Exemplo n.º 1
 public NewsletterDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
 public InterestPointDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public QuizQuestionDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
 public MeteorologyDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
 public QuizAnswerDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
 public ProfileDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public ResultDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
 public VisitorDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public CompanyDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void  Seed()
            using var _ctx = new BoraNowContext();
            var categoryOne     = new CategoryInterestPoint("VeganFood");
            var categoryTwo     = new CategoryInterestPoint("SeaFood");
            var categoryThree   = new CategoryInterestPoint("AsianFood");
            var quiz            = new Quiz("BoraNow quiz");
            var quizQuestion    = new QuizQuestion("What type of food are you looking for?", quiz.Id);
            var quizAnswerOne   = new QuizAnswer("Vegan", quizQuestion.Id);
            var quizAnswerTwo   = new QuizAnswer("Sea food", quizQuestion.Id);
            var quizAnswerThree = new QuizAnswer("Asian style", quizQuestion.Id);

            var countryOne = new Country("Angola");
            var countryTwo = new Country("Portugal");
            var profileOne = new Profile("blogueira vegana que adora viajar e conhecer novos locais", "mefamousstar.jpg");
            var profileTwo = new Profile("Business Man with a chain of restauarants across Lisbon", "merichstar.jpg");
            var company    = new Company("PearTree Company", "Marco Pereria", "919200000", "23453554", profileTwo.Id);
            var visitor    = new Visitor("Bruna", "Costa", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-24), "Female", profileOne.Id, countryOne.Id);

            var interestPoint         = new InterestPoint("PearTree Abc", "very chill place that offers lots off tradicional food", "abc street", "uhuhuu.jpg", "3 am", "5 pm", "fridays", true, true, company.Id);
            var interestPointCategory = new InterestPointCategoryInterestPoint(interestPoint.Id, categoryOne.Id);
            var result = new Result("questionário nº 1", DateTime.Now, quiz.Id, visitor.Id);
            var resultInterestPoint = new ResultInterestPoint(result.Id, interestPoint.Id);

            var newsletter = new Newsletter("New place in town that has many vegan options", "Brand New");
            var interestPointNewsletter = new InterestPointNewsletter(interestPoint.Id, newsletter.Id);

            var meteorology = new Meteorology(19, 27, 0, 1, 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
            var feedback    = new Feedback("very nice place, cousy vibes, really good food", 5, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), interestPoint.Id, visitor.Id);





Exemplo n.º 11
 public FeedbackDataAccessObject()
     _context = new BoraNowContext();