Exemplo n.º 1
 public S0(int f0, ulong f1, byte f2, long f3, long f4, C0 f5, uint f6, long f7, ushort f8)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public S0(sbyte f0, bool f1, C0 f2, byte f3, C0 f4, C0 f5, bool f6, ulong f7, char f8)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
Exemplo n.º 3
    static uint M1(C0 arg0, int[] arg1, char[][, ] arg2)
        bool vr0 = arg1[0] >= (0 & (193 + arg2[0][0, 0]));

        if (vr0)
            arg0.F0 = arg0.F0;

        System.Console.WriteLine((int)arg2[0][0, 0]);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public C1(long f0, long f1, C0 f2, short f3, C0 f4, bool f5, char f6, uint f7, char f8)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
Exemplo n.º 5
    static ulong[,, ] M5(bool arg0)
        long var0 = s_1.F6--;

        s_1.F0.F7 = 1U;
        C0[]  var1 = new C0[] { new C0(-2996, 2008882099U, 1, -28, 4294967295U, 2834630700U, -4666, 1368380916U), new C0(30443, 735461107U, -8856, 72, 1U, 3366168554U, 1, 1U), new C0(32767, 10U, -22346, -65, 2223668908U, 1U, -10, 2033699115U), new C0(-21499, 4294967294U, 1, 4, 1U, 3030681491U, 0, 1U), new C0(32766, 4294967294U, 32766, -124, 0U, 4294967294U, 0, 4294967295U) };
        ulong var2 = (ulong)(s_1.F0.F6-- & 1);

        return(new ulong[, , ] {
            { { 896716430632053698UL, 10UL, 5613209998712388529UL, 14452770232885656797UL, 11602252136539003599UL }, { 8790033834835683973UL, 10UL, 1UL, 12353008533131932571UL, 2UL }, { 1UL, 9991678318369306122UL, 1417418555483757432UL, 1UL, 18446744073709551614UL }, { 4369562282482349617UL, 5741473579237789260UL, 0UL, 0UL, 3487698446958004795UL }, { 12736594838733403673UL, 14597527970400761028UL, 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 10420391508735706117UL }, { 1UL, 1UL, 1UL, 5856695671272575571UL, 0UL }, { 9559275952496504208UL, 6302031629977123265UL, 2UL, 0UL, 2UL } }, { { 290586666213162964UL, 1440435112510727492UL, 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 15389044556539628401UL }, { 10UL, 0UL, 2524886632281035748UL, 12383231312386619174UL, 0UL }, { 12002808187557578099UL, 14089409107040939909UL, 7455482274965175341UL, 15662633326641901357UL, 9645194627838294272UL }, { 0UL, 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 1UL, 14966285351534028473UL }, { 1UL, 0UL, 4623400213037191682UL, 137546690577825201UL, 767868774054506888UL }, { 0UL, 10UL, 10UL, 8811007384651270621UL, 18446744073709551615UL }, { 1UL, 13224332548422620062UL, 0UL, 5005033255383736958UL, 4708316162106665292UL } }, { { 0UL, 958178710305443440UL, 8421224866554939471UL, 0UL, 10UL }, { 0UL, 13689474312125171320UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 15890811135064692225UL, 12413545626132418296UL }, { 1UL, 137224867345987906UL, 0UL, 18104997474481207560UL, 0UL }, { 15005078147296127924UL, 16490470838980109075UL, 6319136039919612700UL, 9955512098797198064UL, 8147227655338062682UL }, { 1UL, 9573832365375167764UL, 1UL, 0UL, 11977181861378606970UL }, { 10305276531710240143UL, 11959437841368967637UL, 17764893515629010128UL, 1UL, 0UL }, { 1UL, 8312728581178307648UL, 12640683394328200848UL, 8937230377267069880UL, 2107387276222904527UL } }, { { 1UL, 1UL, 14161300285909346826UL, 1UL, 4558889550213717161UL }, { 5429275311341396875UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 1UL, 10UL }, { 4524625149920041076UL, 0UL, 11199160477235382955UL, 8814998884750698466UL, 0UL }, { 10659120349977294744UL, 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 11411406052583178377UL, 10425294012698284233UL }, { 15441594964430028778UL, 1857362277612196910UL, 1UL, 7678342400626334054UL, 7906438225911299729UL }, { 3928872895283732838UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 0UL, 16732203495454912602UL, 1UL }, { 1260412262061046898UL, 1UL, 15237329964264628694UL, 2UL, 2342285666606416937UL } }, { { 16894670068106823387UL, 1UL, 11840146681617294316UL, 0UL, 0UL }, { 16442674924264585064UL, 1004238489720189882UL, 1UL, 0UL, 1UL }, { 8245580173884687931UL, 13786150293857537751UL, 7261858364007323550UL, 929670327219528119UL, 0UL }, { 1UL, 0UL, 12826152951524339389UL, 1UL, 0UL }, { 5018276528390649706UL, 1UL, 9042275107654452457UL, 6969250204940345511UL, 18446744073709551615UL }, { 11400674557838504233UL, 17548945051103099324UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 0UL, 4089098771894089435UL }, { 9620438085145891566UL, 1UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 7418308423583489813UL, 0UL } }, { { 10UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 3562454674265222305UL, 0UL, 1UL }, { 13601476817926055276UL, 1UL, 1UL, 0UL, 17297860162666329042UL }, { 16789076820280495838UL, 16425997123370303906UL, 3074885065769462142UL, 8950088051571979372UL, 6122379325149753790UL }, { 1799429806783017552UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 1UL, 18446744073709551614UL }, { 9137645768774341116UL, 753409949224343136UL, 0UL, 1UL, 2UL }, { 1UL, 0UL, 15441491164667606329UL, 8665054396075232495UL, 10UL }, { 1UL, 14797790590951365589UL, 0UL, 16025768623128942864UL, 0UL } }, { { 16986088033849144769UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 1UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 1UL }, { 10UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 10849774752611923231UL, 0UL, 0UL }, { 0UL, 2245902984853073865UL, 15109729989349307204UL, 16133850194325118159UL, 11245227768465649945UL }, { 0UL, 11642240337515300167UL, 1UL, 519122583645000347UL, 7424084781997203253UL }, { 664834156797107225UL, 0UL, 1UL, 6461648060154459799UL, 10144252567177442941UL }, { 17079357916094414008UL, 16379839916339142882UL, 1UL, 1UL, 1UL }, { 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 15265143639797084287UL, 10UL, 1UL } }, { { 18446744073709551614UL, 0UL, 0UL, 2253939432343909024UL, 18446744073709551615UL }, { 8702754247747301628UL, 14287648766498030604UL, 0UL, 1UL, 2739878632262606092UL }, { 18446744073709551614UL, 9492276609302247583UL, 14261884069418152929UL, 0UL, 18446744073709551615UL }, { 18446744073709551614UL, 15554454787008721347UL, 13892086259970330984UL, 13704860912783989365UL, 2435697907897324770UL }, { 18446744073709551614UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 5811622219736923435UL, 9173060989771568686UL, 1UL }, { 5274635553895451302UL, 0UL, 731965100725590073UL, 18446744073709551614UL, 15365116501448237666UL }, { 10743811606085353941UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 9207979534022600474UL, 1UL, 18446744073709551614UL } }
Exemplo n.º 6
    static long M32(C0[] arg0, ushort[] arg1, sbyte arg2, C0 arg3, int arg4)
        if (s_11)
            arg0 = new C0[] { new C0(9223372036854775806L), new C0(0L), new C0(-5871471952035520285L), new C0(6593614896491043418L), new C0(9223372036854775806L), new C0(-10L) };

        int[] var0 = new int[] { -1201986683, 0, 1, 0, -398218058, -467723619, -452473558, -328802172, 2125990574 };
        s_4        = 1;
        s_21[0][0] = s_20;
Exemplo n.º 7
    static short M26(char arg0, S0 arg1, short arg2)
        M27(s_18.F2.F0++, 65534);
        if (s_5[0])
            s_2.F2.F0 = arg1.F0;
            if (true)
                s_2.F2.F3 = s_2.F2.F3;
                ushort var0 = 63872;
                s_8 = 10;
                if (s_7)
                    if (s_9.F3)
                        ulong var1 = 18446744073709551615UL;

                    if (s_18.F2.F3)
                        s_18.F2 = new S0(3109480372353506562L, -3420, 49, true);
                        s_20   ^= s_18.F2.F1;
                        s_21    = -7000026258264821878L;
                        C0 var2 = s_18;
                        var2.F2.F3 = true;
                        s_22 = s_2.F2;
                    s_22.F2 = s_19.F2.F2;

            s_2.F2 = s_9;
            char var3 = arg0;
            s_16 = s_16;

        s_22.F2 = s_22.F2;
        int var4 = 2147483646;

        if (false)

Exemplo n.º 8
    static int M17(C0 arg0)
                arg0.F2 = arg0.F2;

        s_3        = s_3;
        arg0.F2.F0 = (int)('h' % (long)(arg0.F3++ | 1));
Exemplo n.º 9
 static void M0()
         if (true && M1())
             if (s_1[0].F2.F3)
                 C0 var0 = s_1[0].F2;
Exemplo n.º 10
    static ulong M21(C0 arg0, sbyte arg1, uint arg2, int arg3, int arg4, long arg5)
        if (false)
                arg2 = 4294967295U;

        arg0.F1 = arg0.F1--;
Exemplo n.º 11
    public static void Main()
        var vr4 = new C0();
        var vr5 = new int[] { 0 };
        var vr6 = new char[][, ] {
            new char[, ] {
                { 'k' }

        M1(vr4, vr5, vr6);
Exemplo n.º 12
    static long M20(sbyte arg0, uint arg1, ushort arg2, char arg3)
            s_8     = s_11.F4;
            s_11.F3 = s_3;
            C0 var0 = M21(s_3);

        s_6 = s_6;
Exemplo n.º 13
    static void M0()
        int var0 = (int)((-128 * (ushort)(65534 / (uint)((uint)(1 & (sbyte)((0UL & (ulong)(-9223372036854775808L % (long)((long)(18446744073709551614UL ^ (ulong)((uint)(-1179919793105633238L * (108 - (ushort)(M1((long)M1(M2((short)M2((short)M1(5422451845332906871L, new int[] { -2147483647, -1, -756634411, -1444907918, -2147483647, 886524400, -1, 1226488589, -1056231372 }), (char)(3143415928U % (sbyte)(M3() | 1)) * -1L, (sbyte)(1U ^ (ushort)M3()), new long[] { -5306611408457450675L, 2318044897245648154L, 1L, -1L, 0L }, (long)M1(M2((short)(0 & (ushort)M3()), M2(32767, (long)((char)(1UL % (byte)(M1(-9223372036854775807L, new int[] { -331030782, -1251908328, -1893365066, 2147483647, 1542499694, 1997692293, 1709609148, 2147483647, -975200795, -10 }) | 1)) * 15485), -127, new long[] { -10L, 1L, 4609153151225548231L, 814579391056389862L, 1L, 0L, -3119656256123773392L, 9223372036854775807L, -9223372036854775808L, 9223372036854775806L }, (long)M1(-2531735358315436393L, new int[] { 1194192021, -2147483647, -21186524, 1, 270478151, 2, -1365671523, 883245713, -1569676713 })), (sbyte)((sbyte)((uint)M3() ^ 0UL) + 1U), new long[] { 2L, 5768997717932742062L, -2971673738404392108L, 9223372036854775806L, -3102752253045401578L, 4878816027201924338L }, -4720341812847446202L), new int[] { 0, 1425118916 })), 9223372036854775806L, (sbyte)M1(-5332659344654103565L, new int[] { -669958512, 1, 371564839, 403563493, -1, -162633555 }), new long[] { 1246927005855916220L, 342333237271789832L, 4531405795627233907L, -8846824673828644131L, -1487897438306225194L, 3179119306362443807L }, 2L), new int[] { -634898994, 1788227482, -1814669586, 1, 0, -582588741 }), new int[] { 358759942, -2147483647, -211631944, -1087368984, -1, 2146934775 }) % (sbyte)(-1 | 1)))) / (int)(2147483647 | 1))) | 1))) % (byte)((byte)M2(3100, (long)M1(4664428605293318425L, new int[] { 687337050, 2147483646, -2147483647, -1215771685, -1 }), (sbyte)M1(1L, new int[] { 2147483646, 2147483646, 670232266 }), new long[] { -9223372036854775808L, 6910402348906931398L, -8576082469748724624L, -7699186859239239183L }, M2((short)(47134 | (ushort)M2((short)M3(), -9223372036854775808L, 126, new long[] { 0L, -4886737825476911618L, 10L, 9223372036854775807L, 2L, 1L }, M2(16422, 4212664103332942007L, 100, new long[] { -8874991460910046699L, -4077087545321912336L, 1L, 1L, 8216779287661689485L }, 4643950843450163451L))), -9223372036854775807L, (sbyte)(0 * (ulong)((char)M1(9223372036854775806L, new int[] { 1, 1, 1194357905, 1545006190, -587264827, 1536034573, 729065516 }) & 'T')), M4(s_16, 10), 0L)) | 1))) | 1))) % (uint)(1U | 1));

        s_12 = s_10;
        if (s_4)
            s_5 = new C0(16571141772980842397UL, '|', -32768);

        s_5.F0 = 2UL;
Exemplo n.º 14
    static sbyte[] M3(ulong[] arg0)
        arg0[0] = 1743909015293511463UL;
        byte var0 = 0;

        var0 = var0;
        if ('W' != (ushort)('D' % (sbyte)((sbyte)(-25592 + (ushort)(176062580 - M4(true, new C0('c', 'e', false, 114, 1, '=', -5426829830148475868L, 1249875238594058911L)))) | 1)))
            int var1 = -78557351;
                if ((short)M4(true, new C0('k', 'b', true, 127, 119, 'R', -9223372036854775808L, 1L)) < s_1)
                        ulong var2 = (ulong)M4(false, new C0('H', '[', true, 16, 101, '/', -1649406807118496110L, 5122261930460321587L));

            if (false)
                var0 = (byte)(M5() - var1);
                int var3 = s_4[0];
                    if (false && M16(M17(), s_9[0], arg0[0], (short)((sbyte)(4294967295U % (ulong)(arg0[0] | 1)) & -29311)))
                        C0 var4 = new C0('g', 'g', false, 1, 0, 'n', -8865729337190494817L, 1L);
                        s_3 = var4.F1;

                    s_2 >>= var1--;

            if (true)
                s_4[0] = (int)(s_2 - s_7);
            s_8 = s_8;
            short var5 = 21105;

        int var6 = s_4[0];

        return(new sbyte[] { -76 });
Exemplo n.º 15
    static char M4(byte arg0)
        arg0 <<= 2;
        ushort var0 = (ushort)(-10 / (int)(((char)((sbyte)(0 + (short)(126 ^ (short)(27137 ^ (53048 * arg0)))) & -49) + 32766) | 1));

        var0 = var0;
        if (false)
            arg0 &= arg0;
            if ('a' <= 0U)
                if (false)
                        int[] var1 = new int[] { 1024737796 };
                        int   var2 = var1[0];
                        arg0  = 1;
                        var1  = var1;
                        var2 &= -1606077748;

                    bool var3 = true;
                    sbyte[] var4 = new sbyte[] { 1, 126, 0, -87, 99, -128, -40, 0, -53, -25 };
                    C0      var5 = new C0(10UL, 513410341226611911UL, -2147483647, 0L, 1671064780U, 143, 127, 22608, 0, false);
                    var4    = new sbyte[] { 0, 30, -33, 10, 65, -118 };
                    var4[0] = var5.F6;
                    var0   += var5.F7;
                    if (var5.F9)
                        var5.F6 = 126;
                        sbyte var6 = var4[0];
                        var5.F5 = var5.F8;
                var0 = 57426;

            bool var7 = false;

        M5(new long[] { -9070654864914149346L, 1L, 8015517668636440842L, 8296915857675483330L });
        return((char)M5(new long[] { -8737843564207994145L, -1458301299563361438L }));
Exemplo n.º 16
    static uint M13()
        s_1 = s_1;
        s_2 = -32768;
        if (s_1)
            s_4 = (byte)(-1423669060 + (sbyte)M16()) >= (char)M16();
            if (s_1)
                s_5 = s_5;

            if (s_1)
                    if (true)
                        byte var0 = 0;
                        C0   var1 = new C0(819843336628166134UL, '$', -29421);
                        s_6     = 61;
                        var1.F2 = 1;
                        s_5.F1  = var1.F1;
            C0   var2 = new C0(1UL, '#', 2);
            byte var3 = 1;
            if (false)
                s_1 = s_1;

        s_3 = (long)M16();
        s_7 = s_6;
        s_2 = 0;
        C0 var4 = s_5;

Exemplo n.º 17
    static S1 M3(bool[][] arg0)
        short var0 = 6230;

        ushort[][] var1 = new ushort[][] { new ushort[] { 22024, 2 }, new ushort[] { 1, 0, 63536, 65534, 1, 1, 28828 }, new ushort[] { 0, 63692, 3470, 2, 65535 }, new ushort[] { 0, 65534, 12062, 65535, 62383, 19020 }, new ushort[] { 65535, 1, 65535, 24130, 0, 17939 }, new ushort[] { 17795, 21327, 1 }, new ushort[] { 20382, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, new ushort[] { 1, 10, 198, 10, 2, 0 }, new ushort[] { 65534, 45565 }, new ushort[] { 65535, 65535, 20534 } };
            s_4 = new C0(32767, 13479147977851565479UL, 1, 20750, -84);

Exemplo n.º 18
    static byte M2()
            if (true)
                M3(new ulong[] { 18446744073709551614UL, 1UL, 0UL, 6737466464606320774UL, 10770990402988115905UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 13382230202637576826UL });
                C0 var0 = new C0('I', 'J', false, 125, 175, '\\', 3330532316061955158L, 5016504866571412825L);

Exemplo n.º 19
    static sbyte M14()
        s_2 = s_2--;
        s_2 = s_2;
            if (false)
                C0 var0 = new C0(10, -366140311, new S0(-680945163), 2640809082419203915L, 2UL, 2164381508U, new S0(-2077895904), -1123810956, 0);

Exemplo n.º 20
 public C1(ushort f0, long f1, uint f2, C0 f3, C0 f4, ulong f5, short f6, C0 f7, uint f8, long f9)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
     F9 = f9;
Exemplo n.º 21
    static char[][] M9()
        if ((ulong)(s_2.F3-- | '!') <= s_4[0][0])
            C0    var0 = new C0(1, 1U, new S0(-3808086372573191550L, -1999, 81, true), 127);
            short var1 = s_2.F2.F1;
            s_5 = s_5;

        s_3    = s_2.F0;
        s_2.F0 = -10;
Exemplo n.º 22
    static byte M2(C0 arg0)
        arg0.F2 &= arg0.F2;
        s_1      = s_1;
        s_2      = 1UL;
        if (true)
            arg0.F3 = arg0.F3;

        return((byte)((uint)M8() | arg0.F3));
Exemplo n.º 23
    static long M18(C0 arg0)
        if (arg0.F6)
            arg0.F5.F6 = arg0.F5.F6;
            long var0 = arg0.F0;
                s_2 = s_2;

Exemplo n.º 24
    static bool M15(C0 arg0, ushort arg1)


Exemplo n.º 25
 public C3(uint f0, C0 f1, ulong f2, long f3, ulong f4, short f5, C0 f6, long f7, short f8, int f9)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
     F9 = f9;
Exemplo n.º 26
    public static void Main()
        C0 vr103 = s_13.F8;

        s_8          = vr103;
        s_2[0].F6    = -19238;
        s_8.F3       = s_2[0].F6;
        s_2[0].F0.F3 = s_13.F8.F3;
        char vr119 = (char)(10L | s_2[0].F0.F3);
        uint vr86  = vr119;

Exemplo n.º 27
    public static int Main()
        var vr6 = new C0(0, false, 0, 0);

        } catch (NullReferenceException ex)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static bool Run()
     s_1 = new C0();
     catch (NullReferenceException)
Exemplo n.º 29
 public S0(bool f0, C0 f1, C2 f2, sbyte f3, char f4, ulong f5, ushort f6, bool f7, C0 f8, long f9)
     F0 = f0;
     F1 = f1;
     F2 = f2;
     F3 = f3;
     F4 = f4;
     F5 = f5;
     F6 = f6;
     F7 = f7;
     F8 = f8;
     F9 = f9;
Exemplo n.º 30
    static sbyte M15()
        if (false)
            if (true)
                s_10 = s_10;
                if (false)
                    M16(new char[] { '^', '-', 'm', 't', '^', '7', '7' }, s_1, s_1++);
                    s_9 = s_9;
                    s_4.F2 = s_4.F2;

                s_4.F1 = 'L';
                ulong var0 = s_6;
                s_5 = s_5;
                C1 var1 = new C1(new C0(true, -128, 2, 1U), 11252902194693177380UL, 0, false, 7444849323244407374UL);
                s_5 = s_3;

            s_7             = s_7;
            s_12            = (byte)M19(1U);
            s_5             = s_4.F2;
            s_8[0, 0]       = 'Z';
            s_7[0][0]       = s_10[0];
            long[][, ] var2 = new long[][, ] {
                new long[, ] {
                    { -9223372036854775807L, -2613488161368943818L, 8395013697458421479L, 2L, 9223372036854775807L }
                }, new long[, ] {
                    { -2434025999972665133L, 1L, 1L, 2L, -9223372036854775808L }
                }, new long[, ] {
                    { 9223372036854775807L, -930161501239541912L, -9223372036854775808L, 7917321917395049542L, 0L }
                s_7[0] = s_10;

            C0 var3 = new C0(false, 42, 126, 3807330386U);
            s_8[0, 0] = 'F';

Exemplo n.º 31
        public void UnresolvedReferences()
            var dslContainer = new DslContainerAccessor();

            var missing = new C0 { Name = "X" };

            var a = new C0 { Name = "A" }; // should be resolved
            var b = new C1 { Name = "B", Ref1 = a }; // should be resolved
            var c = new C1 { Name = "C", Ref1 = b }; // should be resolved
            var d = new C2 { Name = "D", Ref1 = c, Ref2 = missing }; // unresolved
            var i = new C1 { Name = "I", Ref1 = d }; // resolved, but references unresolved
            var j = new C1 { Name = "J", Ref1 = i }; // resolved, but indirectly references unresolved

            var e = new C1 { Name = "E" }; // should be resolved, circular reference should not be a problem
            var f = new C1 { Name = "F" }; // should be resolved, circular reference should not be a problem
            e.Ref1 = f;
            f.Ref1 = e;

            var g = new C2 { Name = "G", Ref2 = missing }; // unresolved
            var h = new C1 { Name = "H" }; // resolved, but references unresolved
            g.Ref1 = h;
            h.Ref1 = g;

            var newConcepts = dslContainer.AddNewConceptsAndReplaceReferences(new IConceptInfo[] { a }).NewUniqueConcepts;
            Assert.AreEqual("A", TestUtility.DumpSorted(newConcepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));
            Assert.AreEqual("A", TestUtility.DumpSorted(dslContainer.Concepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));

            newConcepts = dslContainer.AddNewConceptsAndReplaceReferences(new IConceptInfo[] { i, d, c, b, e, f, g, h, i, j, a }).NewUniqueConcepts;
            Assert.AreEqual("B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J", TestUtility.DumpSorted(newConcepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));
            Assert.AreEqual("A, B, C, E, F", TestUtility.DumpSorted(dslContainer.Concepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));

            newConcepts = dslContainer.AddNewConceptsAndReplaceReferences(new IConceptInfo[] { i, d, c, b, e, f, g, h, i, j, a }).NewUniqueConcepts;
            Assert.AreEqual("", TestUtility.DumpSorted(newConcepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));
            Assert.AreEqual("A, B, C, E, F", TestUtility.DumpSorted(dslContainer.Concepts, item => ((dynamic)item).Name));

            var ex = TestUtility.ShouldFail<DslSyntaxException>(
                () => dslContainer.ReportErrorForUnresolvedConcepts(),
                "Referenced concept is not defined in DSL scripts",

            Assert.IsTrue(new IConceptInfo[] { d, i, j, g, h }
                .Any(conceptInfo => ex.Message.Contains(conceptInfo.GetUserDescription())));