void Update()
     if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && FlightGlobals.ready && vessel != null && !vessel.packed)
         if (this.part.temperature > 493) //autoignition temp of kerosene is 220 c
             var isOnFire = part.GetComponentInChildren <FireFX>();
             if (isOnFire == null)
                 string fireStarter;
                 var    vesselFire = part.vessel.GetComponentInChildren <FireFX>();
                 if (vesselFire != null)
                     fireStarter = vesselFire.SourceVessel;
                     fireStarter = part.vessel.GetName();
                 Vector3    firePosition = part.transform.up * 10;
                 Ray        LoSRay       = new Ray(transform.position, (transform.position + firePosition) - transform.position);
                 RaycastHit hit;
                 if (Physics.Raycast(LoSRay, out hit, 10, 9076737)) // only add fires to parts in LoS of blast
                     BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hit, part, 50, fireStarter);
                 Debug.Log("[SelfSealingTank] Fuel auto-ignition! " + part.name + " is on fire!");
        public static void CheckDamageFX(Part part, float caliber, float penetrationFactor, bool explosivedamage, string attacker, RaycastHit hitLoc)
            if (!BDArmorySettings.BATTLEDAMAGE || BDArmorySettings.PAINTBALL_MODE)

            double damageChance = Mathf.Clamp((BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE * ((1 - part.GetDamagePercentage()) * 10) * (penetrationFactor / 2)), 0, 100); //more heavily damaged parts more likely to take battledamage

            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_TANKS)
                if (part.HasFuel())
                    var alreadyburning = part.GetComponentInChildren <FireFX>();
                    var rubbertank     = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleSelfSealingTank>();
                    if (rubbertank != null)
                        if (rubbertank.SSTank && part.GetDamagePercentage() > 0.66f)
                    if (penetrationFactor > 1.2)
                        if (alreadyburning != null)
                            BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hitLoc, part, caliber, attacker);
                            BulletHitFX.AttachLeak(hitLoc, part, caliber, explosivedamage, attacker);
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_FIRES_ENABLED)
                if (part.isBattery())
                    var alreadyburning = part.GetComponentInChildren <FireFX>();
                    if (alreadyburning == null)
                        double Diceroll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                        if (explosivedamage)
                            Diceroll *= 0.66;
                        if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                            Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Battery Dice Roll: " + Diceroll);
                        if (Diceroll <= BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE)
                            BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hitLoc, part, caliber, attacker);
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_AMMOBINS && penetrationFactor > 1.2 && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.9f) //explosions have penetration of 0.5, should stop explosions phasing though parts from detonating ammo
                var ammo = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleCASE>();
                if (ammo != null)
                    double Diceroll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                        Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Ammo TAC DiceRoll: " + Diceroll + "; needs: " + damageChance);
                    if (Diceroll <= (damageChance) && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.95f)
                        ammo.SourceVessel = attacker;
            //Propulsaion Damage
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_PROPULSION)
                if (part.isEngine() && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.95f) //first hit's free
                    foreach (var engine in part.GetComponentsInChildren <ModuleEngines>())
                        if (engine.thrustPercentage > 20) //engines take thrust damage per hit
                            //engine.maxThrust -= ((engine.maxThrust * 0.125f) / 100); // doesn't seem to adjust thrust; investigate
                            //engine.thrustPercentage -= ((engine.maxThrust * 0.125f) / 100); //workaround hack
                            engine.thrustPercentage -= (((1 - part.GetDamagePercentage()) * (penetrationFactor / 2)) * BDArmorySettings.BD_PROP_DAM_RATE); //AP does bonus damage
                            Mathf.Clamp(engine.thrustPercentage, 15f, 100);                                                                                //even heavily damaged engines will still put out something
                            if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                                Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: engine thrust: " + engine.thrustPercentage);

                             * float enginelevel = engine.thrustPercentage;
                             * if (BDArmorySettings.BD_BALANCED_THRUST) //need to poke this more later, not working properly
                             * {
                             *  using (List<Part>.Enumerator pSym = part.symmetryCounterparts.GetEnumerator())
                             *      while (pSym.MoveNext())
                             *      {
                             *          if (pSym.Current == null) continue;
                             *          if (pSym.Current != part && pSym.Current.vessel == part.vessel)
                             *          {
                             *              var symEngine = pSym.Current.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleEngines>();
                             *              if (symEngine != null)
                             *              {
                             *                  symEngine.thrustPercentage = enginelevel;
                             *              }
                             *          }
                             *      }
                             * }
                        if (part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.75f || (part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.82f && penetrationFactor > 2))
                            var leak = part.GetComponentInChildren <FuelLeakFX>();
                            if (leak == null)
                                BulletHitFX.AttachLeak(hitLoc, part, caliber, explosivedamage, attacker);
                        if (part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.50f || (part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.625f && penetrationFactor > 2))
                            var alreadyburning = part.GetComponentInChildren <FireFX>();
                            if (alreadyburning == null)
                                BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hitLoc, part, caliber, attacker);
                        if (part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.25f)
                            if (engine.EngineIgnited)
                                engine.Shutdown(); //kill a badly damaged engine and don't allow restart
                                engine.allowRestart = false;
                if (BDArmorySettings.BD_INTAKES) //intake damage
                    var intake = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleResourceIntake>();
                    if (intake != null)
                        float HEBonus = 0.7f;
                        if (explosivedamage)
                            HEBonus = 1.4f;
                        intake.intakeSpeed *= (1 - (((1 - part.GetDamagePercentage()) * HEBonus) / BDArmorySettings.BD_PROP_DAM_RATE)); //HE does bonus damage
                        Mathf.Clamp((float)intake.intakeSpeed, 0, 99999);

                        intake.area *= (1 - (((1 - part.GetDamagePercentage()) * HEBonus) / BDArmorySettings.BD_PROP_DAM_RATE)); //HE does bonus damage
                        Mathf.Clamp((float)intake.area, 0.0002f, 99999);                                                         //even shredded intake ducting will still get some air to engines
                        if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                            Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Intake damage: Current Area: " + intake.area + "; Intake Speed: " + intake.intakeSpeed);
                if (BDArmorySettings.BD_GIMBALS) //engine gimbal damage
                    var gimbal = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleGimbal>();
                    if (gimbal != null)
                        double HEBonus = 1;
                        if (explosivedamage)
                            HEBonus = 1.5;
                        //gimbal.gimbalRange *= (1 - (((1 - part.GetDamagePercentatge()) * HEBonus) / BDArmorySettings.BD_PROP_DAM_RATE)); //HE does bonus damage
                        double Diceroll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                        if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                            Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Gimbal DiceRoll: " + Diceroll);
                        if (Diceroll <= (BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE * HEBonus))
                            gimbal.enabled     = false;
                            gimbal.gimbalRange = 0;
            //Aero Damage
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_AEROPARTS)
                float HEBonus = 1;
                if (explosivedamage)
                    HEBonus = 2; //explosive rounds blow bigger holes in wings
                Mathf.Clamp(penetrationFactor, 0.1f, 3);
                HEBonus /= penetrationFactor; //faster rounds punch cleaner holes
                float liftDam = ((caliber / 20000) * HEBonus) * BDArmorySettings.BD_LIFT_LOSS_RATE;
                if (part.GetComponent <ModuleLiftingSurface>() != null)
                    ModuleLiftingSurface wing;
                    wing = part.GetComponent <ModuleLiftingSurface>();
                    //2x4m wing board = 2 Lift, 0.25 Lift/m2. 20mm round = 20*20=400/20000= 0.02 Lift reduced per hit, 100 rounds to reduce lift to 0. mind you, it only takes ~15 rounds to destroy the wing...
                    if (wing.deflectionLiftCoeff > ((part.mass * 5) + liftDam)) //stock mass/lift ratio is 10; 0.2t wing has 2.0 lift; clamp lift lost at half
                        wing.deflectionLiftCoeff -= liftDam;
                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                        Debug.Log("[BD DEBUG] " + part.name + "took lift damage: " + liftDam + ", current lift: " + wing.deflectionLiftCoeff);
                if (part.GetComponent <ModuleControlSurface>() != null && part.GetDamagePercentage() > 0.125f)
                    ModuleControlSurface aileron;
                    aileron = part.GetComponent <ModuleControlSurface>();
                    if (aileron.deflectionLiftCoeff > ((part.mass * 2.5f) + liftDam)) //stock ctrl surface mass/lift ratio is 5
                        aileron.deflectionLiftCoeff -= liftDam;
                    if (BDArmorySettings.BD_CTRL_SRF)
                        int Diceroll = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f);
                        if (explosivedamage)
                            HEBonus = 1.2f;
                        if (Diceroll <= (BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE * HEBonus))
                            aileron.actuatorSpeed    = 0;
                            aileron.authorityLimiter = 0;
                            aileron.ctrlSurfaceRange = 0;
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_SUBSYSTEMS)
                double Diceroll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                    Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Subsystem DiceRoll: " + Diceroll + "; needs: " + damageChance);
                if (Diceroll <= (damageChance) && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.95f)
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleReactionWheel>() != null) //should have this be separate dice rolls, else a part with more than one of these will lose them all
                        ModuleReactionWheel SAS;                           //could have torque reduced per hit
                        SAS = part.GetComponent <ModuleReactionWheel>();
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleRadar>() != null)
                        ModuleRadar radar; //would need to mod detection curve to degrade performance on hit
                        radar = part.GetComponent <ModuleRadar>();
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleAlternator>() != null)
                        ModuleAlternator alt; //damaging alternator is probably just petty. Could reduce output per hit
                        alt = part.GetComponent <ModuleAlternator>();
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleAnimateGeneric>() != null)
                        ModuleAnimateGeneric anim;
                        anim = part.GetComponent <ModuleAnimateGeneric>(); // could reduce anim speed, open percent per hit
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleDecouple>() != null)
                        ModuleDecouple stage;
                        stage = part.GetComponent <ModuleDecouple>(); //decouplers decouple
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleECMJammer>() != null)
                        ModuleECMJammer ecm;
                        ecm = part.GetComponent <ModuleECMJammer>(); //could reduce ecm strngth/rcs modifier
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleGenerator>() != null)
                        ModuleGenerator gen;
                        gen = part.GetComponent <ModuleGenerator>();
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleResourceConverter>() != null)
                        ModuleResourceConverter isru;
                        isru = part.GetComponent <ModuleResourceConverter>(); //could reduce efficiency, increase heat per hit
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleResourceConverter>() != null)
                        ModuleTurret turret;
                        turret = part.GetComponent <ModuleTurret>(); //could reduce traverse speed, range per hit
                    if (part.GetComponent <ModuleTargetingCamera>() != null)
                        ModuleTargetingCamera cam;
                        cam = part.GetComponent <ModuleTargetingCamera>(); // gimbal range??
                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                        Debug.Log("[BD DEBUG] " + part.name + "took subsystem damage");
            //Command parts
            if (BDArmorySettings.BD_COCKPITS && penetrationFactor > 1 && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.9f) //lets have this be triggered by penetrative damage, not blast splash
                if (part.GetComponent <ModuleCommand>() != null)
                    double ControlDiceRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                        Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Command DiceRoll: " + ControlDiceRoll);
                    if (ControlDiceRoll <= (BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE * 2))
                        using (List <Part> .Enumerator craftPart = part.vessel.parts.GetEnumerator())
                            using (List <BDModulePilotAI> .Enumerator control = part.vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <BDModulePilotAI>().GetEnumerator())
                                while (control.MoveNext())
                                    if (control.Current == null)
                                    control.Current.evasionThreshold += 10;    //pilot jitteriness increases
                                    control.Current.maxSteer         *= 0.9f;
                                    if (control.Current.steerDamping > 0.625f) //damage to controls
                                        control.Current.steerDamping -= 0.125f;
                                    if (control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingPitchFactor > 0.625f)
                                        control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingPitchFactor -= 0.125f;
                                    if (control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingRollFactor > 0.625f)
                                        control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingRollFactor -= 0.125f;
                                    if (control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingYawFactor > 0.625f)
                                        control.Current.dynamicSteerDampingYawFactor -= 0.125f;
                            //GuardRange reduction to sim canopy/sensor damage?
                            if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                                Debug.Log("[BD DEBUG] " + part.name + "took command damage");
            if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0 && penetrationFactor > 1 && part.GetDamagePercentage() < 0.95f)
                if (BDArmorySettings.BD_PILOT_KILLS)
                    float PilotTAC   = Mathf.Clamp((BDArmorySettings.BD_DAMAGE_CHANCE / part.mass), 0.01f, 100); //larger cockpits = greater volume = less chance any hit will pass through a region of volume containing a pilot
                    float killchance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                        Debug.Log("[BD Debug]: Pilot TAC: " + PilotTAC + "; dice roll: " + killchance);
                    if (killchance <= PilotTAC) //add penetrationfactor threshold? hp threshold?
                        ProtoCrewMember crewMember = part.protoModuleCrew.FirstOrDefault(x => x != null);
                        if (crewMember != null)
                            //crewMember.outDueToG = true; //implement temp KO to simulate wounding?
                            if (part.IsKerbalEVA())
                                part.RemoveCrewmember(crewMember); // sadly, I wasn't able to get the K.I.A. portrait working
                            //Debug.Log(crewMember.name + " was killed by damage to cabin!");
                            if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.MissingCrewsRespawn)
                            //ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(crewMember.name + " killed by damage to " + part.vessel.name + part.partName + ".", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_LEFT);
                            ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Cockpit snipe! " + crewMember.name + " killed!", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_LEFT);
Exemplo n.º 3
        void Detonate(Vector3 pos, bool missed)
            if (!missed)
                if (tntMass > 0)
                    Vector3 direction = default(Vector3);
                    if (shaped)
                        direction = (pos + rb.velocity * Time.deltaTime).normalized;
                    if (gravitic)
                        using (var hitsEnu = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, blastRadius, 557057).AsEnumerable().GetEnumerator())
                            while (hitsEnu.MoveNext())
                                if (hitsEnu.Current == null)

                                Part partHit = hitsEnu.Current.GetComponentInParent <Part>();
                                if (partHit == null)
                                if (ProjectileUtils.IsIgnoredPart(partHit))
                                    continue;                                         // Ignore ignored parts.
                                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, partHit.transform.position);
                                if (gravitic)
                                    if (partHit.mass > 0)
                                        var ME = partHit.vessel.rootPart.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleMassAdjust>();
                                        if (ME == null)
                                            ME = (ModuleMassAdjust)partHit.vessel.rootPart.AddModule("ModuleMassAdjust");
                                        ME.massMod  += (massMod * (1 - (distance / blastRadius)));                             //this way craft at edge of blast might only get disabled instead of bricked
                                        ME.duration += (BDArmorySettings.WEAPON_FX_DURATION * (1 - (distance / blastRadius))); //can bypass EMP damage cap
                    if (incendiary)
                        for (int f = 0; f < 20; f++) //throw 20 random raytraces out in a sphere and see what gets tagged
                            Ray        LoSRay = new Ray(transform.position, VectorUtils.GaussianDirectionDeviation(transform.forward, 170));
                            RaycastHit hit;
                            if (Physics.Raycast(LoSRay, out hit, blastRadius * 1.2f, 9076737)) // only add fires to parts in LoS of blast
                                KerbalEVA eva      = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentUpwards <KerbalEVA>();
                                Part      p        = eva ? eva.part : hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Part>();
                                float     distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, hit.point);
                                if (p != null)
                                    BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hit, p, caliber, sourceVesselName, BDArmorySettings.WEAPON_FX_DURATION * (1 - (distance / blastRadius)), 1, false, true); //else apply fire to occluding part
                                    if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                                        Debug.Log("[BDArmory.Rocket]: Applying fire to " + p.name + " at distance " + distance + "m, for " + BDArmorySettings.WEAPON_FX_DURATION * (1 - (distance / blastRadius)) + " seconds");
                            if (BDArmorySettings.DRAW_DEBUG_LABELS)
                                Debug.Log("[Rocket] incendiary raytrace: " + hit.point.x + "; " + hit.point.y + "; " + hit.point.z);
                    if (concussion || EMP || choker)
                        using (var hitsEnu = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 25, 557057).AsEnumerable().GetEnumerator())
                            var craftHit = new HashSet <Vessel>();
                            while (hitsEnu.MoveNext())
                                if (hitsEnu.Current == null)
                                if (hitsEnu.Current.gameObject == FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.gameObject)
                                    continue;                                                                         // Ignore terrain hits.
                                Part partHit = hitsEnu.Current.GetComponentInParent <Part>();
                                if (partHit == null)
                                if (ProjectileUtils.IsIgnoredPart(partHit))
                                    continue;                                         // Ignore ignored parts.
                                if (craftHit.Contains(partHit.vessel))
                                    continue;                                    // Don't hit the same craft multiple times.

                                float Distance = Vector3.Distance(partHit.transform.position, this.transform.position);
                                if (partHit != null)
                                    if (concussion && partHit.mass > 0)
                                        partHit.rb.AddForceAtPosition((partHit.transform.position - this.transform.position).normalized * impulse, partHit.transform.position, ForceMode.Acceleration);
                                    if (EMP)
                                        var MDEC = partHit.vessel.rootPart.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDrainEC>();
                                        if (MDEC == null)
                                            MDEC = (ModuleDrainEC)partHit.vessel.rootPart.AddModule("ModuleDrainEC");
                                        MDEC.incomingDamage += ((25 - Distance) * 5); //this way craft at edge of blast might only get disabled instead of bricked
                                        MDEC.softEMP         = false;                 //can bypass EMP damage cap
                                    if (choker)
                                        var ash = partHit.vessel.rootPart.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDrainIntakes>();
                                        if (ash == null)
                                            ash = (ModuleDrainIntakes)partHit.vessel.rootPart.AddModule("ModuleDrainIntakes");
                                        ash.drainDuration += BDArmorySettings.WEAPON_FX_DURATION * (1 - (Distance / 25)); //reduce intake knockout time based on distance from epicenter
                        ExplosionFx.CreateExplosion(pos, tntMass, explModelPath, explSoundPath, ExplosionSourceType.Bullet, caliber, null, sourceVesselName, null, direction, true);
                        ExplosionFx.CreateExplosion(pos, tntMass, explModelPath, explSoundPath, ExplosionSourceType.Bullet, caliber, null, sourceVesselName, null, direction);
            } // needs to be Explosiontype Bullet since missile only returns Module MissileLauncher