/// <summary>
        /// Event handler for the Add button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Unit object used to add the adminisrator
            BusinessServices.Unit objUnit;

            // The userif from the previous form
            int intUserID;

            // boolean flag indicating if the SubUnit option was checked
            bool blnAdminSubUnit;

            // Gather variables
            if (Request.Form["UserID"] == null)
                this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage.NoUser");//"You did not select a user!";
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                intUserID       = int.Parse(Request.Form["UserID"]);
                blnAdminSubUnit = this.chkAdminSub.Checked;

                objUnit = new  BusinessServices.Unit();

                // Add Administrator to new unit
                objUnit.AddAdministrator(this.m_intUnitID, intUserID, blnAdminSubUnit, UserContext.UserID);

                Response.Redirect("UnitAdministrators.aspx?UnitID=" + m_intUnitID.ToString());