Exemplo n.º 1
        // function that returns the top rated authors from database
        public List <AuthorListViewModel> GetTopRatedAuthors()
            // Gets a list of all the user ratings the author has resieved for all his books
            var topRatedBooks = (from b in _db.Books
                                 join r in _db.Reviews on b.Id equals r.BookId
                                 select new AuthorListViewModel
                Id = b.AuthorId,
                Rating = r.Rating

            // Top rated authors are calculated from the table above,
            // by getting the average of the authors user ratings
            var topRatedAuthors = (from a in _db.Authors
                                   join b in topRatedBooks on a.Id equals b.Id
                                   orderby b.Rating descending
                                   group b by new { b.Id, a.Name } into BooksRated
                                   select new AuthorListViewModel
                Name = BooksRated.Key.Name,
                Rating = BooksRated.Average(a => a.Rating)

            // Making sure the list is ordered correctly
            var topTen = topRatedAuthors.OrderByDescending(average => average.Rating);

Exemplo n.º 2
        // Function that returns a BookListViewModel with all the info from the book with the chosen ID
        public BookListViewModel GetBookDetails(int Id)
            // Get the rating of the book
            var getRating = (from b in _db.Books
                             join r in _db.Reviews on b.Id equals r.BookId
                             group r by new { r.BookId, b.Id } into BooksRated
                             select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = BooksRated.Key.Id,
                Rating = BooksRated.Average(a => a.Rating)

            // Get the info from the database about the book and stores it in a new instance of BookListViewModel
            var book = (from b in _db.Books
                        join au in _db.Authors on b.AuthorId equals au.Id
                        where b.Id == Id
                        join r in getRating on b.Id equals r.BookId
                        select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = b.Id,
                Title = b.Title,
                Genre = b.Genre,
                About = b.About,
                Author = au.Name,
                Rating = r.Rating,
                Price = b.Price

Exemplo n.º 3
        // Function that returns the top user rated books from database
        public List <BookListViewModel> GetTopRatedBooks()
            // Average of the user ratings from each book is calculated
            var topRatedBooks = (from b in _db.Books
                                 join r in _db.Reviews on b.Id equals r.BookId
                                 group r by new { r.BookId, b.Id } into BooksRated
                                 select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = BooksRated.Key.Id,
                Rating = BooksRated.Average(a => a.Rating)

            // Top rated books are ordered in descending order
            var topTen = topRatedBooks.OrderByDescending(average => average.Rating);

            // The rating found and put in the new instance fo the BookListViewModel
            var topReturn = (from b in _db.Books
                             join au in _db.Authors on b.AuthorId equals au.Id
                             join r in topTen on b.Id equals r.BookId
                             orderby r.Rating descending
                             select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = b.Id,
                Title = b.Title,
                Genre = b.Genre,
                About = b.About,
                Rating = r.Rating,
                Author = au.Name,
                Price = b.Price

Exemplo n.º 4
        // function that returns a list of all the books in the database
        public List <BookListViewModel> GetAllBooks()
            var getRating = (from b in _db.Books
                             join r in _db.Reviews on b.Id equals r.BookId
                             group r by new { r.BookId, b.Id } into BooksRated
                             select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = BooksRated.Key.Id,
                Rating = BooksRated.Average(a => a.Rating)

            var books = (from b in _db.Books
                         join au in _db.Authors on b.AuthorId equals au.Id
                         join r in getRating on b.Id equals r.BookId
                         select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = b.Id,
                Title = b.Title,
                Genre = b.Genre,
                About = b.About,
                Rating = r.Rating,
                Author = au.Name,
                Price = b.Price

Exemplo n.º 5
        // function that uses the search-field to return a list of searched books
        public List <BookListViewModel> GetSearchedBooks(int genre, int order)
            var getRating = (from b in _db.Books
                             join r in _db.Reviews on b.Id equals r.BookId
                             group r by new { r.BookId, b.Id } into BooksRated
                             select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = BooksRated.Key.Id,
                Rating = BooksRated.Average(a => a.Rating)

            var filteredBooks = (from b in _db.Books
                                 join au in _db.Authors on b.AuthorId equals au.Id
                                 join r in getRating on b.Id equals r.BookId
                                 select new BookListViewModel
                BookId = b.Id,
                Title = b.Title,
                Genre = b.Genre,
                About = b.About,
                Rating = r.Rating,
                Author = au.Name,
                Price = b.Price

            // Genres
            if (genre == 1)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Adventure"));
            else if (genre == 2)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Autobiography"));
            else if (genre == 3)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Fiction"));
            else if (genre == 4)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Studies"));
            else if (genre == 5)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Romance"));
            else if (genre == 6)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Cookbooks"));
            else if (genre == 7)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("ScienceFiction"));
            else if (genre == 8)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.Where(book => book.Genre.Equals("Novel"));

            // Orders
            if (order == 1)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.OrderBy(book => book.Price);
            else if (order == 2)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.OrderByDescending(book => book.Price);
            else if (order == 3 || order == 0)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.OrderBy(book => book.Title);
            else if (order == 4)
                filteredBooks = filteredBooks.OrderByDescending(book => book.Title);

            // Return value
            var output = filteredBooks.ToList();
