private bool set_file_information(string[] FileExtensions)
            // Find the page information
            BriefItem_FileGrouping imagePage = BriefItem.Images[page - 1];

            if (imagePage.Files != null)
                // Step through each file in this page
                foreach (BriefItem_File thisFile in imagePage.Files)
                    // Get this file extension
                    string extension = thisFile.File_Extension.Replace(".", "");

                    // Step through all permissable file extensions
                    foreach (string thisPossibleFileExtension in FileExtensions)
                        if (String.Compare(extension, thisPossibleFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            // Get the TEXT information
                            filename = thisFile.Name;

        private void print_pages(bool include_brief_citation, int from_page, int to_page, TextWriter Output)
            if (include_brief_citation)
                print_brief_citation("700", Output);

            int page_index = from_page - 1;

            while (page_index < to_page)
                // Get this page
                BriefItem_FileGrouping thisPage = currentItem.Images[page_index];

                // Find the jpeg image and show the image
                foreach (BriefItem_File thisFile in thisPage.Files)
                    if (thisFile.Name.IndexOf(".jpg") > 0)
                        if (page_index > from_page - 1)
                            Output.WriteLine("<br />");

                        Output.WriteLine("<img src=\"" + currentItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + thisFile.Name + "\" />");

                // Go to next page
        private void print_thumbnails(bool include_brief_citation, TextWriter Output)
            if (include_brief_citation)
                print_brief_citation("550", Output);

            Output.WriteLine("<table cellspacing=\"10px\" class=\"thumbnails\">");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");

            int page_index = 0;
            int col        = 0;

            while (page_index < currentItem.Images.Count)
                BriefItem_FileGrouping thisPage = currentItem.Images[page_index];

                // Find the jpeg image
                foreach (BriefItem_File thisFile in thisPage.Files.Where(thisFile => thisFile.Name.IndexOf(".jpg") > 0))
                    // Should a new row be started
                    if (col == 3)
                        col = 0;
                        Output.WriteLine("  </tr>\n");
                        Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");

                    Output.WriteLine("    <td><img src=\"" + currentItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + thisFile.Name.Replace(".jpg", "thm.jpg") + "\" border=\"1\" /><br />" + thisPage.Label + "</td>");

                // Go to next page
            if (col == 1)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (col == 2)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>&nbsp;</td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>\n");
        private bool set_file_information(string[] FileExtensions, bool zoomableViewerIncluded, string[] zoomableFileExtensions)
            bool returnValue = false;

            includeLinkToZoomable = false;
            bool width_found = false;

            // Find the page information
            BriefItem_FileGrouping imagePage = BriefItem.Images[page - 1];

            if (imagePage.Files != null)
                // Step through each file in this page
                foreach (BriefItem_File thisFile in imagePage.Files)
                    // Get this file extension
                    string extension = thisFile.File_Extension.Replace(".", "");

                    // Step through all permissable file extensions
                    foreach (string thisPossibleFileExtension in FileExtensions)
                        if (String.Compare(extension, thisPossibleFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            // If a return value was already found, look to see if this one is bigger, in which case it will be used
                            // This is a convenient way to get around thumbnails issue without looking for "thm.jpg"
                            if (returnValue)
                                // Are their widths present?
                                if (width_found && thisFile.Width.HasValue)
                                    if (thisFile.Width.Value > width)
                                        // THis file is bigger (wider)
                                        filename = thisFile.Name;
                                        width    = thisFile.Width.Value;
                                        if (thisFile.Height.HasValue)
                                            height = thisFile.Height.Value;
                                    // Since no width was found, just go for a shorter filename
                                    if (filename.Length > thisFile.Name.Length)
                                        // This name is shorter... assuming it doesn't include thm.jpg then
                                        filename = thisFile.Name;
                                        if (thisFile.Width.HasValue)
                                            width       = thisFile.Width.Value;
                                            width_found = true;
                                            width = 500;
                                        if (thisFile.Height.HasValue)
                                            height = thisFile.Height.Value;
                                // Get the JPEG information
                                filename = thisFile.Name;
                                if (thisFile.Width.HasValue)
                                    width       = thisFile.Width.Value;
                                    width_found = true;
                                if (thisFile.Height.HasValue)
                                    height = thisFile.Height.Value;

                            // Found a value to return
                            returnValue = true;

                    // Also look for the JPEG2000 viewers
                    if (zoomableViewerIncluded)
                        // Step through all JPEG2000 extensions
                        foreach (string thisPossibleFileExtension in zoomableFileExtensions)
                            if (String.Compare(extension, thisPossibleFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                // Found a jpeg2000
                                includeLinkToZoomable = true;

                // Finished looking at all the page files and found the file to display, so return TRUE
                if (returnValue)

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary> Write the item viewer main section as HTML directly to the HTTP output stream </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Response stream for the item viewer to write directly to </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        public void Write_Main_Viewer_Section(TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Related_Images_ItemViewer.Write_Main_Viewer_Section", "");

            int images_per_page    = thumbnailsPerPage;
            int size_of_thumbnails = thumbnailSize;

            // Save the current viewer code
            string current_view_code = currentRequest.ViewerCode;
            ushort current_view_page = currentRequest.Page.HasValue ? currentRequest.Page.Value : ((ushort)1);

            // Start the citation table
            Output.WriteLine("\t\t<!-- RELATED IMAGES VIEWER OUTPUT -->");

            // Start the main div for the thumbnails

            ushort page = (ushort)(currentRequest.Page - 1);

            if (page > (pageCount - 1) / images_per_page)
                page = (ushort)((pageCount - 1) / images_per_page);

            //Outer div which contains all the thumbnails
            Output.WriteLine("<div style=\"margin:5px;text-align:center;\">");

            // Get any search terms for highlighting purposes
            List <string> terms = new List <string>();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentRequest.Text_Search))
                string[] splitter = currentRequest.Text_Search.Replace("\"", "").Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                terms.AddRange(from thisSplit in splitter where thisSplit.Trim().Length > 0 select thisSplit.Trim());

            // Step through each page in the item
            for (int page_index = page * images_per_page; (page_index < (page + 1) * images_per_page) && (page_index < pageCount); page_index++)
                // Get this page
                BriefItem_FileGrouping thisPage = briefItem.Images[page_index];

                // Find the jpeg and thumbnail images
                string jpeg      = String.Empty;
                string thumbnail = String.Empty;

                foreach (BriefItem_File thisFile in thisPage.Files)
                    if (String.Compare(thisFile.File_Extension, ".jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        if (thisFile.Name.ToLower().IndexOf("thm.jpg") > 0)
                            thumbnail = thisFile.Name;
                            jpeg = thisFile.Name;

                // If the thumbnail is not in the METS, just guess its existence
                if (thumbnail.Length == 0)
                    thumbnail = jpeg.ToLower().Replace(".jpg", "thm.jpg");

                // Get the image URL
                currentRequest.Page       = (ushort)(page_index + 1);
                currentRequest.ViewerCode = (page_index + 1).ToString();
                string url = UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(currentRequest);

                // Determine the width information and the URL for the image
                string image_url; // = (briefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + thumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://");
                int    width = -1;
                switch (size_of_thumbnails)
                case 2:
                    image_url = (briefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + jpeg).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://").Replace("https:/", "https://");
                    width     = 315;

                case 3:
                    image_url = (briefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + jpeg).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://").Replace("https:/", "https://");
                    width     = 472;

                case 4:
                    image_url = (briefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + jpeg).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://").Replace("https:/", "https://");

                    image_url = (briefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/" + thumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://").Replace("https:/", "https://");
                    width     = 150;

                if (width > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("  <table class=\"sbkRi_Thumbnail\" id=\"span" + page_index + "\" style=\"width:" + (width + 15) + "px\">");
                    Output.WriteLine("  <table class=\"sbkRi_Thumbnail\" id=\"span" + page_index + "\">");

                Output.WriteLine("    <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <a id=\"" + page_index + "\" href=\"" + url + "\" title=\"" + thisPage.Label + "\">");
                if (width > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("          <img src=\"" + image_url + "\" style=\"width:" + width + "px;\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" />");
                    Output.WriteLine("          <img src=\"" + image_url + "\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("        </a>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <td style=\"text-align:center\">" + Text_Search_Term_Highlighter.Hightlight_Term_In_HTML(thisPage.Label, terms, "<span class=\"sbkRi_TextHighlight\">", "</span>") + "</td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </table>");

            //Close the outer div

            // Restore the mode
            currentRequest.ViewerCode = current_view_code;
            currentRequest.Page       = current_view_page;

            Output.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\"> WindowResizeActions();</script>");

            // Finish the citation table
            Output.WriteLine("\t\t<!-- END RELATED IMAGES VIEWER OUTPUT -->");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private bool recurse_through_nodes(abstract_TreeNode Node, List <BriefItem_FileGrouping> Groupings, List <BriefItem_TocElement> Toc, Stack <BriefItem_TocElement> CurrDivStack, int Level)
            // Was this node a page?
            if (Node.Page)
                // Cast back to the PAGE node
                Page_TreeNode pageNode = (Page_TreeNode)Node;

                // If no files, do not add this back
                if (pageNode.Files.Count == 0)

                // Create the file grouping object for this
                BriefItem_FileGrouping newNode = new BriefItem_FileGrouping(pageNode.Label);

                // Add a filenode for each file
                foreach (SobekCM_File_Info thisFile in pageNode.Files)
                    BriefItem_File newFile = new BriefItem_File(thisFile.System_Name);
                    if (thisFile.Width > 0)
                        newFile.Width = thisFile.Width;
                    if (thisFile.Height > 0)
                        newFile.Height = thisFile.Height;

                // Add this to the list of images

                // Since this was a page with files, return TRUE
                // Get what will be the sequence (if it turned out to have pages under it)
                int sequence = Groupings.Count + 1;

                // This was a division node
                Division_TreeNode divNode = (Division_TreeNode)Node;

                // Create the brief item TOC element
                BriefItem_TocElement divToc = new BriefItem_TocElement
                    Level = Level,
                    Name  = divNode.Label
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(divToc.Name))
                    divToc.Name = divNode.Type;

                // Add to the stack

                // Look for children nodes
                bool some_files_under = false;
                foreach (abstract_TreeNode childNode in divNode.Nodes)
                    // Visit each child node
                    if (recurse_through_nodes(childNode, Groupings, Toc, CurrDivStack, Level + 1))
                        some_files_under = true;

                // Were there some files under here?
                if (some_files_under)
                    // Now, pop-up all the nodes in the queue and add them
                    if (CurrDivStack.Count > 0)
                        IEnumerable <BriefItem_TocElement> reversed = CurrDivStack.Reverse();
                        foreach (BriefItem_TocElement revDiv in reversed)
                            revDiv.Sequence = sequence;
                    // If this division (with NO pages under it apparently) is on the stack,
                    // just pop it off
                    if ((CurrDivStack.Count > 0) && (CurrDivStack.Peek() == divToc))

                // Return whether there were any files under this