public void RegisterBoardActions(
            Dispatcher dispatch,
            GetState getState,
            BoardActions actions
                command: "AddPawn",
                description: "Adds a new Pawn to the Board",
                method: (string prefabKey, string displayName, float cameraWeight) => {
                dispatch(actions.AddPawn(prefabKey, displayName, cameraWeight, GetMousePosition()));

                command: "AddCombatant",
                description: "Adds a Combatant Pawn to the Board",
                method: (string prefabKey, int health, string displayName, float cameraWeight) => {
                dispatch(actions.AddCombatant(prefabKey, health, displayName, cameraWeight, GetMousePosition()));

                command: "RemovePawn",
                description: "Removes a pawn from the board",
                method: (string id) => { dispatch(actions.RemovePawn(Guid.Parse(id))); }