Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Scalar GetAreaOfRange(Vector2D[][] polygons)
            if (polygons == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("polygons");
            if (polygons.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("polygons");
            Scalar result = 0;
            Scalar temp;

            Vector2D[] polygon;
            for (int index = 0; index < polygons.Length; ++index)
                polygon = polygons[index];
                if (polygon == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("polygons");
                BoundingPolygon.GetArea(polygon, out temp);
                result += temp;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the area of a polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>The area.</returns>
        public static Scalar GetArea(Vector2D[] vertices)
            Scalar result;

            BoundingPolygon.GetArea(vertices, out result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Centroid of a polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>The Centroid of a polygon.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is Also known as Center of Gravity/Mass.
        /// </remarks>
        public static Vector2D GetCentroid(Vector2D[] vertices)
            Vector2D result;

            BoundingPolygon.GetCentroid(vertices, out result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// repositions the polygon so the Centroid is the origin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>The vertices of the polygon with the Centroid as the Origin.</returns>
        public static Vector2D[] MakeCentroidOrigin(Vector2D[] vertices)
            Vector2D centroid;

            BoundingPolygon.GetCentroid(vertices, out centroid);
            return(OperationHelper.ArrayRefOp <Vector2D, Vector2D, Vector2D>(vertices, ref centroid, Vector2D.Subtract));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Intersection Intersect(BoundingSphere bs1, BoundingPolygon bp2)
            Vector3 closestPoint = new Vector3(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);

            foreach (Vertex vertex in bp2.Model.Vertices)
                if (Vector3.Min(bs1.Center - vertex.Position, bs1.Center - closestPoint) == bs1.Center - vertex.Position)
                    closestPoint = vertex.Position;

            Vector3 normal = (closestPoint - bs1.Center).Normalized();

            float min1 = Single.MaxValue;
            float max1 = -Single.MaxValue;

            float min2 = Single.MaxValue;
            float max2 = -Single.MaxValue;

            foreach (Vertex vertex in bp2.Model.Vertices)
                float t = Vector3.Dot(normal, vertex.Position);

                min1 = Math.Min(min1, t);
                max1 = Math.Max(max1, t);

            min2 = Vector3.Dot(normal, bs1.Center) - bs1.Radius;
            max2 = Vector3.Dot(normal, bs1.Center) + bs1.Radius;

            float distance = Math.Max(min1 - max2, min2 - max1);

            return(new Intersection(distance < 0f, normal * distance));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Init()
     circle1 = new BoundingCircle(Vector2D.YAxis, 2);
     circle2 = new BoundingCircle(Vector2D.XAxis, 2);
     rect1 = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle1);
     circle3 = BoundingCircle.FromRectangle(rect1);
     rect2 = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle3);
     polygon1 = new BoundingPolygon(rect1.Corners());
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Init()
     circle1  = new BoundingCircle(Vector2.UnitY, 2);
     circle2  = new BoundingCircle(Vector2.UnitX, 2);
     rect1    = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle1);
     circle3  = BoundingCircle.FromRectangle(rect1);
     rect2    = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle3);
     polygon1 = new BoundingPolygon(rect1.Corners());
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Init()
     circle1  = new BoundingCircle(Vector2D.YAxis, 2);
     circle2  = new BoundingCircle(Vector2D.XAxis, 2);
     rect1    = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle1);
     circle3  = BoundingCircle.FromRectangle(rect1);
     rect2    = BoundingRectangle.FromCircle(circle3);
     polygon1 = new BoundingPolygon(rect1.Corners());
     rect0    = new BoundingRectangle(-1, 3.01f, 1, 6);
Exemplo n.º 9
        bool IRaySegmentsCollidable.TryGetRayCollision(Body thisBody, Body raysBody, RaySegmentsShape raySegments, out RaySegmentIntersectionInfo info)
            bool intersects = false;

            RaySegment[] segments = raySegments.Segments;
            Scalar[]     result   = new Scalar[segments.Length];
            Scalar       temp;

            Vector2D[][] polygons = this.Polygons;
            for (int index = 0; index < segments.Length; ++index)
                result[index] = -1;
            Matrix2x3 matrix = raysBody.Matrices.ToBody * thisBody.Matrices.ToWorld;

            for (int polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < polygons.Length; ++polyIndex)
                Vector2D[] unTrans = polygons[polyIndex];
                Vector2D[] polygon = new Vector2D[unTrans.Length];
                for (int index = 0; index < unTrans.Length; ++index)
                    Vector2D.Transform(ref matrix, ref unTrans[index], out polygon[index]);
                BoundingRectangle rect;
                BoundingRectangle.FromVectors(polygon, out rect);
                BoundingPolygon poly = new BoundingPolygon(polygon);
                for (int index = 0; index < segments.Length; ++index)
                    RaySegment segment = segments[index];
                    rect.Intersects(ref segment.RayInstance, out temp);
                    if (temp >= 0 && temp <= segment.Length)
                        poly.Intersects(ref segment.RayInstance, out temp);
                        if (temp >= 0 && temp <= segment.Length)
                            if (result[index] == -1 || temp < result[index])
                                result[index] = temp;
                            intersects = true;
            if (intersects)
                info = new RaySegmentIntersectionInfo(result);
                info = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void GetDistance(ref Vector2D point, out Scalar result)
            result = Scalar.MaxValue;
            Scalar temp;

            for (int index = 0; index < polygons.Length; ++index)
                BoundingPolygon.GetDistance(polygons[index], ref point, out temp);
                if (temp < result)
                    result = temp;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void IntersectsPolygon()
            var exactlyNonOverlappingPolygon  = new BoundingPolygon(new BoundingRectangle(20, 20, 20, 20).Corners());
            var exactlyOverlappingPolygon     = new BoundingPolygon(_testAabb.Corners());
            var closelyNonIntersectingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(
                new BoundingRectangle(-1, -1, -0.001f, -0.001f).Corners());
            var closelyIntersectingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(
                new BoundingRectangle(-1, -1, 0.001f, 0.001f).Corners());

            Assert.That(_testAabb.Intersects(exactlyNonOverlappingPolygon), Is.False);
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Intersects(exactlyOverlappingPolygon), Is.True);
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Intersects(closelyNonIntersectingPolygon), Is.False);
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Intersects(closelyIntersectingPolygon), Is.True);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ContainsPolygon()
            var exactlyOverlappingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(_testAabb.Corners());
            var closelyContainedPolygon   = new BoundingPolygon(
                new BoundingRectangle(0.001f, 0.001f, 19.999f, 19.999f).Corners());
            var closelyNonIntersectingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(
                new BoundingRectangle(-1, -1, -0.001f, -0.001f).Corners());
            var closelyIntersectingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(
                new BoundingRectangle(-1, -1, 0.001f, 0.001f).Corners());

            Assert.That(_testAabb.Contains(exactlyOverlappingPolygon), Is.EqualTo(Containment.Contains));
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Contains(closelyContainedPolygon), Is.EqualTo(Containment.Contains));
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Contains(closelyNonIntersectingPolygon), Is.EqualTo(Containment.Disjoint));
            Assert.That(_testAabb.Contains(closelyIntersectingPolygon), Is.EqualTo(Containment.Intersects));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static Intersection Intersect(BoundingPolygon bp1, BoundingPolygon bp2)
            Vector3 shortestDistance = new Vector3(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);

            foreach (Vertex axis in bp1.Model.Vertices)
                Vector3 normal = axis.Normal;

                float min1 = Single.MaxValue;
                float max1 = -Single.MaxValue;

                float min2 = Single.MaxValue;
                float max2 = -Single.MaxValue;

                foreach (Vertex vertex in bp1.Model.Vertices)
                    float t = Vector3.Dot(normal, vertex.Position);

                    min1 = Math.Min(min1, t);
                    max1 = Math.Max(max1, t);

                foreach (Vertex vertex in bp2.Model.Vertices)
                    float t = Vector3.Dot(normal, vertex.Position);

                    min2 = Math.Min(min2, t);
                    max2 = Math.Max(max2, t);

                float distance = Math.Max(min1 - max2, min2 - max1);

                shortestDistance = Vector3.ComponentMin(shortestDistance, normal * distance);

                if (distance > 0f)
                    return(new Intersection(false, shortestDistance));

            return(new Intersection(true, shortestDistance));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public override void GetDistance(ref Vector2D point, out Scalar result)
     BoundingPolygon.GetDistance(Vertexes, ref point, out result);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void IndexerThrowsWhenBoundingPolygonIsDefault()
     BoundingPolygon boundingPolygon = default;
     Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => { var _ = boundingPolygon[0]; });
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void IndexerThrowsWhenBoundingPolygonIsEmpty()
     BoundingPolygon boundingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(new List<float>());
     Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => { var _ = boundingPolygon[0]; });
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void ToStringDoesNotThrowWhenBoundingPolygonIsDefault()
     BoundingPolygon boundingPolygon = default;
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => boundingPolygon.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void ToStringDoesNotThrowWhenBoundingPolygonIsEmpty()
     BoundingPolygon boundingPolygon = new BoundingPolygon(new List<float>());
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => boundingPolygon.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the moment of inertia for a polygon
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vertexes"></param>
 /// <returns>the moment of inertia</returns>
 public static Scalar GetInertia(Vector2D[] vertexes)
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static DisposeCallback CreateTank(DemoOpenInfo info, Vector2D position, List <Body> result)
            Lifespan avatarLifespan = new Lifespan();

            IShape shape = ShapeFactory.CreateSprite(Cache <SurfacePolygons> .GetItem("tank.png"), 4, 18, 2);

            ObjectIgnorer ignorer  = new ObjectIgnorer();
            Body          tankBody = new Body(new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, 0, 0)),
                                              300,//new MassInfo(40, Scalar.PositiveInfinity),
                                              new Coefficients(0, 1),

            tankBody.State.Position.Linear += position;

            tankBody.CollisionIgnorer = ignorer;
            BodyGraphic graphic = CreateGraphic(tankBody);

            graphic.ZOrder = 2;

            Scalar            wheelSize     = 18;
            Scalar            wheelSpacing  = -9;
            Scalar            lenghtPercent = .84f;
            Matrix2x3         ident         = Matrix2x3.Identity;
            BoundingRectangle rect;

            shape.CalcBoundingRectangle(ref ident, out rect);
            Scalar          y         = (rect.Max.Y + 4);
            Body            lastWheel = null;
            BoundingPolygon polygon   = new BoundingPolygon(shape.Vertexes);

            Ray      ray2 = new Ray(new Vector2D(rect.Max.X, y), -Vector2D.YAxis);
            Scalar   y3   = y - polygon.Intersects(ray2);
            Vector2D avatarBarrelOffset = new Vector2D(rect.Max.X + 10, y3);

            CircleShape wheelShape = ShapeFactory.CreateColoredCircle(wheelSize, 30);
            Scalar      force      = 0;

            for (Scalar x = rect.Min.X + wheelSize; x < (rect.Max.X - wheelSize) * lenghtPercent; x += (wheelSize * 2 + wheelSpacing))
                Ray    ray = new Ray(new Vector2D(x, y), -Vector2D.YAxis);
                Scalar y2  = y - polygon.Intersects(ray);

                Vector2D offset = new Vector2D(x, y2);

                Body wheel = new Body(
                    new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, offset + position)),
                    new Coefficients(0, 3),//  coefficients.Duplicate(),

                wheel.CollisionIgnorer = ignorer;
                wheel.AngularDamping   = .9f;
                wheel.Updated         += delegate(object sender, UpdatedEventArgs e)
                    wheel.State.ForceAccumulator.Angular += force;

                HingeJoint joint = new HingeJoint(tankBody, wheel, offset + position, avatarLifespan);
                joint.Softness = .1f;

                if (lastWheel != null)
                    AngleJoint joint2 = new AngleJoint(lastWheel, wheel, avatarLifespan);
                lastWheel = wheel;

            CircleShape weaponShape = ShapeFactory.CreateColoredCircle(5, 8);

            //now begins the abuse of anominous delegates (BIG TIME)

            EventHandler <KeyboardEventArgs> keyDownHandler = delegate(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
                switch (e.Key)
                case Key.LeftArrow:
                    force = -1500000;

                case Key.RightArrow:
                    force = 1500000;

                case Key.Space:

                    Scalar velocity = 2000;

                    Matrix2x3 toWorld       = tankBody.Matrices.ToWorld;
                    Matrix2x2 toWorldNormal = tankBody.Matrices.ToWorldNormal;

                    //  Matrix2D mat = avatarBodies[0].Matrices.ToWorld;
                    Vector2D     direction = toWorldNormal * Vector2D.XAxis;
                    PhysicsState state     = new PhysicsState();
                    state.Position.Linear = toWorld * (avatarBarrelOffset);
                    state.Velocity.Linear = velocity * direction + tankBody.State.Velocity.Linear;

                    Body weapon = new Body(state,
                                           new Coefficients(1, 1),
                                           new Lifespan(10));
                    //weapon.CollisionIgnorer = tankBody.CollisionIgnorer;

                    weapon.Collided += delegate(object sender2, CollisionEventArgs e2)
                        if (!weapon.Lifetime.IsExpired)
                            weapon.Lifetime.IsExpired = true;
                            AddParticles(info, weapon.State.Position.Linear, weapon.State.Velocity.Linear * .5f, 50);

                    //  weapon.Collided += weapon_Collided;
                    tankBody.State.Velocity.Linear -= (velocity * weapon.Mass.Mass * tankBody.Mass.MassInv) * direction;
            EventHandler <KeyboardEventArgs> keyUpHandler = delegate(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
                switch (e.Key)
                case Key.LeftArrow:
                    force = 0;

                case Key.RightArrow:
                    force = 0;

            Events.KeyboardDown += keyDownHandler;
            Events.KeyboardUp   += keyUpHandler;

                Events.KeyboardDown -= keyDownHandler;
                Events.KeyboardUp -= keyUpHandler;