Exemplo n.º 1
    public override IEnumerator Demo(GameObject[] sortingElements)
        i = 0;
        j = 0;

        // Line 0 (set parameter)
        pseudoCodeViewer.SetCodeLine(CollectLine(0), Util.BLACKBOARD_TEXT_COLOR);

        // Create buckets
        Vector3[] pos = new Vector3[1] {
        int numberOfBuckets = bucketSortManager.NumberOfBuckets;

        bucketManager.CreateObjects(numberOfBuckets, pos);

        // Line 1 (Create buckets)
        yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(1), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

        // Buckets
        GameObject[] buckets = null;
        if (bucketManager != null)
            buckets = bucketManager.Buckets;

        // Add elements to buckets
        for (i = 0; i < sortingElements.Length; i++)
            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            // Line 2 (Update for-loop)
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(2), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            // Get element
            GameObject element = sortingElements[i];
            PreparePseudocodeValue(element.GetComponent <SortingElementBase>().Value, 1);

            // Bucket index
            bucketIndex = BucketIndex(value1, numberOfBuckets, maxValue);

            // Line 3 (Display bucket index)
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(3), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            // Get bucket
            Bucket bucket = buckets[bucketIndex].GetComponent <Bucket>(); // element.GetComponent<SortingElementBase>().Value - minValue);

            // Move element above the bucket and put it inside
            element.transform.position = bucket.transform.position + UtilSort.ABOVE_BUCKET_VR;

            // Line 4 (Put element into bucket)
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(4), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

        // Line 5 (end for-loop)
        yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(5), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

        // Display elements
        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfBuckets; x++)
            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            // Line 6 (For-loop: Sort elements in buckets)
            //pseudoCodeViewer.SetCodeLine(6, PseudoCode(6, x, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, true), Util.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR);
            //yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds);
            //pseudoCodeViewer.SetCodeLine(6, PseudoCode(6, x, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, true), Util.BLACKBOARD_TEXT_COLOR);

            Bucket bucket = buckets[x].GetComponent <Bucket>();

            // Sort bucket *** TODO: go to insertion sort scene
            bucket.CurrenHolding = InsertionSort.InsertionSortStandard2(bucket.CurrenHolding);

            // Line 6 (Sort elements in bucket)
            i = x;
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(6), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            // Put elements for display on top of buckets
            int numberOfElementsInBucket = bucket.CurrenHolding.Count;
            for (int y = 0; y < numberOfElementsInBucket; y++)
                // Check if user wants to stop the demo
                if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

                SortingElementBase element = bucket.GetElementForDisplay(y);
                element.gameObject.active   = true;
                element.transform.position += UtilSort.ABOVE_BUCKET_VR;
                yield return(demoStepDuration);
        // Line 8 (end for loop)
        //pseudoCodeViewer.SetCodeLine(8, PseudoCode(8, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, true), Util.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR);
        //yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds);
        //pseudoCodeViewer.SetCodeLine(8, PseudoCode(8, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, Util.NO_VALUE, true), Util.BLACKBOARD_TEXT_COLOR);

        // Put elements back into list
        k = 0;
        // Line 7 (set k)
        yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(7), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

        // Holder positions (where the sorting elements initialized)
        Vector3[] holderPos = sortMain.HolderManager.GetHolderPositions();
        // while (k < sortingElements.Length && i < numberOfBuckets)
        for (i = 0; i < numberOfBuckets; i++)
            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

            Bucket bucket = buckets[i].GetComponent <Bucket>();

            // number of elements in bucket
            bucketSize = bucket.CurrenHolding.Count.ToString();

            // Line 8 (For-loop: Concatenate all buckets)
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(8), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            for (j = 0; j < bucket.CurrenHolding.Count; j++)
                // Check if user wants to stop the demo
                if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

                // Line 9 (2nd For-loop: Concatenate all buckets)
                yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(9), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

                // Check if user wants to stop the demo
                if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

                sortingElements[k] = bucket.RemoveSoringElement().gameObject;

                // Value of sorting element
                PreparePseudocodeValue(sortingElements[k].GetComponent <SortingElementBase>().Value, 2);

                // Move element back to holder
                sortingElements[k].transform.position = holderPos[k] + UtilSort.ABOVE_HOLDER_VR;
                sortingElements[k].transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                sortingElements[k].GetComponent <SortingElementBase>().IsSorted = true;

                // Line 10 (Put element back into list)
                yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(10), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

                // Check if user wants to stop the demo
                if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)

                // Line 11 (Update k)
                yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(11), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            // Line 12 (2nd for-inner-loop end)
            yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(12), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

            // Check if user wants to stop the demo
            if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)
        // Line 13 (2nd for-loop end)
        yield return(HighlightPseudoCode(CollectLine(13), Util.HIGHLIGHT_STANDARD_COLOR));

        if (sortMain.UserStoppedTask)
            sortMain.UpdateCheckList(Util.DEMO, true);
            isTaskCompleted = true;