/// <summary>
    /// This method validates the dinner registration information entered by the user.
    /// If problems exist the user is prompted to fix them.
    /// If the information does not produce an error the information is saved as a session variable
    /// and user is directed to the checkout page.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    /// Aaron Copeland - 11/19/2012
    /// Tested by Aaron Copeland - 11/28/2012
    protected void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // verifyDinnerRegistration
        BusinessTier bt = new BusinessTier();
        Dictionary<String, String> dinnerRegInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            // variables for the party size calculation
            int numAdults;
            int numChildren;
            int numParty;

            // attempt to parse the number of adults and number of children
            Int32.TryParse(txtNumAdults.Text, out numAdults);
            Int32.TryParse(txtNumChildren.Text, out numChildren);

            // party size was properly calculated above
            numParty = numAdults + numChildren;

            // checks if the party size is zero or if the number of adults or children is a negative number
            if (numAdults <= 0 || numAdults < 0 || numChildren < 0)
                lblError.Text = "Please enter a valid number for adults and children";
                PresentationHelpers.FocusControlOnPageLoad(lblError.ClientID, this.Page);
                // creates a dictionary with the registrants information as specified by the contract 11/28/2012 10:30am --AC
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("firstName", txtFirstName.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("lastName", txtLastName.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("suffix", txtSuffix.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("email", txtEmail.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("emailConfirm", txtConfirmEmail.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("phone", txtAreaCode.Text + txtPrefix.Text + txtLineNumber.Text);
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("numInParty", numParty.ToString());
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("numChildren", numChildren.ToString());
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("numAdults", numAdults.ToString());
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("transactionID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                dinnerRegInfo.Add("cost", ((numChildren * Convert.ToDouble(lblChildPrice.Text))
                    + (numAdults * Convert.ToDouble(lblAdultPrice.Text))).ToString());
                Session["email"] = txtEmail.Text;
                // sends the dictionary to the business tier to check the fields
                DataSet ds = bt.validateDinnerReg(dinnerRegInfo);

                // gets any errors returned
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    String errorString = "Please fix the following items:</br>";

                    //  Iterate through errors
                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        errorString += ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1] + "<br/>";

                    lblError.Text = errorString;
                    PresentationHelpers.FocusControlOnPageLoad(lblError.ClientID, this.Page);

                    // no errors were returned
                    Session["regInfo"] = dinnerRegInfo;     // dictionary used as a session variable
                    Session["eventID"] = Request["eventID"].ToString();
                    Response.Redirect("Checkout.aspx", false);
        catch (Exception ex)