public async Task <IActionResult> Post(CreateCustomer command)
            var context = GetContext(command.Id);
            await BusPublisher.SendAsync(command, context);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(CreateLocationCommand locationCommand)
            var context = GetContext(locationCommand.commandId);
            await BusPublisher.SendAsync(locationCommand, context);

        //public RabbitMQBrokerFactory(IServiceProvider provider, IBusClient client, RabbitMqOptions options)
        //   // Subscriber = new BusSubscriber(provider.GetService);
        //    Publisher = new BusPublisher(client, options);

        public RabbitMQBrokerFactory(IServiceProvider provider)
            client     = provider.GetService <IBusClient>();
            options    = provider.GetService <RabbitMqOptions>();
            Publisher  = new BusPublisher(client, options);
            Subscriber = new BusSubscriber(provider);
        public async Task <JsonWebToken> Handle(RefreshAccessToken request,
                                                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var token = request.Token;

            var refreshToken = await RefreshTokenRepository.GetAsync(token);

            if (refreshToken == null)
                throw new IdentityException(Codes.RefreshTokenNotFound,
                                            "Refresh accessToken was not found.");

            if (refreshToken.Revoked)
                throw new IdentityException(Codes.RefreshTokenAlreadyRevoked,
                                            $"Refresh accessToken: '{refreshToken.Id}' was revoked.");

            var user = await GetUserOrThrowAsync(refreshToken.UserId);

            var claims = await ClaimsProvider.GetAsync(user.Id);

            var jwt = JwtService.CreateToken(user.Id.ToString("N"), user.Role, claims);

            jwt.RefreshToken = refreshToken.Token;

            var @event = new AccessTokenRefreshedIntegrationEvent(user.Id);


        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(AddProductToBasket command)
            var context = GetContext();
            await BusPublisher.SendAsync(command, context);

        /// <summary>
        ///  Handle the command with context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to handle</param>
        /// <param name="context">The correlation context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task HandleAsync(DeleteTypeDePropriete command, ICorrelationContext context)
            await base.HandleAsync(command, context);

            await Repository.DeleteAsync(command.Id);

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <TypeDeProprieteDeleted>(command), context);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///  Handle the command with context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to handle</param>
        /// <param name="context">The correlation context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task HandleAsync(UpdateProduct command, ICorrelationContext context)
            await base.HandleAsync(command, context);

            var product = GetDomainObject(command);
            await Repository.UpdateAsync(product);

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <ProductUpdated>(command), context);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected async Task <IActionResult> SendAsync <T, TResourceType>(T command,
                                                                          TResourceType resourceId = default(TResourceType), string resource = "") where T : ICommand
            var resId   = GetContextResourceId(resourceId);
            var context = GetContext <T>(resId, resource);
            await BusPublisher.SendAsync(command, context);

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///  Handle the command with context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to handle</param>
        /// <param name="context">The correlation context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task HandleAsync(DeleteProduct command, ICorrelationContext context)
            //await base.HandleAsync(command, context);
            await CheckExist(command.Id);

            await Repository.DeleteAsync(command.Id);

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <ProductDeleted>(command), context);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        ///  Handle the command with context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to handle</param>
        /// <param name="context">The correlation context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task HandleAsync(CreateTypeDePropriete command, ICorrelationContext context)
            await base.HandleAsync(command, context);

            var product = GetDomainObject(command);

            product.CreatedDate = product.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            await Repository.AddAsync(product);

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <TypeDeProprieteCreated>(command), context);
        protected async Task <IActionResult> SendAsync <TCommand, TResourceType>(TCommand command,
                                                                                 [AllowNull] TResourceType resourceId, string resource = "")
            where TCommand : ICommand

            var resId   = GetContextResourceId(resourceId);
            var context = GetContext <TCommand>(resId, resource);
            await BusPublisher.SendAsync(command, context);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public override async Task HandleAsync(CreateDefaultsSettings command, ICorrelationContext context)
            DefaultsSettings.Get.ForEach(async s =>
                Setting setting = Mapper.Map <Setting>(s);

                CreateSetting cmd = Mapper.Map <CreateSetting>(setting);

                await BusPublisher.SendAsync(cmd, context);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override async Task HandleAsync(ReleaseProducts command, ICorrelationContext context)
            foreach ((Guid productId, int quantity) in command.Products)
                _logger.LogInformation($"Releasing a product: '{productId}' ({quantity})");
                var product = await Repository.GetAsync(productId);

                if (product == null)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Product was not found: '{productId}' (can't release).");


                product.SetQuantity(product.Quantity + quantity);
                await Repository.UpdateAsync(product);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Released a product: '{productId}' ({quantity})");

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <ProductsReleased>(command), context);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        ///  Handle the command with context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to handle</param>
        /// <param name="context">The correlation context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task HandleAsync(CreateArticle command, ICorrelationContext context)
            await base.HandleAsync(command, context);

            var product = GetDomainObject(command);

            if (product.Code == null)
                throw new MicroSException("article_code_needed", $"The code article must be provided");
            var exist = await Repository.ExistsAsync(article => article.Code == product.Code);

            if (exist)
                //throw new MicroSException("article_code_duplicate", $"This code article ${product.Code} already exist");
                await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(new ArticleDuplicatedEvent(product.Code), context);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.Type))
                throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", $"you must define {nameof(product.Type)}");
            if (product.Type == "MO")
                WeStringBuilder sb = new WeStringBuilder();

                if (product.TxOpe <= 0)
                    sb.Add($"you must define {nameof(product.TxOpe)}");
                if (product.TxPrep <= 0)
                    sb.Add($"you must define {nameof(product.TxPrep)}");
                if (sb.HasItems)
                    throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", sb.Join("\n"));
                product.Nomenclatures = null;
                product.Operations    = null;
                product.Tarifs        = null;
            else if (product.Type == "TO" || product.Type == "PR")
                WeStringBuilder sb = new WeStringBuilder();
                if (product.Prix <= 0)
                    sb.Add($"you must define {nameof(product.Prix)}");
                if (product.Densite <= 0)
                    sb.Add($"you must define {nameof(product.Densite)}");
                if (sb.HasItems)
                    throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", sb.Join("\n"));
            if (product.TpPrep < 0)
                throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", $"you must define {nameof(product.TpPrep)}");
            if (product.TpOpe < 0)
                throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", $"you must define {nameof(product.TpOpe)}");
            if (product.TpBase < 0)
                throw new MicroSException("article_invalid", $"you must define {nameof(product.TpBase)}");

            if (product.Operations != null)
                var query = from op in product.Operations.ToList() group op by op.Ordre into grp where grp.Count() > 1 select grp.Key;
                if (query.Any())
                    WeStringBuilder sb = new WeStringBuilder();
                    throw new MicroSException("operation_duplicate", $"Cannot have duplicate Ordre:${sb.Join(",")}");

            await Repository.AddAsync(product);

            await BusPublisher.PublishAsync(CreateEvent <ArticleCreated>(command), context);