Exemplo n.º 1
        private void FormBug(ProjectDTO project)
            bugDTO = new BugDTO
                Name        = textBoxBugName.Text,
                Description = textBoxBugDescription.Text.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>"),
                ProjectID   = project.ID

            var severity = GetByName(severities, comboBoxSeverity.SelectedItemText);

            if (severity != null)
                bugDTO.SeverityID = severity.ID;

            var priority = GetByName(priorities, comboBoxPriority.SelectedItemText);

            if (priority != null)
                bugDTO.PriorityID = priority.ID;

            var story = GetByName(Stories, comboBoxUserStory.SelectedItemText);

            if (story != null)
                bugDTO.UserStoryID = story.ID;

            bugDTO.Effort = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(BugDTO dto, string comments = null)
            Bug bug;

            if (dto.Id != 0)
                bug = _bugsRepository.Get(dto.Id);
                if (bug == null)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BugModel.Collection(GetBacklogBugDtos())));

            bug = Mapper.Map <BugDTO, Bug>(dto);


            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, BugModel.Collection(GetBacklogBugDtos()));

            //i still don't like this because it's fragmenting management of my links
            response.Headers.Location = new Uri(HostUriFromRequest(Request), bug.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

Exemplo n.º 3
        public HttpResponseMessage <IEnumerable <BugDTO> > Post(BugDTO dto, string comments)
            Bug bug;

            if (dto.Id != 0)
                bug = _bugsRepository.Get(dto.Id);
                if (bug == null)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
                return(new HttpResponseMessage <IEnumerable <BugDTO> >(GetBacklogBugDtos()));

            bug = Mapper.Map <BugDTO, Bug>(dto);


            var response = new HttpResponseMessage <IEnumerable <BugDTO> >(GetBacklogBugDtos(), HttpStatusCode.Created);

            //i still don't like this because it's fragmenting management of my links
            response.Headers.Location = new Uri(HostUriFromRequest(Request), bug.Id.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AssignDeveloper(string userLogin, string bugName)
            BugDTO  bug           = Context.TpBugs.Single(b => b.Name == bugName);
            RoleDTO developerRole = Context.Roles.Single(r => r.Name == "Developer");
            UserDTO user          = Context.Users.Single(u => u.Login == userLogin);

            var existingDeveloperTeam =
                Context.TpTeams.Where(t => t.AssignableID == bug.ID)
                .Where(t => t.RoleID == developerRole.ID)

            TransportMock.HandleMessageFromTp(new TeamCreatedMessage
                Dto =
                    new TeamDTO
                    ID           = Context.GetNextId(),
                    AssignableID = bug.ID,
                    RoleID       = developerRole.ID,
                    RoleName     = developerRole.Name,
                    UserID       = user.ID

            existingDeveloperTeam.RoleName = developerRole.Name;
            TransportMock.HandleMessageFromTp(new TeamDeletedMessage {
                Dto = existingDeveloperTeam
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Update()
            BugDTO bug = BugService.GetByID(this.BugId);

            bug.Name      = this.EntityName;
            bug.ProjectID = this.ProjectId;

            if (IsDescriptionSet)
                bug.Description = this.Description;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UserStory) || IsUserStoryIdSet)
                bug.UserStoryID = this.UserStoryId;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.State))
                bug.EntityStateID = this.StateId;


            foreach (TargetProcessUser user in this.UsersToAssign)
                BugService.AssignUser(bug.BugID.Value, user.GetId());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Create()
            BugDTO bug = new BugDTO
                Name      = this.EntityName,
                ProjectID = this.ProjectId

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UserStory) || IsUserStoryIdSet)
                bug.UserStoryID = this.UserStoryId;

            if (IsDescriptionSet)
                bug.Description = this.Description;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.State))
                bug.EntityStateID = this.StateId;

            int taskId = BugService.Create(bug);

            foreach (TargetProcessUser user in this.UsersToAssign)
                BugService.AssignUser(taskId, user.GetId());
        public void ShouldConvertToCreateMessageCorrectly()
            var bugDto = new BugDTO {
                Name = "Name"

            ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ITpBus>().Send(new CreateBugCommand(bugDto));
            ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IBus>().AssertWasCalled(
                x => x.Send(Arg <CreateCommand[]> .Matches(y => y.Length == 1 && (((BugDTO)y[0].Dto).Name).Equals(bugDto.Name))));
        public void ShouldConvertToUpdateMessageCorrectly()
            var bugDto = new BugDTO {
                Name = "Name"

            ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ITpBus>().Send(new UpdateBugCommand(bugDto, new Enum[] { BugField.Name }));
            ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IBus>().AssertWasCalled(
                x =>
                    Arg <UpdateCommand[]> .Matches(
                        y => y.Length == 1 && ((BugDTO)y[0].Dto).Name.Equals(bugDto.Name) && y[0].ChangedFields.ToArray().Contains(BugField.Name.ToString()))));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ReassignDeveloper(string bugName)
            BugDTO  bug           = Context.TpBugs.Single(b => b.Name == bugName);
            RoleDTO developerRole = Context.Roles.Single(r => r.Name == "Developer");

            var existingDeveloperTeam =
                Context.TpTeams.Where(t => t.AssignableID == bug.ID)
                .Where(t => t.RoleID == developerRole.ID)

            existingDeveloperTeam.RoleName = developerRole.Name;
            TransportMock.HandleMessageFromTp(new TeamDeletedMessage {
                Dto = existingDeveloperTeam
        public string GetMappedBugzillaStatus(BugDTO bug)
            var stateId      = bug.EntityStateID.GetValueOrDefault();
            var mappedStates = Map.Where(x => x.Value.Id == stateId).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

            if (mappedStates.Count() > 1)
                _logger.WarnFormat("State mapping is ambiguous. Bugzilla state is not changed. Entity State: {0}", bug.EntityStateName);

            var mappedValue = mappedStates.SingleOrDefault();
            var bugStatus   = mappedValue ?? GetDtoStorage().Single(s => s.EntityStateID == stateId).Name;
            var statuses    = _bugzillaService.GetStatuses();

            return(statuses.Find(s => s.Equals(bugStatus, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public ConvertedBug()
     BugDto        = new BugDTO();
     ChangedFields = new List <Enum>();
 public IBugzillaQuery GetChangeStatusAction(BugDTO tpBug, string bugzillaBugId, string status)
     return(new BugzillaChangeStatusAction(bugzillaBugId, status, tpBug.CommentOnChangingState));