Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CGraph graph1    = CGraph.CreateGraph();
            CGraph graph2    = CGraph.CreateGraph();
            CGraph rootGraph = CGraph.CreateGraph();

            // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated
            // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This
            // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller
            CGraph graph3 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph.txt");

            CGraph.CCloneGraphOperation cloner = new CGraph.CCloneGraphOperation();
            CGraph graph3Clone = cloner.CloneGraph(graph3);

            CGraph.CMergeGraphOperation joiner = new CGraph.CMergeGraphOperation();

            CGraph mergedGraph = joiner.MergeGraph(graph3Clone);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}", mergedGraph.ToString());
            // The graph can be printed using the specified graph printer which optionally can
            // take a label contructor. If the label contractor is ommited that printer will recieve
            // labels from the native graph labeller. In this case this what it happens
            graph3.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph3));
            graph3Clone.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph3Clone));
            mergedGraph.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(mergedGraph));
            // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output
            graph3.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\test3.dot", true);
            graph3Clone.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\test3Clone.dot", true);
            mergedGraph.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\MergeTest.dot", true);

             *          AlgorithmDataRecord ioargs =
             *              GAlg_LeaderFinder_Builder.Create().
             *                  Input_SourceGraph(graph3).
             *              End();
             *          GAlg_LeaderFinder bbFinder = new GAlg_LeaderFinder(ioargs);
             *          bbFinder.Init();
             * /*
             *          GAlg_BasicBlocks bbCreate = new GAlg_BasicBlocks(graph3,bbFinder);
             *          bbCreate.Init();
             *          // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated
             *          // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This
             *          // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller
             *          CGraph graph4 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph1.txt");
             *          graph4.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph4));
             *          // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output
             *          graph4.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\test4.dot", true);
             *          GAlg_ExtendedBasicBlockFinder ebbFinder = new GAlg_ExtendedBasicBlockFinder(graph4);
             *          ebbFinder.Init();
             *          // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated
             *          // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This
             *          // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller
             *          CGraph graph5 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph2.txt");
             *          graph5.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph5));
             *          // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output
             *          graph5.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\csvGraph2.dot", true);
             *          GAlg_DFSSpanningTree dfsSpanningTree = new GAlg_DFSSpanningTree(graph5);
             *          dfsSpanningTree.Init();
             *          dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CDFSSpanningTreeGraphvizPrinter(dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree));
             *          dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\ST.dot", true);
             *          // A random graph with the specified number of nodes and edges can be generated
             *          // using the GenerateGraph_RandomGraph method. The nodes are labelled in the native
             *          // graph labeller using their serial numbers
             *          graph1.GenerateGraph_RandomGraph(10,40,GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED);
             *          // The graph can be printed using the specified graph printer which optionally can
             *          // take a label contructor. If the label contractor is ommited that printer will recieve
             *          // labels from the native graph labeller. In this case this what it happens
             *          graph1.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph1));
             *          // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output
             *          //graph1.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\graph1.dot", true);
             *          graph2.GenerateGraph_RandomGraph(10,40,GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED);
             *          graph2.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph2));
             *          //graph2.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\graph2.dot", true);*/