Exemplo n.º 1
        private async void rad_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RadioButton rad = (RadioButton)sender;

            lstDevices.ItemsSource = null;
            if (rad == radBluetooth)
                var bleutoothDevices = await BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                lstDevices.ItemsSource = bleutoothDevices;
            else if (rad == radUSB)
                var usbDevices = await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                List <DeviceInformation> _usbDevices = new List <DeviceInformation>();
                foreach (var itm in usbDevices)
                    if (itm.Name.Contains("COM"))
                lstDevices.ItemsSource = _usbDevices;
        public MainPage()

            if( useBluetooth )
                 * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
                 * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial( "RNBT-E072" );

                arduino = new RemoteDevice( bluetooth );
                bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

                //these parameters don't matter for bluetooth
                bluetooth.begin( 0, 0 );
                 * I've written my Arduino device VID and PID as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your
                 * device VID and PID if using USB. You can also use the UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                usb = new UsbSerial( "VID_2341", "PID_0043" );   //I've written in my device D directly

                arduino = new RemoteDevice( usb );
                usb.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

                //SerialConfig.8N1 is the default config for Arduino devices over USB
                usb.begin( 115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1 );
        public MainPage()

            if (useBluetooth)
                 * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
                 * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-E072");

                arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);
                bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

                //these parameters don't matter for bluetooth
                bluetooth.begin(0, 0);
                 * I've written my Arduino device VID and PID as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your
                 * device VID and PID if using USB. You can also use the UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                usb = new UsbSerial("VID_2341", "PID_0043");     //I've written in my device D directly

                arduino = new RemoteDevice(usb);
                usb.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

                //SerialConfig.8N1 is the default config for Arduino devices over USB
                usb.begin(115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
        public ControlPage()

            turn = Turn.none;
            direction = Direction.none;

            accelerometer = App.accelerometer;
            bluetooth = App.bluetooth;
            arduino = App.arduino;

            if (accelerometer == null || bluetooth == null || arduino == null)

            startButton.IsEnabled = true;
            stopButton.IsEnabled = true;
            disconnectButton.IsEnabled = true;

            keepScreenOnRequest = new DisplayRequest();

            App.arduino.pinMode(enableA, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(MotorA1, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(MotorA2, PinMode.OUTPUT);

            App.arduino.pinMode(enableB, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(MotorB1, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(MotorB2, PinMode.OUTPUT);

            arduino.digitalWrite(enableA, PinState.HIGH);
            arduino.digitalWrite(enableB, PinState.HIGH);
 private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     var connection = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-A297");
     _arduino = new RemoteDevice(connection);
     connection.ConnectionEstablished += Connection_ConnectionEstablished;
     connection.begin(0, 0);
        public ControlPageMaisto()

            turn = Turn.none;
            direction = Direction.none;

            accelerometer = App.accelerometer;
            bluetooth = App.bluetooth;
            arduino = App.arduino;

            if( accelerometer == null || bluetooth == null || arduino == null )
                Frame.Navigate( typeof( MainPage ) );

            startButton.IsEnabled = true;
            stopButton.IsEnabled = true;
            disconnectButton.IsEnabled = true;

            bluetooth.ConnectionLost += Bluetooth_ConnectionLost;

            keepScreenOnRequest = new DisplayRequest();

            App.arduino.pinMode( FORWARD_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
            App.arduino.pinMode( REVERSE_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
            App.arduino.pinMode( LEFT_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
            App.arduino.pinMode( RIGHT_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the connections from the available device sources
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Collection of connection objects available to the app</returns>
        public async Task <Connections> RefreshConnections()
            Connections connections = new Connections();


            await BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask().ContinueWith(
                listTask =>
                    d => connections.Add(new Connection(d.Name, d, ConnectionType.BluetoothSerial)));

            await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask().ContinueWith(
                listTask =>
                    d => connections.Add(new Connection(d.Name, d, ConnectionType.UsbSerial)));

            string previousConnection = App.CurrentAppSettings.PreviousConnectionName;

            if (this.CurrentConnection == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousConnection) &&
                connections.Any(c => c.DisplayName == App.CurrentAppSettings.PreviousConnectionName))
                await this.Connect(
                        c => c.DisplayName == App.CurrentAppSettings.PreviousConnectionName));

        public ControlPageMaisto()

            turn      = Turn.none;
            direction = Direction.none;

            accelerometer = App.accelerometer;
            bluetooth     = App.bluetooth;
            arduino       = App.arduino;

            if (accelerometer == null || bluetooth == null || arduino == null)

            startButton.IsEnabled      = true;
            stopButton.IsEnabled       = true;
            disconnectButton.IsEnabled = true;

            bluetooth.ConnectionLost += Bluetooth_ConnectionLost;

            keepScreenOnRequest = new DisplayRequest();

            App.arduino.pinMode(FORWARD_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(REVERSE_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(LEFT_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT);
            App.arduino.pinMode(RIGHT_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT);
        public ControlPage()

            turn = Turn.none;
            direction = Direction.none;

            accelerometer = App.accelerometer;
            bluetooth = App.bluetooth;
            arduino = App.arduino;

            if( accelerometer == null || bluetooth == null || arduino == null )
                Frame.Navigate( typeof( MainPage ) );

            startButton.IsEnabled = true;
            stopButton.IsEnabled = true;
            disconnectButton.IsEnabled = true;

            bluetooth.ConnectionLost += Bluetooth_ConnectionLost;

            keepScreenOnRequest = new DisplayRequest();

            App.arduino.pinMode( LR_DIRECTION_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
            App.arduino.pinMode( FB_DIRECTION_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT );
            App.arduino.pinMode( LR_MOTOR_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.PWM );
            App.arduino.pinMode( FB_MOTOR_CONTROL_PIN, PinMode.PWM );

            App.arduino.pinMode(HEARTBEAT_LED_PIN, PinMode.OUTPUT);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task RenewDeviceList(string interfaceType)

            Task <DeviceInformationCollection> task = null;

            switch (interfaceType)
            case "Bluetooth":
                task = BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>();

            case "USB":
                task = UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>();

            case "DfRobot":
                task = DfRobotBleSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>();

            if (task != null)
                await task.ContinueWith(listTask =>
                    var result = listTask.Result;

                    foreach (DeviceInformation device in result)
                        connections.Add(device.Name, device);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to arduino over bloetooth
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DeviceID">Device name or ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ArduinoController BluetoothConnection(string DeviceID, uint baudRate = 115200, SerialConfig serialConfig = SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1)
            BluetoothSerial Connection1 = new BluetoothSerial(DeviceID);
            var             res         = new ArduinoController(Connection1);

            Connection1.begin(baudRate, serialConfig);
            res.bluetoothConnection = Connection1;
            res._connType           = ConnectionType.Bluetooth;
        private void InitWRA()
            connection = new BluetoothSerial("Dev B"); // HC-06
            arduino    = new RemoteDevice(connection);

            connection.ConnectionEstablished += Connection_ConnectionEstablished;
            connection.ConnectionFailed      += Connection_ConnectionFailed;
            connection.ConnectionLost        += Connection_ConnectionLost;
            connection.begin(9600, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public PinControl(string btName, uint BaudRate)
            BTConnection  = new BluetoothSerial("FixHelp");
            baudRate      = BaudRate;
            isBtAvailable = false;

            arduino = new RemoteDevice(BTConnection);
            BTConnection.begin(baudRate, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);

            isBtAvailable = BTConnection.connectionReady();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public MainPage()

            if (USE_VBB_CONNECTION)
                 * VirtualBreadboard Virtual Firmata device (www.virtualbreadboard.com)
                 * - is the server, so you must run VBB first
                 * - connection port 5000 as set in the VBB firmata port property
                 * - connects using the local IP address,
                 * - You must enable Private Networks ( Cient & Server ) in thePackage : Capabilities manifest
                LocalSerialSocket localSocket = new LocalSerialSocket(5000);
                if (USE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL)
                    myRemoteProtocol = new CustomRemoteProtocol(localSocket);
                    arduino = new RemoteDevice(localSocket);

                localSocket.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;
                connection = localSocket;
                 * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
                 * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                BluetoothSerial bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-E072");

                if (USE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL)
                    myRemoteProtocol = new CustomRemoteProtocol(bluetooth);
                    arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);

                bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;
                connection = bluetooth;

            //these parameters don't matter for localSocket/bluetooth
            connection.begin(115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
        public MainPage()

            if (USE_VBB_CONNECTION)
                 * VirtualBreadboard Virtual Firmata device (www.virtualbreadboard.com)
                 * - is the server, so you must run VBB first
                 * - connection port 5000 as set in the VBB firmata port property
                 * - connects using the local IP address,
                 * - You must enable Private Networks ( Cient & Server ) in thePackage : Capabilities manifest
                LocalSerialSocket localSocket = new LocalSerialSocket(5000);
                if (USE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL)
                    myRemoteProtocol = new CustomRemoteProtocol(localSocket);
                    arduino = new RemoteDevice(localSocket);

                arduino.DeviceReady += OnConnectionEstablished;

                connection = localSocket;
               * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
               * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
               * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                BluetoothSerial bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-E072");

                if (USE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL)
                    myRemoteProtocol = new CustomRemoteProtocol(bluetooth);
                    arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);

                bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;
                connection = bluetooth;

            //these parameters don't matter for localSocket/bluetooth
            connection.begin(115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public async Task CaptureReadings()
     await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
         this.bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-9E86");
         this.firmata = new UwpFirmata();
         this.firmata.FirmataConnectionReady += Firmata_FirmataConnectionReady;
         this.firmata.StringMessageReceived += Firmata_StringMessageReceived;
         this.device = new RemoteDevice(firmata);
         bluetooth.begin(9600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void btnStart_Click(object sender,
                             RoutedEventArgs e)
     //_bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("HC-05");
     _bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("sowaphone");
     _arduino   = new RemoteDevice(_bluetooth);
     _bluetooth.ConnectionLost +=
     _bluetooth.ConnectionFailed +=
     _bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished +=
     _bluetooth.begin(0, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private async void connect()
            dt = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = new TimeSpan(500) };

            var dev = await BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();
            foreach (var x in dev)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Found " + x.Name);
            bluetoothcomm = new BluetoothSerial(dev[0]);
            arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetoothcomm);
            bluetoothcomm.ConnectionEstablished+= Comm_ConnectionEstablished;
            bluetoothcomm.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public MainPage()
            var keepScreenOnRequest = new Windows.System.Display.DisplayRequest();

            DispatcherHelper.Dispatcher  = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
            DispatcherHelper.SyncContext = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

            _usb       = new UsbSerial("VID_1A86", "PID_7523");
            _bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("TinBot");
            _body      = new Body(_usb);
            //_body = new Body(_bluetooth);
            _commands = new Operations.Commands(media, _body, Ear,
                                                new Dictionary <Storyboard, int>()
                [bravo]          = 200,
                [feliz]          = 100,
                [feliz_verde]    = 100,
                [normal]         = 0,
                [piscadela]      = 0,
                [piscando]       = 0,
                [piscando_duplo] = 0,
                [triste]         = 200
                                                new Dictionary <ETinBotFaces, Storyboard>()
                [ETinBotFaces.Angry]       = bravo,
                [ETinBotFaces.Happy]       = feliz,
                [ETinBotFaces.HappyGreen]  = feliz_verde,
                [ETinBotFaces.Normal]      = normal,
                [ETinBotFaces.UniBlink]    = piscadela,
                [ETinBotFaces.Blink]       = piscando,
                [ETinBotFaces.BlinkDouble] = piscando_duplo,
                [ETinBotFaces.Sad]         = triste

                                                new Dictionary <ETinBotToggle, int>()
                [ETinBotToggle.Green] = 1,
                [ETinBotToggle.Red]   = 2,
                [ETinBotToggle.Blue]  = 3,
                [ETinBotToggle.Laser] = 4

            _body.ConnectionNotify += (sender, s) => ExecuteOnMainThread(() => Label.Text = s);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public MainPage()

            Connection = new BluetoothSerial("RN42-D924");
            Arduino    = new RemoteDevice(Connection);

            DataContext = this;

            Connection.ConnectionEstablished += Connection_ConnectionEstablished;

            IsConnected = false;
            Connection.begin(115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void RefreshDeviceList()
            if (comboBox.SelectedValue != null)
                if (comboBox.SelectedValue.Equals("Bluetooth LE"))
                    DfRobotBleSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>().ContinueWith(listTask =>
                        var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler(() =>
                            _connections = new ObservableCollection <Connection>();
                            foreach (DeviceInformation device in listTask.Result)
                                _connections.Add(new Connection(device.Name, device));
                            connectList.ItemsSource = _connections;

                            // autoconnect if only 1 device is paired
                            if (_connections.Count == 1)
                                connectList.SelectedItem = _connections[0];
                                Reconnect_Click(null, null);
                else if (comboBox.SelectedValue.Equals("Bluetooth"))
                    BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>().ContinueWith(listTask =>
                        var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler(() =>
                            _connections = new ObservableCollection <Connection>();
                            foreach (DeviceInformation device in listTask.Result)
                                _connections.Add(new Connection(device.Name, device));
                            connectList.ItemsSource = _connections;

                            // autoconnect if only 1 device is paired
                            if (_connections.Count == 1)
                                connectList.SelectedItem = _connections[0];
                                Reconnect_Click(null, null);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public MainPage()
            var keepScreenOnRequest = new Windows.System.Display.DisplayRequest();
            DispatcherHelper.Dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
            DispatcherHelper.SyncContext = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

            _usb = new UsbSerial("VID_1A86", "PID_7523");
            _bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("TinBot");
            _body = new Body(_usb);
            //_body = new Body(_bluetooth);
            _commands = new Operations.Commands(media, _body, Ear,
                new Dictionary<Storyboard, int>()
                    [bravo] = 200,
                    [feliz] = 100,
                    [feliz_verde] = 100,
                    [normal] = 0,
                    [piscadela] = 0,
                    [piscando] = 0,
                    [piscando_duplo] = 0,
                    [triste] = 200
                new Dictionary<ETinBotFaces, Storyboard>()
                    [ETinBotFaces.Angry] = bravo,
                    [ETinBotFaces.Happy] = feliz,
                    [ETinBotFaces.HappyGreen] = feliz_verde,
                    [ETinBotFaces.Normal] = normal,
                    [ETinBotFaces.UniBlink] = piscadela,
                    [ETinBotFaces.Blink] = piscando,
                    [ETinBotFaces.BlinkDouble] = piscando_duplo,
                    [ETinBotFaces.Sad] = triste

                new Dictionary<ETinBotToggle, int>()
                    [ETinBotToggle.Green] = 1,
                    [ETinBotToggle.Red] = 2,
                    [ETinBotToggle.Blue] = 3,
                    [ETinBotToggle.Laser] = 4

            _body.ConnectionNotify += (sender, s) => ExecuteOnMainThread(() => Label.Text = s);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private async void btnList_Click(object sender,
                                         RoutedEventArgs e)
            var a = await BluetoothSerial.

            //var b = a.First();
            //var c = a.First(x => x.Name == "HC-05");
            if (a.Count < 1)
                Debug.WriteLine("Bad pobierania listy");
            var c = a.First(x => x.Name == "sowaphone");
            //var d = b.Name;
        public MainPage()

             * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
             * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
             * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
            bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("RNBT-E072");

            arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);
            bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

            //these parameters don't matter for bluetooth
            bluetooth.begin(115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void RefreshDeviceList()
     //invoke the listAvailableDevicesAsync method of BluetoothSerial. Since it is Async, we will wrap it in a Task and add a llambda to execute when finished
     BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>().ContinueWith(listTask =>
         //store the result and populate the device list on the UI thread
         var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler(() =>
             _connections = new Connections();
             foreach (DeviceInformation device in listTask.Result)
                 _connections.Add(new Connection(device.Name, device));
             connectList.ItemsSource = _connections;
        public MainPage()

                 * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
                 * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
                 * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
                bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial( "RNBT-E072" );

                arduino = new RemoteDevice( bluetooth );
                bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

                //these parameters don't matter for bluetooth
                bluetooth.begin( 115200, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1 );
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Body(BluetoothSerial bluetoothSerial)
            _bluetoothSerial = bluetoothSerial;
            _bluetoothSerial.ConnectionEstablished += () => ConnectionNotify?.Invoke(this, "Bluetooth estabelecido");
            _bluetoothSerial.ConnectionFailed      += async message =>
                ConnectionNotify?.Invoke(this, "Bluetooth falhou: " + message);
                await Task.Delay(5000);

            _bluetoothSerial.ConnectionLost += message =>
                ConnectionNotify?.Invoke(this, "Bluetooth perdido: " + message);

            _checkConnectiontimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
            _checkConnectiontimer.Tick    += CheckConnectiontimerOnTick;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public MainPage()

             * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
             * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
             * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
            bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("FireFly-748B");

            arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);
            bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

            //this.pbPolltimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            //this.pbPolltimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);
            //this.pbPolltimer.Tick += PBTimer_Tick;

            //Start with off color for ellipse
            this.PBStatusLED.Fill = grayBrush;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public async Task <ObservableCollection <string> > GetDeviceList(string interfaceType, CancellationToken token)
            ObservableCollection <string> output = new ObservableCollection <string>();


            Task <DeviceInformationCollection> task = null;

            switch (interfaceType)
            case "Bluetooth":
                task = BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>(token);

            case "USB":
                task = UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>(token);

            case "DfRobot":
                task = DfRobotBleSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>(token);

            if (task != null)
                await task.ContinueWith(listTask =>
                    var result = listTask.Result;
                    foreach (DeviceInformation device in result)
                        connections.Add(device.Name, device);

Exemplo n.º 30
        private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Speed           = 0;
            this.dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            //cancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            task = BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>();
            if (true)
                task.ContinueWith(listTask =>
                    //store the result and populate the device list on the UI thread
                    var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler(() =>
                        Connections connections = new Connections();

                        var result = listTask.Result;
                        if (result == null || result.Count == 0)
                            DebugInfo.Text            = "No items found.";
                            ConnectionList.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                            foreach (DeviceInformation device in result)
                                connections.Add(new Connection(device.Name, device));
                            DebugInfo.Text = "Select an device and press \"Connect\" to connect.";

                        ConnectionList.ItemsSource = connections;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public MainPage()

             * I've written my bluetooth device name as a parameter to the BluetoothSerial constructor. You should change this to your previously-paired
             * device name if using Bluetooth. You can also use the BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync() function to list
             * available devices, but that is not covered in this sample.
            bluetooth = new BluetoothSerial("FireFly-748B");

            arduino = new RemoteDevice(bluetooth);
            bluetooth.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;

            //this.pbPolltimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            //this.pbPolltimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);
            //this.pbPolltimer.Tick += PBTimer_Tick;

            //Start with off color for ellipse
            this.PBStatusLED.Fill = grayBrush;

        private void RefreshDeviceList()
            //invoke the listAvailableDevicesAsync method of the correct Serial class. Since it is Async, we will wrap it in a Task and add a llambda to execute when finished
            Task <DeviceInformationCollection> task = null;

            if (ConnectionMethodComboBox.SelectedItem == null)
                ConnectMessage.Text = "Select a connection method to continue.";

            switch (ConnectionMethodComboBox.SelectedItem as String)
            case "Bluetooth":
                ConnectionList.Visibility        = Visibility.Visible;
                DevicesText.Visibility           = Visibility.Visible;
                NetworkHostNameTextBox.IsEnabled = false;
                NetworkPortTextBox.IsEnabled     = false;
                BaudRateComboBox.IsEnabled       = true;
                NetworkHostNameTextBox.Text      = "";
                NetworkPortTextBox.Text          = "";

                //create a cancellation token which can be used to cancel a task
                cancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                cancelTokenSource.Token.Register(() => OnConnectionCancelled());

                task = BluetoothSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>(cancelTokenSource.Token);

            case "USB":
                ConnectionList.Visibility        = Visibility.Visible;
                DevicesText.Visibility           = Visibility.Visible;
                NetworkHostNameTextBox.IsEnabled = false;
                NetworkPortTextBox.IsEnabled     = false;
                BaudRateComboBox.IsEnabled       = true;
                NetworkHostNameTextBox.Text      = "";
                NetworkPortTextBox.Text          = "";

                //create a cancellation token which can be used to cancel a task
                cancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                cancelTokenSource.Token.Register(() => OnConnectionCancelled());

                task = UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync().AsTask <DeviceInformationCollection>(cancelTokenSource.Token);

            case "Network":
                ConnectionList.Visibility        = Visibility.Collapsed;
                DevicesText.Visibility           = Visibility.Collapsed;
                NetworkHostNameTextBox.IsEnabled = true;
                NetworkPortTextBox.IsEnabled     = true;
                BaudRateComboBox.IsEnabled       = false;
                ConnectMessage.Text = "Enter a host and port to connect.";
                task = null;

            if (task != null)
                //store the returned DeviceInformation items when the task completes
                task.ContinueWith(listTask =>
                    //store the result and populate the device list on the UI thread
                    var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler(() =>
                        Connections connections = new Connections();

                        var result = listTask.Result;
                        if (result == null || result.Count == 0)
                            ConnectMessage.Text       = "No items found.";
                            ConnectionList.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                            foreach (DeviceInformation device in result)
                                connections.Add(new Connection(device.Name, device));
                            ConnectMessage.Text = "Select an item and press \"Connect\" to connect.";

                        ConnectionList.ItemsSource = connections;