Exemplo n.º 1
        /** CLONE ALL THE THINGS! **/
        public object Clone()
            CloneTimeBegin = Environment.TickCount;

            // Create a new copy of the object that we want
            GameState _temp = (GameState)this.MemberwiseClone();

            _temp.Map              = (Map)this.Map.Clone();
            _temp.Pacman           = (Pacman)this.Pacman.Clone(); // Grab a copy of pacman while we're at it
            _temp.Pacman.GameState = _temp;

            _temp.GameOver = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { };

            // Genereate the maps
            _temp.maps    = new Map[4];
            _temp.maps[0] = (Map)maps[0].Clone();
            _temp.maps[1] = (Map)maps[1].Clone();

            // Commenting this out for testing purposes

            //for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
            //    _temp.maps[i] = (Map)maps[i].Clone();

            // Generate the new array of ghosts
            _temp.Ghosts    = new Ghost[4];
            _temp.Ghosts[0] = _temp.Red = (Red)Red.Clone();
            _temp.Ghosts[1] = _temp.Pink = (Pink)Pink.Clone();
            _temp.Ghosts[2] = _temp.Blue = (Blue)Blue.Clone();
            _temp.Ghosts[3] = _temp.Brown = (Brown)Brown.Clone();

            // Assign the newly generated game state manually
            // to the objects.
            _temp.Brown.GameState = _temp;
            _temp.Pink.GameState  = _temp;
            _temp.Blue.GameState  = _temp;
            _temp.Red.GameState   = _temp;

            // Generate a random controller for the future simulations
            _temp.Controller = new SimRandomPac();

            // Loop through the ghosts and assign the game state appropriately
            for (int i = 0; i < _temp.Ghosts.Length; i++)
                _temp.Ghosts[i].GameState = _temp;

            CloneTimeEnd = Environment.TickCount;
