public override void Initialize(Vector3 surfacePosition) { base.Initialize(surfacePosition); emptyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); sampler.SampleMesh(); blorbs = new Blorb[sampler.Samples.Length]; matrixes = new Matrix4x4[sampler.Samples.Length]; fingerPositions = new Vector3[fingers.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sampler.Samples.Length; i++) { MeshSample sample = sampler.Samples[i]; Blorb e = new Blorb(); e.Point = sample.Point; e.Dir = e.Point.normalized; e.Radius = Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius); e.Agitation = Random.value; e.Goop = GameObject.Instantiate(goopBlorbPrefabs[Random.Range(0, goopBlorbPrefabs.Length)], transform).GetComponent <GoopBlorb>(); e.Rotation = Random.Range(0, 360); e.RotationSpeed = Random.Range(-rotationSpeed, rotationSpeed); blorbs[i] = e; } timeLastPopped = -100; updateBlorbs = true; Task updateTask = UpdateBlorbsLoop(); }
private static void ReadChunk(Blorb blorb, Stream stream, int start, int length, ReadOnlySpan <char> type, IDictionary <int, Chunk> chunks) { byte[]? rentedFromPool = null; Span <byte> buffer = length > 0xff ? (rentedFromPool = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(length)) : stackalloc byte[length]; try { int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer[..length]);
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ZLR engine from a given stream. /// The stream must remain open while the engine is in use. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameStream">A stream containing either a plain Z-code /// file or a Blorb file which in turn contains a Z-code resource.</param> /// <param name="io"></param> public ZMachine(Stream gameStream, IZMachineIO io) { if (gameStream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("gameStream"); } if (io == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("io"); } = io; // check for Blorb byte[] temp = new byte[12]; gameStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); gameStream.Read(temp, 0, 12); if (temp[0] == 'F' && temp[1] == 'O' && temp[2] == 'R' && temp[3] == 'M' && temp[8] == 'I' && temp[9] == 'F' && temp[10] == 'R' && temp[11] == 'S') { Blorb blorb = new Blorb(gameStream); if (blorb.GetStoryType() == "ZCOD") { gameStream = blorb.GetStoryStream(); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not a Z-code Blorb"); } } this.gameFile = gameStream; zmem = new byte[gameStream.Length]; gameStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); gameStream.Read(zmem, 0, (int)gameStream.Length); if (zmem.Length < 64) { throw new ArgumentException("Z-code file is too short: must be at least 64 bytes"); } zversion = zmem[0]; if (zversion != 5 && zversion != 8) { throw new ArgumentException("Z-code version must be 5 or 8"); } io.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(io_SizeChanged); }
private static void HandleForm(Blorb blorb, Stream stream, int start, int length, IDictionary <int, Chunk> chunks) { _level++; Span <char> type = stackalloc char[4]; while (stream.Position < start + length) { ReadChars(stream, type); int len = ReadInt(stream); // ReadBuffer(len); ReadChunk(blorb, stream, (int)stream.Position, len, type, chunks); } _level--; }
public void StoryStarted(string StoryFileName, Blorb BlorbFile) { invoke(() => { if (os_._blorbFile != null) { _parent.Title = String.Format("FrotzNET - {0}", os_._blorbFile.StoryName); } else { _parent.Title = String.Format("FrotzNET - {0}", StoryFileName); } OnStoryStarted(new GameSelectedEventArgs(StoryFileName, BlorbFile)); _scrollback.Reset(); }); }
public void StoryStarted(string StoryFileName, Blorb BlorbFile) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { if (os_._blorbFile != null) { _parent.Title = String.Format("FrotzNET - {0}", os_._blorbFile.StoryName); } else { _parent.Title = String.Format("FrotzNET - {0}", StoryFileName); } if (GameSelected != null) { GameSelected(this, new GameSelectedEventArgs(StoryFileName, BlorbFile)); } })); }
private void DrawBlorbs() { Color centerPoppedColor = centerPoppedGradient.Evaluate(centerPoppedCurve.Evaluate(Time.time - timeLastPopped)); bool applyPoppedColor = centerPoppedColor.r > 0; float popScale = popRecoveryScaleCurve.Evaluate(Time.time - timeLastPopped); for (int i = 0; i < blorbs.Length; i++) { Blorb e = blorbs[i]; if (e.Popped) { float poppedTime = (Time.time - e.TimePopped) / respawnTime; e.Goop.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(emptyBlock); e.Goop.transform.localScale = * Mathf.Lerp(minRadius, e.Radius + e.Bloat, poppedTime); } else { float normalizedBloat = Mathf.Clamp01(e.Bloat / maxBloatBeforePop); e.Goop.transform.localPosition = e.Point; e.Goop.transform.forward = e.Dir; e.Goop.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, e.Rotation, Space.Self); e.Goop.transform.localScale = * (e.Radius + e.Bloat) * popScale; if (normalizedBloat > 0.01f || applyPoppedColor) { Color bloatColor = bloatGradientEmission.Evaluate(normalizedBloat); bloatColor += centerPoppedColor; e.Goop.PropertyBlock.SetColor(emissionColorPropName, bloatColor); e.Goop.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(e.Goop.PropertyBlock); } else { e.Goop.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(emptyBlock); } } } if (popEvents.Count > 0) { Blorb popEvent = popEvents.Dequeue(); // Try getting a random one first int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, popParticles.Length); if (!popParticles[randomIndex].gameObject.activeSelf) { popParticles[randomIndex].transform.localPosition = popEvent.Point; popParticles[randomIndex].transform.forward = popEvent.Dir; popParticles[randomIndex].gameObject.SetActive(true); return; } // If that didn't work just go through the list for (int i = 0; i < popParticles.Length; i++) { if (popParticles[i].gameObject.activeSelf) { continue; } popParticles[i].transform.localPosition = popEvent.Point; popParticles[i].transform.forward = popEvent.Dir; popParticles[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); break; } // Slime all fingers nearby for (int i = 0; i < fingerTips.Length; i++) { if (Vector3.Distance(popEvent.Point, fingers[i].position) < maxDistToFinger) { FingerTip fingerTip = fingerTips[i]; fingerTip.SlimeIntensity = 1; fingerTips[i] = fingerTip; } } } popEvents.Clear(); }
private async Task UpdateBlorbs() { await new WaitForBackgroundThread(); float timeSincePopped = time - timeLastPopped; float popRecovery = popRecoveryCurve.Evaluate(timeSincePopped); int numBlorbs = blorbs.Length; //Gravity for (int i = 0; i < numBlorbs; i++) { Blorb e = blorbs[i]; Vector3 idealPos = (e.Point.normalized * SurfaceRadius); e.Point = Vector3.Lerp(e.Point, idealPos, gravity); blorbs[i] = e; } // Agitation / Rotation for (int i = 0; i < numBlorbs; i++) { Blorb e = blorbs[i]; Vector3 randomPoint = RandomInsideSphere(random) * ((e.Agitation + e.Bloat) * agitationForce * deltaTime); e.Point = Vector3.Lerp(e.Point, e.Point + randomPoint, deltaTime); float newRadius = Mathf.Clamp(e.Radius + (RandomRange(random, -1f, 1f) * (e.Agitation + e.Bloat) * deltaTime), minRadius, maxRadius); e.Radius = Mathf.Lerp(e.Radius, newRadius, radiusChangeSpeed * deltaTime); e.Bloat = Mathf.Lerp(e.Bloat, 0, deltaTime * radiusChangeSpeed); e.Rotation += deltaTime * e.RotationSpeed; blorbs[i] = e; } // Fingers totalAgitation = 0; for (int f = 0; f < fingerPositions.Length; f++) { Vector3 fingerPos = fingerPositions[f]; for (int i = 0; i < numBlorbs; i++) { Blorb e = blorbs[i]; float distToFinger = Vector3.Distance(fingerPos, e.Point); if (distToFinger > maxDistToFinger) { continue; } float fingerAgitation = fingerAgitationCurve.Evaluate(distToFinger / maxDistToFinger) * popRecovery; totalAgitation += fingerAgitation; e.Bloat = Mathf.Lerp(e.Bloat, Mathf.Clamp(e.Bloat + fingerAgitation, 0, Mathf.Infinity), deltaTime * radiusChangeSpeed); blorbs[i] = e; } } // Forces for (int i = 0; i < numBlorbs; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numBlorbs; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } Blorb e1 = blorbs[i]; Blorb e2 = blorbs[j]; if (e1.Popped || e2.Popped) { continue; } float dist = Vector3.Distance(e1.Point, e2.Point); float touchingDist = (e1.Radius + e1.Bloat) + (e2.Radius + e2.Bloat); if (dist > touchingDist) { continue; } float overlap = touchingDist - dist; Vector3 dir = (e1.Point - e2.Point).normalized; if (e1.Radius > e2.Radius) { e2.Point -= dir * (overlap * deltaTime); blorbs[j] = e2; } else { e1.Point += dir * (overlap * deltaTime); blorbs[i] = e1; } } } // Direction for (int i = 0; i < numBlorbs; i++) { Blorb e1 = blorbs[i]; e1.Dir = e1.Point.normalized; blorbs[i] = e1; } for (int i = 0; i < blorbs.Length; i++) { Blorb e = blorbs[i]; if (e.Popped) { if (time > e.TimePopped + respawnTime) { e.Popped = false; blorbs[i] = e; } } else { float normalizedBloat = (e.Bloat / maxBloatBeforePop); if (normalizedBloat >= 1) { e.Popped = true; e.TimePopped = time; timeLastPopped = time; popEvents.Enqueue(e); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ZLR engine from a given stream. /// The stream must remain open while the engine is in use. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameStream">A stream containing either a plain Z-code /// file or a Blorb file which in turn contains a Z-code resource.</param> /// <param name="io"></param> public ZMachine(Stream gameStream, IZMachineIO io) { if (gameStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("gameStream"); if (io == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("io"); = io; // check for Blorb byte[] temp = new byte[12]; gameStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); gameStream.Read(temp, 0, 12); if (temp[0] == 'F' && temp[1] == 'O' && temp[2] == 'R' && temp[3] == 'M' && temp[8] == 'I' && temp[9] == 'F' && temp[10] == 'R' && temp[11] == 'S') { Blorb blorb = new Blorb(gameStream); if (blorb.GetStoryType() == "ZCOD") gameStream = blorb.GetStoryStream(); else throw new ArgumentException("Not a Z-code Blorb"); } this.gameFile = gameStream; zmem = new byte[gameStream.Length]; gameStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); gameStream.Read(zmem, 0, (int)gameStream.Length); if (zmem.Length < 64) throw new ArgumentException("Z-code file is too short: must be at least 64 bytes"); zversion = zmem[0]; if (zversion < 1 || zversion > 8) throw new ArgumentException("Z-code version must be between 1 and 8"); io.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(io_SizeChanged); }
public void StoryStarted(string StoryName, Blorb BlorbFile) { Console.WriteLine("Starting " + StoryName); }