Exemplo n.º 1
        public VHDFooter(byte[] buffer)
            Cookie             = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 8);
            Features           = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x08);
            FileFormatVersion  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x0C);
            DataOffset         = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x10);
            TimeStamp          = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x18);
            CreatorApplication = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x1C, 4);
            CreatorVersion     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x20);
            CreatorHostOS      = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x24);
            OriginalSize       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x28);
            CurrentSize        = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x30);
            DiskGeometry       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x38);
            DiskType           = (VirtualHardDiskType)BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x3C);
            uint checksum = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x40);

            UniqueId   = BigEndianConverter.ToGuid(buffer, 0x44);
            SavedState = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, 0x54);

            byte[] temp = (byte[])buffer.Clone();
            BigEndianWriter.WriteInt32(temp, 0x40, 0);
            uint expectedChecksum = CalculateChecksum(temp);

            m_isValid = String.Equals(Cookie, VirtualHardDiskCookie) && (checksum == expectedChecksum) && (FileFormatVersion == 0x00010000);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public VolumeManagerDatabaseHeader(byte[] buffer)
            Signature           = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 4);
            NumberOfVBlks       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x04);
            BlockSize           = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x08);
            HeaderSize          = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x0C);
            UpdateStatus        = (DatabaseHeaderUpdateStatus)BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x10);
            MajorVersion        = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x12);
            MinorVersion        = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x14);
            DiskGroupName       = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x16, 31).Trim('\0');
            DiskGroupGuidString = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x35, 64).Trim('\0');

            CommitTransactionID  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x75);
            PendingTransactionID = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x7D);

            CommittedTotalNumberOfVolumeRecords     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x85);
            CommittedTotalNumberOfComponentRecords  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x89);
            CommittedTotalNumberOfExtentRecords     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x8D);
            CommittedTotalNumberOfDiskRecords       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x91);
            CommittedTotalNumberOfDiskAccessRecords = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x95);
            // Unused 8 bytes
            PendingTotalNumberOfVolumeRecords     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0xA1);
            PendingTotalNumberOfComponentRecords  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0xA5);
            PendingTotalNumberOfExtentRecords     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0xA9);
            PendingTotalNumberOfDiskRecords       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0xAD);
            PendingTotalNumberOfDiskAccessRecords = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0xB1);
            // Unused 8 bytes
            LastModificationDT = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BigEndianConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0xBD));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static string SecondLevelDecoding(byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            byte labelLength = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);

            while (labelLength > 0)
                if (builder.Length > 0)

                // The high order two bits of the length field must be zero
                if (labelLength > 63)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid NetBIOS label length");

                string label = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset, labelLength);
                offset += labelLength;

                labelLength = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static TOCBlock ReadFromDisk(Disk disk, PrivateHeader privateHeader, bool usePrimaryTOC)
            ulong sectorIndex;

            if (usePrimaryTOC)
                sectorIndex = privateHeader.PrivateRegionStartLBA + privateHeader.PrimaryTocLBA;
                sectorIndex = privateHeader.PrivateRegionStartLBA + privateHeader.SecondaryTocLBA;

            byte[] sector    = disk.ReadSector((long)sectorIndex);
            string signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(sector, 0x00, 8);

            if (signature == TOCBlockSignature)
                TOCBlock tocBlock = new TOCBlock(sector);
                if (tocBlock.IsChecksumValid)

Exemplo n.º 5
        public TOCBlock(byte[] buffer)
            if (buffer.Length > Length)
                // Checksum only applies to the first 512 bytes (even when the sector size > 512 bytes)
                buffer = ByteReader.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 512);
            Signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 8);
            uint checksum = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x08);

            UpdateSequenceNumber = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x0C);
            // 16 zeros
            int offset = 0x24;

            // If the first character is not null (0x00), then there is a region defined
            while (buffer[offset] != 0)
                TOCRegion region = new TOCRegion(buffer, offset);
                offset += TOCRegion.Length;

            BigEndianWriter.WriteUInt32(buffer, 0x08, (uint)0); // we exclude the checksum field from checksum calculations
            m_isChecksumValid = (checksum == PrivateHeader.CalculateChecksum(buffer));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Read port_any_t string structure
        /// </summary>
        public static string ReadPortAddress(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            ushort length = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0);

            // The length includes the C NULL string termination
            return(ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 2, length - 1));
        public DynamicDiskHeader(byte[] buffer)
            Cookie          = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 8);
            DataOffset      = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x08);
            TableOffset     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0x10);
            HeaderVersion   = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x18);
            MaxTableEntries = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x1C);
            BlockSize       = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x20);
            uint checksum = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x24);

            ParentUniqueID      = BigEndianConverter.ToGuid(buffer, 0x28);
            ParentTimeStamp     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x38);
            Reserved            = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x3C);
            ParentUnicodeName   = ByteReader.ReadUTF16String(buffer, 0x40, 256).TrimEnd('\0');
            ParentLocatorEntry1 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x240);
            ParentLocatorEntry2 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x258);
            ParentLocatorEntry3 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x270);
            ParentLocatorEntry4 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x288);
            ParentLocatorEntry5 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x2A0);
            ParentLocatorEntry6 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x2B8);
            ParentLocatorEntry7 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x2D0);
            ParentLocatorEntry8 = new ParentLocatorEntry(buffer, 0x2E8);

            byte[] temp = (byte[])buffer.Clone();
            BigEndianWriter.WriteInt32(temp, 0x24, 0);
            uint expectedChecksum = VHDFooter.CalculateChecksum(temp);

            m_isValid = String.Equals(Cookie, DynamidDiskHeaderCookie) && (checksum == expectedChecksum) && (HeaderVersion == 0x00010000);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public RAID5ManagerBootRecord(byte[] buffer)
            Signature      = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
            RecordRevision = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, 8);
            Operation      = (RAID5ManagerOperation)BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 9);

            ReadOperationParameters(buffer, 16);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public FullExtendedAttribute(byte[] buffer, int offset)
     ExtendedAttributeFlag       = (ExtendedAttributeFlags)ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, offset);
     AttributeNameLengthInBytes  = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, offset + 1);
     AttributeValueLengthInBytes = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 2);
     AttributeName  = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 4, AttributeNameLengthInBytes);
     AttributeValue = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 4 + AttributeNameLengthInBytes + 1, AttributeValueLengthInBytes);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public DynamicDiskPartitionerResumeRecord(byte[] buffer)
            Signature      = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
            RecordRevision = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, 8);
            Operation      = (DynamicDiskPartitionerOperation)BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 9);

            ReadOperationParameters(buffer, 16);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public FileRecordSegment(byte[] buffer, int offset, int bytesPerSector, long segmentNumber)
            Signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 0x00, 4);

            ushort updateSequenceArrayOffset = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x04);
            ushort updateSequenceArraySize   = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x06);

            LogFileSequenceNumber = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, offset + 0x08);
            SequenceNumber        = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x10);
            HardLinkCount         = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x12);
            ushort firstAttributeOffset = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x14);

            m_flags = (FileRecordFlags)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x16);
            uint segmentRealSize      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 0x18);
            uint segmentAllocatedSize = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 0x1C);

            BaseFileRecordSegmentNumber = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, offset + 0x20);
            NextAttributeId             = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x28);
            // 2 zeros - padding
            MftSegmentNumberXP = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 0x2C);

            // There is an UpdateSequenceNumber for the FileRecordSegment,
            // and an entry in the UpdateSequenceArray for each sector of the record
            // The last two bytes of each sector contains this entry for integrity-check purposes
            int position = offset + updateSequenceArrayOffset;

            UpdateSequenceNumber = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, position);
            position            += 2;
            // This stores the data that was supposed to be placed at the end of each sector, and was replaced with an UpdateSequenceNumber
            List <byte[]> updateSequenceReplacementData = new List <byte[]>();

            for (int index = 0; index < updateSequenceArraySize - 1; index++)
                byte[] endOfSectorBytes = new byte[2];
                endOfSectorBytes[0] = buffer[position + 0];
                endOfSectorBytes[1] = buffer[position + 1];
                position += 2;

            MultiSectorHelper.DecodeSegmentBuffer(buffer, offset, UpdateSequenceNumber, updateSequenceReplacementData);

            // read attributes
            position = offset + firstAttributeOffset;
            while (!IsEndMarker(buffer, position))
                AttributeRecord attribute = AttributeRecord.FromBytes(buffer, position);

                position += (int)attribute.StoredRecordLength;
                if (position > buffer.Length)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Improper attribute length");

            m_mftSegmentNumber = segmentNumber;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public FileFullEAInformation(byte[] buffer, int offset)
     NextEntryOffset = LittleEndianReader.ReadUInt32(buffer, ref offset);
     Flags           = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);
     EaNameLength    = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);
     EaValueLength   = LittleEndianReader.ReadUInt16(buffer, ref offset);
     EaName          = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, ref offset, EaNameLength);
     EaValue         = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, ref offset, EaValueLength);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected static string ReadVarString(byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
            int length = buffer[offset];

            string result = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 1, length);

            offset += length + 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static string ReadFixedLengthString(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, bool isUnicode, int byteCount)
            if (isUnicode)
                return(ByteReader.ReadUTF16String(buffer, ref offset, byteCount / 2));

            return(ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, ref offset, byteCount));
        public ushort CopyNumber; // copy number, always 00 01
        // 4 zero bytes

        public TOCRegion(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            Name        = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 0x00, 8).Trim('\0');
            RegionFlags = (TOCRegionFlags)BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x08);
            StartLBA    = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, offset + 0x0A);
            SizeLBA     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, offset + 0x12);
            Unknown     = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x1A);
            CopyNumber  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset + 0x1C);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public FileFullEAEntry(byte[] buffer, int offset)
     NextEntryOffset = LittleEndianReader.ReadUInt32(buffer, ref offset);
     Flags           = (ExtendedAttributeFlags)ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);
     EaNameLength    = ByteReader.ReadByte(buffer, ref offset);
     EaValueLength   = LittleEndianReader.ReadUInt16(buffer, ref offset);
     EaName          = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, ref offset, EaNameLength);
     offset++; // terminating null
     EaValue = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, ref offset, EaValueLength);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static bool IsSignatureValid(byte[] messageBytes)
            if (messageBytes.Length < 8)
            string signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(messageBytes, 0, 8);

            return(signature == AuthenticateMessage.ValidSignature);
Exemplo n.º 18
 protected DatabaseRecordFragment(byte[] buffer)
     Signature      = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 4);
     SequenceNumber = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x04);
     GroupNumber    = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0x08);
     NumberInGroup  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x0C);
     FragmentCount  = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x0E);
     Data           = new byte[buffer.Length - HeaderLength];
     Array.Copy(buffer, 0x10, Data, 0, buffer.Length - HeaderLength);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public NegotiateMessage(byte[] buffer)
     Signature      = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
     MessageType    = (MessageTypeName)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8);
     NegotiateFlags = (NegotiateFlags)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 12);
     DomainName     = AuthenticationMessageUtils.ReadAnsiStringBufferPointer(buffer, 16);
     Workstation    = AuthenticationMessageUtils.ReadAnsiStringBufferPointer(buffer, 24);
     if ((NegotiateFlags & NegotiateFlags.Version) > 0)
         Version = new NTLMVersion(buffer, 32);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private byte[] DecryptHeader(byte[] headerBytes, byte[] password)
            Pbkdf2 pbkdf2;

            KeyValuePairList <HMAC, int> hmacs = new KeyValuePairList <HMAC, int>();

            hmacs.Add(new HMACSHA512(), 1000);
            hmacs.Add(new HMACRIPEMD160(), 2000);
            hmacs.Add(new HMACWhirlpool(), 1000);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <HMAC, int> entry in hmacs)
                HMAC hmac       = entry.Key;
                int  iterations = entry.Value;
                pbkdf2 = new Pbkdf2(hmac, password, Salt, iterations);
                byte[] key = pbkdf2.GetBytes(192);

                List <KeyValuePairList <SymmetricAlgorithm, byte[]> > algorithms = GetAlgorithms(key);

                foreach (KeyValuePairList <SymmetricAlgorithm, byte[]> algorithmChain in algorithms)
                    byte[] decrypt = (byte[])headerBytes.Clone();

                    // TrueCrypt 7.1a Source (Common\Crypto.c):
                    // ----------------------------------------
                    // When encrypting/decrypting a buffer (typically a volume header) the sequential number
                    // of the first XTS data unit in the buffer is always 0 and the start of the buffer is
                    // always assumed to be aligned with the start of the data unit 0.
                    decrypt = XTSHelper.XTSChainDecrypt(algorithmChain, 0, decrypt, 0, 448);

                    string signature     = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(decrypt, 0, 4);
                    ushort formatVersion = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(decrypt, 4);
                    uint   checksum256   = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt32(decrypt, 8);

                    byte[] temp             = ByteReader.ReadBytes(decrypt, 192, 256);
                    uint   computedChecksum = Utilities.CRC32.Compute(temp);

                    if (signature == TrueCryptSignature && checksum256 == computedChecksum)
                        m_isValid = true;
                        if (formatVersion == SupportedFormatVersion)
                            m_isSupported = true;
                        m_algorithmChain = algorithmChain;
                        m_hmac           = hmac;

Exemplo n.º 21
        public PSTHeader(byte[] buffer)
            dwMagic         = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 4);
            CRCPartial      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 4);
            wMagicClient    = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 8, 2);
            wVer            = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 10);
            wVerClient      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 12);
            bPlatformCreate = buffer[14];
            bPlatformAccess = buffer[15];

            dwReserved1 = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 16);
            dwReserved2 = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 20);
            // bidUnused - which is not necessarily zeroed out
            bidUnused = new BlockID(buffer, 24);
            bidNextP  = new BlockID(buffer, 32);

            dwUnique = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 40);
            int position = 44;

            for (int index = 0; index < 32; index++)
                rgnid[index] = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, position);
                position    += 4;

            root = new RootStructure(buffer, 180);

            dwAlign = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 252);
            Array.Copy(buffer, 256, rgbFM, 0, 128);
            Array.Copy(buffer, 384, rgbFP, 0, 128);
            bSentinel    = buffer[512];
            bCryptMethod = (bCryptMethodName)buffer[513];

            bidNextB = new BlockID(buffer, 516);

            dwCRCFull = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 524);
            Array.Copy(buffer, 528, rgbReserved2, 0, 3);
            bReserved = buffer[531];
            Array.Copy(buffer, 532, rgbReserved3, 0, 32);

            uint partial = PSTCRCCalculation.ComputeCRC(buffer, 8, 471);

            if (partial != CRCPartial)
                throw new InvalidChecksumException();
            uint full = PSTCRCCalculation.ComputeCRC(buffer, 8, 516);

            if (full != dwCRCFull)
                throw new InvalidChecksumException();
Exemplo n.º 22
 public Section32(byte[] buffer, int offset)
     SectionName               = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 0, 16).Trim('\0');
     SegmentName               = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, offset + 16, 16).Trim('\0');
     Address                   = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 32);
     Size                      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 36);
     Offset                    = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 40);
     Align                     = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 44);
     RelocationOffset          = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 48);
     NumberOfRelocationOffsets = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 52);
     Flags                     = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 56);
     Reserved1                 = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 60);
     Reserved2                 = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 64);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static DatabaseRecordFragment GetDatabaseRecordFragment(byte[] buffer)
            string signature     = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x00, 4);
            ushort fragmentCount = BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0x0E);

            if (fragmentCount == 0 || signature != "VBLK")
                return(new DatabaseRecordFragment(buffer));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public ChallengeMessage(byte[] buffer)
     Signature       = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
     MessageType     = (MessageTypeName)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8);
     TargetName      = AuthenticationMessageUtils.ReadUnicodeStringBufferPointer(buffer, 12);
     NegotiateFlags  = (NegotiateFlags)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 20);
     ServerChallenge = ByteReader.ReadBytes(buffer, 24, 8);
     // Reserved
     TargetInfo = AuthenticationMessageUtils.ReadBufferPointer(buffer, 40);
     if ((NegotiateFlags & NegotiateFlags.Version) > 0)
         Version = new NTLMVersion(buffer, 48);
        public static NTFSBootRecord ReadRecord(byte[] buffer)
            string OEMID   = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0x03, SignatureLength);
            bool   isValid = String.Equals(OEMID, ValidSignature);

            if (isValid)
                return(new NTFSBootRecord(buffer));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static GuidPartitionTableHeader ReadFromDisk(Disk disk, long sectorIndex)
            byte[] buffer    = disk.ReadSector(sectorIndex);
            string signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
            uint   revision  = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8);
            uint   crc32     = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 16);

            if (signature == GuidPartitionTableSignature &&
                revision == GuidPartitionTableRevision &&
                crc32 == ComputeCRC32(buffer))
                return(new GuidPartitionTableHeader(buffer));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public static VolumeManagerDatabaseHeader ReadFromDisk(Disk disk, PrivateHeader privateHeader, TOCBlock tocBlock)
            ulong sectorIndex = privateHeader.PrivateRegionStartLBA + tocBlock.ConfigStart;

            byte[] sector    = disk.ReadSector((long)sectorIndex);
            string signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(sector, 0x00, 4);

            if (signature == VolumeManagerDatabaseSignature)
                return(new VolumeManagerDatabaseHeader(sector));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void WriteToDisk(Disk disk, PrivateHeader privateHeader)
            byte[] bytes = privateHeader.GetBytes();

            disk.WriteSectors((long)(privateHeader.PrivateRegionStartLBA + privateHeader.PrimaryPrivateHeaderLBA), bytes);
            disk.WriteSectors((long)(privateHeader.PrivateRegionStartLBA + privateHeader.SecondaryPrivateHeaderLBA), bytes);

            // update sector 6 if a Private Header is already present there
            byte[] sector    = disk.ReadSector(PrivateHeaderSectorIndex);
            string signature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(sector, 0x00, 8);

            if (signature == PrivateHeaderSignature)
                disk.WriteSectors(PrivateHeaderSectorIndex, bytes);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public GuidPartitionTableHeader(byte[] buffer)
     Signature                = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(buffer, 0, 8);
     Revision                 = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8);
     HeaderSize               = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 12);
     CRC32                    = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 16);
     CurrentLBA               = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 24);
     BackupLBA                = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 32);
     FirstUsableLBA           = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 40);
     LastUsableLBA            = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 48);
     DiskGuid                 = LittleEndianConverter.ToGuid(buffer, 56);
     PartitionEntriesLBA      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 72);
     NumberOfPartitionEntries = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 80);
     SizeOfPartitionEntry     = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 84);
     PartitionArrayCRC32      = LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 88);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public NodeStatusResponse(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            Header   = new NameServicePacketHeader(buffer, ref offset);
            Resource = new ResourceRecord(buffer, ref offset);

            int  position      = 0;
            byte numberOfNames = ByteReader.ReadByte(Resource.Data, ref position);

            for (int index = 0; index < numberOfNames; index++)
                string    name      = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(Resource.Data, ref position, 16);
                NameFlags nameFlags = (NameFlags)BigEndianReader.ReadUInt16(Resource.Data, ref position);
                Names.Add(name, nameFlags);
            Statistics = new NodeStatistics(Resource.Data, ref position);