Exemplo n.º 1
     * Backup the original boot loader.
     * @param hackbgrt Path to the HackBGRT directory on the ESP.
     * @param msloader Path of the MS boot loader to backup.
     * @return Information about the boot loader backup.
    public static BootLoaderInfo Backup(string hackbgrt, string msloader)
        try {
            if (!Directory.Exists(hackbgrt))
            BootLoaderInfo info = RecognizeLoader(msloader);
            if (info.Type == BootLoaderType.HackBGRT)
                Console.WriteLine(msloader + " already contains a version of HackBGRT, skipping backup.");
            else if (info.Type == BootLoaderType.MS)
                // Overwrite any previous backup, the file might have changed.
                Copy(msloader, hackbgrt + "\\bootmgfw-original.efi");
                Console.WriteLine(msloader + " doesn't look right, skipping backup.");
        } catch {
        BootLoaderInfo msbackup = RecognizeLoader(hackbgrt + "\\bootmgfw-original.efi");

        if (!msbackup.Exists)
            throw new SetupException("Couldn't backup the original bootmgfw.efi.");
        if (msbackup.Arch == null || msbackup.Type != BootLoaderType.MS)
            throw new SetupException("The boot loader backup (" + msbackup.Path + ") doesn't look like a supported MS boot loader");
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Initialize information for the Setup.
    protected Setup(string source, string esp)
        Source         = source;
        Destination    = esp + "\\EFI\\HackBGRT";
        Config         = Destination + "\\config.txt";
        Splash         = Destination + "\\splash.bmp";
        MsLoaderBackup = new BootLoaderInfo(Destination + "\\bootmgfw-original.efi");
        MsLoader       = new BootLoaderInfo(esp + "\\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi");
        if (MsLoader.Type == BootLoaderType.MS)
            EfiArch = MsLoader.Arch;
        else if (MsLoaderBackup.Type == BootLoaderType.MS)
            EfiArch = MsLoaderBackup.Arch;
            throw new SetupException("Failed to detect MS boot loader!");
        string loaderName = "boot" + EfiArch + ".efi";

        NewLoaderSource = new BootLoaderInfo(Source + "\\" + loaderName);
        NewLoader       = new BootLoaderInfo(Destination + "\\" + loaderName);
        if (!NewLoaderSource.Exists)
            throw new SetupException("Couldn't find required files! Missing: " + NewLoaderSource.Path);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Replace this boot loader with another.
  * @param other The new boot loader.
  * @return true if the replacement was successful.
 public bool ReplaceWith(BootLoaderInfo other)
     if (!other.Exists || !Copy(other.Path, Path))
     Exists = other.Exists;
     Type   = other.Type;
     Arch   = other.Arch;
Exemplo n.º 4
     * Enable HackBGRT, replace the msloader with our own.
     * @param hackbgrt Path to the HackBGRT directory on the ESP.
     * @param msloader Path of the MS boot loader to replace.
     * @param msbackup Information of the boot loader backup.
    public static void Enable(string hackbgrt, string msloader, BootLoaderInfo msbackup)
        string loaderName = "boot" + msbackup.Arch + ".efi";
        string loaderInst = hackbgrt + "\\" + loaderName;

        if (!File.Exists(loaderInst))
            throw new SetupException(loaderInst + " doesn't exist.");
        if (!Copy(loaderInst, msloader))
            Copy(msbackup.Path, msloader);
            throw new SetupException("Couldn't install the new bootmgfw.efi.");
        Console.WriteLine("HackBGRT is now enabled.");
Exemplo n.º 5
     * Disable HackBGRT, restore the original boot loader.
     * @param hackbgrt Where HackBGRT is installed.
     * @param msloader Where to restore the MS boot loader.
    public static void Disable(string hackbgrt, string msloader)
        BootLoaderInfo info = RecognizeLoader(msloader);

        if (info.Type == BootLoaderType.MS)
            Console.WriteLine(msloader + " is already ok.");
            if (!File.Exists(hackbgrt + "\\bootmgfw-original.efi"))
                throw new SetupException("Missing the original bootmgfw.efi.");
            if (!Copy(hackbgrt + "\\bootmgfw-original.efi", msloader))
                throw new SetupException("Failed to restore the original bootmgfw.efi.");
            Console.WriteLine(msloader + " has been restored.");
Exemplo n.º 6
     * Install HackBGRT, copy files and replace the msloader with our own.
     * @param src Path to the installation files.
     * @param hackbgrt Path to the HackBGRT directory on the ESP.
     * @param msloader Path of the MS boot loader to replace.
     * @param msbackup Information of the boot loader backup.
    public static void Install(string src, string hackbgrt, string msloader, BootLoaderInfo msbackup)
        string loaderName = "boot" + msbackup.Arch + ".efi";
        string loaderSrc  = src + "\\" + loaderName;
        string loaderInst = hackbgrt + "\\" + loaderName;

        if (!File.Exists(loaderSrc))
            throw new SetupException(loaderName + " doesn't exist.");
        Copy(loaderSrc, loaderInst);
        if (!File.Exists(hackbgrt + "\\config.txt"))
            Copy(src + "\\config.txt", hackbgrt + "\\config.txt");
        if (!File.Exists(hackbgrt + "\\splash.bmp"))
            Copy(src + "\\splash.bmp", hackbgrt + "\\splash.bmp");
        Enable(hackbgrt, msloader, msbackup);