Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Common items that are populated as part of the blog view population
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper"></param>
        private void PopulateBase(IHtmlHelper helper)
            // Generate the base url for this view
            this.BaseUrl = (new Uri($"{helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Host.Value}")).ToString();

            // Do we have a current blog set? If so, do we have a current user?
            if (this.CurrentBlog != null)
                // Instantiate a new login manager
                BlogLoginManager loginManager = new BlogLoginManager(this.CurrentBlog, helper.ViewContext.HttpContext);

                // Get the current user (if we can) and assign it to the viewmodel
                this.CurrentUser = loginManager.CurrentUser;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reset the fixture for the next test
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialise()
            // Create a data provider to test against
            DataProvider = new BlogMemoryProvider()

            // Create a new blog to test against
            TestBlog = new Blog(new BlogParameters()
                Provider = DataProvider,
                Id       = "TestBlog"

            // Create a new login manager against the test blog
            LoginManager         = new BlogLoginManager(TestBlog);
            LoginManager.context = new MockedContext();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// When the action is executed, set up anything needed for any subsequent actions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The execution context</param>
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            // Is a redirect?
            Boolean isRedirect = false;

            if (context.HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey("redirect"))
                Boolean.TryParse(context.HttpContext.Request.Query["redirect"], out isRedirect);

            // Is it a password change?
            if (context.HttpContext.Request.Path.Value.Contains($"auth/passwordchange"))
                isRedirect = true;

                // Get a new login manager instance to check against the current blog
                // with the current session context
                loginManager = new BlogLoginManager(Current, context.HttpContext);
                if (loginManager != null)
                    // Handle the logins (tokens etc.)

                    // Current user? Is there some reason to redirect?
                    if (loginManager.CurrentUser != null)
                        // Password change required and not already on the auth screen?
                        if (loginManager.CurrentUser.PasswordChange && !isRedirect)
                            // Redirect ..
                            context.Result = new RedirectResult($"{BaseUrl}/auth/login/?redirect=true");
                    throw new UserBlogException("Login Manager could not be initialised.");

                // Check to see if we have any security attributes applied to the current method
                ControllerActionDescriptor controllerDescriptor = (ControllerActionDescriptor)context.ActionDescriptor;
                if (controllerDescriptor != null) // Did we get a controller descriptor?
                    // Get the required security level if there is one
                    BlogSecurityAttribute[] securityAttributes = (BlogSecurityAttribute[])controllerDescriptor.MethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BlogSecurityAttribute), false);
                    if (securityAttributes.Length != 0)
                        // Loop the items and see if any fail to meet criteria, if so then set the redirect result
                        foreach (BlogSecurityAttribute attrib in securityAttributes)
                            // Check against the current user for the security level needed
                            if (loginManager.CurrentUser == null ||
                                loginManager.CurrentUser.Permissions == null ||
                                context.Result = new RedirectResult($"{BaseUrl}"); // Redirect to the user to the home page
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Throw the exception wrapped (if needed) in a non-initialised exception
                throw BlogException.Passthrough(ex, new UserBlogException(ex));

            // Call the base method