Exemplo n.º 1
 private static void PrepTransform(ref BudTransform tf, int iteration, Vector3 scaleOffset, Vector3 rotationOffset, Vector3 positionOffset, Vector3 pivot, float flat, Vector3 localRot)
     tf.pivot       = pivot;
     tf.pivotQuat   = Quaternion.Euler(localRot * iteration);
     tf.scale       = Vector3.one + scaleOffset * iteration;
     tf.totalOffset = positionOffset * iteration;
     tf.leafQuat    = Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset * iteration);
     tf.flat        = flat;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // application order is scale, rotate, move
    private static Vector3 ApplyTransform(Vector3 point, ref BudTransform tf)
        //Profiler.BeginSample("Do Transform");

        // flat first
        float flattening = point.z < 0 ? 1.5f : 0.5f;

        point.z *= (1 - tf.flat * flattening);

        // then "pivot" then local rot
        Vector3 p1 = tf.pivotQuat * (point + tf.pivot);
        // first scale then offset
        Vector3 p2 = mul(p1, tf.scale) + tf.totalOffset;
        // finally rotation
        Vector3 p3 = (tf.leafQuat * p2);


Exemplo n.º 3
    private IEnumerator CreateMesh()
        // transition code, useless except to avoid rewriting
        int   meridians     = Meridians;
        int   parallels     = Parallels;
        int   midsections   = Midsections;
        int   numBuds       = NumBuds;
        float radius        = Radius;
        float capsuleHeight = CapsuleHeight;

        debug = DebugWaitDuration > 0;
        if (meridians < 3 || parallels < 1)
            throw new System.Exception("Assert: Meridians must be >= 3, Parallels must be >= 1");
        int numVerts = meridians * (parallels + midsections) + 2; // avoid recomputation, cache value of num verts

        if (numVerts * numBuds >= 65000)
            throw new System.Exception("Assert: Num Verts must be < 65000");
        var waitInstruction = new WaitForSeconds(DebugWaitDuration);

        mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();

        Profiler.BeginSample("make verts");

        int numPoints = numVerts * numBuds;

        float PreservePercent = 1 - IndentPercent;

        // VERTICIES
        List <Vector3> startingPoints = new List <Vector3>(numPoints);

        Color[] colors = new Color[numVerts * numBuds];
        for (int bud = 0; bud < numBuds; bud++)
            BudTransform tf = new BudTransform();
            PrepTransform(ref tf, bud, SclOffset, RotOffset, PosOffset, Pivot, Flat, LocalRot);
            float midsectionHeight = capsuleHeight + bud * CapsuleHeightOffset;
            // create starting vert
                Vector3 point = Vector3.up * radius;
                point += new Vector3(0, midsectionHeight / 2f + radius * TipHeightPercent * 0.5f, 0);
                point  = ApplyTransform(point, ref tf);
                colors[bud * numVerts] = GetTintedColor(bud, 0);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.DrawLine(point, point + (point) * 0.05f, Color.red, 10000, depthTest);

            // parrallel = 1 instead of zero because we skipped the first one
            for (int parallel = 1; parallel < parallels + 1 + midsections; parallel++)
                const int numPoles = 2;
                if (parallel == parallels + numPoles + midsections - 1)
                bool  mid             = true;
                bool  top             = true;
                float parallelPercent = 0.5f;               // midsection
                if (parallel <= (parallels + numPoles) / 2) // top
                    mid             = false;
                    top             = true;
                    parallelPercent = parallel / (float)(parallels + numPoles - 1);
                else if (parallel >= (parallels + numPoles) / 2 + midsections)// bottom
                    mid             = false;
                    top             = false;
                    parallelPercent = (parallel - midsections) / (float)(parallels + numPoles - 1);

                int inCactus  = (parallel) / (parallels + midsections);
                int perCactus = parallel % (parallels + midsections);

                float xAngle      = parallelPercent * 180;
                float xAngleRad   = xAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                float sinX        = Mathf.Sin(xAngleRad);
                float cosX        = Mathf.Cos(xAngleRad);
                float taperAmount = 1 - (Taper * inCactus); // taper for a sharp point
                float y           = radius * cosX;
                float z           = -radius * sinX * taperAmount;

                for (int meridian = 0; meridian < meridians; meridian++)
                    float meridianPercent = meridian / (float)meridians;

                    float yAngleRad = meridianPercent * (360f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                    float sinY      = Mathf.Sin(yAngleRad);
                    float cosY      = Mathf.Cos(yAngleRad);

                    float preserve = meridian % 2 == 0 ? PreservePercent : 1f;
                    float indentZ  = preserve * z;

                    Vector3 point = new Vector3
                        x = indentZ * cosY,
                        y = y,
                        z = -indentZ * sinY

                    if (mid) // midsection
                        int m = perCactus - (parallels >> 1);
                        point += new Vector3(0, midsectionHeight * 0.5f - (m / (float)midsections) * midsectionHeight, 0);
                        // midsection offset
                        if (top) // top
                            point += new Vector3(0, midsectionHeight / 2f, 0);
                            float temp = parallel + 1;
                            temp     = 1 / (temp * temp);
                            point.y += radius * TipHeightPercent * temp;
                        else // bottom
                            point += new Vector3(0, -midsectionHeight / 2f, 0);

                    point = ApplyTransform(point, ref tf);
                    colors[bud * numVerts + (parallel - 1) * meridians + meridian] = GetTintedColor(bud, parallel);
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.DrawLine(point, point + (point) * 0.05f, Color.red, 10000, depthTest);
            // create ending vert
                Vector3 point = Vector3.down * radius;
                point += new Vector3(0, -midsectionHeight / 2f, 0);
                point  = ApplyTransform(point, ref tf);
                colors[(bud + 1) * numVerts - 1] = GetTintedColor(bud, parallels + meridians + 1);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.DrawLine(point, point + (point) * 0.05f, Color.red, 10000, depthTest);

        Profiler.BeginSample("set verts");

        Profiler.BeginSample("set colors");
        newMesh.colors = colors;

        // UVs
        Profiler.BeginSample("make uvs");
        uvs = new List <Vector2>();
        for (int bud = 0; bud < numBuds; bud++)
            uvs.Add(new Vector2(1, 0));

            for (float y = 0; y < parallels + midsections; y++)
                for (float x = 0; x < meridians; x++)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(x / (float)(meridians), 2 * y / (float)(parallels + midsections)));
            uvs.Add(new Vector2(1, 1));
        Profiler.BeginSample("Set UV");
        newMesh.SetUVs(0, uvs);

        // INDICIES (TRIS)
        Profiler.BeginSample("Add Indicies");
        indicies = new List <int>();
        for (int bud = 0; bud < numBuds; bud++)
            int o = bud * numVerts; // offset

            // top (tris)
            for (int i = 1; i < meridians; i++)
                indicies.Add(o + i);
                indicies.Add(o + i + 1);
            indicies.Add(o + meridians);
            indicies.Add(o + 1);
            DrawDebugPoint(startingPoints, o);

            o += 1; // offset by "north pole" to make math easier for tube

            // tube (quads)
            for (int p = 0; p < parallels + midsections - 1; p++)
                for (int m = 0; m < meridians - 1; m++)
                    int i = p * meridians + m;

                    // faces are quads (two tris)
                    indicies.Add(o + i + meridians + 1);
                    indicies.Add(o + i + 1);
                    indicies.Add(o + i);

                    indicies.Add(o + i + meridians);
                    indicies.Add(o + i + meridians + 1);
                    indicies.Add(o + i);

                    // DEBUG
                    if (debug)
                        var color = new Color(i / (float)numVerts, 0, i / (float)numVerts);
                        // draw triangles
                        int length = indicies.Count;
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 6]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 5]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 5]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 4]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 4]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 6]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 3]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 2]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 2]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 1]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                        yield return(waitInstruction);

                        Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 1]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 3]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    DrawDebugPoint(startingPoints, i);
                // wrap around (tube)
                int i2 = p * meridians + meridians - 1;
                indicies.Add(o + i2 + 1);
                indicies.Add(o + i2 + 1 - meridians);
                indicies.Add(o + i2);

                indicies.Add(o + i2 + meridians);
                indicies.Add(o + i2 + 1);
                indicies.Add(o + i2);
                // DEBUG
                if (debug)
                    var color = new Color(i2 / (float)numVerts, 0, i2 / (float)numVerts);
                    // draw triangles
                    int length = indicies.Count;
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 6]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 5]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 5]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 4]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 4]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 6]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 3]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 2]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 2]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 1]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                    yield return(waitInstruction);

                    Debug.DrawLine(startingPoints[indicies[length - 1]], startingPoints[indicies[length - 3]], color, 10000, depthTest);
                DrawDebugPoint(startingPoints, i2);

            // change offset to make math easier
            o += numVerts - meridians - 2;

            // bottom (tris)
            for (int i = 0; i < meridians - 1; i++)
                indicies.Add(o + i);
                indicies.Add(o + meridians);
                indicies.Add(o + i + 1);
                DrawDebugPoint(startingPoints, i);
            // wrap
            indicies.Add(o + meridians - 1);
            indicies.Add(o + meridians);

        Profiler.BeginSample("Set indicies");
        newMesh.SetTriangles(indicies, 0);
        newMesh.name = "ProceduralMesh";
        Profiler.BeginSample("recalc normals");
        Profiler.BeginSample("set mesh");
        mf.mesh = newMesh;