/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ParentID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <JsonFunTree> GetSearchChildNodes(string ParentID) { List <JsonFunTree> list = new List <JsonFunTree>(); DataSet ds = new BllSysFun().GetTreeList("ParentID='" + ParentID + "'"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int b = 0; b < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; b++) { JsonFunTree model = new JsonFunTree(); model.id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["id"].ToString(); model.parentId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["parentId"].ToString(); model.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["text"].ToString(); model.iconCls = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["iconCls"].ToString(); model.pageUrl = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["PageUrl"].ToString(); model.className = ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["ClassName"].ToString(); model.funSort = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["FunSort"]); model.expanded = true; model.IsSystem = Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["IsSystem"]); //是否系统定义 model.CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["CreateTime"]); model.leaf = true; model.children = GetSearchChildNodes(ds.Tables[0].Rows[b]["id"].ToString()); if (model.children.Count > 0) { model.leaf = false; } list.Add(model); } } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 功能权限控制 /// </summary> public void funTree() { if (CurrentMaster != null) { string _typeId = Request["TypeID"]; _key = Request["key"]; string output; DataTable mytab; string name = (Request["TreeName"] == null ? "" : Request["TreeName"]); //查询过滤条件 if (CurrentMaster.Attribute != (int)AdminTypeEnum.普通员工) //超级管理员 { string where = ""; if (name != "") { where += " FunName like '%" + name + "%' and TypeID=" + _typeId + " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常; } else { where += " TypeID=" + _typeId + " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常; } mytab = new BllSysFun().GetTreeList(where).Tables[0]; //获取所有树 } else { BllSysMaster mybase = new BllSysMaster(); _where += (name == "" ? " and TypeID=" + _typeId + " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常 : " and TypeID=" + _typeId + " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常 + " and FunName like '%" + name + "%'"); mytab = mybase.GetAuthByPage(CurrentMaster.RoleIdList, _where).Tables[0]; } GetTreeNode(mytab);//功能权限 } Output = Output.Replace("check", "checked"); WriteJsonToPage(Output); }
public void SaveData(ModSysFun t) { BllSysFun bll = new BllSysFun(); ModJsonResult json = new ModJsonResult(); string pageAction = Request["PageAction"]; string parentId = "0";//树状根节点统一为0 t.isChild = false; if (Request["parentId"] != null && Request["parentId"] != "") { parentId = Request["parentId"]; t.isChild = true; } t.ParentId = parentId; t.TypeId = int.Parse(Request["leftType"]);//左边模块选择的树 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["modify"])) //修改 { t.PageUrl=(t.PageUrl == null ? "" : t.PageUrl); t.iconCls = (t.iconCls == null ? "" : t.iconCls); t.ClassName = (t.ClassName == null ? "" : t.ClassName); int result = bll.UpdateData(t); if (result <= 0) { json.success = false; json.msg = "修改失败,请稍后再操作!"; } } else { t.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); t.Status = (int)StatusEnum.正常; t.IsSystem = false; t.PageUrl = (t.PageUrl == null ? "" : t.PageUrl); t.iconCls = (t.iconCls == null ? "" : t.iconCls); t.ClassName = (t.ClassName == null ? "" : t.ClassName); int result = bll.Insert(t); if (result <= 0) { json.success = false; json.msg = " 保存失败,请稍后再操作!"; } } //删除原有的按钮信息 BllSysFunLinkBtnValue sysFunLinkBtnValue = new BllSysFunLinkBtnValue(); sysFunLinkBtnValue.BatchInsert(pageAction, t.Id); WriteJsonToPage(json.ToString()); }
public void Comboboxtree() { try { string LeftId = Request["LeftId"];//左边菜单选择 BllSysFun mybase = new BllSysFun(); _where += " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常 + "and TypeID=" + LeftId; _mySet = mybase.GetTreeList(_where); Output = JsonHelper.ToJson(new FunTreeCommon().GetFunTreeNodes(_mySet)); } catch { Output = "{{'msg':'','success':false}}"; } WriteJsonToPage(Output); }
public void InitMain() { try { string typeId = (Request["id"] == null ? "0" : Request["id"]);//左边树形类型 BllSysFun mybase = new BllSysFun(); _where += " and Status!="+(int)StatusEnum.删除+" and TypeID=" + typeId; _mySet = mybase.GetTreeList(_where); List<JsonFunTree> list = new FunTreeCommon().GetFunTreeNodes(_mySet); Output =JsonHelper.ToJson(list); } catch { Output =""; } WriteJsonToPage(Output); }
/// <summary> /// 启用状态 /// </summary> public void EnableUse() { var msg = new ModJsonResult(); string key = Request["id"]; int result = new BllSysFun().UpdateIsStatus(1, key); if (result > 0) { msg.success = true; } else { msg.success = false; msg.msg = "操作失败"; } WriteJsonToPage(msg.ToString()); }
/// <summary> ///菜单树,没有权限的菜单 /// </summary> /// <param name="childId"></param> /// <param name="master">登录用户对象</param> public void InitAdminTree(string childId, ModSysMaster master) { string output = ""; string _where = "1=1"; childId = (childId == "-1" ? "0" : childId); //获取 try { //获取菜单访问权限 int att = master.Attribute; _where += " and TypeID=" + att; BllSysFun mybase = new BllSysFun(); string name = (Request["FunName"] == null ? "" : Request["FunName"]).Trim(); //查询过滤条件 _where += (name == "" ? " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常 : " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常 + " and FunName like '%" + name.Trim() + "%'"); DataSet _mySet = mybase.GetTreeList(_where); if (name == "") { output = JsonHelper.ToJson(new FunTreeCommon().GetFunTreeNodes(_mySet)); } else { output = JsonHelper.ToJson(new FunTreeCommon().GetSearchTreeNodes(_mySet)); } } catch { var json = new ModJsonResult(); json.success = false; json.errorCode = (int)SystemError.正常错误; json.msg = "菜单树异常,无法进行操作"; output = JsonHelper.ToJson(json); } Response.Write(output); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> public void DeleteData(string id) { var msg = new ModJsonResult(); try { int result = new BllSysFun().DeleteDate(id); if (result > 0) { msg.success = true; } else { msg.success = false; msg.msg = "操作失败"; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.msg = "操作失败:" + ex.Message; } WriteJsonToPage(msg.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 查看他人权限设置 /// </summary> public void GetOtherfunTree() { if (CurrentMaster != null) { string _typeId = Request["TypeID"]; _key = Request["key"]; string output; DataTable mytab = null; BllSysMaster mybase = new BllSysMaster(); //查询角色创建人 BllSysRole role = new BllSysRole(); var roleInfo = role.LoadData(_key); var other = mybase.LoadData(roleInfo.CreaterId); //角色用户 if (other.Attribute != (int)AdminTypeEnum.普通员工) //超级管理员,不用控权 { _where += " and TypeID=" + _typeId + " and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常; mytab = new BllSysFun().GetTreeList(_where).Tables[0]; //获取所有树 } else { string roleIdList = new BllSysMasterRole().GetMasterRole(other.Id); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleIdList)) { _where += " and TypeID=" + _typeId + "and Status=" + (int)StatusEnum.正常; mytab = mybase.GetAuthByPage(roleIdList, _where).Tables[0]; } else { WriteJsonToPage(Output); return; } } GetTreeNode(mytab);//功能权限 } Output = Output.Replace("check", "checked"); WriteJsonToPage(Output); }