Exemplo n.º 1
        public ReturnValue ConfigureJackDeviceData(CAudioDataFlow dataFlow, CAudioDriverReadWrite readWrite, CAudioClientData clientData)
            ReturnValue revData = new ReturnValue()
                RevCode = -1, RevMessage = $"API Name [{clientData.ApiName}] not Correct!"
            CAudioAPIFunctionPoint sdkAPI;

            if (!Enum.TryParse(clientData.ApiName, out sdkAPI))
            if (readWrite == CAudioDriverReadWrite.Write &&
                clientData.SetValue == null && clientData.SetExtraValue == null)
                revData.RevMessage = "SetValue Can't be Null";

            CAudioStructure      rwData   = null;
            CAudioJackDeviceInfo jackInfo = null;

            jackInfo = _cmediaJackInfoRender;
            if (dataFlow == CAudioDataFlow.eCapture || sdkAPI > CAudioAPIFunctionPoint.VOICECLARITY_NOISESUPP_LEVEL)
                jackInfo = _cmediajackInfoCapture;
            rwData = new CAudioStructure()
                JackInfo = jackInfo, ApiPropertyName = clientData.ApiName, ReadWrite = readWrite, WriteData = clientData.SetValueToByteArray(), WriteExtraData = clientData.SetExtraValueToByteArray()
            if (clientData.SetValue != null || clientData.SetExtraValue != null)
                rwData.IsWriteExtra = true;
            revData = ConfigurePropertyControl(rwData);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ReturnValue ConfitureSurroundData(CAudioDriverReadWrite readWrite, CAudioSurroundCommand hpCommand)
            ReturnValue revData = new ReturnValue()
                RevCode = -1, RevMessage = $"[{hpCommand}] not Correct!"
            CAudioStructure         rwData = null;
            CAudioRegisterOperation regop  = new CAudioRegisterOperation();

            switch (hpCommand)
            case CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_ENABLE:
                regop.Operation = CAudioSurroundFunction.KSPROPERTY_VIRTUALSURROUND_PARAMSVALUE;
                regop.Feature   = CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_ENABLE;
                regop.ValueType = CAudioSurroundValueType.ValueType_LONG;

            case CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_MODE:
                regop.Operation = CAudioSurroundFunction.KSPROPERTY_VIRTUALSURROUND_PARAMSVALUE;
                regop.Feature   = CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_MODE;
                regop.ValueType = CAudioSurroundValueType.ValueType_LONG;

            case CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_ROOM:
                regop.Operation = CAudioSurroundFunction.KSPROPERTY_VIRTUALSURROUND_PARAMSVALUE;
                regop.Feature   = CAudioSurroundCommand.XEAR_SURR_HP_ROOM;
                regop.ValueType = CAudioSurroundValueType.ValueType_LONG;
            rwData = new CAudioStructure()
                JackInfo  = _cmediaJackInfoRender, ApiPropertyName = CAudioAPIFunctionPoint.VirtualSurroundEffectControl.ToString(),
                ReadWrite = readWrite, WriteData = null, IsWriteExtra = true, WriteExtraData = regop.ToBytes()
            revData = ConfigurePropertyControl(rwData);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private ReturnValue ConfigurePropertyControl(CAudioStructure rwData)
            // Allocate a Cmedia standard Array.
            byte[] devBvalue = new byte[CMEDIABUFFERSIZE];
            if (rwData.ReadWrite == CAudioDriverReadWrite.Write && rwData.WriteData != null)
                devBvalue = rwData.WriteData;
            // Allocate a memory buffer (that can be accessed and modified by unmanaged code)
            // to store values from the devBvalue array.
            IntPtr pdevValue = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(byte)) * CMEDIABUFFERSIZE);

            // Copy values from devBvalue to this buffer (i.e. pdevValue).
            Marshal.Copy(devBvalue, 0, pdevValue, devBvalue.Length);

            // Allocate a GCHandle in order to allocate an IntPtr
            // that stores the memory address of pdevValue.
            GCHandle gchDevValue = GCHandle.Alloc(pdevValue, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            // Use GCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() to obtain a pointer
            // to a pointer to the byte array of pdevValue.
            // It is devValue that will be passed to the API.
            IntPtr devValue = gchDevValue.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            byte[] devExtraBvalue = new byte[CMEDIABUFFERSIZE];
            if ((rwData.ReadWrite == CAudioDriverReadWrite.Write || rwData.IsWriteExtra) && rwData.WriteExtraData != null)
                devExtraBvalue = rwData.WriteExtraData;
            IntPtr pdevExtraVlue = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(byte)) * CMEDIABUFFERSIZE);

            Marshal.Copy(devExtraBvalue, 0, pdevExtraVlue, devExtraBvalue.Length);
            GCHandle gch           = GCHandle.Alloc(pdevExtraVlue, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr   devExtraValue = gch.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            // Call the CMI_PropertyControl() API.
            // The CMI_PropertyControl() API will not
            // change the value of devValue.
            int    revCode = NativeMethods.CMI_PropertyControl(rwData.JackInfo.m_devInfo, rwData.ApiPropertyName, devValue, devExtraValue, rwData.ReadWrite);
            string revString = $"\nCMI_PropertyControl [{rwData.JackInfo.m_devInfo.DataFlow}] [{rwData.ApiPropertyName}] {rwData.ReadWrite} return {revCode}";
            string revData = string.Empty, revExraData = string.Empty;

            if (0 == revCode)
                // We must now find a way to dereference the memory address
                // contained inside devValue.

                // Declare an array (of one single value) of IntPtr.
                IntPtr[] revPtr = new IntPtr[1];
                // Copy the value contained inside devValue
                // to revPtr.
                Marshal.Copy(devValue, revPtr, 0, 1);

                // Allocate a new byte array to be filled with
                // values from the array pointed to by revPtr[0]
                byte[] NewByteArray = new byte[CMEDIABUFFERSIZE];

                // Copy the byte array values pointed to by revPtr[0]
                // to NewByteArray.
                Marshal.Copy(revPtr[0], NewByteArray, 0, NewByteArray.Length);
                revData   = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(NewByteArray).Replace("\0", "");
                revString = $"\nCMI_PropertyControl [{rwData.JackInfo.m_devInfo.DataFlow}] [{rwData.ApiPropertyName} {rwData.ReadWrite}] return {revCode} Get Data [{revData}]";

                IntPtr[] revExraPtr = new IntPtr[1];
                Marshal.Copy(devExtraValue, revExraPtr, 0, 1);
                byte[] NewExtraByteArray = new byte[CMEDIABUFFERSIZE];
                Marshal.Copy(revExraPtr[0], NewExtraByteArray, 0, NewExtraByteArray.Length);
                revExraData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(NewExtraByteArray).Replace("\0", "");
                //revString += $" Extra [{revExraData}]";
            ReturnValue rev = new ReturnValue()
                RevCode = revCode, RevValue = revData, RevExtraValue = revExraData, RevMessage = revString
