Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void archiveFolder(
            String rCloneDirectory,
            String localDropStream,
            String localArchiverBuffer,
            String remoteDropStreamTarget,
            String remoteArchive,
            String fileFormatNameRegex,
            String fileExtenstion,
            String thesholdInGigabytes)
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            String localTempFolder     = String.Empty;
            String localZipDestination = String.Empty;

                ///Timer for diagnosing

                ///Let's get a temperary name for the temperary folder
                Logger.Info("Getting Temparary Folder... ");
                localTempFolder = Organizer.getTempFolderPath(localDropStream, localArchiverBuffer);
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - {1}", "Temparary Folder Retrieved!", localTempFolder));

                ///Where will this zip file be located locally
                Logger.Info("Creating Time-Stamped folders...");
                localZipDestination = Organizer.createTimestampFolders(localDropStream, localArchiverBuffer, fileFormatNameRegex, fileExtenstion);
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}: {1}", "Time-Stamped folders created! Local Zip Destination", localZipDestination));

                ///Compress / Remove the folder to be archived
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}: {1}", "Compress and removing target folder to the following location", localTempFolder));
                Logger.Info("Successfully compressed and removed folder!");

                ///To make the threshold process a little easier, we need to rename any duplicated file names
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}: {1}", "Renaming any duplicated files for removal", localTempFolder));
                CDirectory.renameDuplicatedFiles(rCloneDirectory, remoteArchive);
                Logger.Info("Duplicates renamed / removed!");

                ///Serialize localzipdesitination file for parsing
                FileInfo info = new FileInfo(localZipDestination);
                ///Get a list of all of the existing files in target archive
                var existingFiles = CloudDirectory.serializeDirectory(CDirectory.getFilesStatsInDirectory(rCloneDirectory, remoteArchive));
                ///Delete any files in cloud over threshold
                Logger.Info(String.Format("Removing any files over: {0} (GB) At remote Location: {1} Utilizing: {2}", thesholdInGigabytes, remoteArchive, info.Name));
                List <FileCloudInfo> filesToRemove = Containment.getFIlesInDirectoryOverThreshold(existingFiles, info, Double.Parse(thesholdInGigabytes));
                Logger.Info("Now removing a total of {0} files from cloud directory: {1}", filesToRemove.Count(), remoteArchive);
                Logger.Debug("Target Files: {0}", String.Concat(filesToRemove.Select(o => String.Format("\n{0} ", o.FilePath)))); //Print out all of the files to remove

                ///Run Command to Delete *any* target files
                filesToRemove.ForEach(i => CDelete.deleteDirectory(rCloneDirectory, String.Format(@"{0}/{1}", remoteArchive, i.FilePath)));
                ///Lots of logging, information regarding deleting items
                Logger.Info("Ran command to removed files over threshold! Files *removed*: {0} | Memory *Free'd up*: {1} (GB) ", filesToRemove.Count,
                            ByteSizeLib.ByteSize.FromBytes(filesToRemove.Sum(i => i.Length)).GigaBytes, (filesToRemove.Sum(i => i.Length)));

                ///Moving Zipped file to the cloud storage
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - Local Temp Folder: {1} RemoteArchive: {2}", "Moving the compressed file to cloud storage!", localTempFolder, remoteArchive));
                CMove.moveFile(rCloneDirectory, localTempFolder, remoteArchive, Config.compressionFormat, Config.connectionAttempts);
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}", "Successfully deleted Contents!"));

                ///Delete the local folder
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}: {1}", "Deleting the following local 'Temp Folder' ", localTempFolder));
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(localTempFolder, true);
                Logger.Info("Successfully deleted the local temp folder!");

                ///TODO: Remove this to a later process...
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - rCloneLocation: {1} gDriveName: {2}", "Deleting requested remote folders", rCloneDirectory, remoteDropStreamTarget));
                CDelete.deleteDirectory(rCloneDirectory, remoteDropStreamTarget);
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0}", "Deletion of contents command has been ran!"));

                ///Due to a bug, the cloud software may not "release" files. Resetting it will fix this.

                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - cloudProcessName: {1} cloudProcessPath: {2}", "Restarting Process", Config.cloudProcessName, Config.cloudProcessPath));
                Management.restartProcess(Config.cloudProcessName, Config.cloudProcessPath);
                Logger.Info("Process successully restarted!");

                ///Delete the cloud folder
                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - rCloneLocation: {1} gDriveName: {2}", "Emptying Cloud Folder", rCloneDirectory, Config.driveProfileName));
                CDelete.emptyTrashFolder(rCloneDirectory, Config.driveProfileName);
                Logger.Info("Successfully emptied cloud recycle bin");

                Logger.Info(String.Format("{0} - Elasped time:{1}", "Archiver has successully been ran!", watch.Elapsed.ToString()));

            catch (OrganizerException e)
                Logger.Error(e, String.Format("{0} - {1} (Elapsed time before error: {2} ", "Error while prepping files before transfer", e.Message, watch.Elapsed.ToString()));
            catch (Rclone_Move_Exception e)
                Logger.Error(e, String.Format("{0} - {1} (Elapsed time before error: {2}", "Error while transfering file to the cloud", e.Message, watch.Elapsed.ToString()));

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(e, String.Format("{0} - {1} (Elapsed time before error: {2} ", "Error while Archiving", e.Message, watch.Elapsed.ToString()));

                ///If the process fails, remove the temperary directory!
                if (Directory.Exists(localTempFolder))
                    Directory.Delete(localTempFolder, true);