Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        Settings         = FindObjectOfType <CSettingsContainer>();
        m_arr_Playground = new CCellBehaviour[Settings.Dimensions.x, Settings.Dimensions.y];

        // Fill Playground
        for (int x = 0; x < m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1); y++)
                GameObject go = Instantiate(m_cellPrefab, gameObject.transform);    // Position cells
                go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, -y);
                CCellBehaviour cellBehaviour = go.GetComponent <CCellBehaviour>();
                cellBehaviour.m_ArrPos = new Vector2Int(x, y);                      // Inform cell about its position
                m_arr_Playground[x, y] = cellBehaviour;

        // Add neighbors to the cells
        foreach (CCellBehaviour cell in m_arr_Playground)
            AddNeighbors(cell.m_ArrPos.x, cell.m_ArrPos.y, cell);

        m_arrFilled = true;     // The playgound has been populated
        Render();               // Startrender of playground
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new neighbor to each others neighbor list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_neighbor"> The neighbor cell to be added </param>
 public void AddNeighbor(CCellBehaviour _neighbor)
     if (!m_list_neighbors.Contains(_neighbor))      // Prevents duplicates
         m_list_neighbors.Add(_neighbor);            // Add neighbor to this cells list
         _neighbor.AddNeighbor(this);                // Add this cell to the neighbors list
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Add neighbors to the cell in the playgound array with full bounds checks
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_x"> Cells x-position on playground </param>
    /// <param name="_y"> Cells y-position on playground </param>
    /// <param name="_cell"> Cell which will get neighbors added </param>
    private void AddNeighbors(int _x, int _y, CCellBehaviour _cell)
            // Left
            if (!(_x - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x - 1, _y]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) - 1, _y]);

            // Right
            if (!(_x + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x + 1, _y]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[0, _y]);

            // Top
            if (!(_y - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x, _y - 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x, m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1) - 1]);

            // Bottom
            if (!(_y + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x, _y + 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x, 0]);

            // Top Left
            if (!(_x - 1 < 0 || _y - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x - 1, _y - 1]);
            else if (!(_x - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x - 1, m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1) - 1]);
            else if (!(_y - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) - 1, _y - 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) - 1, m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1) - 1]);

            // Top Right
            if (!(_x + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) || _y - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x + 1, _y - 1]);
            else if (!(_x + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x + 1, m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1) - 1]);
            else if (!(_y - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[0, _y - 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[0, m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1) - 1]);

            // Bottom Left
            if (!(_x - 1 < 0 || _y + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x - 1, _y + 1]);
            else if (!(_x - 1 < 0))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x - 1, 0]);
            else if (!(_y + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) - 1, _y + 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) - 1, 0]);

            // Bottom Right
            if (!(_x + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0) || _y + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x + 1, _y + 1]);
            else if (!(_x + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(0)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[_x + 1, 0]);
            else if (!(_y + 1 >= m_arr_Playground.GetLength(1)))
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[0, _y + 1]);
                _cell.AddNeighbor(m_arr_Playground[0, 0]);
        catch (System.Exception e)  // Catch errors of assignement (esp. null references)
            Debug.Log(_cell.m_ArrPos.x + "," + _cell.m_ArrPos.y);