// calculate bond forces
    void calcBondForces(BondTerm bond)
        if (LogLevel >= 1000)
            FFlog.WriteLine("calcBondForces for {0} - {1}", (int)bond.Atom1, (int)bond.Atom2);
        //bond vector
        Vector3 rb = position[bond.Atom1] - position[bond.Atom2];
        //force on this bond vector
        float delta = rb.magnitude - bond.Req;
        float fb    = -bond.kBond * delta;

        if (LogLevel >= 1000)
            FFlog.WriteLine("dist: {0,12:f3}  dist0: {1,12:f3}  --  force = {2,14:f5} ", rb.magnitude, bond.Req, fb);
        //separate the forces on the two atoms
        Vector3 fc1 = fb * (rb / Vector3.Magnitude(rb));  // could use rb.normalized
        Vector3 fc2 = -fb * (rb / Vector3.Magnitude(rb));

        if (LogLevel >= 10000)
            FFlog.WriteLine(string.Format("force for atom {0,3}:  ( {1,14:f6} ; {2,14:f6} ; {3,14:f6} )", bond.Atom1, fc1.x, fc1.y, fc1.z));
            FFlog.WriteLine(string.Format("force for atom {0,3}:  ( {1,14:f6} ; {2,14:f6} ; {3,14:f6} )", bond.Atom2, fc2.x, fc2.y, fc2.z));

        forces[bond.Atom1] += fc1;
        forces[bond.Atom2] += fc2;

        if (LogLevel >= 10000)
            FFlog.WriteLine("Updated forces:");
            for (int iAtom = 0; iAtom < nAtoms; iAtom++)
                FFlog.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0,4:d}  -  {1,5:d}   {2,14:f6} {3,14:f6}  {4,14:f6}",
                                              iAtom, atomList[iAtom],
                                              forces[iAtom].x, forces[iAtom].y, forces[iAtom].z));
    void generateFF()
        // set topology array
        bool[,] topo = new bool[nAtoms, nAtoms];
        for (int iAtom = 0; iAtom < nAtoms; iAtom++)
            for (int jAtom = 0; jAtom < nAtoms; jAtom++)
                topo[iAtom, jAtom] = false;

            int iAtom = 0;
            foreach (Atom At1 in GetComponent <GlobalCtrl>().list_curAtoms)
                // cycle through connection points
                foreach (ConnectionStatus conPoint in At1.getAllConPoints())
                    // get current atom index by comparison to entries in atomList
                    int jAtom = -1;
                    for (int kAtom = 0; kAtom < nAtoms; kAtom++)
                        if (atomList[kAtom] == conPoint.otherAtomID)
                            jAtom = kAtom;
                    if (jAtom >= 0)
                        topo[iAtom, jAtom] = true;
                        topo[jAtom, iAtom] = true;

        // now set all FF terms
        // pairwise terms, run over unique atom pairs
        for (int iAtom = 0; iAtom < nAtoms; iAtom++)
            for (int jAtom = 0; jAtom < iAtom; jAtom++)
                if (topo[iAtom, jAtom])
                    BondTerm newBond = new BondTerm();
                    newBond.Atom1 = jAtom;
                    newBond.Atom2 = iAtom;
                    if (atomType[iAtom] == "C" && atomType[jAtom] == "C")
                        newBond.kBond = kbCC;
                        newBond.Req   = reqCC;
                    else if (atomType[iAtom] == "C" && atomType[jAtom] == "H" ||
                             atomType[iAtom] == "H" && atomType[jAtom] == "C")
                        newBond.kBond = kbCH;
                        newBond.Req   = reqCH;
                    // RENEW THIS LATER
                    else if (atomType[iAtom] == "C" && atomType[jAtom] == "DUMMY" ||
                             atomType[iAtom] == "DUMMY" && atomType[jAtom] == "C")
                        newBond.kBond = kbCX;
                        newBond.Req   = reqCX;
                        //newBond.kBond = kbCH;
                        //newBond.Req = reqCH;
                    else if (atomType[iAtom] == "H" && atomType[jAtom] == "H")
                        newBond.kBond = kb;
                        newBond.Req   = reqHH;
                    else if (atomType[iAtom] == "H" && atomType[jAtom] == "DUMMY" ||
                             atomType[iAtom] == "DUMMY" && atomType[jAtom] == "H")
                        newBond.kBond = kbCX;
                        newBond.Req   = reqHX;
                        //newBond.kBond = kb;
                        //newBond.Req = reqHH;
                    else // take defaults for the time being
                        newBond.kBond = kb;
                        newBond.Req   = reqStd;
                // else ... set here non-bonded interactions
        if (LogLevel >= 1000)
            FFlog.WriteLine("Bond terms:");
            FFlog.WriteLine(" Atom1  Atom2      kBond           Req");
            foreach (BondTerm bond in bondList)
                FFlog.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0,4} - {1,4}   {2,12:f3}  {3,12:f3}",
                                              bond.Atom1, bond.Atom2, bond.kBond, bond.Req));

        // angle terms
        // run over unique bond pairs
        foreach (BondTerm bond1 in bondList)
            foreach (BondTerm bond2 in bondList)
                // if we reached the same atom pair, we can skip
                if (bond1.Atom1 == bond2.Atom1 && bond1.Atom2 == bond2.Atom2)

                int idx = -1, jdx = -1, kdx = -1;
                if (bond1.Atom1 == bond2.Atom1)
                    idx = bond1.Atom2; jdx = bond1.Atom1; kdx = bond2.Atom2;
                else if (bond1.Atom1 == bond2.Atom2)
                    idx = bond1.Atom2; jdx = bond1.Atom1; kdx = bond2.Atom1;
                else if (bond1.Atom2 == bond2.Atom1)
                    idx = bond1.Atom1; jdx = bond1.Atom2; kdx = bond2.Atom2;
                else if (bond1.Atom2 == bond2.Atom2)
                    idx = bond1.Atom1; jdx = bond1.Atom2; kdx = bond2.Atom1;
                if (idx > -1) // if anything was found: set term
                    AngleTerm newAngle = new AngleTerm();
                    newAngle.Atom1 = kdx;  // I put kdx->Atom1 and idx->Atom3 just for aesthetical reasons ;)
                    newAngle.Atom2 = jdx;
                    newAngle.Atom3 = idx;
                    // currently only this angle type:
                    newAngle.kAngle = ka;
                    newAngle.Aeq    = alphaNull;
        if (LogLevel >= 1000)
            FFlog.WriteLine("Angle terms:");
            FFlog.WriteLine(" Atom1  Atom2  Atom3    kAngle           Aeq");
            foreach (AngleTerm angle in angleList)
                FFlog.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0,4} - {1,4} - {2,4}  {3,12:f3}  {4,12:f3}",
                                              angle.Atom1, angle.Atom2, angle.Atom3, angle.kAngle, angle.Aeq));