Exemplo n.º 1

    // USE Primary Fire //

    // Laser Effects

    void Update() // Laser Effects and Alt Fire   // Update is called once per frame
        // Max Laser Distance Raycast Var
        // 2Bats = Full
        if (barrierCounter == 0)
            maxDistance = 12;

        // 1Bat = 1/2
        if (barrierCounter == 1)
            maxDistance = 9;

        // 0Bats = 0...duh
        if (barrierCounter == 2)
            maxDistance = 7;


        if (isFiringLaser && !altFire)
            // Laser Graphics
            if (!lineRenderer.enabled)
                lineRenderer.enabled = true;
                impactEffect.Play();        // Particles
                impactLight.enabled = true; // Light
                //handLight.enabled = true;

            //lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, firePoint.position);
            //lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, transform.forward * 10 + transform.position); // Max Distance

            // Rotate Direcion Particles Face
            Vector3 dir = firePoint.position - transform.forward * 10 + transform.position; // Vector with direction facing Player
            impactEffect.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir);                 // Rotate Particle Collide
        else // Turn Off Laser and Effects
            lineRenderer.enabled = false;
            impactEffect.Stop();         // Particles
            impactLight.enabled = false; // Particle Lighting
            sfx_AudioSource.Stop();      // Stop Audio

            laserCollider = false;

            //handLight.enabled = false; // Lighting Effects Hands


        if (isFiringLaser && altFire) // Charge Shot Alt
            if (canShoot == true)
                BlueBulletController newBullet = Instantiate(bullet, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation) as BlueBulletController;

                canShoot = false;


        // USE ABILITIES //

        // Barrier
        if (holdingBarrier && barrierCounter < 2) // Charge Shot Alt
            BlueBarrierController newBarrier = Instantiate(barrier, barrierDeployPoint.position, barrierDeployPoint.rotation) as BlueBarrierController;

            holdingBarrier = false;

            barrierCounter += 1;

        // Turret
        if (holdingTurret && barrierCounter < 2) // Charge Shot Alt
            BlueTurretController newTurret = Instantiate(turret, barrierDeployPoint.position, barrierDeployPoint.rotation) as BlueTurretController;

            holdingTurret = false;

            barrierCounter += 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
     turret = GetComponent <BlueTurretController>();
Exemplo n.º 3

    // USE Primary Fire //

    // Laser Effects

    void Update() // Laser Effects and Alt Fire   // Update is called once per frame
        // Max Laser Distance Raycast Var

        // 2Bats = Full
        if (barrierCounter == 0)
            maxDistance = 12;

        // 1Bat = 1/2
        if (barrierCounter == 1)
            maxDistance = 9;

        // 0Bats = 0...duh
        if (barrierCounter == 2)
            maxDistance = 7;


        if (isFiringLaser && !altFire)
            // Laser Graphics
            if (!lineRenderer.enabled)
                lineRenderer.enabled = true;
                impactEffect.Play();        // Particles
                impactLight.enabled = true; // Light

            // Rotate Direcion Particles Face
            Vector3 dir = firePoint.position - transform.forward * 10 + transform.position; // Vector with direction facing Player
            impactEffect.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir);                 // Rotate Particle Collide
        else // Turn Off Laser and Effects


        if (isFiringLaser && altFire) // Charge Shot Alt
            if (bluePlayer.useController == true)
                if (canOrb == true & Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Joystick1Button7))
                    BlueOrbController newOrb = Instantiate(orb, orbPoint.position, orbPoint.rotation) as BlueOrbController;

                    canOrb = false;

            if (bluePlayer.useController == false)
                if (canOrb == true & Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                    BlueOrbController newOrb = Instantiate(orb, orbPoint.position, orbPoint.rotation) as BlueOrbController;

                    canOrb = false;


        // USE ABILITIES //

        // Barrier
        if (canHoldBarrier == true && barrierCounter < 2 && canDeploy)
            BlueBarrierController newBarrier = Instantiate(barrier, barrierDeployPoint.position, barrierDeployPoint.rotation) as BlueBarrierController;

            canHoldBarrier = false;

            canDeploy = false;

            barrierCounter += 1;

            // Turn Off Laser

            isFiringLaser = false;

            // Turn Off Blue Can Shoot
            bluePlayer.canShoot = false;

            // Turn Off Can Orb
            canOrb = false;

        // Turret
        if (canHoldTurret == true && barrierCounter < 2 && canDeploy)
            BlueTurretController newTurret = Instantiate(turret, turretDeployPoint.position, turretDeployPoint.rotation) as BlueTurretController;

            canHoldTurret = false;

            canDeploy = false;

            barrierCounter += 1;

            // Turn Off Laser

            isFiringLaser = false;

            // Turn Off Blue Can Shoot
            bluePlayer.canShoot = false;

            // Turn Off Can Orb
            canOrb = false;