Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// The close box on the main form has been clicked. Stop the update status timer to avoid
 /// any confusion during the clean-up operations. If the application was communicating with
 /// an externally executing (UI visible) instance of CFX Manager, close the client connection,
 /// which will unregister with the API service and allow other clients to connect to it. If
 /// the application started CFX Manager in server (No UI) mode, then issue the ShutDown command
 /// to properly close the CFX Manager instance. Not using ShutDown to close the CFX Manager
 /// could lead to ghost processes on the host computer which would would prevent the further use
 /// of CFX Manager in any mode until host re-boot.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
     if (m_status_update_timer != null)
     if (CFXManagerUtilities.CFXManagerWasStartedByApp && CFXManagerUtilities.CFXManagerIsExecuting)
         if (m_ClientWrapper.ClientIsConnected())
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the example application. If a compatible version of CFX Manager is executing, establish a connection
        /// with it, otherwise start CFX Manager in server (no UI) mode and establish a connection with that instance.
        /// Subscribe to the ClientError event published by the client wrapper. Initialize local member data. Present an
        /// explanatory dialog and exit the application if no compatible version of CFX Manager is installed on the host machine,
        /// or if the client fails for any reason to establish a connection with the CFX Manager API service.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeMainForm()
            #region local delegates implementing utilities specific to this method

            // Prepare to establish communications with the CFX Manager API using methods provided by the
            // CFXManagerUtilities class. If a compatible version of CFX Manager is installed and is already
            //executing, do nothing. If it is installed, but not executing, attempt to start it in server (no UI) mode.
            //Returns true IFF a compatible version  of CFX Manager is executing at the completion of the method.
            Func <bool> ReadyCFXManager = () =>
                //If the service endpoint address is not localhost, skip this logic and return true, making the assumption
                //that CFX Manager is running on the remote host, since we cannot detect or start it remotely.
                System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
                ClientSection clientSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.serviceModel/client") as ClientSection;
                ChannelEndpointElementCollection endpointCollection = clientSection.ElementInformation.Properties[string.Empty].Value as ChannelEndpointElementCollection;
                if (endpointCollection[0].Address.Host != "localhost")
                    LogNewLine("The service endpoint address is not localhost. Skipping CFX Manager detection logic.");

                if (CFXManagerUtilities.APICompatibleCFXManagerIsInstalled)
                    if (!CFXManagerUtilities.CFXManagerIsExecuting)
                        LogNewLine("Starting CFX Manager in server mode..");
                        //Note that this call will block this thread for up to several seconds while CFX Manager initializes.
                        LogNewLine("Detected executing instance of CFX Manager..");

            //Initialize the system timer that is used to systematically poll the CFX Manager API for status updates
            Action <Form> StartTimer = (Form child) =>
                this.m_status_update_timer.Interval       = c_status_update_interval;
                m_status_update_timer.Elapsed            += new ElapsedEventHandler(UpdateTimer_Elapsed);
                m_status_update_timer.SynchronizingObject = child;
                m_status_update_timer.AutoReset           = true;


            // InitializeMainForm() Entry Point
            this.Text = string.Format(c_app_name);
            LogNewLine(string.Format("{0} is initializing..", c_app_name));
            m_ClientWrapper.ClientError += HandleClientError;
            if (ReadyCFXManager())
                if (m_ClientWrapper.OpenClient())
                    LogNewLine("Client connection established with CFX Manager API service..");
                    m_am_connected = true;
                    LogNewLine(string.Format("The {0} was unable to connect to the CFX Manager API service. ", c_app_name));
                    LogNewLine(string.Format("Review the log above for possible causes, then click the close box to exit the application. "));
                    m_panel_buttons.Enabled = false;
                string fail_msg = string.Format("CFX Manager Version {0} or higher must be installed in order to run the {1}. The application will now exit.",
                                                CFXManagerUtilities.MiniumumCFXManagerVersion, c_app_name);
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}", fail_msg), c_app_name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error,