Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CreateConflictingRev(C4Database *db,
                                          FLSlice docID,
                                          FLSlice parentRevID,
                                          FLSlice newRevID,
                                          FLSlice body,
                                          C4RevisionFlags flags)
            var history = new[] { newRevID, parentRevID };

            fixed(FLSlice *h = history)
                var rq = new C4DocPutRequest
                    existingRevision = true,
                    allowConflict    = true,
                    docID            = docID,
                    history          = h,
                    historyCount     = parentRevID.buf != null ? 2UL : 1UL,
                    body             = body,
                    revFlags         = flags,
                    save             = true

                var doc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => {
                    var localRq = rq;
                    return(Native.c4doc_put(db, &localRq, null, err));

Exemplo n.º 2
 public static C4Document *c4doc_update(C4Document *doc, byte[] revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error)
     fixed(byte *revisionBody_ = revisionBody)
         return(NativeRaw.c4doc_update(doc, new FLSlice(revisionBody_, revisionBody == null ? 0 : (ulong)revisionBody.Length), revisionFlags, error));
 internal ReplicatedDocument([NotNull] string docID, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error error,
                             bool isTransient)
     Id          = docID;
     Flags       = flags.ToDocumentFlags();
     NativeError = error;
     Error       = error.domain == 0 ? null : CouchbaseException.Create(error);
     IsTransient = isTransient;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static DocumentFlags ToDocumentFlags(this C4RevisionFlags flags)
            var retVal = (DocumentFlags)0;

            if (flags.HasFlag(C4RevisionFlags.Deleted))
                retVal |= DocumentFlags.Deleted;

            if (flags.HasFlag(C4RevisionFlags.Purged))
                retVal |= DocumentFlags.AccessRemoved;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private static bool PushFilterCallback(FLSlice docID, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, FLDict *dict, void *context)
            var replicator = GCHandle.FromIntPtr((IntPtr)context).Target as Replicator;

            if (replicator == null)
                WriteLog.To.Database.E(Tag, "Push filter context pointing to invalid object {0}, aborting and returning true...",

            var docIDStr = docID.CreateString();

            if (docIDStr == null)
                WriteLog.To.Database.E(Tag, "Null document ID received in push filter, rejecting...");

            var flags = revisionFlags.ToDocumentFlags();

            return(replicator.PushFilterCallback(docIDStr, dict, flags));
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void PutDocMustFail(string docID, string revID, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error expected)
     PutDocMustFail(Db, docID, revID, body, flags, expected);
 public static C4Document *c4doc_create(C4Database *db, FLSlice docID, FLSlice body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => Impl.c4doc_create(db, docID, body, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private C4Document *PutDoc(string docID, string revID, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags = 0)
     return(PutDoc(Db, docID, revID, body, flags));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private C4Document *PutDoc(C4Database *db, string docID, string revID, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error *error = null)
            LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(db, err));
            var success = false;

            try {
                using (var docID_ = new C4String(docID))
                    using (var revID_ = new C4String(revID))
                        using (var body_ = new C4String(body)) {
                            var history = new C4Slice[] { revID_.AsC4Slice() };
                            fixed(C4Slice *history_ = history)
                                var rq = new C4DocPutRequest
                                    allowConflict = false,
                                    docID         = docID_.AsC4Slice(),
                                    history       = revID == null ? null : history_,
                                    historyCount  = revID == null ? 0UL : 1UL,
                                    body          = body_.AsC4Slice(),
                                    revFlags      = flags,
                                    save          = true

                                C4Document *doc;

                                if (error != null)
                                    var local = rq;
                                    doc = Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, error);
                                    doc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err =>
                                        var local = rq;
                                        return(Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, err));

                                success = true;
            } finally {
                LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(db, success, err));
 public static C4Document *c4doc_update(C4Document *doc, FLSlice revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => Impl.c4doc_update(doc, revisionBody, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private C4Document *ForceInsert(C4Database *db, string docID, string[] history, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error *error = null)
            LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(db, err));
            var c4History = new C4String[history.Length];
            var success   = false;

            try {
                var i            = 0;
                var sliceHistory = new C4Slice[history.Length];
                foreach (var entry in history)
                    var c4Str = new C4String(entry);
                    c4History[i]      = c4Str;
                    sliceHistory[i++] = c4Str.AsC4Slice();

                using (var docID_ = new C4String(docID))
                    using (var body_ = new C4String(body))
                        fixed(C4Slice *sliceHistory_ = sliceHistory)
                            var rq = new C4DocPutRequest
                                docID            = docID_.AsC4Slice(),
                                existingRevision = true,
                                allowConflict    = true,
                                history          = sliceHistory_,
                                historyCount     = (ulong)history.Length,
                                body             = body_.AsC4Slice(),
                                revFlags         = flags,
                                save             = true

                            C4Document *doc;

                            if (error != null)
                                var local = rq;
                                doc = Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, error);
                                doc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err =>
                                    var local = rq;
                                    return(Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, err));

                            success = true;
            } finally {
                foreach (var entry in c4History)

                LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(db, success, err));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public bool c4doc_resolveConflict(C4Document *doc, string winningRevID, string losingRevID, byte[] mergedBody, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error) => Native.c4doc_resolveConflict(doc, winningRevID, losingRevID, mergedBody, mergedFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public C4Document *c4doc_update(C4Document *doc, byte[] revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => Native.c4doc_update(doc, revisionBody, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private C4Document *PutDoc(C4Database *db, string docID, string revID, FLSlice body, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error *error = null)
            LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(db, err));
            var success = false;

            try {
                var encoded = EncodeBodyIfJSON(body);
                using (var docID_ = new C4String(docID))
                    using (var revID_ = new C4String(revID)) {
                        var history = new FLSlice[] { revID_.AsFLSlice() };
                        fixed(FLSlice *history_ = history)
                            var rq = new C4DocPutRequest
                                allowConflict = false,
                                docID         = docID_.AsFLSlice(),
                                history       = revID == null ? null : history_,
                                historyCount  = revID == null ? 0UL : 1UL,
                                body          = encoded.buf == null ? body : (FLSlice)encoded,
                                revFlags      = flags,
                                remoteDBID    = _remoteDocID,
                                save          = true

                            C4Document *doc;

                            if (error != null)
                                var local = rq;
                                doc = Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, error);
                                doc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err =>
                                    var local = rq;
                                    return(Native.c4doc_put(db, &local, null, err));

                            success = true;
            } finally {
                LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(db, success, err));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static bool c4doc_resolveConflict(C4Document *doc, string winningRevID, string losingRevID, byte[] mergedBody, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error)
     using (var winningRevID_ = new C4String(winningRevID))
         using (var losingRevID_ = new C4String(losingRevID))
             fixed(byte *mergedBody_ = mergedBody)
                 return(NativeRaw.c4doc_resolveConflict(doc, winningRevID_.AsFLSlice(), losingRevID_.AsFLSlice(), new FLSlice(mergedBody_, mergedBody == null ? 0 : (ulong)mergedBody.Length), mergedFlags, error));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public C4Document *c4doc_update(C4Document *doc, C4Slice revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => NativeRaw.c4doc_update(doc, revisionBody, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public C4Document *c4doc_create(C4Database *db, C4Slice docID, C4Slice body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => NativeRaw.c4doc_create(db, docID, body, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public bool c4doc_resolveConflict(C4Document *doc, C4Slice winningRevID, C4Slice losingRevID, C4Slice mergedBody, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error) => NativeRaw.c4doc_resolveConflict(doc, winningRevID, losingRevID, mergedBody, mergedFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 19
        internal void CreateRev(C4Database *db, string docID, C4Slice revID, C4Slice body, C4RevisionFlags flags = (C4RevisionFlags)0)
            LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(db, err));
            try {
                var curDoc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4doc_get(db, docID,
                                                                                        false, err));
                var history = new[] { revID, curDoc->revID };
                fixed(C4Slice *h = history)
                    var rq = new C4DocPutRequest {
                        existingRevision = true,
                        docID            = curDoc->docID,
                        history          = h,
                        historyCount     = curDoc->revID.buf != null ? 2UL : 1UL,
                        body             = body,
                        revFlags         = flags,
                        save             = true

                    var doc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => {
                        var localRq = rq;
                        return(Native.c4doc_put(db, &localRq, null, err));

            } finally {
                LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(db, true, err));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static extern C4Document *c4doc_create(C4Database *db, FLSlice docID, FLSlice body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error);
Exemplo n.º 21
 internal void CreateRev(string docID, C4Slice revID, C4Slice body, C4RevisionFlags flags = (C4RevisionFlags)0)
     CreateRev(Db, docID, revID, body, flags);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public C4Document *c4doc_create(C4Database *db, string docID, byte[] body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error) => Native.c4doc_create(db, docID, body, revisionFlags, error);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static C4Document *c4doc_create(C4Database *db, string docID, byte[] body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error)
     using (var docID_ = new C4String(docID))
         fixed(byte *body_ = body)
             return(NativeRaw.c4doc_create(db, docID_.AsFLSlice(), new FLSlice(body_, body == null ? 0 : (ulong)body.Length), revisionFlags, error));
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void PutDocMustFail(C4Database *db, string docID, string revID, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags, C4Error expected)
            C4Error error;
            var     doc = PutDoc(db, docID, revID, body, flags, &error);

            ((IntPtr)doc).Should().Be(IntPtr.Zero, "because the put operation was expected to fail");
            WriteLine($"Error: {Native.c4error_getMessage(error)}");
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static extern bool c4doc_resolveConflict(C4Document *doc, FLSlice winningRevID, FLSlice losingRevID, FLSlice mergedBody, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private void ForceInsert(string docID, string[] history, string body, C4RevisionFlags flags = 0)
            var doc = ForceInsert(Db, docID, history, body, flags);

Exemplo n.º 27
 public static extern C4Document *c4doc_update(C4Document *doc, FLSlice revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error);
Exemplo n.º 28
 internal void CreateRev(C4Database *db, string docID, FLSlice revID, FLSlice body, C4RevisionFlags flags = (C4RevisionFlags)0)
     LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(db, err));
     try {
         var curDoc = (C4Document *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_getDoc(db, docID,
                                                                                   false, C4DocContentLevel.DocGetAll, err));
         FLSlice parentID;
         if (IsRevTrees(db))
             parentID = curDoc->revID;
         //    parentID = c4doc_getRevisionHistory(curDoc, 0, nullptr, 0);
         CreateConflictingRev(db, curDoc->docID, curDoc->revID, revID, body, flags);
     } finally {
         LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(db, true, err));