Exemplo n.º 1
    //Returns the blueprint node connections output attribute
    public override object GetAttribute()
        //If the input connections connection node ID is valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Return the input connection nodes output attribute

        //Return the default output attribute
 //Executes the blueprint node event get mouse button instance
 public override void Execute()
     //If the selected mouse button is being pressed
     if (Input.GetMouseButton(selectedMouseButton))
         //If the output execution connection is valid
         if (outputExecutionConnection.connectionNodeID > -1)
             //Execute the output execution connection node
    //Returns the blueprint node math add int output attribute
    public override object GetAttribute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Return output attribute
            return(((int)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute()) +

        //Return default output attribute
Exemplo n.º 4
    //Returns the blueprint node math multiply vector3 output attribute
    public override object GetAttribute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create references to input attributes
            Vector3 a = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();
            Vector3 b = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //Return output attribute
            return(new Vector3(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z));

        //Return default output attribute
Exemplo n.º 5
    //Executes the blueprint node function scale instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to input attributes
            GameObject gameObject = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintParentAt(blueprintID);
            Vector3    scale      = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //Scale the blueprints parent GameObject by the Vector3 input attribute
            gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.localScale.x * scale.x, gameObject.transform.localScale.y * scale.y, gameObject.transform.localScale.z * scale.z);

        //Perform base execution
    //Start initializes the blueprint node event on button click instance
    public override void StartInitialize()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the button input attribute
            Button buttonInputAttribute = (Button)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //If the button input attribute is valid
            if (buttonInputAttribute != null)
                //Setup the buttons on click event to call the execute function
//Executes the blueprint node blueprint instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If the custom blueprint is valid
        if (customBlueprintID > -1)
            //Create intermediary attributes
            int attributeIndex = 0;

            //For each custom blueprint node
            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(customBlueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                //If the custom blueprint node is a variable
                if (BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(customBlueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariable != null)
                    //If the connection node ID is valid for the variable
                    if (connections.Count > attributeIndex && connections[attributeIndex].connectionNodeID > -1)
                        //Set the custom blueprint nodes output attribute to the linked input attribute

                    //Increment the attribute index

            //For each custom blueprint node
            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(customBlueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                //If the custom blueprint node is an event start node
                if (BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(customBlueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeEventStart != null)
                    //Execute the custom blueprint event start node

        //If the output execution connection connection node is valid
        if (outputExecutionConnection.connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 8
    //Executes the blueprint node set set y instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create a copy of the input attribute
            Vector4 inputAttribute = (Vector4)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //Set the y coordinate of the input attribute to the float input attribute
            inputAttribute.y = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //Set the input attribute to the modified input attribute

        //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 9
    //Executes the blueprint node set set position instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the transform input attribute
            Transform transformInputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() as Transform;

            //If the transform input attribute is valid
            if (transformInputAttribute != null)
                //Set the position of the transform input attribute to the vector3 position input attribute
                transformInputAttribute.position = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 10
    //Executes the blueprint node set set audio clip instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the audio source input attribute
            AudioSource audioSourceInputAttribute = (AudioSource)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //If the audio source input attribute is valid
            if (audioSourceInputAttribute != null)
                //Set the audio source input attributes audio clip to the audio clip input attribute
                audioSourceInputAttribute.clip = (AudioClip)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 11
    //Executes the blueprint node set set text instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the text input attribute
            Text textInputAttribute = (Text)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //If the text input attribute is valid
            if (textInputAttribute != null)
                //Set the text input attributes text value to the string input attribute
                textInputAttribute.text = (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Execute the output execution node
    //Returns the blueprint node get get transform output attribute
    public override object GetAttribute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the input attribute
            GameObject inputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() as GameObject;

            //If the input attribute is valid
            if (inputAttribute != null)
                //Return output attribute

        //Return default output attribute
    //Executes the blueprint node function translate instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the transform input attribute
            Transform transformInputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() as Transform;

            //If the transform input attribute is valid
            if (transformInputAttribute != null)
                //Translate the transform input attribute by the Vector3 input attribute translation

        //Perform base execution
Exemplo n.º 14
	//Executes the blueprint node function play instance
	public override void Execute()
		//If dependent attribute connections are valid
		if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
			//Create reference to the audio source input attribute
			AudioSource audioSourceInputAttribute = (AudioSource)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

			//If the audio source input attribute is valid
			if (audioSourceInputAttribute != null)
				//Play the audio source input attribute

		//Perform base execution
Exemplo n.º 15
    //Executes the blueprint node set set bool instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the animator input attribute
            Animator animatorInputAttribute = (Animator)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //If the animator input attribute is valid
            if (animatorInputAttribute != null)
                //Set the animator input attribute

        //Execute the output execution node
    //Executes the blueprint node function scale instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to input attributes
            Transform transformInputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() as Transform;
            Vector3   scale = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //If the transform input attribute is valid
            if (transformInputAttribute != null)
                //Scale the transform input attribute by the vector3 input attribute translation
                transformInputAttribute.localScale = new Vector3(transformInputAttribute.localScale.x * scale.x, transformInputAttribute.localScale.y * scale.y, transformInputAttribute.localScale.z * scale.z);

        //Perform base execution
 //Executes the blueprint node compare instance
 public override void Execute()
     //If the result is true
     if (result)
         //If the true output execution connection is valid
         if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
             //Execute the true output execution node
         //If the false output execution connection is valid
         if (connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
             //Execute the false output execution node
    //Called on start
    private void Start()
        //If the blueprint is valid
        if (blueprintID > -1)
            //For each blueprint node
            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                //Start initialize the blueprint node

            //For each blueprint node
            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                //If the blueprint node is a event start node
                if (BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeEventStart != null)
                    //Execute the blueprint node
    //Executes the blueprint node function rotate instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Rotate the blueprints parents GameObject by the Vector3 input attribute rotation
            BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintParentAt(blueprintID).transform.rotation *= (Quaternion)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Perform base execution
Exemplo n.º 20
    //Executes the blueprint node compare strings instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[2].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[3].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Depending on the mode
            switch (mode)
            //a == b
            case 0:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is equal to attribute b
                result = (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() == (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a != b
            case 1:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is not equal to attribute b
                result = (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() != (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Perform base initialization
Exemplo n.º 21
    //Executes the blueprint node set set local rotation instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Set the blueprints parents GameObjects local rotation to the attribute Quaternion rotation
            BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintParentAt(blueprintID).transform.localRotation = (Quaternion)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Execute the output execution node
    //Executes the blueprint node set set variable instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[2].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the blueprint input attribute
            Blueprint blueprintInputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt((int)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute());

            //If the blueprint input attribute is valid
            if (blueprintInputAttribute != null)
                //Flag indicating whether the blueprint variable has been found
                bool foundBlueprintVariable = false;

                //For each node in the blueprint input attribute
                for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                    //If the blueprint node is a variable
                    if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariable != null)
                        //If the blueprint node variable has a matching variable name
                        if (((BlueprintNodeVariable)blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex)).variableName == (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute())
                            //Depending on the selected type
                            switch (selectedType)
                            case 0:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable bool
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableBool != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 1:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable float
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableFloat != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 2:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable GameObject
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableGameObject != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 3:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable int
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableInt != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 4:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Quaternion
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableQuaternion != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 5:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable string
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableString != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 6:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector2
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector2 != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 7:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector3
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector3 != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            case 8:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector4
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector4 != null)
                                    //Set the found blueprint variable flag to true
                                    foundBlueprintVariable = true;


                            //If the blueprint variable is found
                            if (foundBlueprintVariable)
                                //Set the blueprint nodes output attribute to the input attribute

        //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 23
    //Executes the blueprint node set set text instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Set the Quaternion input attribute to the Vector3 input attribute as a Quaternion

        //Execute the output execution node
Exemplo n.º 24
    //Executes the blueprint node set set local scale instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Set the blueprints parents Gameobjects scale to the attribute Vector3 scale
            BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintParentAt(blueprintID).transform.localScale = (Vector3)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Execute the output execution node
    //Executes the blueprint node function look at instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Rotate the blueprint parents GameObject to look at the transform input attribute

        //Perform base execution
    //Executes the blueprint node set instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Set the output attribute to the input attribute

        //Execute the output execution node
    //Executes the blueprint node compare float instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[2].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[3].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Depending on the mode
            switch (mode)
            //a > b
            case 0:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is more than attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() > (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a < b
            case 1:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is less than attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() < (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a == b
            case 2:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is equal to attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() == (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a >= b
            case 3:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is more or equal to attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() >= (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a <= b
            case 4:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is less or equal to attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() <= (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

            //a != b
            case 5:
                //Set the result to the condition result of if attribute a is not equal to attribute b
                result = (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[2].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute() != (float)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[3].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute();

        //Perform base execution
Exemplo n.º 28
    //Executes the blueprint node function look at instance
    public override void Execute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Rotate the input attribute transform to look at the input attribute Vector3 location

        //Perform base execution
    //Returns the blueprint node get get blueprint variable output attribute
    public override object GetAttribute()
        //If dependent attribute connections are valid
        if (connections[0].connectionNodeID > -1 && connections[1].connectionNodeID > -1)
            //Create reference to the blueprint input attribute
            Blueprint blueprintInputAttribute = BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt((int)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[0].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute());

            //If the blueprint input attribute is valid
            if (blueprintInputAttribute != null)
                //For each node in the blueprint input attribute
                for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeCount(); nodeIndex++)
                    //If the blueprint node is a variable
                    if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariable != null)
                        //If the blueprint node variable has a matching variable name
                        if (((BlueprintNodeVariable)blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex)).variableName == (string)BlueprintInstanceManager.GetBlueprintAt(blueprintID).GetBlueprintNodeAt(connections[1].connectionNodeID).GetAttribute())
                            //Depending on the selected type
                            switch (selectedType)
                            case 0:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable bool
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableBool != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 1:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable float
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableFloat != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 2:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable GameObject
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableGameObject != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 3:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable int
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableInt != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 4:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Quaternion
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableQuaternion != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 5:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable string
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableString != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 6:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector2
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector2 != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 7:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector3
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector3 != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

                            case 8:
                                //If the blueprint node is a variable Vector4
                                if (blueprintInputAttribute.GetBlueprintNodeAt(nodeIndex) as BlueprintNodeVariableVector4 != null)
                                    //Return output attribute

        //Return the default output attribute