exemplo n.º 49
 public static extern bool WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,          // handle to screen buffer
     string lpCharacter,            // characters
     uint nLength,                  // number of characters to write
     COORD dwWriteCoord,             // first cell coordinates
     ref uint lpNumberOfCharsWritten  // number of cells written
Exemplo n.º 50
 internal static extern bool SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, COORD size);
Exemplo n.º 51
 public static extern bool ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
    [In] ref SMALL_RECT lpScrollRectangle,
     IntPtr lpClipRectangle,
    COORD dwDestinationOrigin,
     [In] ref CHAR_INFO lpFill
Exemplo n.º 52
 internal static extern bool FillConsoleOutputAttribute(IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     short wColorAttribute, int numCells, COORD startCoord, out int pNumBytesWritten);
Exemplo n.º 53
 public static extern bool FillConsoleOutputAttribute(IntPtr Handle, short att, int Len, COORD start, ref int writted);
Exemplo n.º 54
 internal static unsafe extern bool ReadConsoleOutput(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, CHAR_INFO* pBuffer, COORD bufferSize, COORD bufferCoord, ref SMALL_RECT readRegion);
Exemplo n.º 55
 public static extern int FillConsoleOutputCharacter(IntPtr Handle, char uChar, int Len, COORD start, ref int written);
Exemplo n.º 56
		private static extern int SetConsoleCursorPosition(int hConsoleOutput, COORD dwCursorPosition);
Exemplo n.º 57
 public static extern bool ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
     [Out] ushort[] lpAttribute,
     uint nLength,
     COORD dwReadCoord,
     out uint lpNumberOfAttrsRead
Exemplo n.º 58
 internal static extern bool FillConsoleOutputAttribute(IntPtr hConsole, ushort wAttributes, int nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, out uint written);
Exemplo n.º 59
 public static extern bool SetConsoleCursorPosition(
     IntPtr hConsoleOutput,
    COORD dwCursorPosition
Exemplo n.º 60
 // Constructor.
 public ColorConsole()
     ConsoleInfo = new CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO();
     ConsoleOutputLocation = new COORD();
     hConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
     GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleHandle, ref ConsoleInfo);
     OriginalColors = ConsoleInfo.wAttributes;