Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the desired talon for closed-loop control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="talon">The talon to configure.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Configure the talon for velocity or positional control.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Set the settings for the talon. Some</param>
        public static void ConfigureTalon(CANTalon talon, ConfigureType type, EncoderParameters parameters)
            // Grab the 360 degree of the magnetic encoder's absolute position.
            int absolutePosition = talon.GetPulseWidthPosition() & 0xFFF; // Throw out the bits dealing with wrap-arounds.

            // Set the encoder's signal.

            // Set the sensor and direction.
            talon.FeedBackDevice = parameters.Device;

            // Set the peak and nominal outputs. +12V is full throttle forward, -12V is full throttle backwards.
            talon.ConfigNominalOutputVoltage(+parameters.NominalVoltage, -parameters.NominalVoltage);
            talon.ConfigPeakOutputVoltage(+parameters.PeakVoltage, -parameters.PeakVoltage);

            // Set the allowed closed-loop error.

            // Set the PIDF gains.
            talon.Profile = parameters.PIDProfile;    // Sets the current profile for saving the variables.
            talon.P       = parameters.PIDFValues.kP; // Sets the proportional gain.
            talon.I       = parameters.PIDFValues.kI; // Sets the integral gain.
            talon.D       = parameters.PIDFValues.kD; // Sets the derivative gain.
            talon.F       = parameters.PIDFValues.kF; // Sets the filter gain.

            // Switches how to configure the talon based on the 'type' parameter.
            switch (type)
            // Run the positional config.
            case ConfigureType.Position:

                // Set the talon to be in positional control mode.
                talon.MotorControlMode = WPILib.Interfaces.ControlMode.Position;


            // Run the velocity config.
            case ConfigureType.Velocity:

                // Set the talon to be in speed control mode.
                talon.MotorControlMode = WPILib.Interfaces.ControlMode.Speed;
