Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CanBuildChainFromBlocks()
            var             store = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.DataFolder(@"blocks"), Network.StratisMain);
            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            Assert.True(chain.Height == 3999);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CanBuildChainFromBlocks()
            var store = new BlockStore(@"data\blocks", Network.Main);
            var chain = store.GetChain();

            Assert.True(chain.Height == 599);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void BenchmarkCreateChainFromBlocks()
     BlockStore      store     = new BlockStore(@"E:\Bitcoin\blocks\", Network.Main);
     ConcurrentChain chain     = null;
     var             fullBuild = Bench(() =>
         chain = store.GetChain();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void BenchmarkCreateChainFromBlocks()
     BlockStore      store     = new BlockStore(this.BlockStoreFolder, Network.Main);
     ConcurrentChain chain     = null;
     var             fullBuild = Bench(() =>
         chain = store.GetChain();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void EnumerateAndCheckTipBlock()
            var store = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.Main);

            // use the synchronize chain method to load all blocks and look for the tip (currently block 100k)
            var block100K = uint256.Parse("af380a53467b70bc5d1ee61441586398a0a5907bb4fad7855442575483effa54");
            var chain     = store.GetChain();
            var lastblk   = chain.GetBlock(block100K);

            Assert.Equal(block100K, lastblk.Header.GetHash());
            Assert.Equal(100000, lastblk.Height);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void IndexTheFullChain()
            var store      = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.StratisMain);
            var indexStore = new IndexedBlockStore(new InMemoryNoSqlRepository(), store);
            var reindexed  = indexStore.ReIndex();

            Assert.Equal(103952, reindexed);

            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            foreach (ChainedBlock item in chain.ToEnumerable(false))
                Block block = indexStore.Get(item.HashBlock);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void CanCalculatePowPosCorrectly()
            var store      = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.Main);
            var chain      = store.GetChain();
            var stakeChain = new MemoryStakeChain(Network.Main);
            var indexStore = new IndexedBlockStore(new InMemoryNoSqlRepository(), store);
            var reindexed  = indexStore.ReIndex();

            Assert.Equal(reindexed, 103952);

            foreach (var chainedBlock in chain.EnumerateAfter(chain.Genesis))
                var block      = indexStore.Get(chainedBlock.HashBlock);
                var blockstake = new BlockStake(block);
                stakeChain.Set(chainedBlock.HashBlock, blockstake);

                Assert.True(stakeChain.CheckPowPosAndTarget(chainedBlock, blockstake, Network.Main));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void CanCalculateDifficulty()
            var histories = File.ReadAllLines("data/targethistory.csv");

            var store = new BlockStore(@"download\blocks", Network.Main);
            // todo: load the chain with a heder only file
            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            foreach (var history in histories)
                var height         = int.Parse(history.Split(',')[0]);
                var expectedTarget = new Target(BigInteger.Parse(history.Split(',')[1]));

                var block = chain.GetBlock(height).Header;

                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, block.Bits);
                var target = chain.GetWorkRequired(Network.Main, height);
                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, target);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void CanCalculateDifficulty()
            var histories = File.ReadAllLines(TestDataLocations.DataFolder(@"targethistory.csv"));

            var store = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.Main);
            // todo: load the chain with a header only file
            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            foreach (var history in histories)
                var height         = int.Parse(history.Split(',')[0]);
                var expectedTarget = new Target(new BigInteger(history.Split(',')[1].Trim(), 10));

                var block = chain.GetBlock(height).Header;

                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, block.Bits);
                var target = chain.GetWorkRequired(Network.Main, height);
                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, target);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void CanCalculateDifficulty()
            var histories = File.ReadAllLines(TestDataLocations.DataFolder(@"targethistory.csv"));

            var store = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.Main);
            // todo: load the chain with a header only file
            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            var stakeChain = new MemoryStakeChain(Network.Main);
            var indexStore = new IndexedBlockStore(new InMemoryNoSqlRepository(), store);
            var reindexed  = indexStore.ReIndex();

            Assert.Equal(reindexed, 103952);

            var lastIndex = 0;

            foreach (var history in histories)
                var height         = int.Parse(history.Split(',')[0]);
                var expectedTarget = new Target(new BigInteger(history.Split(',')[1].Trim(), 10));

                var chainedBlock = chain.GetBlock(height);
                for (int i = height; i > lastIndex; i--)
                    var g     = chain.GetBlock(i);
                    var block = indexStore.Get(g.HashBlock);
                    stakeChain.Set(g.HashBlock, new BlockStake(block));
                lastIndex = height;

                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, chainedBlock.Header.Bits);
                var target = stakeChain.GetWorkRequired(chainedBlock, stakeChain.Get(chainedBlock.HashBlock), Network.Main.Consensus);
                //var target = chain.GetWorkRequired(Network.Main, height);
                Assert.Equal(expectedTarget, target);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void CheckBlockProofOfStake()
            var totalblocks = 5000;  // fill only a small portion so test wont be too long
            var mainStore   = new BlockStore(TestDataLocations.BlockFolderLocation, Network.StratisMain);

            // create the stores
            BlockStore store = CreateBlockStore();

            var index      = 0;
            var blockStore = new NoSqlBlockRepository();

            foreach (StoredBlock storedBlock in mainStore.Enumerate(false).Take(totalblocks))

            // build the chain
            ConcurrentChain chain = store.GetChain();

            // fill the transaction store
            var trxStore = new NoSqlTransactionRepository();
            var mapStore = new BlockTransactionMapStore();

            foreach (ChainedBlock chainedBlock in chain.ToEnumerable(false).Take(totalblocks))
                Block block = blockStore.GetBlock(chainedBlock.HashBlock);
                foreach (Transaction blockTransaction in block.Transactions)
                    mapStore.PutAsync(blockTransaction.GetHash(), block.GetHash());

            RPCClient client = null;

            if (!pos_RPCClientTests.noClient)
                client = new RPCClient(new NetworkCredential("rpcuser", "rpcpassword"),
                                       new Uri("" + Network.StratisMain.RPCPort), Network.StratisMain);

            var stakeChain = new MemoryStakeChain(Network.StratisMain);

            // validate the stake trasnaction
            foreach (ChainedBlock item in chain.ToEnumerable(false).Take(totalblocks).ToList())
                Block      block = blockStore.GetBlock(item.HashBlock);
                BlockStake blockStake;
                Assert.True(BlockValidator.CheckAndComputeStake(blockStore, trxStore, mapStore, stakeChain, chain, item, block, out blockStake));
                stakeChain.Set(item.HashBlock, blockStake);
                if (item.Height == 1125)
                    var g = block.ToHex();

                if (client != null)
                    RPCBlock fetched = client.GetRPCBlockAsync(item.HashBlock).Result;
                    Assert.Equal(uint256.Parse(fetched.modifierv2), blockStake.StakeModifierV2);
                    Assert.Equal(uint256.Parse(fetched.proofhash), blockStake.HashProof);
Exemplo n.º 12
		public void CanBuildChainFromBlocks()
			var store = new BlockStore(@"data\blocks", Network.Main);
			var chain = store.GetChain();
			Assert.True(chain.Height == 599);

Exemplo n.º 13
		public void BenchmarkCreateChainFromBlocks()
			BlockStore store = new BlockStore(@"E:\Bitcoin\blocks\", Network.Main);
			ConcurrentChain chain = null;
			var fullBuild = Bench(() =>
				chain = store.GetChain();