static bool OnGuildInfo(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { DBGuild tguild = client.Character.Guild; tguild.GuildInfo = data.ReadString(); DataServer.Database.SaveObject(tguild); BinWriter gpkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.GUILD_INFO); gpkg.Write(tguild.ObjectId); gpkg.Write(tguild.GuildInfo); // gpkg.Write(rankname); client.Send(gpkg); return(true); } //OnGuildRoster
static bool BankBuySlot(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { //TODO SLOT 63 TO 70 ARE NOT WORKING (PURCHASABLE SLOTS ON BANK) ulong vendorGUID = data.ReadUInt64(); uint slot = data.ReadUInt32(); //BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.BUY_BANK_SLOT_RESULT); //pkg.Write(0); //client.Send(pkg); Chat.System(client, "Buying Bank Slot Number " + slot + " on banker " + vendorGUID); return(true); }
static void OnWorldPortAck(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { if (client.Player.MapTile == null) { client.CreatePlayerObject(); MapInstance map = GetMap(client.Player.WorldMapID); if (map == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error worldserver received MOVE_WORLDPORT_ACK for a worldmap it wasn't handling."); client.LeaveWorld(); return; } map.Enter(client.Player); } }
static void OnStandStateChange(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { if (client.Player.MountDisplayID != 0) { return; } if (data.BaseStream.Length > (data.BaseStream.Position + 8)) { data.BaseStream.Position += 8; client.Player.StandState = (UNITSTANDSTATE)data.ReadByte(); client.Player.UpdateData(); } }
static bool OnMessageChat(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { CHATMESSAGETYPE type = (CHATMESSAGETYPE)data.ReadInt32(); /*int language =*/ data.ReadInt32(); string target = string.Empty; if (type == CHATMESSAGETYPE.WHISPER) { target = data.ReadString(0x100); } string msg = data.ReadString(0x100); if (msg.StartsWith("!") || msg.StartsWith("%")) { return(OnChatCommand(client, msg.Substring(1))); } switch (type) { case CHATMESSAGETYPE.SAY: case CHATMESSAGETYPE.YELL: case CHATMESSAGETYPE.EMOTE: return(false); // let worldserver handle it case CHATMESSAGETYPE.WHISPER: { DataObject[] objs = DataServer.Database.SelectObjects(typeof(DBCharacter), "Name = '" + target + "'"); if (objs.Length == 0) { Chat.System(client, "No such player."); return(true); } LoginClient targetClient = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID(objs[0].ObjectId); if (targetClient == null || targetClient.Character == null) { Chat.System(client, "That player is not online."); return(true); } Chat.Whisper(client, targetClient, msg); break; } default: Chat.System(client, "Received " + type + ": " + msg); break; } return(true); }
static bool TaxiActivate(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { ulong taxiGUID = data.ReadUInt64(); uint startnode = data.ReadUInt32(); uint destnode = data.ReadUInt32(); BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.ACTIVATETAXIREPLY); pkg.Write((int)10); // Code* client.Send(pkg); Chat.System(client, "Activate Taxi Working..."); return(true); }
static bool GroupDecline(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { LoginClient inviter = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID(client.Character.LastGroupInviterID); client.Character.LastGroupInviterID = 0; if (inviter == null) { return(true); } BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.GROUP_DECLINE); pkg.Write(client.Character.Name); inviter.Send(pkg); return(true); }
static bool OnGuildMOTD(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { DBGuild tguild = client.Character.Guild; if ((tguild.getRankFlags(client.Character.GuildRank) & (uint)GUILDFLAGS.SET_MOTD) != (uint)GUILDFLAGS.SET_MOTD) { SendResult(client, 1, " ", (int)GUILDRESULT.PERMISSIONS); ; return(true); } tguild.MOTD = data.ReadString(); DataServer.Database.SaveObject(tguild); SendRoster(client, tguild); GuildMessage(tguild, "MOTD: " + tguild.MOTD); return(true); } //OnGuildRoster
static bool TaxiQueryNodes(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { ulong taxiGUID = data.ReadUInt64(); BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.SHOWTAXINODES); pkg.Write((int)1); // Show Map pkg.Write(taxiGUID); pkg.Write((int)11); // Node Location* client.Send(pkg); Chat.System(client, "Query Avaliable Nodes Working"); return(true); }
static bool ClearTradeItem(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint inviteeGUID = client.Character.LastTradeID; uint count = client.Character.TradeItemCount--; LoginClient invitee = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID((uint)inviteeGUID); byte slot = data.ReadByte(); Chat.System(client, "Clear Trade Item from slot " + slot + " Working"); invitee.Character.TradeCompleted = false; return(true); }
static bool OnGuildAddRank(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { DBGuild tguild = client.Character.Guild; if (tguild == null || client.Character.GuildID == 0) { SendResult(client, 2, " ", (int)GUILDRESULT.NOT_IN_GUILD); return(true); } tguild.MaxRank++; tguild.setRankName(tguild.MaxRank, data.ReadString()); DataServer.Database.SaveObject(tguild); UpdateGuild(client); SendRoster(client, tguild); return(true); } //OnGuildAddRank
static bool BuyItemVendor(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { ulong vendorGUID2 = data.ReadUInt64(); int itembuy = data.ReadInt32(); byte targetslot = 0; if (msgID == CMSG.BUY_ITEM_IN_SLOT) { data.ReadUInt64(); targetslot = data.ReadByte(); } DataObject[] obj = DataServer.Database.SelectObjects(typeof(DBVendor), "GUID = '" + vendorGUID2 + "'"); if (obj.Length == 0) { Chat.System(client, "Vendor not found"); return(true); } DBVendor tvendor = (DBVendor)obj[0]; foreach (DBVendorItem item in tvendor.VendorItems) { if (item.TemplateID == itembuy) { DBItem newItem = new DBItem(); newItem.OwnerID = client.Character.ObjectId; newItem.OwnerSlot = targetslot; //temp, checks for open slot on world side newItem.TemplateID = item.TemplateID; newItem.Template = item.Template; DataServer.Database.AddNewObject(newItem); client.WorldConnection.Send(newItem); ScriptPacket Item = new ScriptPacket(SCRMSG.BUYITEM); Item.Write(client.Character.ObjectId); Item.Write(newItem.ObjectId); Item.Write(item.Price); // Item.Write(23); // NEED TO MAKE THE SCRIPT SEND TO NEXT-FREE-SLOT, INSTEAD OF FIRST client.WorldConnection.Send(Item); // Chat.System(client, "Buy Item Working, Vendor GUI = "+vendorGUID2+" and item = "+itembuy+" on LoginServer"); return(true); } } Chat.System(client, "Item not found on this vendor"); return(true); }
public override void OnClientData(ClientBase aClient, byte[] data) { LoginClient client = aClient as LoginClient; BinReader read = new BinReader(data); read.BaseStream.Position += 2; // skip len CMSG msgID = (CMSG)read.ReadInt32(); if (!LoginPacketManager.HandlePacket(client, msgID, read)) { if (client.WorldConnection != null) { ClientPacket pkg = new ClientPacket(msgID, client.Character.ObjectId, data, 6, data.Length - 6); client.SendWorldServer(pkg); } } }
public static void HandlePacket(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { try { IWorldClientPacketHandler handler = (IWorldClientPacketHandler)worldClientHandlers[msgID]; if (handler != null) { handler.HandlePacket(client, msgID, data); } WorldClientPacketDelegate wcpd = (WorldClientPacketDelegate)worldClientDelegates[(int)msgID]; if (wcpd != null) { wcpd(client, msgID, data); } } catch (Exception exp) { DebugLogger.Log("", exp); } }
static void OnJoin(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { string ChanName = (string)data.ReadString(); if (ChanName != null) { Channel Chan; if ((Chan = ChanExists(ChanName)) != null) { Chan.Join(client); } else { Chan = new Channel(ChanName, client); Channels.Add(Chan); } } }
static void OnLootMoney(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { // TODO: Group support and loot order for group if (client.Player.Selection == null) { Chat.System(client, "Invalid corpsetarget."); } else { UnitBase target = (UnitBase)client.Player.Selection; client.Player.Money += target.Money; client.Player.UpdateData(); Chat.System(client, "You looted " + target.Money + " coins."); target.Money = 0; // target.UpdateData(); } return; }
static bool OnGuildAccept(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { LoginClient inviter = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID(client.Character.LastGuildInviterID); client.Character.LastGuildInviterID = 0; if (inviter == null) { return(true); } DBGuild guild = (DBGuild)DataServer.Database.FindObjectByKey(typeof(DBGuild), inviter.Character.GuildID); AddMember(client, guild, guild.MaxRank); Chat.GuildSay(0, client, "You have joined " + guild.Name, CHATMESSAGETYPE.GUILD); //Chat.System(inviter, client.Character.Name+" joins "+guild.Name); GuildMessage(guild, client.Character.Name + " has been accepted to the guild by" + inviter.Character.Name); return(true); } //OnGuildAccept
static void OnMovement(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { if (client.Player.MapTile == null) { return; } client.Player.StandState = UNITSTANDSTATE.STANDING; // If sleeping set standstate to standing... long pos = data.BaseStream.Position; if (data.Length() >= 60) // obj size and pkt size unfortunately { data.BaseStream.Position += 8; // skipping Guid and Guid_High (added for 1.3.1) } client.Player.MovementFlags = data.ReadUInt32(); int unknown1 = data.ReadInt32(); // time tick client.Player.Position = data.ReadVector(); client.Player.Facing = data.ReadSingle(); int unknown2 = data.ReadInt32(); // new field for 1.3.1 also found in the A9 (map id?) data.BaseStream.Position = pos; ServerPacket pkg; if (client.Player.MapTile.Map.SetObjectPositionInBounds(client.Player)) { client.Player.MapTile.Map.Move(client.Player); pkg = new ServerPacket(SMSG.MONSTER_MOVE); pkg.Write((char)0xFF); pkg.Write(client.Player.GUID); pkg.WriteVector(client.Player.Position); pkg.Write(client.Player.Facing); pkg.Write((byte)0x01); pkg.Finish(); client.Player.MapTile.SendSurrounding(pkg); return; } client.Player.MapTile.Map.Move(client.Player); pkg = new ServerPacket((SMSG)msgID); pkg.Write(client.Player.GUID); pkg.Write(data.ReadBytes((int)(data.BaseStream.Length - data.BaseStream.Position))); pkg.Finish(); client.Player.MapTile.SendSurrounding(pkg, client.Player); }
static bool CancelTrade(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint inviteeGUID = client.Character.LastTradeID; LoginClient invitee = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID((uint)inviteeGUID); client.Character.LastTradeID = 0; invitee.Character.LastTradeID = 0; BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.TRADE_STATUS); pkg.Write((int)3); invitee.Send(pkg); invitee.Character.TradeCompleted = false; return(true); }
static bool AcceptTrade(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint flag = data.ReadUInt32(); uint inviteeGUID = client.Character.LastTradeID; LoginClient invitee = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID((uint)inviteeGUID); BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.TRADE_STATUS); if (invitee.Character.TradeCompleted == true) { ScriptPacket Money = new ScriptPacket(SCRMSG.TRADEMONEY); Money.Write(client.Character.ObjectId); Money.Write(invitee.Character.ObjectId); Money.Write(client.Character.TradeMoney); Money.Write(invitee.Character.TradeMoney); client.WorldConnection.Send(Money); pkg.Write((int)8); invitee.Send(pkg); client.Send(pkg); client.Character.LastTradeID = 0; client.Character.TradeMoney = 0; client.Character.TradeCompleted = false; invitee.Character.LastTradeID = 0; invitee.Character.TradeMoney = 0; invitee.Character.TradeCompleted = false; } else { pkg.Write((int)4); client.Character.TradeCompleted = true; invitee.Send(pkg); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Returns false if the packet should be sent to the loginserver /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <param name="msgID"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool HandlePacket(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { DebugLogger.Logger.Log("LoginClient handling packet " + msgID.ToString()); if (msgID >= CMSG.MAX) { return(true); } ILoginClientPacketHandler handler = (ILoginClientPacketHandler)loginClientHandlers[msgID]; bool wasHandled = false; try { long position = data.BaseStream.Position; if (handler != null) { wasHandled = handler.HandlePacket(client, msgID, data); } data.BaseStream.Position = position; LoginClientPacketDelegate wcpd = (LoginClientPacketDelegate)loginClientDelegates[(int)msgID]; if (wcpd != null) { foreach (LoginClientPacketDelegate d in wcpd.GetInvocationList()) { if (d != null) { if (d(client, msgID, data)) { wasHandled = true; } data.BaseStream.Position = position; } } } return(wasHandled); } catch (Exception exp) { DebugLogger.Logger.Log("", exp); } return(wasHandled); }
static void OnSetLeader(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { string newleadername = data.ReadString(); if (client.Player.IsLeader == false) { Chat.System(client, "Only the leader can set a new leader"); return; } if (client.Player.Group == null) { Chat.System(client, "You must be in a group"); return; } bool SetNew = false; for (uint i = 0; i < client.Player.Group.Size; i++) { if (client.Player.Group.Members[i].Name.ToLower() == newleadername.ToLower()) { client.Player.IsLeader = false; client.Player.Group.Members[i].IsLeader = true; client.Player.Group.LeaderGUID = client.Player.Group.Members[i].GUID; client.Player.Group.LootMaster = client.Player.Group.LeaderGUID; client.Player.Group.LootMasterName = newleadername; SetNew = true; break; } } if (!SetNew) { Chat.System(client, "Invalid new leader"); return; } else { ServerPacket grp = new ServerPacket(SMSG.GROUP_SET_LEADER); grp.Write(newleadername); // grp.Write(client.Player.Group.LeaderGUID); client.Player.Group.SendToGroup(grp); } client.Player.Group.SendGroupList(); return; }
static bool QuestDetails(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { ulong quester = data.ReadUInt64(); int questid = data.ReadInt32(); DBQuest quest = null; quest = (DBQuest)DataServer.Database.FindObjectByKey(typeof(DBQuest), questid); BinWriter q1 = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.QUESTGIVER_QUEST_DETAILS); q1.Write(quester); // Quester GUID q1.Write(questid); // Quest ID q1.Write(quest.Title); // Quest Title q1.Write(quest.Description); // Quest Details q1.Write(quest.Objectives); // Quest Objectives q1.Write((int)0); //? q1.Write((int)1); // Choice Reward Item Counter - TODO: ADD ARRAY ON DB q1.Write(quest.ChooseRewardID); // Choice Reward Item Template_ID q1.Write(quest.ChooseQuantity); // Choice Reward Item Quantity q1.Write(quest.ChooseDisplayID); // Choice Reward Item Display_ID q1.Write((int)1); // Always Reward Item Counter - TODO: ADD ARRAY ON DB q1.Write(quest.AlwaysRewardID); // Always Reward Template_ID q1.Write(quest.AlwaysRewardQuantity); // Always Reward Item Quantity q1.Write(quest.AlwaysDisplayID); // Always Reward Item Display_ID q1.Write(quest.MoneyReward); // Money Reward q1.Write((int)0); // ? q1.Write((int)0); // ? client.Send(q1); Chat.System(client, "Quest Details for quest id " + questid + " from quester " + quester); return(true); }
static bool LearnTalent(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint talentid = data.ReadUInt32(); DBTalents targetTalent = null; targetTalent = (DBTalents)DataServer.Database.FindObjectByKey(typeof(DBTalents), talentid); if (targetTalent == null) { Chat.System(client, "Talent " + talentid + " not found on DB"); return(true); } DBKnownTalents newTalent = null; try { newTalent = (DBKnownTalents)DataServer.Database.FindObjectByKey(typeof(DBKnownTalents), talentid); } catch (WoWDaemon.Database.DatabaseException e) { client.Close(e.Message); return(true); } if (newTalent == null) { newTalent = new DBKnownTalents(); newTalent.CharacterID = client.Character.ObjectId; newTalent.Talent_Id = talentid; newTalent.TalentLevel = 1; DataServer.Database.AddNewObject(newTalent); DataServer.Database.FillObjectRelations(client.Character); } else { newTalent.TalentLevel++; DataServer.Database.SaveObject(newTalent); } Chat.System(client, "Talent Learned: " + talentid); return(true); }
static void OnAnnouncment(WorldClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { string ChanName = (string)data.ReadString(); if (ChanName != null) { Channel Chan; if ((Chan = ChanExists(ChanName)) != null) { if (Chan.announcment) { Chan.AnnouncmentOff(client); } else { Chan.AnnouncmentOn(client); } } } }
static bool GossipTextQuery(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint msgid = data.ReadUInt32(); ulong vendorGUID = data.ReadUInt64(); BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.NPC_TEXT_UPDATE); string topic = "Out team welcome you!"; string message = "Please, visit us in #wowcraft"; pkg.Write(msgid); // Message ID pkg.Write(1); // ? pkg.Write(topic); // Topic Message pkg.Write(message); // Message 1 pkg.Write((int)0); // Lenguage ID client.Send(pkg); return(true); }
static bool OnItemQuerySingle(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint id = data.ReadUInt32(); DBItemTemplate template = (DBItemTemplate)DataServer.Database.FindObjectByKey(typeof(DBItemTemplate), id); if (template == null) { Console.WriteLine("Client requested an item template that didn't exist:" + id); return(true); } BinWriter w = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.ITEM_QUERY_SINGLE_RESPONSE); w.Write(id); foreach (SerializeValue value in itemTemplateValues) { value.Serialize(template, w); } client.Send(w); return(true); }
static bool VendorLisr(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { BinWriter pkg2 = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.LIST_INVENTORY); ulong vendorGUID = data.ReadUInt64(); DataObject[] obj = DataServer.Database.SelectObjects(typeof(DBVendor), "GUID = '" + vendorGUID + "'"); if (obj.Length == 0) { Chat.System(client, "Vendor not found"); return(true); } DBVendor tvendor = (DBVendor)obj[0]; pkg2.Write(tvendor.GUID); // Vendor GUID (OK) if (tvendor.VendorItems == null) { pkg2.Write((int)0); client.Send(pkg2); return(true); } int Lenght = tvendor.VendorItems.Length; int i = 1; pkg2.Write((byte)Lenght); // item counter (OK) foreach (DBVendorItem item in tvendor.VendorItems) { pkg2.Write((int)i); // item counter number (OK) pkg2.Write((int)item.TemplateID); // item template (OK) pkg2.Write((int)item.Template.DisplayID); // item icon display_id (OK) pkg2.Write((int)item.CurrentQty); // Quantity (OK) pkg2.Write((int)item.Price); // Price (OK) pkg2.Write(0); // Dunno pkg2.Write((int)item.Template.ReqLevel); // Item Level (OK) i++; } client.Send(pkg2); return(true); }
static bool OnNameQuery(LoginClient client, CMSG msgID, BinReader data) { uint id = data.ReadUInt32(); LoginClient other = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID(id); if (other == null) { client.Close("Tried to query a char that wasn't online."); return(true); } BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(SMSG.NAME_QUERY_RESPONSE); pkg.Write(other.Character.ObjectId); pkg.Write(0); // high id pkg.Write(other.Character.Name); pkg.Write((int)other.Character.Race); pkg.Write((int)other.Character.Gender); pkg.Write((int)other.Character.Class); client.Send(pkg); return(true); }
private static void OnLoginServerData(ClientBase client, byte[] data) { try { BinReader read = new BinReader(data); read.BaseStream.Position += 4; // skip len WORLDMSG msgID = (WORLDMSG)read.ReadInt32(); if (msgID != WORLDMSG.DESERIALIZE_OBJ) { Console.WriteLine("OnLoginServerData read {0}", msgID); } if (msgID == WORLDMSG.CLIENT_MESSAGE) { uint charID = read.ReadUInt32(); CMSG cmsg = (CMSG)read.ReadInt32(); WorldClient world_client = GetClientByCharacterID(charID); if (client != null) { WorldPacketManager.HandlePacket(world_client, cmsg, read); } else { Console.WriteLine("Client(" + charID + ") was missing when " + cmsg.ToString() + " was received."); } } else if (msgID == WORLDMSG.SCRIPT_MESSAGE) { int msg = read.ReadInt32(); Console.WriteLine("Read SMSG: " + msg); Scripts.OnScriptMessage(msg, read); } else { WorldPacketManager.HandlePacket(msgID, read); } } catch (Exception exp) { DebugLogger.ILog("", exp); } }