public override void UpdateState(BotController bot)
        var player = GameManager.Instance.Player;

        if (player == null || player.IsDead)

        bot.ResetWaypoints(); // We'll be using all the waypoints
        float   minDotValue = float.MaxValue;
        Vector3 targetWP    = bot.transform.position;

        bot.ForEachWaypoint(wp => // Get a waypoint that is in opposite direction to that of player
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(wp - bot.transform.position, player.transform.position - bot.transform.position);
            if (dot < minDotValue)
                minDotValue = dot;
                targetWP    = wp;


        bot.ShootDirection = player.transform.position - bot.transform.position;

        // Square distance calculation is faster and efficient
        if (bot.ShootDirection.sqrMagnitude < bot.maxShootDist * bot.maxShootDist)