public bool BoxHit(Box3D box) { currentHit[0] = 0; currentHit[1] = 0; currentHit[2] = 0; return Intersection.CheckLineBox(box, currentLine, currentHit); }
public BlockPosSide[] LineIntersection(DelegateIsBlockEmpty isEmpty, DelegateGetBlockHeight getBlockHeight, Line3D line, IntRef retCount) { lCount = 0; currentLine = line; currentHit[0] = 0; currentHit[1] = 0; currentHit[2] = 0; ListBox3d l1 = Search(PredicateBox3DHit.Create(this)); for (int i = 0; i < l1.count; i++) { Box3D node = l1.arr[i]; float[] hit = currentHit; float x = node.MinEdge[0]; float y = node.MinEdge[2]; float z = node.MinEdge[1]; if (!isEmpty.IsBlockEmpty(platform.FloatToInt(x),platform.FloatToInt(y),platform.FloatToInt( z))) { Box3D node2 = new Box3D(); node2.MinEdge = Vec3.CloneIt(node.MinEdge); node2.MaxEdge = Vec3.CloneIt(node.MaxEdge); node2.MaxEdge[1] = node2.MinEdge[1] + getBlockHeight.GetBlockHeight(platform.FloatToInt(x),platform.FloatToInt(y),platform.FloatToInt(z)); BlockPosSide b = new BlockPosSide(); float[] hit2 = new float[3]; float[] dir = new float[3]; dir[0] = line.End[0] - line.Start[0]; dir[1] = line.End[1] - line.Start[1]; dir[2] = line.End[2] - line.Start[2]; bool ishit = Intersection.HitBoundingBox(node2.MinEdge, node2.MaxEdge, line.Start, dir, hit2); if (ishit) { //hit2.pos = Vec3.FromValues(x, z, y); b.blockPos = Vec3.FromValues(platform.FloatToInt(x), platform.FloatToInt(z), platform.FloatToInt(y)); b.collisionPos = hit2; l[lCount++] = b; } } } BlockPosSide[] ll = new BlockPosSide[lCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lCount; i++) { ll[i] = l[i]; } retCount.value = lCount; return ll; }
public LensflareSceneNode(SceneNode parent, SceneManager mgr, int id) : base(parent, mgr, id) { draw_flare = true; ign_geom = false; smgr = mgr; indices = new ushort[6]; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 2; indices[2] = 1; indices[3] = 0; indices[4] = 3; indices[5] = 2; vertices = new Vertex3D[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vertices[i] = new Vertex3D(); } vertices[0].TCoords = Vector2D.From(0.0f, 1.0f); vertices[0].Color = Color.White; vertices[1].TCoords = Vector2D.From(0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[1].Color = Color.White; vertices[2].TCoords = Vector2D.From(1.0f, 0.0f); vertices[2].Color = Color.White; vertices[3].TCoords = Vector2D.From(1.0f, 1.0f); vertices[3].Color = Color.White; material = new Material(); material.Lighting = false; material.MaterialType = MaterialType.TransparentAddColor; material.ZBuffer = 0; material.ZWriteEnable = false; bbox = new Box3D(); bbox.MinEdge = Vector3D.From(-2, -2, -2); bbox.MaxEdge = Vector3D.From(2, 2, 2); }
public BlockOctreeSearcher() { intersection = new Intersection(); pool = new Box3D[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { pool[i] = new Box3D(); } listpool = new ListBox3d[50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { listpool[i] = new ListBox3d(); listpool[i].arr = new Box3D[1000]; } l = new BlockPosSide[1024]; lCount = 0; currentHit = new float[3]; }
ListBox3d SearchPrivate(PredicateBox3D query, Box3D box) { if (box.LengthX() == 1) { ListBox3d l1 = newListBox3d(); l1.count = 1; l1.arr[0] = box; return l1; } ListBox3d l = newListBox3d(); l.count = 0; ListBox3d children = Children(box); for (int k = 0; k < children.count; k++) { Box3D child = children.arr[k]; if (query.Hit(child)) { ListBox3d l2 = SearchPrivate(query, child); for (int i = 0; i < l2.count; i++) { Box3D n = l2.arr[i]; l.arr[l.count++] = n; } recycleListBox3d(l2); } } recycleListBox3d(children); return l; }
public override bool Hit(Box3D o) { return(s.BoxHit(o)); }
void PickEntity(Game game, Line3D pick, BlockPosSide[] pick2, IntRef pick2count) { game.SelectedEntityId = -1; game.currentlyAttackedEntity = -1; float one = 1; for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++) { if (game.entities[i] == null) { continue; } if (i == game.LocalPlayerId) { continue; } if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null) { continue; } Entity p_ = game.entities[i]; if (p_.networkPosition == null) { continue; } if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded) { continue; } if (!p_.usable) { continue; } float feetposX = p_.position.x; float feetposY = p_.position.y; float feetposZ = p_.position.z; float dist = game.Dist(feetposX, feetposY, feetposZ, game.player.position.x, game.player.position.y, game.player.position.z); if (dist > 5) { continue; } //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn; Box3D bodybox = new Box3D(); float h = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight; float r = one * 35 / 100; bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); float[] p; float localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX(); float localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY(); float localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ(); p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { game.SelectedEntityId = i; if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { game.currentlyAttackedEntity = i; } } } } }
public override bool Hit(Box3D o) { return s.BoxHit(o); }
public static float[] CheckLineBoxExact(Line3D line, Box3D box) { float[] dir_ = new float[3]; dir_[0] = line.End[0] - line.Start[0]; dir_[1] = line.End[1] - line.Start[1]; dir_[2] = line.End[2] - line.Start[2]; float[] hit = new float[3]; if (!Intersection.HitBoundingBox(box.MinEdge, box.MaxEdge, line.Start, dir_, hit)) { return null; } return hit; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { oGraf = Box3D.CreateGraphics(); nScale = (int)(Width / 5f); Clear(); }
public override void Render() { VideoDriver driver = _mgr.VideoDriver; CameraSceneNode camera = _mgr.ActiveCamera; if (camera == null || driver == null) return; if (!redrawnextloop) { driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, AbsoluteTransformation); driver.SetMaterial(_material); driver.DrawIndexedTriangleList(Vertices, lastdrawcount * 4, Indices, lastdrawcount * 4); } else { ReallocateBuffers(); Vector3D campos = camera.AbsolutePosition; Box3D cbox = camera.ViewFrustum.BoundingBox; Vector3D pos = Position; int drawcount = 0; int max = (Particles.Length < MaxDensity) ? Particles.Length : MaxDensity; double d = pos.DistanceFrom(campos) / GRASS_PATCH_SIZE; if (d > 1.0) max = (int)(max / d); //Matrix4 m = new Matrix4(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { int idx = drawcount * 4; GrassParticle particle = Particles[i]; Vector3D gpos = particle.pos + pos; double dist = campos.DistanceFromSQ(gpos); if (dist > NewMath.Sqr(DrawDistance)) continue; if (!cbox.IsPointInside(gpos)) continue; if (dist > NewMath.Sqr(DrawDistance * 0.5)) { if (particle.sprite.Height == 0) { float i1 = ((float)i) / ((float)max); float i2 = ((float)(dist / DrawDistance)) / 2f; if (i1 < i2) continue; } } int igridsize = GRASS_PATCH_SIZE / (int)WindRes; int ihalfres = (int)WindRes / 2; int xgrid = (int)(particle.pos.X / (igridsize) + ihalfres); int zgrid = (int)(particle.pos.Z / (igridsize) + ihalfres); float xnext = particle.pos.X / ((float)GRASS_PATCH_SIZE / (float)WindRes) + (WindRes / 2f) - xgrid; float znext = particle.pos.Z / ((float)GRASS_PATCH_SIZE / (float)WindRes) + (WindRes / 2f) - zgrid; Vector2D wind1 = WindGrid[xgrid * WindRes + zgrid]; Vector2D wind2 = WindGrid[(xgrid + 1) * WindRes + zgrid]; Vector2D wind3 = WindGrid[xgrid * (WindRes + 1) + zgrid]; Vector2D wind4 = WindGrid[(xgrid + 1) * (WindRes + 1) + zgrid]; Vector2D wind2d = wind1 * (1.0f - xnext) * (1.0f - znext) + wind2 * xnext * (1.0f - znext) + wind3 * (1.0f - xnext) * znext + wind4 * xnext * znext; wind2d *= particle.flex; Vector3D wind = new Vector3D(wind2d.X, 0f, wind2d.Y); Color gcol = new Color(particle.color.A, (int)(particle.color.R * 0.8f), (int)(particle.color.G * 0.8f), (int)(particle.color.B * 0.8f)); Vertices[0 + idx].Position = particle.points[0]; Vertices[0 + idx].Color = gcol; Vertices[1 + idx].Position = particle.points[1] + wind; Vertices[1 + idx].Color = particle.color; Vertices[2 + idx].Position = particle.points[2] + wind; Vertices[2 + idx].Color = particle.color; Vertices[3 + idx].Position = particle.points[3]; Vertices[3 + idx].Color = gcol; int arrpos = (_imagecount.Width * particle.sprite.Height) + particle.sprite.Width; Vertices[0 + idx].TCoords = new Vector2D(v1[arrpos], v2[arrpos]); Vertices[1 + idx].TCoords = new Vector2D(v1[arrpos], v3[arrpos]); Vertices[2 + idx].TCoords = new Vector2D(v4[arrpos], v3[arrpos]); Vertices[3 + idx].TCoords = new Vector2D(v4[arrpos], v2[arrpos]); drawcount++; } driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, AbsoluteTransformation); driver.SetMaterial(_material); driver.DrawIndexedTriangleList(Vertices, drawcount * 4, Indices, drawcount * 4); lastdrawcount = drawcount; } if (DebugDataVisible == DebugSceneType.BoundingBox) { driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, AbsoluteTransformation); Material m = new Material(); m.Lighting = false; driver.SetMaterial(m); driver.Draw3DBox(BoundingBox, Color.From(0, 255, 255, 255)); Box3D b2 = new Box3D(); b2.AddInternalPoint(BoundingBox.MaxEdge * 0.01f); driver.Draw3DBox(b2, Color.From(0, 255, 255, 255)); } }
bool Create(bool save) { Random rand = new Random((int)((100 * gridpos.X) + gridpos.Z)); int count = rand.Next(3000, 3200); _bbox = new Box3D(); Particles = new GrassParticle[count]; /*Matrix4 m = new Matrix4(); m.RotationDegrees = Terrain.Rotation; m.Translation = Terrain.AbsolutePosition; m.MakeInverse();*/ Color[,] TGMRetrieve = TerrainGrassMap.Retrieve(); Color[,] TCMRetrieve = TerrainColourMap.Retrieve(); Color[,] THMRetrieve = TerrainHeightMap.Retrieve(); System.Collections.ArrayList tosave = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Particles[i].points = new Vector3D[4]; float x = rand.Next(0, GRASS_PATCH_SIZE * 10) / 10f; float z = rand.Next(0, GRASS_PATCH_SIZE * 10) / 10f; x -= GRASS_PATCH_SIZE / 2f; z -= GRASS_PATCH_SIZE / 2f; Particles[i].pos.X = x; Particles[i].pos.Z = z; Particles[i].flex = rand.Next(0, 100) / 100f; Particles[i].sprite.Width = rand.Next(0, _imagecount.Width); if (i < 30) Particles[i].sprite.Height = rand.Next(0, _imagecount.Height); else Particles[i].sprite.Height = 0; Vector3D p = Position + Particles[i].pos; Vector3D xz = new Vector3D(p.X / Terrain.Scale.X, 0f, p.Z / Terrain.Scale.Z); int x1 = (int)Math.Floor(xz.X); int z1 = (int)Math.Floor(xz.Z); if (x1 < 1 || z1 < 1 || x1 > TerrainHeightMap.OriginalSize.Width - 1 || z1 > TerrainHeightMap.OriginalSize.Height - 1) continue; Color cDensity = TGMRetrieve[x1, z1]; if (rand.Next(0, 255) > cDensity.A || cDensity.A < 1) continue; float ay = THMRetrieve[x1, z1].B * Terrain.Scale.Y; float by = THMRetrieve[x1 + 1, z1].B * Terrain.Scale.Y; float cy = THMRetrieve[x1, z1 + 1].B * Terrain.Scale.Y; float dy = THMRetrieve[x1 + 1, z1 + 1].B * Terrain.Scale.Y; float u1 = xz.X - x1; float v1 = xz.Z - z1; float height = ay * (1.0f - u1) * (1.0f - v1) + by * u1 * (1.0f - v1) + cy * (1.0f - u1) * v1 + dy * u1 * v1; Dimension2Df size = new Dimension2Df(rand.Next(40, 70), 100); size.Height *= cDensity.B / 200f; Particles[i].pos.Y = height + (size.Height * 0.5f); Particles[i].color = TCMRetrieve[x1, z1]; Particles[i].startColor = TCMRetrieve[x1, z1]; _bbox.AddInternalPoint(Particles[i].pos); Vector3D dimensions = new Vector3D(0.5f * size.Width, -0.5f * size.Height, 0); /*float rotation = rand.Next(0, 3600) / 10f; Matrix4 m2 = new Matrix4(); m2.RotationDegrees = new Vector3D(0, rotation, 0); m2.RotateVect(dimensions);*/ //Vector3D h = new Vector3D(dimensions.X,0.0f,dimensions.Z); //Vector3D v = new Vector3D(0.0f,dimensions.Y,0.0f); Particles[i].points[0] = Particles[i].pos + new Vector3D(dimensions.X, dimensions.Y, dimensions.Z); Particles[i].points[1] = Particles[i].pos + new Vector3D(dimensions.X, -dimensions.Y, dimensions.Z); Particles[i].points[2] = Particles[i].pos - new Vector3D(dimensions.X, dimensions.Y, dimensions.Z); Particles[i].points[3] = Particles[i].pos - new Vector3D(dimensions.X, -dimensions.Y, dimensions.Z); tosave.Add(Particles[i]); } Particles = (GrassParticle[])tosave.ToArray(typeof(GrassParticle)); tosave.Clear(); if (save) return Save(); return true; }
public abstract bool Hit(Box3D o);
/// <summary> /// Warning: randomly returns incorrect hit position (back side of box). /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> /// <param name="line"></param> /// <param name="hit"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CheckLineBox(Box3D box, Line3D line, float[] hit) { return(CheckLineBox1(box.MinEdge, box.MaxEdge, line.Start, line.End, hit)); }
internal static Box3D Create(int x, int y, int z, int size) { Box3D b = new Box3D(); b.Set(x, y, z, size); return b; }
/// <summary> /// Warning: randomly returns incorrect hit position (back side of box). /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> /// <param name="line"></param> /// <param name="hit"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CheckLineBox(Box3D box, Line3D line, float[] hit) { return CheckLineBox1(box.MinEdge, box.MaxEdge, line.Start, line.End, hit); }
protected override void Draw() { if (Radar2D.Option.IsVisible) { Radar2D.Draw(Render2D, RenderSurface.Size); } foreach (Player player in _players) { if (player.IsValid() && player.Name != _localPlayer.Name) { if (Name.Option.IsVisible) { if (!Name.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || Name.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { Name.Draw_y(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.ViewProj, new Size(1920, 1080), player.Name, player.Height, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } if (Health.Option.IsVisible) { if (!Health.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || Health.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { Health.Draw_y(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.ViewProj, new Size(1920, 1080), player.Health, player.MaxHealth, player.Height, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } if (Box2D.Option.IsVisible) { if (!Box2D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || Box2D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { Box2D.Draw_y(Render2D, new Size(1920, 1080), _localPlayer.ViewProj, player.Position, player.Height, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } if (Box3D.Option.IsVisible) { if (!Box3D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || Box3D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { Box3D.Draw_y(Render2D, player.BoundingBox(), player.Position, player.Yaw, _localPlayer.ViewProj, new Size(1920, 1080), player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } if (SnapLine.Option.IsVisible) { if (!SnapLine.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || SnapLine.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { SnapLine.Draw_y(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.ViewProj, RenderSurface.Size, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } if (Radar2D.Option.IsVisible) { if (!Radar2D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || Radar2D.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { Radar2D.DrawPlayer(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.Position, RenderSurface.Size, _localPlayer.Yaw, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); if (Radar2D.Option.IsVisibleName) { Radar2D.DrawName(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.Position, RenderSurface.Size, player.Name, _localPlayer.Yaw, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } } if (CrosshairRadar.Option.IsVisible) { if (!CrosshairRadar.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || CrosshairRadar.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { CrosshairRadar.DrawPlayer(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.Position, RenderSurface.Size, _localPlayer.Yaw, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); if (CrosshairRadar.Option.IsVisibleName) { CrosshairRadar.DrawName(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.Position, RenderSurface.Size, player.Name, _localPlayer.Yaw, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } } if (DisplayRadar.Option.IsVisible) { if (!DisplayRadar.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible || DisplayRadar.Option.IsOnlyEnemyVisible && _localPlayer.TeamId != player.TeamId) { DisplayRadar.DrawPlayer(Render2D, player.Position, _localPlayer.Position, RenderSurface.Size, _localPlayer.Yaw, player.IsVisible, _localPlayer.TeamId == player.TeamId); } } } } if (Crosshair.Option.IsVisible) { Crosshair.Draw(Render2D, RenderSurface.Size); } }
internal void NextBullet(Game game, int bulletsshot) { float one = 1; bool left = game.mouseLeft; bool middle = game.mouseMiddle; bool right = game.mouseRight; bool IsNextShot = bulletsshot != 0; if (!game.leftpressedpicking) { if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = true; } else { left = false; } } else { if (game.mouseleftdeclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = false; left = false; } } if (!left) { game.currentAttackedBlock = null; } Packet_Item item = game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial]; bool ispistol = (item != null && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].IsPistol); bool ispistolshoot = ispistol && left; bool isgrenade = ispistol && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].PistolType == Packet_PistolTypeEnum.Grenade; if (ispistol && isgrenade) { ispistolshoot = game.mouseleftdeclick; } //grenade cooking if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); if (ispistol && isgrenade) { if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootCount > 0) { game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.Shoot[0])); } } } float wait = ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds)) / 1000); if (isgrenade && left) { if (wait >= game.grenadetime && isgrenade && game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds != 0) { ispistolshoot = true; game.mouseleftdeclick = true; } else { return; } } else { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = 0; } if (ispistol && game.mouserightclick && (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds) >= 500) { game.IronSights = !game.IronSights; game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } IntRef pick2count = new IntRef(); Line3D pick = new Line3D(); GetPickingLine(game, pick, ispistolshoot); BlockPosSide[] pick2 = game.Pick(game.s, pick, pick2count); if (left) { game.handSetAttackDestroy = true; } else if (right) { game.handSetAttackBuild = true; } if (game.overheadcamera && pick2count.value > 0 && left) { //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination. if (game.Follow == null) { //Only walk to destination when not following someone game.playerdestination = Vector3Ref.Create(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1] + 1, pick2[0].blockPos[2]); } } bool pickdistanceok = (pick2count.value > 0) && (!ispistol); if (pickdistanceok) { if (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[1] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[2] + one / 2, pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2]) > CurrentPickDistance(game)) { pickdistanceok = false; } } bool playertileempty = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); bool playertileemptyclose = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); BlockPosSide pick0 = new BlockPosSide(); if (pick2count.value > 0 && ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose))) || game.overheadcamera) ) { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[0]); game.SelectedBlockPositionY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[1]); game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[2]); pick0 = pick2[0]; } else { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionY = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = -1; pick0.blockPos = new float[3]; pick0.blockPos[0] = -1; pick0.blockPos[1] = -1; pick0.blockPos[2] = -1; } PickEntity(game, pick, pick2, pick2count); if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { int ntileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int ntileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int ntileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (game.IsUsableBlock(, ntileZ, ntileY))) { game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(ntileX, ntileZ, ntileY); } } if (game.GetFreeMouse()) { if (pick2count.value > 0) { OnPick_(pick0); } return; } if ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - lastbuildMilliseconds) / 1000) >= BuildDelay(game) || IsNextShot) { if (left && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] == null) { game.SendPacketClient(ClientPackets.MonsterHit(game.platform.FloatToInt(2 + game.rnd.NextFloat() * 4))); } if (left && !fastclicking) { //todo animation fastclicking = false; } if ((left || right || middle) && (!isgrenade)) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (isgrenade && game.mouseleftdeclick) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (game.reloadstartMilliseconds != 0) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistolshoot) { if ((!(game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0)) || (!(game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0))) { game.AudioPlay("Dry Fire"); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } } if (ispistolshoot) { float toX = pick.End[0]; float toY = pick.End[1]; float toZ = pick.End[2]; if (pick2count.value > 0) { toX = pick2[0].blockPos[0]; toY = pick2[0].blockPos[1]; toZ = pick2[0].blockPos[2]; } Packet_ClientShot shot = new Packet_ClientShot(); shot.FromX = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[0]); shot.FromY = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[1]); shot.FromZ = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[2]); shot.ToX = game.SerializeFloat(toX); shot.ToY = game.SerializeFloat(toY); shot.ToZ = game.SerializeFloat(toZ); shot.HitPlayer = -1; for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++) { if (game.entities[i] == null) { continue; } if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null) { continue; } Entity p_ = game.entities[i]; if (p_.networkPosition == null) { continue; } if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded) { continue; } float feetposX = p_.position.x; float feetposY = p_.position.y; float feetposZ = p_.position.z; //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn; Box3D bodybox = new Box3D(); float headsize = (p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - p_.drawModel.eyeHeight) * 2; //0.4f; float h = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - headsize; float r = one * 35 / 100; bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); Box3D headbox = new Box3D(); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); float[] p; float localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX(); float localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY(); float localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ(); p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, headbox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 1; } } else { p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 0; } } } } shot.WeaponBlock = item.BlockId; game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; float projectilespeed = game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].ProjectileSpeedFloat); if (projectilespeed == 0) { { Entity entity = game.CreateBulletEntity( pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2], toX, toY, toZ, 150); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } } else { float vX = toX - pick.Start[0]; float vY = toY - pick.Start[1]; float vZ = toZ - pick.Start[2]; float vLength = game.Length(vX, vY, vZ); vX /= vLength; vY /= vLength; vZ /= vLength; vX *= projectilespeed; vY *= projectilespeed; vZ *= projectilespeed; shot.ExplodesAfter = game.SerializeFloat(game.grenadetime - wait); { Entity grenadeEntity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.image = "ChemicalGreen.png"; sprite.size = 14; sprite.animationcount = 0; sprite.positionX = pick.Start[0]; sprite.positionY = pick.Start[1]; sprite.positionZ = pick.Start[2]; grenadeEntity.sprite = sprite; Grenade_ projectile = new Grenade_(); projectile.velocityX = vX; projectile.velocityY = vY; projectile.velocityZ = vZ; projectile.block = item.BlockId; projectile.sourcePlayer = game.LocalPlayerId; grenadeEntity.expires = Expires.Create(game.grenadetime - wait); grenadeEntity.grenade = projectile; game.EntityAddLocal(grenadeEntity); } } Packet_Client packet = new Packet_Client(); packet.Id = Packet_ClientIdEnum.Shot; packet.Shot = shot; game.SendPacketClient(packet); if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount > 0) { game.pistolcycle = game.rnd.Next() % game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount; game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEnd[game.pistolcycle])); } bulletsshot++; if (bulletsshot < game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].BulletsPerShotFloat)) { NextBullet(game, bulletsshot); } //recoil game.player.position.rotx -= game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil(); game.player.position.roty += game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil() * 2 - game.CurrentRecoil(); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistol && right) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (pick2count.value > 0) { if (middle) { int newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { int clonesource =, newtileZ, newtileY); int clonesource2 = game.d_Data.WhenPlayerPlacesGetsConvertedTo()[clonesource]; bool gotoDone = false; //find this block in another right hand. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].BlockId == clonesource2) { game.ActiveMaterial = i; gotoDone = true; } } if (!gotoDone) { IntRef freehand = game.d_InventoryUtil.FreeHand(game.ActiveMaterial); //find this block in inventory. for (int i = 0; i < game.d_Inventory.ItemsCount; i++) { Packet_PositionItem k = game.d_Inventory.Items[i]; if (k == null) { continue; } if (k.Value_.ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && k.Value_.BlockId == clonesource2) { //free hand if (freehand != null) { game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(freehand.value)); break; } //try to replace current slot if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block) { game.MoveToInventory( game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); } } } } string[] sound = game.d_Data.CloneSound()[clonesource]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } } if (left || right) { BlockPosSide tile = pick0; int newtileX; int newtileY; int newtileZ; if (right) { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[2]); } else { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]); } if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { //Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + d_Map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY)); if (!(pick0.blockPos[0] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[1] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[2] == -1)) { int blocktype; if (left) { blocktype =, newtileZ, newtileY); } else { blocktype = ((game.BlockInHand() == null) ? 1 : game.BlockInHand().value); } if (left && blocktype == game.d_Data.BlockIdAdminium()) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } string[] sound = left ? game.d_Data.BreakSound()[blocktype] : game.d_Data.BuildSound()[blocktype]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } //normal attack if (!right) { //attack int posx = newtileX; int posy = newtileZ; int posz = newtileY; game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(posx, posy, posz); if (!game.blockHealth.ContainsKey(posx, posy, posz)) { game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz)); } game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.blockHealth.Get(posx, posy, posz) - game.WeaponAttackStrength()); float health = game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz); if (health <= 0) { if (game.currentAttackedBlock != null) { game.blockHealth.Remove(posx, posy, posz); } game.currentAttackedBlock = null; OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (!right) { game.particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtileX, newtileY, newtileZ);//must be before deletion - gets ground type. } if (!, newtileZ, newtileY)) { game.platform.ThrowException(""); } OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y), // right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]); } } } } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); }
ListBox3d Children(Box3D box) { ListBox3d l = newListBox3d(); l.count = 8; Box3D[] c = l.arr; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { c[i] = newBox3d(); } float x = box.MinEdge[0]; float y = box.MinEdge[1]; float z = box.MinEdge[2]; float size = box.LengthX() / 2; c[0].Set(x, y, z, size); c[1].Set(x + size, y, z, size); c[2].Set(x, y, z + size, size); c[3].Set(x + size, y, z + size, size); c[4].Set(x, y + size, z, size); c[5].Set(x + size, y + size, z, size); c[6].Set(x, y + size, z + size, size); c[7].Set(x + size, y + size, z + size, size); return l; }
internal void NextBullet(Game game, int bulletsshot) { float one = 1; bool left = game.mouseLeft; bool middle = game.mouseMiddle; bool right = game.mouseRight; bool IsNextShot = bulletsshot != 0; if (!game.leftpressedpicking) { if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = true; } else { left = false; } } else { if (game.mouseleftdeclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = false; left = false; } } if (!left) { game.currentAttackedBlock = null; } Packet_Item item = game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial]; bool ispistol = (item != null && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].IsPistol); bool ispistolshoot = ispistol && left; bool isgrenade = ispistol && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].PistolType == Packet_PistolTypeEnum.Grenade; if (ispistol && isgrenade) { ispistolshoot = game.mouseleftdeclick; } //grenade cooking - TODO: fix instant explosion when closing ESC menu if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); if (ispistol && isgrenade) { if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootCount > 0) { game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.Shoot[0])); } } } float wait = ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds)) / 1000); if (isgrenade && left) { if (wait >= game.grenadetime && isgrenade && game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds != 0) { ispistolshoot = true; game.mouseleftdeclick = true; } else { return; } } else { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = 0; } if (ispistol && game.mouserightclick && (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds) >= 500) { game.IronSights = !game.IronSights; game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } IntRef pick2count = new IntRef(); Line3D pick = new Line3D(); GetPickingLine(game, pick, ispistolshoot); BlockPosSide[] pick2 = game.Pick(game.s, pick, pick2count); if (left) { game.handSetAttackDestroy = true; } else if (right) { game.handSetAttackBuild = true; } if (game.overheadcamera && pick2count.value > 0 && left) { //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination. if (game.Follow == null) { //Only walk to destination when not following someone game.playerdestination = Vector3Ref.Create(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1] + 1, pick2[0].blockPos[2]); } } bool pickdistanceok = (pick2count.value > 0); //&& (!ispistol); if (pickdistanceok) { if (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[1] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[2] + one / 2, pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2]) > CurrentPickDistance(game)) { pickdistanceok = false; } } bool playertileempty = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); bool playertileemptyclose = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); BlockPosSide pick0 = new BlockPosSide(); if (pick2count.value > 0 && ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose))) || game.overheadcamera) ) { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[0]); game.SelectedBlockPositionY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[1]); game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[2]); pick0 = pick2[0]; } else { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionY = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = -1; pick0.blockPos = new float[3]; pick0.blockPos[0] = -1; pick0.blockPos[1] = -1; pick0.blockPos[2] = -1; } PickEntity(game, pick, pick2, pick2count); if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { int ntileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int ntileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int ntileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (game.IsUsableBlock(, ntileZ, ntileY))) { game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(ntileX, ntileZ, ntileY); } } if (game.GetFreeMouse()) { if (pick2count.value > 0) { OnPick_(pick0); } return; } if ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - lastbuildMilliseconds) / 1000) >= BuildDelay(game) || IsNextShot) { if (left && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] == null) { game.SendPacketClient(ClientPackets.MonsterHit(game.platform.FloatToInt(2 + game.rnd.NextFloat() * 4))); } if (left && !fastclicking) { //todo animation fastclicking = false; } if ((left || right || middle) && (!isgrenade)) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (isgrenade && game.mouseleftdeclick) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (game.reloadstartMilliseconds != 0) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistolshoot) { if ((!(game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0)) || (!(game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0))) { game.AudioPlay("Dry Fire"); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } } if (ispistolshoot) { float toX = pick.End[0]; float toY = pick.End[1]; float toZ = pick.End[2]; if (pick2count.value > 0) { toX = pick2[0].blockPos[0]; toY = pick2[0].blockPos[1]; toZ = pick2[0].blockPos[2]; } Packet_ClientShot shot = new Packet_ClientShot(); shot.FromX = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[0]); shot.FromY = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[1]); shot.FromZ = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[2]); shot.ToX = game.SerializeFloat(toX); shot.ToY = game.SerializeFloat(toY); shot.ToZ = game.SerializeFloat(toZ); shot.HitPlayer = -1; for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++) { if (game.entities[i] == null) { continue; } if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null) { continue; } Entity p_ = game.entities[i]; if (p_.networkPosition == null) { continue; } if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded) { continue; } float feetposX = p_.position.x; float feetposY = p_.position.y; float feetposZ = p_.position.z; //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn; Box3D bodybox = new Box3D(); float headsize = (p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - p_.drawModel.eyeHeight) * 2; //0.4f; float h = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - headsize; float r = one * 35 / 100; bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); Box3D headbox = new Box3D(); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); float[] p; float localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX(); float localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY(); float localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ(); p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, headbox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 1; } } else { p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 0; } } } } shot.WeaponBlock = item.BlockId; game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; float projectilespeed = game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].ProjectileSpeedFloat); if (projectilespeed == 0) { { Entity entity = game.CreateBulletEntity( pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2], toX, toY, toZ, 150); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } } else { float vX = toX - pick.Start[0]; float vY = toY - pick.Start[1]; float vZ = toZ - pick.Start[2]; float vLength = game.Length(vX, vY, vZ); vX /= vLength; vY /= vLength; vZ /= vLength; vX *= projectilespeed; vY *= projectilespeed; vZ *= projectilespeed; shot.ExplodesAfter = game.SerializeFloat(game.grenadetime - wait); { Entity grenadeEntity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.image = "ChemicalGreen.png"; sprite.size = 14; sprite.animationcount = 0; sprite.positionX = pick.Start[0]; sprite.positionY = pick.Start[1]; sprite.positionZ = pick.Start[2]; grenadeEntity.sprite = sprite; Grenade_ projectile = new Grenade_(); projectile.velocityX = vX; projectile.velocityY = vY; projectile.velocityZ = vZ; projectile.block = item.BlockId; projectile.sourcePlayer = game.LocalPlayerId; grenadeEntity.expires = Expires.Create(game.grenadetime - wait); grenadeEntity.grenade = projectile; game.EntityAddLocal(grenadeEntity); } } Packet_Client packet = new Packet_Client(); packet.Id = Packet_ClientIdEnum.Shot; packet.Shot = shot; game.SendPacketClient(packet); if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount > 0) { game.pistolcycle = game.rnd.Next() % game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount; game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEnd[game.pistolcycle])); } bulletsshot++; if (bulletsshot < game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].BulletsPerShotFloat)) { NextBullet(game, bulletsshot); } //recoil game.player.position.rotx -= game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil(); game.player.position.roty += game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil() * 2 - game.CurrentRecoil(); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistol && right) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (pick2count.value > 0) { if (middle) { int newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { int clonesource =, newtileZ, newtileY); int clonesource2 = game.d_Data.WhenPlayerPlacesGetsConvertedTo()[clonesource]; bool gotoDone = false; //find this block in another right hand. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].BlockId == clonesource2) { game.ActiveMaterial = i; gotoDone = true; } } if (!gotoDone) { IntRef freehand = game.d_InventoryUtil.FreeHand(game.ActiveMaterial); //find this block in inventory. for (int i = 0; i < game.d_Inventory.ItemsCount; i++) { Packet_PositionItem k = game.d_Inventory.Items[i]; if (k == null) { continue; } if (k.Value_.ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && k.Value_.BlockId == clonesource2) { //free hand if (freehand != null) { game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(freehand.value)); break; } //try to replace current slot if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block) { game.MoveToInventory( game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); } } } } string[] sound = game.d_Data.CloneSound()[clonesource]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } } if (left || right) { BlockPosSide tile = pick0; int newtileX; int newtileY; int newtileZ; if (right) { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[2]); } else { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]); } if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { //Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + d_Map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY)); if (!(pick0.blockPos[0] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[1] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[2] == -1)) { int blocktype; if (left) { blocktype =, newtileZ, newtileY); } else { blocktype = ((game.BlockInHand() == null) ? 1 : game.BlockInHand().value); } if (left && blocktype == game.d_Data.BlockIdAdminium()) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } string[] sound = left ? game.d_Data.BreakSound()[blocktype] : game.d_Data.BuildSound()[blocktype]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } //normal attack if (!right) { //attack int posx = newtileX; int posy = newtileZ; int posz = newtileY; game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(posx, posy, posz); if (!game.blockHealth.ContainsKey(posx, posy, posz)) { game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz)); } game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.blockHealth.Get(posx, posy, posz) - game.WeaponAttackStrength()); float health = game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz); if (health <= 0) { if (game.currentAttackedBlock != null) { game.blockHealth.Remove(posx, posy, posz); } game.currentAttackedBlock = null; OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (!right) { game.particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtileX, newtileY, newtileZ);//must be before deletion - gets ground type. } if (!, newtileZ, newtileY)) { game.platform.ThrowException("Error in picking - NextBullet()"); } OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y), // right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]); } } } } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); }
void recycleBox3d(Box3D l) { pool_i--; pool[pool_i] = l; }
public P3DSimplexNoiseTerrain(SceneNode parent, SceneManager mgr, int id, int vertsPerRow, int vertsPerCol, int cellSpacing, float heightScale) : base(parent, mgr, id) { _mgr = mgr; _driver = _mgr.VideoDriver; Material = new Material(); Material.Lighting = false; _numVertsPerRow = vertsPerRow; _numVertsPerCol = vertsPerCol; _cellSpacing = cellSpacing; _heightScale = heightScale; _numCellsPerRow = _numVertsPerRow - 1; _numCellsPerCol = _numVertsPerCol - 1; _width = _numCellsPerRow * _cellSpacing; _depth = _numCellsPerCol * _cellSpacing; NumVertices = _numVertsPerRow * _numVertsPerCol; _numIndices = (_numCellsPerRow * _numCellsPerCol) * 6; _numTriangles = (_numCellsPerRow * _numCellsPerCol) * 2; _indices = new ushort[_numIndices]; int startX = -_width / 2; int startZ = _depth / 2; int endX = _width / 2; int endZ = -_depth / 2; Box3D = new Box3D(new Vector3D(startX, -_heightScale, startZ), new Vector3D(endX, _heightScale, endZ)); const float uCoordIncrementSize = 1.0f; const float vCoordIncrementSize = 1.0f; _heights = new float[NumVertices]; int i = 0; for (int z = startZ; z >= endZ; z -= _cellSpacing) { int j = 0; for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x += _cellSpacing) { int index = i * _numVertsPerRow + j; // large noise. float height = PerlinSimplexNoise.noise(x * 0.0001f, z * 0.0001f) * _heightScale; // detail noise. height += PerlinSimplexNoise.noise(x * 0.001f, z * 0.001f) * _heightScale / 10; Vertex3D v = new Vertex3D( new Vector3D(x, height, z), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), Color.Black, new Vector2D(j * uCoordIncrementSize, i * vCoordIncrementSize) ); _buffer.SetVertex((uint)index, v); j++; } i++; } uint baseIndex = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < _numCellsPerRow; k++) { for (uint j = 0; j < _numCellsPerCol; j++) { _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 0, (ushort)(k * _numVertsPerRow + j)); _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 1, (ushort)(k * _numVertsPerRow + j + 1)); _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 2, (ushort)((k + 1) * _numVertsPerRow + j)); _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 3, (ushort)((k + 1) * _numVertsPerRow + j)); _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 4, (ushort)(k * _numVertsPerRow + j + 1)); _buffer.SetIndex(baseIndex + 5, (ushort)((k + 1) * _numVertsPerRow + j + 1)); baseIndex += 6; } } }