Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adjusts contrast using memory-friendly Pipeline API
 /// </summary>
 private static void BrightnessContrastMemoryFriendly()
     using (var reader = ImageReader.Create("../../../../_Input/Chicago.jpg"))
         using (var brightnessContrast = new BrightnessContrast(0.1f, 0.2f))
             using (var writer = ImageWriter.Create("../../../../_Output/BrightnessContrastMemoryFriendly.jpg"))
                 Pipeline.Run(reader + brightnessContrast + writer);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult UpdateImage(int brightness, int contrast)  //изменение яркости и контрастности
            UInt32 p;

            image = new Bitmap(ActionPictureController.pathImage);
            // UInt32[,] pixel;

            //получение матрицы с пикселями
            pixel = new UInt32[image.Height, image.Width];
            for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
                    pixel[y, x] = (UInt32)(image.GetPixel(x, y).ToArgb());

            for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.Width; j++)
                    p = BrightnessContrast.Brightness(pixel[i, j], brightness, 10); //получение значения цвета пискеля
                    FromOnePixelToBitmap(i, j, p);                                  //присвоение полученного цвета пикселю на картинке
                    pixel[i, j] = (UInt32)(image.GetPixel(j, i).ToArgb());          //занесение нового цвета пикселя в матрицу, т. е. сохранение

            for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.Width; j++)
                    p = BrightnessContrast.Contrast(pixel[i, j], contrast, 10);
                    FromOnePixelToBitmap(i, j, p);
                    pixel[i, j] = (UInt32)(image.GetPixel(j, i).ToArgb());

            bitmapBytes = BitmapToBytes(image);

            string imreBase64Data = Convert.ToBase64String(bitmapBytes);
            string imgDataURL     = string.Format("data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}", imreBase64Data);

            ViewBag.ImageData = imgDataURL;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the current text settings to the values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">values array to be used</param>
        /// <returns>Array of strings from the values using the current settings</returns>
        public string[] Apply(byte[,] values)
            if (values == null)

            // only apply brightness and contrast if necessary
            if (Brightness != 0 || Contrast != 0)
                BrightnessContrast filter = new BrightnessContrast(IsBlackTextOnWhite ? Brightness : -Brightness,
                                                                   IsBlackTextOnWhite ? Contrast : -Contrast);

                values = filter.Apply(values);

            if (Stretch)
                Stretch filter = new Stretch();
                values = filter.Apply(values);

            if (Levels.Minimum != 0 || Levels.Maximum != 255 || Levels.Median != 0.5f)
                //values = AscgenConverter.ApplyLevels(values, Levels.Minimum, Levels.Maximum, Levels.Median);

                Levels filter = new Levels(Levels.Minimum, Levels.Maximum, Levels.Median);
                values = filter.Apply(values);

            if (Sharpen)
                values = AsciiConverter.SharpenValues(values);

            if (Unsharp)
                values = AsciiConverter.UnsharpMaskValues(values, 3);

            if (FlipHorizontally || FlipVertically)
                Flip filter = new Flip(FlipHorizontally, FlipVertically);
                values = filter.Apply(values);

 private void Contrast_ValueChanger(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e)
     ((Slider)sender).SelectionEnd = e.NewValue;