Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult ImportStep1(CDRImportStep1WithFileVM csvfile)
            //used for return only
            ClientSubUnit clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();

            clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(csvfile.ClientSubUnitGuid);
            ClientTopUnit           clientTopUnit           = new ClientTopUnit();
            ClientTopUnitRepository clientTopUnitRepository = new ClientTopUnitRepository();

            clientTopUnit = clientTopUnitRepository.GetClientTopUnit(clientSubUnit.ClientTopUnitGuid);
            clientSubUnit.ClientTopUnit = clientTopUnit;
            csvfile.ClientSubUnit       = clientSubUnit;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(csvfile.File.FileName);

            if (fileExtension != ".csv" && fileExtension != ".xls" && fileExtension != ".xlsx")
                ModelState.AddModelError("file", csvfile.File.ContentType);

            if (csvfile.File.ContentLength > 0)
                CDRImportStep2VM preImportCheckResult = new CDRImportStep2VM();
                List <string>    returnMessages       = new List <string>();

                preImportCheckResult = clientSubUnitCDRRepository.PreImportCheck(csvfile.File, csvfile.ClientSubUnitGuid, csvfile.DisplayName, csvfile.RelatedToDisplayName);

                CDRImportStep1VM preImportCheckResultVM = new CDRImportStep1VM();
                preImportCheckResultVM.ClientSubUnit        = clientSubUnit;
                preImportCheckResultVM.CDRImportStep2VM     = preImportCheckResult;
                preImportCheckResultVM.DisplayName          = csvfile.DisplayName;
                preImportCheckResultVM.RelatedToDisplayName = csvfile.RelatedToDisplayName;
                preImportCheckResultVM.ClientSubUnitGuid    = csvfile.ClientSubUnitGuid;

                TempData["PreImportCheckResultVM"] = preImportCheckResultVM;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult ImportStep2(CDRImportStep1VM preImportCheckResultVM)
            //PreImport Check Results (check has passed)
            CDRImportStep2VM preImportCheckResult = new CDRImportStep2VM();

            preImportCheckResult = preImportCheckResultVM.CDRImportStep2VM;

            //Do the Import, return results
            CDRImportStep3VM cdrPostImportResult = new CDRImportStep3VM();

            cdrPostImportResult = clientSubUnitCDRRepository.Import(

            cdrPostImportResult.ClientSubUnitGuid = preImportCheckResultVM.ClientSubUnitGuid;
            TempData["CdrPostImportResult"]       = cdrPostImportResult;

            //Pass Results to Next Page
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CDRImportStep2VM PreImportCheck(HttpPostedFileBase file, string clientSubUnitGuid, string displayName, string relatedToDisplayName = "")
            //convert file to string so that we can parse
            int length = file.ContentLength;

            byte[] tempFile = new byte[length];
            file.InputStream.Read(tempFile, 0, length);
            byte[] array = tempFile.ToArray();
            System.Text.UTF8Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
            string fileToText            = fileToText = enc.GetString(array);

             * Regex to match on CDRValue
             * The following Special Characters are currently allowed in CDR fields:
             * Alpha (A-Z), numeric (0-9), ampersand (&), asterisk (*), at sign (@), hypen (-), forward slash (/), period (.),
             * underscore (_), equal (=), colon (:), open/closed brackets ( ), space
            //string dataRegex = @"[^(\w|\-|@|*|(|)| |=|:|/)]+";
            string dataRegex = @"[^(\w| |\-|\@|\*|\&|\(|\)|\=|\:|\/|\.)]+";

            // Create the xml document container, this will be used to store the data after the Regex checks
            XmlDocument    doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlDeclaration dec = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);

            XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("CSUCDRs");


            //Client SubUnit
            ClientSubUnit clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();
            ClientSubUnitClientAccountRepository clientSubUnitClientAccountRepository = new ClientSubUnitClientAccountRepository();
            ClientSubUnitRepository clientSubUnitRepository = new ClientSubUnitRepository();

            clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(clientSubUnitGuid);
            string clientSubUnitName = clientSubUnit.ClientSubUnitName;

            List <string> returnMessages = new List <string>();
            string        returnMessage;
            int           i = 0;

            //Store Valid ClientSubUnitClientAccounts
            List <ClientSubUnitClientAccount>       validClientSubUnitClientAccounts   = new List <ClientSubUnitClientAccount>();
            List <ClientSubUnitClientAccountImport> invalidClientSubUnitClientAccounts = new List <ClientSubUnitClientAccountImport>();

            //Split the CSV into lines
            string[] lines = fileToText.Split(new string[] { "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //loop through CSV lines
            foreach (string line in lines)

                if (i > 1)                 //ignore first line with titles
                    string[] cells = line.Split(',');

                    //extract the data items from the file
                    string fileCostCentre          = cells[0];                                 //CDRValue (Cost Centre)
                    string fileSourceSystemCode    = cells[1];                                 //SourceSystemCode
                    string fileClientAccountNumber = cells[2];                                 //CWT Account No (Air/Rail)

                    //Credit Card No field is an optional field on the .csv file
                    string fileCreditCardNumber = string.Empty;
                    if (cells.Length >= 4)
                        fileCreditCardNumber = cells[3] ?? "";

                    //The RelatedToValue field is an optional field on the .csv file.  If there is no CDR Display Name value entered in the Validate CDR field,
                    //then the Import should not look for a RelatedToValue column on the .csv file
                    string fileRelatedToValue = string.Empty;
                    if (cells.Length >= 5)
                        fileRelatedToValue = cells[4] ?? "";

                    //Build the XML Element for a CDR
                    XmlElement xmlCDRItem = doc.CreateElement("CSUCDR");

                    //Populate the XML Element for a CDR
                    //This XMLDoc is only used if the File Passes Validation
                    XmlElement xmlSourceSystemCode = doc.CreateElement("SourceSystemCode");
                    xmlSourceSystemCode.InnerText = fileSourceSystemCode;

                    XmlElement xmlClientAccountNumber = doc.CreateElement("ClientAccountNumber");
                    xmlClientAccountNumber.InnerText = fileClientAccountNumber;

                    XmlElement xmlCostCentre = doc.CreateElement("CostCentre");
                    xmlCostCentre.InnerText = fileCostCentre;

                    //Check for numerical credit card
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileCreditCardNumber))
                        int creditCardId;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(fileCreditCardNumber, out creditCardId))
                            fileCreditCardNumber = "";

                        XmlElement xmlCreditCardId = doc.CreateElement("CreditCardId");
                        xmlCreditCardId.InnerText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileCreditCardNumber) ? fileCreditCardNumber : "";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileRelatedToValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedToDisplayName))
                        XmlElement xmlRelatedToDisplayName = doc.CreateElement("RelatedToDisplayName");
                        xmlRelatedToDisplayName.InnerText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedToDisplayName) ? relatedToDisplayName : "";

                        XmlElement xmlRelatedToValue = doc.CreateElement("RelatedToValue");
                        xmlRelatedToValue.InnerText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileRelatedToValue) ? fileRelatedToValue : "";

                    //Attach the XML Element for a CDR to the Document

                    bool existingValidClient = validClientSubUnitClientAccounts.Where(x =>
                                                                                      x.ClientAccountNumber == fileClientAccountNumber &&
                                                                                      x.SourceSystemCode == fileSourceSystemCode &&
                                                                                      x.ClientSubUnitGuid == clientSubUnitGuid
                                                                                      ).Count() > 0;

                    bool existingInvalidClient = invalidClientSubUnitClientAccounts.Where(x =>
                                                                                          x.ClientAccountNumber == fileClientAccountNumber &&
                                                                                          x.SourceSystemCode == fileSourceSystemCode &&
                                                                                          x.ClientSubUnitGuid == clientSubUnitGuid
                                                                                          ).Count() > 0;

                    //Check Client Account belongs to this Client
                    if (existingInvalidClient)
                        //Error: Account and SourceSystemCode have been detected in the data file that are not associated to the ClientSubUnit
                        returnMessage = "Account '" + fileClientAccountNumber + "' and SourceSystemCode '" + fileSourceSystemCode + "' have been detected in the data file that are not associated to the ClientSubUnit that you have selected ('" + clientSubUnitName + "'). Please either associate the Account and SourceSystemCode to the chosen ClientSubUnit or update the data file with the correct Account and SourceSystemCode";
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                    else if (existingValidClient)
                        //No processing required as already marked as valid
                        ClientSubUnitClientAccount clientSubUnitClientAccount = clientSubUnitClientAccountRepository.GetClientSubUnitClientAccount(
                        if (clientSubUnitClientAccount == null)
                            //Error: Account and SourceSystemCode have been detected in the data file that are not associated to the ClientSubUnit
                            returnMessage = "Account '" + fileClientAccountNumber + "' and SourceSystemCode '" + fileSourceSystemCode + "' have been detected in the data file that are not associated to the ClientSubUnit that you have selected ('" + clientSubUnitName + "'). Please either associate the Account and SourceSystemCode to the chosen ClientSubUnit or update the data file with the correct Account and SourceSystemCode";
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                            ClientSubUnitClientAccountImport clientSubUnitClientAccountImport = new ClientSubUnitClientAccountImport()
                                ClientAccountNumber = fileClientAccountNumber,
                                SourceSystemCode    = fileSourceSystemCode,
                                ClientSubUnitGuid   = clientSubUnitGuid,

                            if (!invalidClientSubUnitClientAccounts.Contains(clientSubUnitClientAccountImport))
                            if (!validClientSubUnitClientAccounts.Contains(clientSubUnitClientAccount))

                    //Error: There is a value that exceeds the maximum length of 50 characters
                    if (fileCostCentre.Length > 50)
                        returnMessage = fileCostCentre + "is a VALUE that exceeds the maximum Value length of 50 characters. Please update the data file or select a new data file.";
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    ////Error: There is a credit card id that is not present in the database
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileCreditCardNumber))
                    //	int creditCardId = Int32.Parse(fileCreditCardNumber);
                    //	CreditCardRepository creditCardRepository = new CreditCardRepository();
                    //	CreditCard creditCard = creditCardRepository.GetCreditCard(creditCardId, false);
                    //	if (creditCard == null)
                    //	{
                    //		returnMessage = "Credit Card Id  " + fileCreditCardNumber + " has been detected in the file but is not present in the database. Please check the value and try again";
                    //		if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                    //		{
                    //			returnMessages.Add(returnMessage);
                    //			break;
                    //		}
                    //	}

                    //Error: An invalid character that has been detected within the data file
                    if (Regex.Match(fileCostCentre, dataRegex).Success)
                        foreach (Match n in Regex.Matches(fileCostCentre, dataRegex))
                            returnMessage = n.Groups[0].Value + " is an invalid character that has been detected within the data file. Please update the data file or select a new data file to import.";
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    //Error: If a user doesn’t include the Validate CDR field on the UI, and there are RelatedToValues listed on the Import,
                    //the Import should fail and give the user an error message that Validate CDR value missing.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileRelatedToValue) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedToDisplayName))
                        returnMessage = "A value in the RelatedToValue column has been detected within the data file but the Validate CDR value missing. Please go back and enter a Validate CDR value or remove the RelatedToValue from the data file.";
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    //Error: If a user enters a value in the Validate CDR field on the UI, the Import file must include RelatedToValues else
                    // the Import should fail and give the user an error message that RelatedToValues missing on the Import
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileRelatedToValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedToDisplayName))
                        returnMessage = "A Validate CDR has been detected but the RelatedToValue is missing. Please go back and remove the Validate CDR value or add the RelatedToValue data into the data file.";
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
            if (i == 0)
                returnMessage = "There is no data in the file";

            CDRImportStep2VM preImportCheckResult = new CDRImportStep2VM();

            preImportCheckResult.ReturnMessages = returnMessages;

            if (returnMessages.Count != 0)
                preImportCheckResult.IsValidData = false;
                //DB Check
                string adminUserGuid = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split(new[] { '|' })[0];

                var output = (
                    from n in db.spDesktopDataAdmin_UpdateClientSubUnitClientDefinedReferencesCount_v1(
                    select n).ToList();

                foreach (spDesktopDataAdmin_UpdateClientSubUnitClientDefinedReferencesCount_v1Result message in output)

                preImportCheckResult.FileBytes = array;

                preImportCheckResult.IsValidData = true;
