Exemplo n.º 1
    private void planNextTargetGsAi()
        BuildingGS targetGs = modifyGameStateForPersonality(this.targetGameStates[currentTargetGsIndex[indexAi]], aiPersonality);

        ltpPlan(aiCurrentGameState, targetGs);
    public void hillClimb()
        BuildingGS initialGS = new BuildingGS();

        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 500);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 0);
        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 500);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 0);
        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 500);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 0);

        BuildingGS targetGS = new BuildingGS();

        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 5);
        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 5);
        // targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 5);
        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Silver, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Silver, 5);
        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Coal, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Coal, 5);
        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Iron, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Iron, 5);
        //targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Steel, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Steel, 5);

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("StartTime: " + Stopwatch.GetTimestamp());
        ltp.plan(initialGS, targetGS, callback);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public QGameState(BuildingGS gs, QGameState parent, Work transitionWork, int costToGetHere)
     this.gameState      = gs;
     this.parent         = parent;
     this.transitionWork = transitionWork;
     this.costToGetHere  = costToGetHere;
    public new IBuilding deepClone(BuildingGS newGS)
        PositionDependentBuilding result = this.clone(newGS);

        result.currentWorkerCount = this.currentWorkerCount;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public override void plan(BuildingGS initialGS, BuildingGS targetGS, Func <Stack <Work>, bool> callback)
        PriorityQueue <QPriority, QGameState> queue = new PriorityQueue <QPriority, QGameState>();

        StartCoroutine(LTPEngine.BuildPlan(initialGS, targetGS, queue, base.processResult));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public QPriority(QGameState node, BuildingGS targetGS, HiddenRequirement hiddenReq)
     this.hiddenReq     = hiddenReq;
     this.currentNode   = node;
     this.targetGS      = targetGS;
     this.distanceRuler = LTPHelper.estematedRemainingDistance(node.gameState, targetGS);
    public void testLTP()
        BuildingGS initialGS = new BuildingGS();

        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 1000);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 0);
        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 1000);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 0);
        initialGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 1000);
        initialGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 0);

        BuildingGS targetGS = new BuildingGS();

        targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 2000);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 10);
        targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 2000);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 5);
        targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 2000);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 6);
        targetGS.setStockpile(ResourceType.Silver, 200);
        targetGS.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Silver, 9);

        ltp.plan(initialGS, targetGS, callback);
Exemplo n.º 8
    // Copy constructor
    public BuildingGS(BuildingGS other)
        // NOTE: This will deepClone all the buildings in the provided other (IE: The populations will be coppied)
        // TODO: Do we really need to deep copy all the buildings?
        this.buildings              = new Dictionary <BuildingType, List <IBuilding> >();
        this.resourceStockpile      = new Dictionary <ResourceType, int>();
        this.openSpots              = new Dictionary <BuildingType, Queue <IBuilding> >();
        this.resourceMap            = new ResourceMap();
        this._resourceChangePerTick = new Dictionary <ResourceType, int>();

        // Buildings
        foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildingType, List <IBuilding> > kvp in other.buildings)
            foreach (IBuilding otherBuilding in kvp.Value)
                // Clone and add every building to this game state
                // TODO: Do we have to clone? If we have units assigned then probably yes...
                IBuilding buildingClone = otherBuilding.deepClone();

        // Stockpile
        foreach (KeyValuePair <ResourceType, int> kvp in other.resourceStockpile)
            this.addToStockpile(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

        // Resources per tick will be handled by adding buildings

        this.resourcesSpent = other.resourcesSpent;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public static BuildingGS waitGameState(BuildingGS gs, int time)
        BuildingGS endGS = new BuildingGS(gs);

Exemplo n.º 10
    public static readonly int MAX_DEPTH = 500000; // 500K searches

    public static int unaquirableResources(BuildingGS currentGS, BuildingGS targetGS)
        // Are there any resources that are impossible to get at this moment (ignoring workers)
        HashSet <ResourceType> unaquirableResources = targetGS.getCPTResourceTypes();

 PositionDependentBuilding(BuildingType bt,
                           Vector2Int position,
                           BuildingGS gs,
                           int extractionRatePerWorker
                           ) : base(bt, position)
     this.gameState = gs;
     this.extractionRatePerWorker = extractionRatePerWorker;
Exemplo n.º 12
    // This function represents an edge
    public static QGameState waitTransition(QGameState qe, int time)
        BuildingGS endGS = waitGameState(qe.gameState, time);

        int  timeCost = qe.costToGetHere + time;
        Work newWork  = new Work(EWork.Wait, BuildingType.NONE, time);

        return(new QGameState(endGS, qe, newWork, timeCost));
    public void accordionLTP(BuildingGS initialGS,
                             BuildingGS targetGS,
                             Func <Stack <Work>, bool> callback,
                             int memoryBound = 20000)
        PriorityQueue <QPriority, QGameState> accordionQ = new AccordionPriorityQueue(memoryBound);

        StartCoroutine(LTPEngine.BuildPlan(initialGS, targetGS, accordionQ, base.processResult));
    private List <IResourceNode> getRelevantResourceNodes(BuildingGS gameState)
        // How many un-claimed nodes that produce this.outputResources() exist in the map?
        List <IResourceNode> result = new List <IResourceNode>();

        foreach (ResourceType rt in base.outputResources())
            result.AddRange(gameState.getResourceNodes(this.pos, rt));
Exemplo n.º 15

    public static QGameState buyWorker(QGameState qGS, BuildingType bt)
        BuildingGS newGameState = waitGameState(qGS.gameState, 1);


        int  costToGetHere = qGS.costToGetHere + 3;
        Work newWork       = new Work(EWork.BuyAndAssignWorker, bt, 3);

        return(new QGameState(newGameState, qGS, newWork, costToGetHere));
Exemplo n.º 16
    public static QGameState buyBuilding(QGameState qGS, IBuilding newBuilding)
        BuildingGS newGameState = waitGameState(qGS.gameState, newBuilding.timeToBuild());


        int  costToGetHere = qGS.costToGetHere + newBuilding.timeToBuild();
        Work newWork       = new Work(EWork.BuildBuilding, newBuilding.getBuildingType(), newBuilding.timeToBuild());

        return(new QGameState(newGameState, qGS, newWork, costToGetHere));
Exemplo n.º 17
    private void updateTargetDisplay(BuildingGS gameState, int indexActor)
        Debug.Log("actor to update target display: " + indexActor);
        ResourceDisplayController rdc = meTargetDisplay;

        if (indexActor == indexAi)
            rdc = aiTargetDisplay;
        foreach (ResourceType rt in gameState.getAllResourceTypes())
            rdc.updateCountAndRPT(rt, gameState.getStockpile(rt), gameState.getChangePerTick(rt));
Exemplo n.º 18
    private void setStartGameState()
        BuildingGS initialGs = new BuildingGS();

        initialGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 1000);
        initialGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 0);
        initialGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 1000);
        initialGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 0);
        initialGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 1000);
        initialGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 0);

        GameController.gameState = initialGs;
        aiCurrentGameState       = new BuildingGS(initialGs);
Exemplo n.º 19
    public void memoryBoundedLTP(BuildingGS initialGS,
                                 BuildingGS targetGS,
                                 Func <Stack <Work>, bool> callback,
                                 int memoryBound = 100000)
         * Find a path from the initialGS to the targetGS. The resultant path (translted into an ordered list of Work)
         * will be pumped into the provided callback once it's ready.
        PriorityQueue <QPriority, QGameState> memoryBoundedQ = new MemoryBoundedPriorityQueue(memoryBound);

        StartCoroutine(LTPEngine.BuildPlan(initialGS, targetGS, memoryBoundedQ, base.processResult));
Exemplo n.º 20
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
         * Two Game States are equal if they have
         * - same resource stockpile
         * - same resource income per tick

        // TODO: Consider number of buildings an important field? Maybe how much free land is remaining?

        BuildingGS otherGS = obj as BuildingGS;

        if (otherGS == null)

        // Different number of fields => fail
        if (this.resourceStockpile.Count != otherGS.resourceChangePerTick.Count ||
            this.resourceChangePerTick.Count != otherGS.resourceChangePerTick.Count)

        // Check type of resources
        int otherResourceCount;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <ResourceType, int> kvp in this.resourceStockpile)
            if (!otherGS.resourceStockpile.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out otherResourceCount))
                // Try to access a given key in the other dictionary
                // If it fails, return false
            if (kvp.Value != otherResourceCount)
                // If the key is contained, but the stockpile count is different

            if (this.resourceChangePerTick[kvp.Key] != otherGS.resourceChangePerTick[kvp.Key])
                // If the change per tick is different
Exemplo n.º 21
    public static HashSet <QGameState> getNeighbors(QGameState qEntry)
        // For a given game state return all valid edges out of it

        HashSet <QGameState> result = new HashSet <QGameState>();
        BuildingGS           gs     = qEntry.gameState;

        // Branches related to workers
        if (gs.canBuyWorker())
            // If we have the resources to build a new worker
            foreach (BuildingType bt in gs.getOpenSlots())
                // One branch for every possible type of worker slot we can fill
                QGameState neighbor = QGameStateFactory.buyWorker(qEntry, bt);

        // The length of all the no-op edges we want to consider
        HashSet <int> waitTimes = new HashSet <int>()

        // Branches related to Buildings
        // TODO: Why build a building if we can't populate it with a worker?
        foreach (BuildingType bt in BuildingFactory.allBuildings)
            // One branch for every new possible building
            IBuilding possibleBuilding = BuildingFactory.buildNew(bt, -1, -1); // TODO: do we care about pos when doing A*?
            if (gs.canBuyBuilding(possibleBuilding))
                // If we can build this building, then add a branch
                QGameState neighbor = QGameStateFactory.buyBuilding(qEntry, possibleBuilding);

        // Add in some no-op edges
        foreach (int waitTime in waitTimes)
            result.Add(QGameStateFactory.waitTransition(qEntry, waitTime));

Exemplo n.º 22
    private void setTargetGameStates()
        BuildingGS targetGs = new BuildingGS();

        targetGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 2000);
        targetGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 10);
        targetGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 2000);
        targetGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 5);
        targetGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 2000);
        targetGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 6);
        targetGs.setStockpile(ResourceType.Silver, 200);
        targetGs.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Silver, 9);

        BuildingGS targetGs2 = new BuildingGS();

        targetGs2.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 4000);
        targetGs2.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 10);
        targetGs2.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 4000);
        targetGs2.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 5);
        targetGs2.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 4000);
        targetGs2.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 6);
        targetGs2.setStockpile(ResourceType.Silver, 400);
        targetGs2.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Silver, 9);

        BuildingGS targetGs3 = new BuildingGS();

        targetGs3.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, 8000);
        targetGs3.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, 20);
        targetGs3.setStockpile(ResourceType.Stone, 8000);
        targetGs3.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Stone, 20);
        targetGs3.setStockpile(ResourceType.Wood, 8000);
        targetGs3.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Wood, 20);
        targetGs3.setStockpile(ResourceType.Silver, 800);
        targetGs3.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Silver, 20);

        Debug.Log("target game states size: " + targetGameStates.Count);
        for (int indexActor = 0; indexActor < noOfActors; indexActor++)
            updateTargetDisplay(targetGameStates[currentTargetGsIndex[indexActor]], indexActor);
    public void ID_LTP(BuildingGS initialGS,
                       BuildingGS targetGS,
                       Func <Stack <Work>, bool> callback,
                       int initialDepth = 100)
         * Find a path from the initialGS to the targetGS. The resultant path (translted into an ordered list of Work)
         * will be pumped into the provided callback once it's ready.

        // First, save these incase pathfinding fails and we need to recur with larger depth
        this.initialGS = initialGS;
        this.targetGS  = targetGS;
        this.callback  = callback;

        this.ID_Queue = new IDPriorityQueue(initialDepth);
        StartCoroutine(LTPEngine.BuildPlan(initialGS, targetGS, ID_Queue, id_processResult));
Exemplo n.º 24
    private bool isTargetReached(int indexActor)
        BuildingGS gsToCheck = GameController.gameState;

        if (indexActor == indexAi)
            gsToCheck = aiCurrentGameState;
        BuildingGS targetGs = targetGameStates[currentTargetGsIndex[indexActor]];

        foreach (ResourceType rt in gsToCheck.getAllResourceTypes())
            if ((gsToCheck.getStockpile(rt) < targetGs.getStockpile(rt)) ||
                (gsToCheck.getChangePerTick(rt) < targetGs.getChangePerTick(rt)))
        Debug.Log("Target reached for : " + indexActor);
Exemplo n.º 25
    public static RemainingDistance estematedRemainingDistance(BuildingGS currentGS, BuildingGS targetGS)
        // How far away are we from the target?
        RemainingDistance result = new RemainingDistance();

        // Compare numerical distance
        foreach (ResourceType rt in targetGS.getAllResourceTypes())
            int currentStockpile = currentGS.getStockpile(rt);
            int targetStockpile  = targetGS.getStockpile(rt);
            int stockpileDelta   = Mathf.Max(0, targetStockpile - currentStockpile);

            int currentResourcePerTick = currentGS.getChangePerTick(rt);
            int targetResourcePerTick  = targetGS.getChangePerTick(rt);
            int rptDelta = Mathf.Max(0, targetResourcePerTick - currentResourcePerTick);
            result.updateCPTDelta(rt, rptDelta);

            int currentBestResourcePerTick = currentGS.getBestPossibleChangePerTick(rt);
            int bestPossibleRPTDelta       = Mathf.Max(0, targetResourcePerTick - currentBestResourcePerTick);

            if (currentResourcePerTick <= 0)
                float exactWaitTime = stockpileDelta / (float)currentResourcePerTick;
                int   estWaitTime   = (int)(exactWaitTime + 0.5f);

                float bestPossibleWaitTime = stockpileDelta / (float)currentBestResourcePerTick;
                int   estBestWaitTime      = (int)(bestPossibleWaitTime + 0.5f);
Exemplo n.º 26
    private BuildingGS modifyGameStateForPersonality(BuildingGS targetGsHuman, AIPersonalityType aiPersonality)
        switch (aiPersonality)
        case AIPersonalityType.GoldDigger:
            targetGsHuman.setStockpile(ResourceType.Gold, targetGsHuman.getStockpile(ResourceType.Gold) * 2);
            targetGsHuman.addResourcePerTick(ResourceType.Gold, targetGsHuman.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Gold) * 2);

        case AIPersonalityType.Pragmatist:
            foreach (ResourceType rt in targetGsHuman.getStockpileResourceTypes())
                targetGsHuman.setStockpile(rt, (int)(targetGsHuman.getStockpile(rt) * 1.3));

        case AIPersonalityType.Warrior:
        case AIPersonalityType.ScienceGeek:
        case AIPersonalityType.Conservative:
Exemplo n.º 27
    private static readonly int NODES_CHECKED_PER_YIELD = 150; // Check n nodes every frame

    public static IEnumerator BuildPlan(BuildingGS initialGS,
                                        BuildingGS targetGS,
                                        PriorityQueue <QPriority, QGameState> priorityQueue,
                                        Func <QGameState, bool> finishCallback)
        int nodesChecked = 0;
        // Initialize data structures
        Dictionary <int, int> bestCostToGetHere = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        HiddenRequirement     hiddenReq         = new HiddenRequirement();

        // NOTE: Don't add the initial state to the bestCostToGetHere, that will be done automatically
        Work       initialWork   = new Work(EWork.EMPTY, BuildingType.NONE, 0);
        QGameState firstGS       = new QGameState(initialGS, null, initialWork, 0);
        QPriority  firstPriority = new QPriority(firstGS, targetGS, hiddenReq);

        priorityQueue.Enqueue(firstPriority, firstGS);

        int totalChecks = 0;

        while (priorityQueue.Count > 0)
            if (nodesChecked >= NODES_CHECKED_PER_YIELD)
                // TODO: There may be an off by 1 error, but not a major problem
                nodesChecked = 0;
                yield return(null);
            KeyValuePair <QPriority, QGameState> kvp = priorityQueue.Dequeue();
            QGameState qe = kvp.Value;

            if (false)
                Debug.Log("Cost to get here: " + qe.costToGetHere + " + " + kvp.Key.maxWaitTime);
                Debug.Log("incoming work: " + qe.transitionWork.workType + "  " + qe.transitionWork.buildingType);

                Debug.Log(" +  infinities     : " + kvp.Key.numberOfInfinities);
                Debug.Log(" +  unaquiriable   : " + kvp.Key.unaquirableResourceCount);
                //Debug.Log(" +  estTotalDist   : " + kvp.Key.estTotalDist);
                Debug.Log(" +  BestTotalDist  : " + kvp.Key.bestMaxWaitTime);
                Debug.Log(" +  totalCPTDelta  : " + kvp.Key.totalCPTDelta);
                Debug.Log(" +  preRecDelta    : " + kvp.Key.reccomendedPreRecDelta);
                //Debug.Log(" +  best CPTDelta  : " + heuristic.bestCPTDelta);
                Debug.Log(" +  fudge factor   : " + kvp.Key.totalResourcesSpent);
                Debug.Log("iron  cpt: " + qe.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Iron));
                Debug.Log("coal  cpt: " + qe.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Coal));
                Debug.Log("Steel cpt: " + qe.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Steel));
                Debug.Log("building count: " + qe.gameState.totalBuildingCount());
                Debug.Log("worker count: " + qe.gameState.totalWorkerCount());

            // Early exit conditions
            if (LTPHelper.estematedRemainingDistance(qe.gameState, targetGS).atTarget())
                // If we are 0 distance away from the target game state
                // IE: If we have found the target game state
                yield break;
            else if (totalChecks > LTPHelper.MAX_DEPTH)
                yield break;

            if (bestCostToGetHere.ContainsKey(qe.gameState.GetHashCode()) &&
                bestCostToGetHere[qe.gameState.GetHashCode()] <= qe.costToGetHere)
                // If we've already explored this game state
                // AND if some other path is to this game state is cheeper
                // Else, this Queue Entry represents a cheeper path to get to this node
                bestCostToGetHere[qe.gameState.GetHashCode()] = qe.costToGetHere;

            foreach (QGameState neighbor in LTPHelper.getNeighbors(qe))
                // The neighbor already has an updated gamestate, a job and an updated cost

                if (bestCostToGetHere.ContainsKey(neighbor.gameState.GetHashCode()) &&
                    bestCostToGetHere[neighbor.gameState.GetHashCode()] <= neighbor.costToGetHere)
                    // If we already have a better way to get to the neighbor

                QPriority heuristic = new QPriority(neighbor, targetGS, hiddenReq);

                if (false)
                    Debug.Log("**  Adding neighbor: ");
                    Debug.Log("**  transition work: " + neighbor.transitionWork.workType + "  " + neighbor.transitionWork.buildingType);
                    Debug.Log(" +  infinities     : " + heuristic.numberOfInfinities);
                    Debug.Log(" +  unaquiriable   : " + heuristic.unaquirableResourceCount);
                    //Debug.Log(" +  estTotalDist   : " + kvp.Key.estTotalDist);
                    Debug.Log(" +  BestTotalDist  : " + kvp.Key.bestMaxWaitTime);
                    Debug.Log(" +  totalCPTDelta  : " + heuristic.totalCPTDelta);
                    Debug.Log(" +  preRecDelta    : " + heuristic.reccomendedPreRecDelta);
                    //Debug.Log(" +  best CPTDelta  : " + heuristic.bestCPTDelta);
                    Debug.Log(" +  fudge factor   : " + heuristic.totalResourcesSpent);
                    Debug.Log("iron  cpt: " + neighbor.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Iron));
                    Debug.Log("coal  cpt: " + neighbor.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Coal));
                    Debug.Log("Steel cpt: " + neighbor.gameState.getChangePerTick(ResourceType.Steel));
                    Debug.Log("building count: " + neighbor.gameState.totalBuildingCount());
                    Debug.Log("worker count: " + neighbor.gameState.totalWorkerCount());

                priorityQueue.Enqueue(heuristic, neighbor);
            } // End foreach neighbor
        }     // End while queue is NOT empty

        yield break;
 public bool canBuild(BuildingGS gameState)
     // Can this building be built in the provided game state?
     return(getRelevantResourceNodes(gameState).Count > 0);
 public new IBuilding simpleClone(BuildingGS newGS)
 private PositionDependentBuilding clone(BuildingGS newGS)
     return(new PositionDependentBuilding(this.bt, new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.y), newGS, this.extractionRatePerWorker));