private void ResetForm() { TB_IPDisplay.Text = ""; TB_Payload.Text = ""; CB_Type.ResetText(); CB_Variant.ResetText(); }
public CB_Type ReadTypeInformationLibre(String Name, CB_File File) { CB_Type Type = CB_Type.Deleted; if (ExistInformationLibre(Name, File)) { Type = (CB_Type)this.DBSage.cbSysLibre.First(i => i.CB_Name == Name && i.CB_File.ToUpper() == File.ToString().ToUpper()).CB_Type; } return(Type); }
private void ResetForm() { TB_DWN.Text = ""; TB_UP.Text = ""; TB_IP.Text = ""; TB_Other.Text = ""; CB_Type.ResetText(); CB_Product.ResetText(); CB_Variant.ResetText(); CB_NoCyc.Checked = false; CB_NoTTF.Checked = false; CB_NoGen.Checked = false; CB_Save.Checked = false; CB_Cert.Checked = false; CB_Cert.Visible = false; }
private void CreateCustomFields() { EntityType entityType = ProjContext.EntityTypes.ProjectEntity; CustomFieldType customFieldType = CustomFieldType.TEXT; LookupTable selectedLookupTable = null; bool allowMultiSelect = false; CB_EntityType.InvokeIfRequired(cb => entityType = cb.SelectedValue as EntityType); CB_Type.InvokeIfRequired(sb => customFieldType = (CustomFieldType)CB_Type.SelectedValue); CB_LookupTable.InvokeIfRequired(cb => { if (cb.SelectedIndex <= 0) { return; } selectedLookupTable = cb.SelectedValue as LookupTable; if (CBX_AllowMultiSelect.Checked) { allowMultiSelect = true; } }); for (int customFieldCount = 1; customFieldCount <= Convert.ToInt32(NUD_CFNumber.Value); customFieldCount++) { CustomFieldCreationInformation cfCi = new CustomFieldCreationInformation { Name = TB_Name.Text + customFieldCount, EntityType = entityType, FieldType = customFieldType }; Log.WriteVerbose(new SourceInfo(), TB_Status, "Creating custom field with name {0}", cfCi.Name); if (selectedLookupTable != null) { cfCi.LookupTable = selectedLookupTable; Log.WriteVerbose(new SourceInfo(), TB_Status, "Setting custom field to use lookup table {0}", selectedLookupTable.Name); } cfCi.LookupAllowMultiSelect = allowMultiSelect; ProjContext.CustomFields.Add(cfCi); } ProjContext.CustomFields.Update(); ProjContext.ExecuteQuery(); }