Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// Raises IOException if cannot open port, or if some error happened during reading or writing port settings. Read the exception message to clarify.
        /// </exception>
        public void Open()
            serialHandle = NativeMethods.CreateFile("\\\\.\\" + this.PortName, (uint)(EFileAccess.FILE_GENERIC_READ | EFileAccess.FILE_GENERIC_WRITE), 0, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)ECreationDisposition.OpenExisting, (uint)EFileAttributes.Normal, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (serialHandle.IsInvalid)
                throw new IOException("Cannot open " + this.PortName);
            // Flush the input and output buffer and abort all outstanding overlapped read and write operations

            Debug.WriteLine("Before :" + BytesToRead.ToString());

            COMMTIMEOUTS timeout = new COMMTIMEOUTS();

            timeout.ReadIntervalTimeout         = 0;
            timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 0;
            timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 0;
            timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = 0;
            timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;

            if (!NativeMethods.SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, ref timeout))
                throw new IOException("SetCommTimeouts error!");

            IsOpen = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public bool ReadBufferCount(byte[] bt, int nCount)
     if (ReadBuffer(bt, nCount) < nCount)
         Debug.Print("Red:Read=" + BytesToRead.ToString() + ":" + nCount.ToString());
         Debug.Print("Error Waste:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
            private bool Download(string location, StreamCache output)
                int  maxMessageLength;
                long fileLength, bytesReceived = 0;
                Guid transferId = Guid.NewGuid();

                byte[] serverKeyBits;
                byte[] nonce  = GetNonce(transferId, location, out serverKeyBits);
                Hash   hnonce = Hash.SHA256(nonce);

                //STEP 2: Create and send session key
                Salt clientKeyBits = new Salt(Salt.Size.b256);
                Salt sessionKey    = SessionSecret(clientKeyBits, serverKeyBits);

                using (Message req = new Message(TransferState.DownloadRequest, transferId, _publicKey, NoSession))

                    Stream response = SendPayload(req, location, req.ToStream(_privateKey));
                    using (Message rsp = new Message(response, _privateKey, s => sessionKey))
                        Check.Assert <InvalidOperationException>(rsp.State == TransferState.DownloadResponse);
                        maxMessageLength = Check.InRange(rsp.ReadInt32(), 0, int.MaxValue);
                        fileLength       = Check.InRange(rsp.ReadInt64(), 0, 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
                        byte[] bytes = rsp.ReadBytes(100 * 1000 * 1024);

                        using (Stream io = output.Open(FileAccess.Write))
                            if (bytes.Length > 0)
                                io.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                io.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                bytesReceived += bytes.Length;
                //STEP 3...n: Continue downloading other chunks of the file
                if (bytesReceived < fileLength)
                    bool[] failed = new bool[1];
                    using (WorkQueue queue = new WorkQueue(LimitThreads))
                        queue.OnError += (o, e) => { failed[0] = true; };
                        while (bytesReceived < fileLength && !failed[0] && !_abort.WaitOne(0, false))
                            int         len  = (int)Math.Min(fileLength - bytesReceived, maxMessageLength);
                            BytesToRead task = new BytesToRead(
                                this, LimitThreads, transferId, sessionKey, location, output, bytesReceived, len);
                            OnProgressChanged(location, bytesReceived, fileLength);
                            bytesReceived += len;

                        queue.Complete(true, failed[0] ? 5000 : 7200000);

                    if (_abort.WaitOne(0, false))
                    Check.Assert <InvalidDataException>(failed[0] == false);

                    // STEP 4: Complete the transfer
                    using (Message req = new Message(TransferState.DownloadCompleteRequest, transferId, _publicKey, s => sessionKey))
                        SendPayload(req, location, req.ToStream(_privateKey)).Dispose();
                OnProgressChanged(location, fileLength, fileLength);
            private bool Download(string location, StreamCache output)
                int maxMessageLength;
                long fileLength, bytesReceived = 0;
                Guid transferId = Guid.NewGuid();
                byte[] serverKeyBits;
                byte[] nonce = GetNonce(transferId, location, out serverKeyBits);
                Hash hnonce = Hash.SHA256(nonce);

                //STEP 2: Create and send session key
                Salt clientKeyBits = new Salt(Salt.Size.b256);
                Salt sessionKey = SessionSecret(clientKeyBits, serverKeyBits);

                using (Message req = new Message(TransferState.DownloadRequest, transferId, _publicKey, NoSession))

                    Stream response = SendPayload(req, location, req.ToStream(_privateKey));
                    using (Message rsp = new Message(response, _privateKey, s=>sessionKey))
                        Check.Assert<InvalidOperationException>(rsp.State == TransferState.DownloadResponse);
                        maxMessageLength = Check.InRange(rsp.ReadInt32(), 0, int.MaxValue);
                        fileLength = Check.InRange(rsp.ReadInt64(), 0, 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
                        byte[] bytes = rsp.ReadBytes(100 * 1000 * 1024);

                        using(Stream io = output.Open(FileAccess.Write))
                            if (bytes.Length > 0)
                                io.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                io.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                bytesReceived += bytes.Length;
                //STEP 3...n: Continue downloading other chunks of the file
                if (bytesReceived < fileLength)
                    bool[] failed = new bool[1];
                    using (WorkQueue queue = new WorkQueue(LimitThreads))
                        queue.OnError += (o, e) => { failed[0] = true; };
                        while (bytesReceived < fileLength && !failed[0] && !_abort.WaitOne(0, false))
                            int len = (int) Math.Min(fileLength - bytesReceived, maxMessageLength);
                            BytesToRead task = new BytesToRead(
                                this, LimitThreads, transferId, sessionKey, location, output, bytesReceived, len);
                            OnProgressChanged(location, bytesReceived, fileLength);
                            bytesReceived += len;

                        queue.Complete(true, failed[0] ? 5000 : 7200000);

                    if (_abort.WaitOne(0, false))
                        return false;
                    Check.Assert<InvalidDataException>(failed[0] == false);

                    // STEP 4: Complete the transfer
                    using (Message req = new Message(TransferState.DownloadCompleteRequest, transferId, _publicKey, s => sessionKey))
                        SendPayload(req, location, req.ToStream(_privateKey)).Dispose();
                OnProgressChanged(location, fileLength, fileLength);
                return true;