// Convert BoneWeightCollection to Byte4 (bone indices) and Vector4 (bone weights).
        private void ConvertBoneWeights(BoneWeightCollection boneWeightCollection, Byte4[] boneIndices, Vector4[] boneWeights, int vertexIndex, GeometryContent geometry)
            // Normalize weights. (Number of weights should be MaxBonesPerVertex. Sum should be 1.)

            // Convert BoneWeights object to bone indices and bone weights.
            for (int i = 0; i < boneWeightCollection.Count; i++)
                BoneWeight boneWeight = boneWeightCollection[i];
                int        boneIndex  = _skeleton.GetIndex(boneWeight.BoneName);
                if (boneIndex == -1)
                    string message = String.Format(
                        "Vertex references unknown bone name \"{0}\".",
                    throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

                _tempIndices[i] = boneIndex;
                _tempWeights[i] = boneWeight.Weight;

            // Clear unused indices/weights.
            for (int i = boneWeightCollection.Count; i < MaxBonesPerVertex; i++)
                _tempIndices[i] = 0;
                _tempWeights[i] = 0f;

            boneIndices[vertexIndex] = new Byte4(_tempIndices[0], _tempIndices[1], _tempIndices[2], _tempIndices[3]);
            boneWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(_tempWeights[0], _tempWeights[1], _tempWeights[2], _tempWeights[3]);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void ConvertWeights(BoneWeightCollection inputWeights, Dictionary <string, int> boneIndices, Vector4[] outIndices, Vector4[] outWeights, int vertexIndex, GeometryContent geometry)
            // we only handle 4 weights per bone
            const int maxWeights = 4;

            // create some temp arrays to hold our values
            int[]   tempIndices = new int[maxWeights];
            float[] tempWeights = new float[maxWeights];

            // cull out any extra bones

            // get our indices and weights
            for (int i = 0; i < inputWeights.Count; i++)
                BoneWeight weight = inputWeights[i];

                tempIndices[i] = boneIndices[weight.BoneName];
                tempWeights[i] = weight.Weight;

            // zero out any remaining spaces
            for (int i = inputWeights.Count; i < maxWeights; i++)
                tempIndices[i] = 0;
                tempWeights[i] = 0;

            // output the values
            outIndices[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(tempIndices[0], tempIndices[1], tempIndices[2], tempIndices[3]);
            outWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(tempWeights[0], tempWeights[1], tempWeights[2], tempWeights[3]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void AddTriangleVertex(MeshBuilder builder, XmlMesh xmlMesh, XmlSubMesh xmlSubMesh, XmlSkeleton skeleton, int vertexIndex, int normalChannel, int uvChannel, int weightsChannel)
            var geometry = xmlSubMesh.Geometry;

            if (xmlSubMesh.UseSharedGeometry)
                geometry = xmlMesh.SharedGeometry;

            var vertex          = geometry.VertexBuffers[0].Vertices[vertexIndex];
            var uv              = geometry.VertexBuffers[1].Vertices[vertexIndex];
            var boneAssignments = xmlSubMesh.BoneAssignments.Where(x => x.VertexIndex == vertexIndex);

            if (xmlSubMesh.UseSharedGeometry)
                boneAssignments = xmlMesh.SharedBoneAssignments.Where(x => x.VertexIndex == vertexIndex);
            builder.SetVertexChannelData(normalChannel, vertex.Normal.AsVector3());
            builder.SetVertexChannelData(uvChannel, new Vector2(uv.TextureCoordinate.U, uv.TextureCoordinate.V));
            var weights = new BoneWeightCollection();

            foreach (var boneAssignment in boneAssignments)
                weights.Add(new BoneWeight(skeleton.Bones[boneAssignment.BoneIndex].Name, boneAssignment.Weight));
            builder.SetVertexChannelData(weightsChannel, weights);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void ProcessWeightsChannel(ContentProcessorContext context, string asset, GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, Dictionary <string, int> boneIndices, Dictionary <int, int> boneRemap)
            if (boneIndices == null)
                throw new InvalidContentException("Mesh has bone weights with no skeleton");

            VertexChannelCollection channels             = geometry.Vertices.Channels;
            VertexChannel           channel2             = channels[vertexChannelIndex];
            VertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection> channel = channel2 as VertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection>;

            Byte4[]   outputIndices = new Byte4[channel.Count];
            Vector4[] outputWeights = new Vector4[channel.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < channel.Count; i++)
                BoneWeightCollection inputWeights = channel[i];
                ConvertVertexWeights(context, asset, inputWeights, boneIndices, outputIndices, outputWeights, i, geometry, boneRemap);
            int    usageIndex = VertexChannelNames.DecodeUsageIndex(channel.Name);
            string name       = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices, usageIndex);
            string str        = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight, usageIndex);

            channels.Insert <Byte4>(vertexChannelIndex + 1, name, outputIndices);
            channels.Insert <Vector4>(vertexChannelIndex + 2, str, outputWeights);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // From the XNA CPU Skinning Sample under Ms-PL, (c) Microsoft Corporation
        private static void ConvertWeights(
            BoneWeightCollection weights,
            Dictionary <string, byte> boneIndices,
            Byte4[] outIndices,
            Vector4[] outWeights,
            int vertexIndex)
            // we only handle 4 weights per bone
            const int maxWeights = 4;

            // create some tmp spans to hold our values
            Span <byte>  tmpIndices = stackalloc byte[maxWeights];
            Span <float> tmpWeights = stackalloc float[maxWeights];

            // cull out any extra bones

            // get our indices and weights
            for (var i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++)
                var weight = weights[i];
                if (!boneIndices.ContainsKey(weight.BoneName))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                            "Bone '{0}' was not found in the skeleton! Skeleton bones are: '{1}'.",
                                            weight.BoneName, string.Join("', '", boneIndices.Keys)));

                tmpIndices[i] = boneIndices[weight.BoneName];
                tmpWeights[i] = weight.Weight;

            // zero out any remaining spaces
            for (int i = weights.Count; i < maxWeights; i++)
                tmpIndices[i] = 0;
                tmpWeights[i] = 0;

            // output the values
            outIndices[vertexIndex] = new Byte4(tmpIndices[0], tmpIndices[1], tmpIndices[2], tmpIndices[3]);
            outWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(tmpWeights[0], tmpWeights[1], tmpWeights[2], tmpWeights[3]);
Exemplo n.º 6
            public override void SetData(int index)
                int i = _indicesChannel.Indices[index] * _vertexSize + _indicesOffset;
                int j = _weightChannel.Indices[index] * _vertexSize + _weightOffset;

                // Both channels use the same source data
                float[] data = _indicesChannel.Source.Data;

                float[] blendIndices = new float[] { data[i + 0], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3] };
                float[] blendWeights = new float[] { data[j + 0], data[j + 1], data[j + 2], 0 };

                // Fourth blend weight is stored implicitly
                blendWeights[3] = 1 - blendWeights[0] - blendWeights[1] - blendWeights[2];
                if (blendWeights[3] == 1)
                    blendWeights[3] = 0;

                BoneWeightCollection weights = new BoneWeightCollection();

                for (int k = 0; k < blendIndices.Length; k++)
                    int   jointIndex  = (int)blendIndices[k];
                    float jointWeight = blendWeights[k];
                    if (jointWeight <= 0)

                    String jointName = GetJointKey(_joints[jointIndex]);

                    weights.Add(new BoneWeight(jointName, jointWeight));

                if (weights.Count > 0)
                    _meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(_channelIndex, weights);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void ConvertVertexWeights(ContentProcessorContext context, string asset, BoneWeightCollection inputWeights, Dictionary <string, int> boneIndices, Byte4[] outputIndices, Vector4[] outputWeights, int vertexIndex, GeometryContent geometry, Dictionary <int, int> boneRemap)
            for (int i = 0; i < inputWeights.Count; i++)
                BoneWeight weight = inputWeights[i];
                if (!boneIndices.TryGetValue(weight.BoneName, out tempIndices[i]))
                    string boneName = weight.BoneName.Replace("__Skeleton", "");

                    if (!boneIndices.TryGetValue(boneName, out tempIndices[i]))
                        context.Logger.LogWarning(null, new ContentIdentity(asset), "Unknown bone name: " + weight.BoneName);
                        //throw new InvalidContentException("Unknown bone name: " + weight.BoneName);
                tempWeights[i] = weight.Weight;
                if (boneRemap != null)
                    tempIndices[i] = boneRemap[tempIndices[i]];
            for (int j = inputWeights.Count; j < 4; j++)
                tempIndices[j] = 0;
                tempWeights[j] = 0f;
            outputIndices[vertexIndex] = new Byte4((float)tempIndices[0], (float)tempIndices[1], (float)tempIndices[2], (float)tempIndices[3]);
            outputWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(tempWeights[0], tempWeights[1], tempWeights[2], tempWeights[3]);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void VertexWeightsInUse(ContentProcessorContext context, string asset, BoneWeightCollection inputWeights, Dictionary <string, int> boneIndices, SortedDictionary <int, bool> indicesInUse)
            if (boneIndices == null)
                throw new InvalidContentException("Mesh has bone weights with no skeleton");

            int index;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputWeights.Count; i++)
                BoneWeight weight = inputWeights[i];
                if (!boneIndices.TryGetValue(weight.BoneName, out index))
                    context.Logger.LogWarning(null, new ContentIdentity(asset), "Unknown bone name: " + weight.BoneName);
                    //throw new InvalidContentException("Unknown bone name: " + weight.BoneName);
                if (indicesInUse.ContainsKey(index) == false)
                    indicesInUse.Add(index, true);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private GeometryContent CreateGeometry(MeshContent mesh, Mesh aiMesh)
            var geom = new GeometryContent {
                Material = _materials[aiMesh.MaterialIndex]

            // Vertices
            var baseVertex = mesh.Positions.Count;

            foreach (var vert in aiMesh.Vertices)
            geom.Vertices.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(baseVertex, aiMesh.VertexCount));

            if (aiMesh.HasBones)
                var xnaWeights = new List <BoneWeightCollection>();
                for (var i = 0; i < geom.Indices.Count; i++)
                    var list = new BoneWeightCollection();
                    for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < aiMesh.BoneCount; boneIndex++)
                        var bone = aiMesh.Bones[boneIndex];
                        foreach (var weight in bone.VertexWeights)
                            if (weight.VertexID != i)

                            list.Add(new BoneWeight(bone.Name, weight.Weight));
                    if (list.Count > 0)

                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), xnaWeights);

            // Individual channels go here
            if (aiMesh.HasNormals)
                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Normal(), ToXna(aiMesh.Normals));

            for (var i = 0; i < aiMesh.TextureCoordinateChannelCount; i++)

            for (var i = 0; i < aiMesh.VertexColorChannelCount; i++)

Exemplo n.º 10
        public override NodeContent Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
            context.Logger.LogMessage("Importing H3D file: {0}", filename);

            _identity = new ContentIdentity(filename, GetType().Name);
            _rootNode = new NodeContent()
                Identity = _identity, Name = "RootNode"

            var scene = FormatIdentifier.IdentifyAndOpen(filename);
            var model = scene.Models[0];

            if (!scene.Textures.Any())
                var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)}@Textures{Path.GetExtension(filename)}");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    context.Logger.LogMessage($"Found texture file {path}. Loading data...");
                    scene.Merge(FormatIdentifier.IdentifyAndOpen(path, model.Skeleton));
                    context.Logger.LogMessage($"Couldn't find texture file {path}!");

            // Textures
            var textures = new Dictionary <string, Texture2DContent>();

            foreach (var texture in scene.Textures)
                var bitmapContent = new PixelBitmapContent <Color>(texture.Width, texture.Height)
                    Identity = _identity,
                    Name     = texture.Name

                var textureContent = new Texture2DContent()
                    Identity = _identity,
                    Name     = texture.Name
                textures.Add(textureContent.Name, textureContent);

            // Materials
            var materials = new Dictionary <string, H3DMaterialContent>();

            foreach (var material in model.Materials)
                var hlslCode = new HLSLShaderGenerator(material.MaterialParams)
                    BoneCount = model.Skeleton.Count
                var glslCode = new GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator(material.MaterialParams).GetFragShader();
                var materialContent = new H3DMaterialContent()
                    Identity = _identity,
                    Name     = material.Name,

                    Effect = new EffectContent
                        Identity   = _identity,
                        Name       = "H3DEffect",
                        EffectCode = new HLSLShaderGenerator(material.MaterialParams)
                            BoneCount = model.Skeleton.Count
                    Material = material.Name,

                    FaceCulling = (H3DFaceCulling?)material.MaterialParams.FaceCulling,

                    EmissionColor      = material.MaterialParams.EmissionColor.ToXNA(),
                    AmbientColor       = material.MaterialParams.AmbientColor.ToXNA(),
                    DiffuseColor       = material.MaterialParams.DiffuseColor.ToXNA(),
                    Specular0Color     = material.MaterialParams.Specular0Color.ToXNA(),
                    Specular1Color     = material.MaterialParams.Specular1Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant0Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant0Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant1Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant1Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant2Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant2Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant3Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant3Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant4Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant4Color.ToXNA(),
                    Constant5Color     = material.MaterialParams.Constant5Color.ToXNA(),
                    BlendColor         = material.MaterialParams.BlendColor.ToXNA(),
                    DepthBufferRead    = material.MaterialParams.DepthBufferRead,
                    DepthBufferWrite   = material.MaterialParams.DepthBufferWrite,
                    StencilBufferRead  = material.MaterialParams.StencilBufferRead,
                    StencilBufferWrite = material.MaterialParams.StencilBufferWrite,

                var texCount = 0;
                if (material.EnabledTextures[0])
                if (material.EnabledTextures[1])
                if (material.EnabledTextures[2])
                materialContent.TextureList = new Texture2DContent[texCount];
                if (material.EnabledTextures[0])
                    materialContent.TextureList[0] = textures[material.Texture0Name];
                if (material.EnabledTextures[1])
                    materialContent.TextureList[1] = textures[material.Texture1Name];
                if (material.EnabledTextures[2])
                    materialContent.TextureList[2] = textures[material.Texture2Name];

                materialContent.TextureSamplerSettings = material.TextureMappers.Select(tm => new TextureSamplerSettings()
                    WrapU     = tm.WrapU.ToXNAWrap(),
                    WrapV     = tm.WrapV.ToXNAWrap(),
                    MagFilter = (TextureSamplerSettings.TextureMagFilter)tm.MagFilter,
                    MinFilter = (TextureSamplerSettings.TextureMinFilter)tm.MinFilter

                materials.Add(material.Name, materialContent);

            // Geometry
            var meshes = new List <MeshContent>();
            for (var i = 0; i < model.Meshes.Count; i++)
                var modelMesh = model.Meshes[i];

                if (modelMesh.Type == H3DMeshType.Silhouette)

                var mesh = new MeshContent()
                    Identity = _identity,
                    Name     = $"{model.Materials[modelMesh.MaterialIndex].Name}_node{i}",
                var geometry = new GeometryContent
                    Identity = _identity,
                    Material = materials[model.Materials[modelMesh.MaterialIndex].Name]
                var vertices   = GetWorldSpaceVertices(model.Skeleton, modelMesh);
                var baseVertex = mesh.Positions.Count;
                foreach (var vertex in vertices)
                geometry.Vertices.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(baseVertex, vertices.Length));

                foreach (var attribute in modelMesh.Attributes)
                    if (attribute.Name >= PICAAttributeName.BoneIndex)

                    switch (attribute.Name)
                    case PICAAttributeName.Position: break;     // Already added

                    case PICAAttributeName.Normal:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Normal(0), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Normal.ToVector3()));

                    case PICAAttributeName.Tangent:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Tangent(0), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Tangent.ToVector3()));

                    case PICAAttributeName.Color:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Color(0), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Color.ToColor()));

                    case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord0:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.TexCoord0.ToVector2().ToUV()));

                    case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord1:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(1), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.TexCoord1.ToVector2().ToUV()));

                    case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord2:
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(2), vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.TexCoord2.ToVector2().ToUV()));

                var vertexOffset = 0;
                var xnaWeights   = new List <BoneWeightCollection>();
                foreach (var modelSubMesh in modelMesh.SubMeshes)
                    geometry.Indices.AddRange(modelSubMesh.Indices.Select(index => (int)index));

                    var vertexCount     = modelSubMesh.MaxIndex + 1 - vertexOffset;
                    var subMeshVertices = vertices.Skip(vertexOffset).Take(vertexCount).ToList();

                    if (modelSubMesh.Skinning == H3DSubMeshSkinning.Smooth)
                        foreach (var vertex in subMeshVertices)
                            var list = new BoneWeightCollection();
                            for (var index = 0; index < 4; index++)
                                var bIndex = vertex.Indices[index];
                                var weight = vertex.Weights[index];

                                if (weight == 0)

                                if (bIndex < modelSubMesh.BoneIndicesCount && bIndex > -1)
                                    bIndex = modelSubMesh.BoneIndices[bIndex];
                                    bIndex = 0;

                                list.Add(new BoneWeight(model.Skeleton[bIndex].Name, weight));
                        foreach (var vertex in vertices)
                            var bIndex = vertex.Indices[0];

                            if (bIndex < modelSubMesh.BoneIndices.Length && bIndex > -1)
                                bIndex = modelSubMesh.BoneIndices[bIndex];
                                bIndex = 0;

                            xnaWeights.Add(new BoneWeightCollection()
                                new BoneWeight(model.Skeleton[bIndex].Name, 0)
                    vertexOffset += vertexCount;
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), xnaWeights);

            foreach (var mesh in meshes)

            var rootBone = ImportBones(model);

            if (!scene.SkeletalAnimations.Any())
                var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)}@Animations{Path.GetExtension(filename)}");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    context.Logger.LogMessage($"Found animation file {path}. Loading data...");
                    scene.Merge(FormatIdentifier.IdentifyAndOpen(path, model.Skeleton));
                    context.Logger.LogMessage($"Couldn't find animation file {path}!");

            foreach (var animation in ImportSkeletalAnimations(scene))
                rootBone.Animations.Add(animation.Name, animation);

            foreach (var animation in ImportMaterialAnimations(scene))

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Go through the vertex channels in the geometry and replace the
        /// BoneWeightCollection objects with weight and index channels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry to process.</param>
        /// <param name="vertexChannelIndex">The index of the vertex channel to process.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The processor context.</param>
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            bool boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights = false;

            if (geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name == VertexChannelNames.Weights())
                int         meshIndex = (int)geometry.Parent.OpaqueData["MeshIndex"];
                BoneIndexer indexer   = indexers[meshIndex];
                // Skin channels are passed in from importers as BoneWeightCollection objects
                VertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection> vc =
                    (VertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection>)
                int maxBonesPerVertex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < vc.Count; i++)
                    int count = vc[i].Count;
                    if (count > maxBonesPerVertex)
                        maxBonesPerVertex = count;

                // Add weights as colors (Converts well to 4 floats)
                // and indices as packed 4byte vectors.
                Color[] weightsToAdd = new Color[vc.Count];
                Byte4[] indicesToAdd = new Byte4[vc.Count];

                // Go through the BoneWeightCollections and create a new
                // weightsToAdd and indicesToAdd array for each BoneWeightCollection.
                for (int i = 0; i < vc.Count; i++)
                    BoneWeightCollection bwc = vc[i];

                    if (bwc.Count == 0)
                        boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights = true;

                    int count = bwc.Count;
                    if (count > maxBonesPerVertex)
                        maxBonesPerVertex = count;

                    // Add the appropriate bone indices based on the bone names in the
                    // BoneWeightCollection
                    Vector4 bi = new Vector4();
                    bi.X = count > 0 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[0].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.Y = count > 1 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[1].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.Z = count > 2 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[2].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.W = count > 3 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[3].BoneName) : (byte)0;

                    indicesToAdd[i] = new Byte4(bi);
                    Vector4 bw = new Vector4();
                    bw.X            = count > 0 ? bwc[0].Weight : 0;
                    bw.Y            = count > 1 ? bwc[1].Weight : 0;
                    bw.Z            = count > 2 ? bwc[2].Weight : 0;
                    bw.W            = count > 3 ? bwc[3].Weight : 0;
                    weightsToAdd[i] = new Color(bw);

                // Remove the old BoneWeightCollection channel
                // Add the new channels
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add <Byte4>(VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices.ToString(), indicesToAdd);
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add <Color>(VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight.ToString(), weightsToAdd);
                // No skinning info, so we let the base class process the channel
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
            if (boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights)
                context.Logger.LogWarning("", geometry.Identity,
                                          "BonesWeightCollections with zero weights found in geometry.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private MeshContent ExtractMesh(aiMesh aiMesh)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(aiMesh.mName.Data))
                log("modelname " + aiMesh.mName.Data);
                meshBuilder = MeshBuilder.StartMesh(aiMesh.mName.Data);
                meshBuilder = MeshBuilder.StartMesh(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename));

            if (!aiMesh.HasPositions())
                throw new Exception("MOdel does not have Position");

            // Add additional vertex channels for texture coordinates and normals
            if (aiMesh.HasTextureCoords(0))
                textureCoordinateDataIndex = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <Vector2>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0));
            else if (aiMesh.HasVertexColors(0))
                colorCoordinateDataIndex = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <Vector4>(VertexChannelNames.Color(0));
            if (aiMesh.HasNormals())
                normalDataIndex = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());
            if (aiMesh.HasTangentsAndBitangents())
                tangentDataIndex  = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Tangent(0));
                binormalDataIndex = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Binormal(0));
            if (aiMesh.HasBones())
                boneDataIndex = meshBuilder.CreateVertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection>(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0));

            var numFaces           = (int)aiMesh.mNumFaces;
            var numVertices        = (int)aiMesh.mNumVertices;
            var aiPositions        = aiMesh.mVertices;
            var aiNormals          = aiMesh.mNormals;
            var aiTextureCoordsAll = aiMesh.mTextureCoords;
            var aiTextureCoords    = (aiTextureCoordsAll != null) ? aiTextureCoordsAll[0] : null;

            for (int j = 0; j < aiMesh.mNumVertices; j++)
                meshBuilder.CreatePosition(aiMesh.mVertices[j].x, aiMesh.mVertices[j].y, aiMesh.mVertices[j].z);


            var aiFaces   = aiMesh.mFaces;
            var dxIndices = new uint[numFaces * 3];

            for (int k = 0; k < numFaces; ++k)
                var aiFace    = aiFaces[k];
                var aiIndices = aiFace.mIndices;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    int index = (int)aiIndices[j];
                    if (aiMesh.HasTextureCoords(0))
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(textureCoordinateDataIndex, new Vector2(aiMesh.mTextureCoords[0][index].x, aiMesh.mTextureCoords[0][index].y));
                    else if (aiMesh.HasVertexColors(0))
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(colorCoordinateDataIndex, new Vector4(aiMesh.mColors[0][index].r, aiMesh.mColors[0][index].g, aiMesh.mColors[0][index].b, aiMesh.mColors[0][index].a));
                    if (aiMesh.HasNormals())
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(normalDataIndex, new Vector3(aiMesh.mNormals[index].x, aiMesh.mNormals[index].y, aiMesh.mNormals[index].z));

                    if (aiMesh.HasTangentsAndBitangents())
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(tangentDataIndex, new Vector3(aiMesh.mTangents[index].x, aiMesh.mTangents[index].y, aiMesh.mTangents[index].z));
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(binormalDataIndex, new Vector3(aiMesh.mBitangents[index].x, aiMesh.mBitangents[index].y, aiMesh.mBitangents[index].z));
                    if (aiMesh.HasBones())
                        BoneWeightCollection BoneWeightCollection = new BoneWeightCollection();
                        if (wbone.ContainsKey(index))
                            foreach (var item in wbone[index])
                                BoneWeightCollection.Add(new BoneWeight(item.Key, item.Value));
                        meshBuilder.SetVertexChannelData(boneDataIndex, BoneWeightCollection);


            MeshContent meshContent = meshBuilder.FinishMesh();

Exemplo n.º 13
        public void DefaultEffectTest()
            NodeContent input;
                input = new NodeContent();

                var mesh = new MeshContent()
                    Name = "Mesh1"
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

                var geom = new GeometryContent();

                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), new[]
                    new Vector2(0, 0),
                    new Vector2(1, 0),
                    new Vector2(1, 1),

                var wieghts = new BoneWeightCollection();
                wieghts.Add(new BoneWeight("bone1", 0.5f));
                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), new[]


                var bone1 = new BoneContent {
                    Name = "bone1", Transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, 1, 0)

                var anim = new AnimationContent()
                    Name     = "anim1",
                    Duration = TimeSpan.Zero
                input.Animations.Add(anim.Name, anim);

            var processorContext = new ProcessorContext(TargetPlatform.Windows, "dummy.xnb");
            var processor        = new ModelProcessor
                DefaultEffect = MaterialProcessorDefaultEffect.SkinnedEffect,

            var output = processor.Process(input, processorContext);

            // TODO: Not sure why, but XNA always returns a BasicMaterialContent
            // even when we specify SkinnedEffect as the default.  We need to fix
            // the test first before we can enable the assert here.

            //Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SkinnedMaterialContent), output.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Material);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override NodeContent Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
            ContentIdentity identity = new ContentIdentity(filename, GetType().Name);

            const int MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS             = 4;
            VertexBoneWeightLimitConfig boneConfig = new VertexBoneWeightLimitConfig(MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS);

            AssimpImporter importer = new AssimpImporter();


            importer.AttachLogStream(new LogStream((msg, userData) => context.Logger.LogMessage(msg)));
            Scene scene = importer.ImportFile(filename,
                                              PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs |
                                              PostProcessSteps.JoinIdenticalVertices |
                                              PostProcessSteps.Triangulate |
                                              PostProcessSteps.SortByPrimitiveType |
                                              PostProcessSteps.FindInvalidData |
                                              PostProcessSteps.LimitBoneWeights |

            // Root node
            NodeContent rootNode = new NodeContent
                Name      = scene.RootNode.Name,
                Identity  = identity,
                Transform = Matrix.Transpose(ToXna(scene.RootNode.Transform))

            // Materials
            MaterialContent[] materials = new MaterialContent[scene.MaterialCount];

            for (int m = 0; m < scene.MaterialCount; m++)
                materials[m] = new BasicMaterialContent();

                materials[m].Identity = identity;
                // For some reason, there is all kinds of nasty junk in this string:
                materials[m].Name = CleanInput(scene.Materials[m].Name);

                for (int t = 0; t < scene.Materials[m].GetTextureCount(TextureType.Diffuse); t++)
                    TextureSlot diffuseMap = scene.Materials[m].GetTexture(TextureType.Diffuse, t);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(diffuseMap.FilePath))
                        materials[m].Textures.Add("Texture" + (t > 0 ? t.ToString() : ""),
                                                  new ExternalReference <TextureContent>(diffuseMap.FilePath, identity));

            // Bones

            // We find 'mesh container' nodes with the best names for those meshes while looking for the bones,
            // and will need them later when we create the MeshContents. I have a feeling that this won't work
            // in general, and may need to be made more robust.
            Dictionary <Mesh, string>      meshNames     = new Dictionary <Mesh, string>();
            Dictionary <Node, BoneContent> nodeToBoneMap = new Dictionary <Node, BoneContent>();
            BoneContent skeleton = null;    // The root bone for the model.

            List <Node> hierarchyNodes = scene.RootNode.Children.SelectDeep(n => n.Children).ToList();

            foreach (Node node in hierarchyNodes)
                BoneContent bone = new BoneContent
                    Name      = node.Name,
                    Transform = Matrix.Transpose(ToXna(node.Transform))

                if (node.MeshIndices != null)
                    // This node is a 'mesh container' instead of a bone, so we only care about extracting the name of the mesh.
                    foreach (int meshIndex in node.MeshIndices)
                        if (!meshNames.ContainsKey(scene.Meshes[meshIndex]))
                            meshNames.Add(scene.Meshes[meshIndex], node.Name);
                else if (node.Parent == scene.RootNode)
                    if (skeleton == null)
                        // This will be our skeleton so put the animations here:
                        if (scene.HasAnimations)
                            foreach (Animation assimpAnim in scene.Animations)
                                if (assimpAnim.HasNodeAnimations)
                                    AnimationContent newAnim = new AnimationContent();
                                    newAnim.Identity = identity;
                                    newAnim.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(assimpAnim.DurationInTicks / assimpAnim.TicksPerSecond);
                                    newAnim.Name     = assimpAnim.Name;

                                    foreach (NodeAnimationChannel nac in assimpAnim.NodeAnimationChannels)
                                        Node animatedNode = hierarchyNodes.Find(n => n.Name == nac.NodeName);

                                        AnimationChannel newChan = BuildAnimtionChannel(animatedNode, nac);

                                        newAnim.Channels.Add(nac.NodeName, newChan);

                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assimpAnim.Name))
                                        bone.Animations.Add("SkelematorNoAnimationName", newAnim);
                                        bone.Animations.Add(assimpAnim.Name, newAnim);
                        skeleton = bone;
                        context.Logger.LogWarning(null, identity, "Found multiple skeletons in the model, throwing extras away...");
                    BoneContent parent = nodeToBoneMap[node.Parent];

                nodeToBoneMap.Add(node, bone);

            // Meshes
            Dictionary <Mesh, MeshContent> meshes = new Dictionary <Mesh, MeshContent>();

            foreach (Mesh sceneMesh in scene.Meshes)
                // See comment about meshNames at the beginning of the bone section.
                MeshBuilder mb = MeshBuilder.StartMesh(meshNames[sceneMesh]);

                mb.SwapWindingOrder = true; // Appears to require this...

                int positionIndex = -1;

                for (int v = 0; v < sceneMesh.VertexCount; v++)
                    Vector3D vert = sceneMesh.Vertices[v];

                    // CreatePosition should just return a 0-based index of the newly added vertex.
                    positionIndex = mb.CreatePosition(new Vector3(vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Z));

                    if (positionIndex != v)
                        throw new InvalidContentException("Something unexpected happened while building a MeshContent from the Assimp scene mesh's vertices.  The scene mesh may contains duplicate vertices.");

                if (positionIndex + 1 < 3)
                    throw new InvalidContentException("There were not enough vertices in the Assimp scene mesh.");

                // Create vertex channels
                int normalVertexChannelIndex = mb.CreateVertexChannel <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());

                int[] texCoordVertexChannelIndex = new int[sceneMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount];
                for (int x = 0; x < sceneMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount; x++)
                    texCoordVertexChannelIndex[x] = mb.CreateVertexChannel <Vector2>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(x));

                int boneWeightVertexChannelIndex = -1;

                if (sceneMesh.HasBones)
                    boneWeightVertexChannelIndex = mb.CreateVertexChannel <BoneWeightCollection>(VertexChannelNames.Weights());

                // Prepare vertex channel data
                BoneWeightCollection[] boneWeightData = null;
                if (sceneMesh.HasBones)
                    boneWeightData = new BoneWeightCollection[sceneMesh.VertexCount];

                    for (int v = 0; v < sceneMesh.VertexCount; v++)
                        boneWeightData[v] = new BoneWeightCollection();

                    foreach (Bone sceneMeshBone in sceneMesh.Bones)
                        // We have to assume that the bone's name matches up with a node, and therefore one of our BoneContents.
                        foreach (VertexWeight sceneMeshBoneWeight in sceneMeshBone.VertexWeights)
                            boneWeightData[sceneMeshBoneWeight.VertexID].Add(new BoneWeight(sceneMeshBone.Name, sceneMeshBoneWeight.Weight));

                    for (int v = 0; v < sceneMesh.VertexCount; v++)
                        if (boneWeightData[v].Count <= 0)
                            throw new InvalidContentException("Encountered vertices without bone weights.");


                // Set the per-geometry data
                mb.SetOpaqueData(new OpaqueDataDictionary());

                // Add each vertex
                for (int f = 0; f < sceneMesh.FaceCount; f++)
                    if (sceneMesh.Faces[f].IndexCount != 3)
                        throw new InvalidContentException("Only triangular faces allowed.");

                    for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                        mb.SetVertexChannelData(normalVertexChannelIndex, ToXna(sceneMesh.Normals[sceneMesh.Faces[f].Indices[t]]));

                        for (int x = 0; x < sceneMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount; x++)
                            mb.SetVertexChannelData(texCoordVertexChannelIndex[x], ToXnaVector2((sceneMesh.GetTextureCoords(x))[sceneMesh.Faces[f].Indices[t]]));

                        if (sceneMesh.HasBones)
                            mb.SetVertexChannelData(boneWeightVertexChannelIndex, boneWeightData[sceneMesh.Faces[f].Indices[t]]);


                MeshContent mesh = mb.FinishMesh();
                meshes.Add(sceneMesh, mesh);

Exemplo n.º 15
            public MeshContent Process()
                newMesh      = new MeshContent();
                newMesh.Name = splitter.mesh.Name + splitter.currentIndex.ToString();
                SortedDictionary <string, object> faceBones = new SortedDictionary <string, object>();
                GeometryContent newGeom = new GeometryContent();

                while (index < geom.Indices.Count - 1)
                    int[] faceIndices = new int[]
                        geom.Indices[index + 1],
                        geom.Indices[index + 2]

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        BoneWeightCollection weightCollection = weightChannel[
                            geom.Indices[index + i]];
                        foreach (BoneWeight weight in weightCollection)
                            if (!meshBones.ContainsKey(weight.BoneName) &&
                                faceBones.Add(weight.BoneName, null);
                    if (meshBones.Count + faceBones.Count > splitter.maxBones)
                        vertexEndIndex = index;

                    foreach (string s in faceBones.Keys)
                        meshBones.Add(s, null);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (oldToNewDict.ContainsKey(faceIndices[i]))
                            int newIndex = newMesh.Positions.Count;

                            oldToNewDict.Add(faceIndices[i], newIndex);
                    index         += 3;
                    vertexEndIndex = index;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether alpha premultiply of vertex color is enabled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// <see langword="true"/> if alpha premultiply of vertex colors is enabled; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
        /// </value>
        [DisplayName("Premultiply Vertex Colors")]
        [Description("If enabled, vertex color channels are converted to premultiplied alpha format.")]
        public virtual bool PremultiplyVertexColors
          get { return _premultiplyVertexColors; }
          set { _premultiplyVertexColors = value; }
        private bool _premultiplyVertexColors = true;

        #endregion Other

        #if ANIMATION

        // Convert BoneWeightCollection to Byte4 (bone indices) and Vector4 (bone weights).
        private void ConvertBoneWeights(BoneWeightCollection boneWeightCollection, Byte4[] boneIndices, Vector4[] boneWeights, int vertexIndex, GeometryContent geometry)
            // Normalize weights. (Number of weights should be MaxBonesPerVertex. Sum should be 1.)

              // Convert BoneWeights object to bone indices and bone weights.
              for (int i = 0; i < boneWeightCollection.Count; i++)
            BoneWeight boneWeight = boneWeightCollection[i];
            int boneIndex = _skeleton.GetIndex(boneWeight.BoneName);
            if (boneIndex == -1)
              string message = String.Format(
            "Vertex references unknown bone name \"{0}\".",
              throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

            _tempIndices[i] = boneIndex;
            _tempWeights[i] = boneWeight.Weight;

              // Clear unused indices/weights.
              for (int i = boneWeightCollection.Count; i < MaxBonesPerVertex; i++)
            _tempIndices[i] = 0;
            _tempWeights[i] = 0f;

              boneIndices[vertexIndex] = new Byte4(_tempIndices[0], _tempIndices[1], _tempIndices[2], _tempIndices[3]);
              boneWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(_tempWeights[0], _tempWeights[1], _tempWeights[2], _tempWeights[3]);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void DefaultEffectTest()
            NodeContent input;
                input = new NodeContent();

                var mesh = new MeshContent()
                    Name = "Mesh1"
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

                var geom = new GeometryContent();

                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), new[]
                    new Vector2(0,0),
                    new Vector2(1,0),
                    new Vector2(1,1),

                var wieghts = new BoneWeightCollection();
                wieghts.Add(new BoneWeight("bone1", 0.5f));
                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), new[]


                var bone1 = new BoneContent { Name = "bone1", Transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0,1,0) };

                var anim = new AnimationContent()
                    Name = "anim1",
                    Duration = TimeSpan.Zero
                input.Animations.Add(anim.Name, anim);

            var processorContext = new TestProcessorContext(TargetPlatform.Windows, "dummy.xnb");
            var processor = new ModelProcessor
                DefaultEffect = MaterialProcessorDefaultEffect.SkinnedEffect,                

            var output = processor.Process(input, processorContext);

            // TODO: Not sure why, but XNA always returns a BasicMaterialContent 
            // even when we specify SkinnedEffect as the default.  We need to fix
            // the test first before we can enable the assert here.

            //Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SkinnedMaterialContent), output.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Material);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private MeshContent CreateMesh(Mesh sceneMesh)
            var mesh = new MeshContent {
                Name = sceneMesh.Name

            // Position vertices are shared at the mesh level
            foreach (var vert in sceneMesh.Vertices)
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Z));

            var geom = new GeometryContent
                Material = _materials[sceneMesh.MaterialIndex]

            // Geometry vertices reference 1:1 with the MeshContent parent,
            // no indirection is necessary.
            geom.Vertices.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, sceneMesh.VertexCount));

            if (sceneMesh.HasBones)
                var xnaWeights = new List <BoneWeightCollection>();
                for (var i = 0; i < geom.Indices.Count; i++)
                    var list = new BoneWeightCollection();
                    for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < sceneMesh.BoneCount; boneIndex++)
                        var bone = sceneMesh.Bones[boneIndex];
                        foreach (var weight in bone.VertexWeights)
                            if (weight.VertexID != i)

                            list.Add(new BoneWeight(bone.Name, weight.Weight));
                    if (list.Count > 0)

                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), xnaWeights);

            // Individual channels go here
            if (sceneMesh.HasNormals)
                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Normal(), ToXna(sceneMesh.Normals));

            for (var i = 0; i < sceneMesh.TextureCoordinateChannelCount; i++)


Exemplo n.º 19
        public static MeshContent BuildMesh(MMDModel1 model, string filename)
            MeshContent buildingMesh = new MeshContent();
            foreach (var vec in model.Vertexes)

            long FaceIndex = 0;
            Dictionary<ushort, int> vertMap = new Dictionary<ushort, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Materials.Length; i++)
                GeometryContent geometry = new GeometryContent();
                BasicMaterialContent material = new BasicMaterialContent();
                geometry.Material = material;
                material.VertexColorEnabled = false;//頂点カラー無し
                material.Alpha = model.Materials[i].Alpha;
                material.DiffuseColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].DiffuseColor);
                material.EmissiveColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].MirrorColor);
                material.SpecularColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].SpecularColor);
                material.SpecularPower = model.Materials[i].Specularity;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                    material.Texture = new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(NormalizeFilepath(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName, filename));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName))
                    if (Path.GetExtension(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName).ToLower() == ".sph")
                        material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 1);
                    else if (Path.GetExtension(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName).ToLower() == ".spa")
                        material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 2);
                        throw new InvalidContentException("スフィアマップは*.sph, *.spaのみ指定可能です: " + model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName);
                    material.Textures.Add("Sphere", new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(ProcessSphere(NormalizeFilepath(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName, filename))));
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 0);
                string toonTexPath = ToonTexManager.Instance.GetToonTexPath(model.Materials[i].ToonIndex, model.ToonFileNames, filename);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toonTexPath))
                    material.Textures.Add("ToonTex", new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(toonTexPath));
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseToon", true);
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseToon", false);
                material.OpaqueData.Add("Edge", (model.Materials[i].EdgeFlag != 0));
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Normal(0), typeof(Vector3), null);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                    geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), typeof(Vector2), null);
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), typeof(BoneWeightCollection), null);

                for (long j = FaceIndex; j < FaceIndex + model.Materials[i].FaceVertCount; j++)
                    ushort VertIndex = model.FaceVertexes[j];
                    int geoVertIndex;
                    if (!vertMap.TryGetValue(VertIndex, out geoVertIndex))
                        geoVertIndex = geometry.Vertices.Add(VertIndex);
                        vertMap.Add(VertIndex, geoVertIndex);
                        int channelIndex = 0;
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector3>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Vertexes[VertIndex].NormalVector);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                            geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector2>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = MMDXMath.ToVector2(model.Vertexes[VertIndex].UV);
                        BoneWeightCollection boneWeight = new BoneWeightCollection();
                        int boneNum = model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneNum[0];
                        if (boneNum >= 0 && boneNum < model.Bones.Length)
                            boneWeight.Add(new BoneWeight(model.Bones[boneNum].BoneName, model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneWeight / 100f));
                        boneNum = model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneNum[1];
                        if (boneNum >= 0 && boneNum < model.Bones.Length)
                            boneWeight.Add(new BoneWeight(model.Bones[boneNum].BoneName, 1.0f - model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneWeight / 100f));
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<BoneWeightCollection>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = boneWeight;

                FaceIndex += model.Materials[i].FaceVertCount;
            //MeshHelper.MergeDuplicatePositions(buildingMesh, 0);
            return buildingMesh;