Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> Ctor resamples a BlkImgDataSrc so that all components
        /// have the same number of samples.
        /// Note the present implementation does only two to one
        /// respampling in either direction (row, column).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
        /// </param>
        protected internal Resampler(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap) : base(src, csMap)
            int c;

            // Calculate the minimum and maximum subsampling factor
            // across all channels.

            int minX = src.getCompSubsX(0);
            int minY = src.getCompSubsY(0);
            int maxX = minX;
            int maxY = minY;

            for (c = 1; c < ncomps; ++c)
                minX = System.Math.Min(minX, src.getCompSubsX(c));
                minY = System.Math.Min(minY, src.getCompSubsY(c));
                maxX = System.Math.Max(maxX, src.getCompSubsX(c));
                maxY = System.Math.Max(maxY, src.getCompSubsY(c));

            // Throw an exception for other than 2:1 sampling.
            if ((maxX != 1 && maxX != 2) || (maxY != 1 && maxY != 2))
                throw new ColorSpaceException("Upsampling by other than 2:1 not" + " supported");

            minCompSubsX = minX;
            minCompSubsY = minY;
            maxCompSubsX = maxX;
            maxCompSubsY = maxY;

            /* end Resampler ctor */
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
        /// the specified component.
        /// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
        /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
        /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
        /// </param>
        public ImgWriterPGM(IFileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c)
            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            // Check that the component index is valid
            if (c < 0 || c >= imgSrc.NumComps)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid number of components");

            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            if (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) > 8)
                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().println("Warning: Component " + c + " has nominal bitdepth " + imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) + ". Pixel values will be " + "down-shifted to fit bitdepth of 8 for PGM file", 8, 8);

            // Initialize
            if (out_Renamed.Exists && !out_Renamed.Delete())
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
            this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
            src      = imgSrc;
            this.c   = c;
            w        = imgSrc.ImgWidth;
            h        = imgSrc.ImgHeight;
            fb       = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(c);
            levShift = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1);

Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary> Ctor resamples a BlkImgDataSrc so that all components
		/// have the same number of samples.
		/// Note the present implementation does only two to one
		/// respampling in either direction (row, column).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		protected internal Resampler(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap):base(src, csMap)
			int c;
			// Calculate the minimum and maximum subsampling factor
			// across all channels.
			int minX = src.getCompSubsX(0);
			int minY = src.getCompSubsY(0);
			int maxX = minX;
			int maxY = minY;
			for (c = 1; c < ncomps; ++c)
				minX = System.Math.Min(minX, src.getCompSubsX(c));
				minY = System.Math.Min(minY, src.getCompSubsY(c));
				maxX = System.Math.Max(maxX, src.getCompSubsX(c));
				maxY = System.Math.Max(maxY, src.getCompSubsY(c));
			// Throw an exception for other than 2:1 sampling.
			if ((maxX != 1 && maxX != 2) || (maxY != 1 && maxY != 2))
				throw new ColorSpaceException("Upsampling by other than 2:1 not" + " supported");
			minCompSubsX = minX;
			minCompSubsY = minY;
			maxCompSubsX = maxX;
			maxCompSubsY = maxY;
			/* end Resampler ctor */
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary> Constructs a new tiler with the specified 'BlkImgDataSrc' source,
        /// image origin, tiling origin and nominal tile size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The 'BlkImgDataSrc' source from where to get the image
        /// data. It must not be tiled and the image origin must be at '(0,0)' on
        /// its canvas.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ax">The horizontal coordinate of the image origin in the canvas
        /// system, on the reference grid (i.e. the image's top-left corner in the
        /// reference grid).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ay">The vertical coordinate of the image origin in the canvas
        /// system, on the reference grid (i.e. the image's top-left corner in the
        /// reference grid).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="px">The horizontal tiling origin, in the canvas system, on the
        /// reference grid. It must satisfy 'px<=ax'.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="py">The vertical tiling origin, in the canvas system, on the
        /// reference grid. It must satisfy 'py<=ay'.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nw">The nominal tile width, on the reference grid. If 0 then
        /// there is no tiling in that direction.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nh">The nominal tile height, on the reference grid. If 0 then
        /// there is no tiling in that direction.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">If src is tiled or "canvased", or
        /// if the arguments do not satisfy the specified constraints.
        /// </exception>
        public Tiler(BlkImgDataSrc src, int ax, int ay, int px, int py, int nw, int nh) : base(src)
            // Initialize
            this.src    = src;
            this.x0siz  = ax;
            this.y0siz  = ay;
            this.xt0siz = px;
            this.yt0siz = py;
            this.xtsiz  = nw;
            this.ytsiz  = nh;

            // Verify that input is not tiled
            if (src.getNumTiles() != 1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Source is tiled");
            // Verify that source is not "canvased"
            if (src.ImgULX != 0 || src.ImgULY != 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Source is \"canvased\"");
            // Verify that arguments satisfy trivial requirements
            if (x0siz < 0 || y0siz < 0 || xt0siz < 0 || yt0siz < 0 || xtsiz < 0 || ytsiz < 0 || xt0siz > x0siz || yt0siz > y0siz)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid image origin, " + "tiling origin or nominal " + "tile size");

            // If no tiling has been specified, creates a unique tile with maximum
            // dimension.
            if (xtsiz == 0)
                xtsiz = x0siz + src.ImgWidth - xt0siz;
            if (ytsiz == 0)
                ytsiz = y0siz + src.ImgHeight - yt0siz;

            // Automatically adjusts xt0siz,yt0siz so that tile (0,0) always
            // overlaps with the image.
            if (x0siz - xt0siz >= xtsiz)
                xt0siz += ((x0siz - xt0siz) / xtsiz) * xtsiz;
            if (y0siz - yt0siz >= ytsiz)
                yt0siz += ((y0siz - yt0siz) / ytsiz) * ytsiz;
            if (x0siz - xt0siz >= xtsiz || y0siz - yt0siz >= ytsiz)
                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.INFO, "Automatically adjusted tiling " + "origin to equivalent one (" + xt0siz + "," + yt0siz + ") so that " + "first tile overlaps the image");

            // Calculate the number of tiles
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
            ntX = (int)System.Math.Ceiling((x0siz + src.ImgWidth) / (double)xtsiz);
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
            ntY = (int)System.Math.Ceiling((y0siz + src.ImgHeight) / (double)ytsiz);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
 /// all data objects (input, working, and output).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 protected internal ColorSpaceMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap) : base(src)
     this.src   = src;
     this.csMap = csMap;
     /* end ColorSpaceMapper ctor */
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the
 /// specified source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be
 /// transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="decSpec">The decoder specifications
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="utdepth">The bit depth of the un-transformed components
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pl">The command line optinons of the decoder
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public InvCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, DecoderSpecs decSpec, int[] utdepth, ParameterList pl) : base(imgSrc)
     this.cts     = decSpec.cts;
     this.wfs     = decSpec.wfs;
     src          = imgSrc;
     this.utdepth = utdepth;
     noCompTransf = !(pl.getBooleanParameter("comp_transf"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
        /// the specified component.
        /// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
        /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
        /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
        /// <p>All the header informations are given by the BlkImgDataSrc source
        /// (component width, component height, bit-depth) and sign flag, which are
        /// provided to the constructor. The endianness is always big-endian (MSB
        /// first).</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isSigned">Whether the datas are signed or not (needed only when
        /// writing header).
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
        /// </seealso>
        public ImgWriterPGX(IFileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c, bool isSigned)
            this.c = c;
            if (out_Renamed.Exists && !out_Renamed.Delete())
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
            this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
            this.isSigned    = isSigned;
            src = imgSrc;
            w   = src.ImgWidth;
            h   = src.ImgHeight;
            fb  = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(c);

            bitDepth = src.getNomRangeBits(this.c);
            if ((bitDepth <= 0) || (bitDepth > 31))
                throw new System.IO.IOException("PGX supports only bit-depth between " + "1 and 31");
            if (bitDepth <= 8)
                packBytes = 1;
            else if (bitDepth <= 16)
                packBytes = 2;
                // <= 31
                packBytes = 4;

            // Writes PGX header
            System.String tmpString = "PG " + "ML " + ((this.isSigned)?"- ":"+ ") + bitDepth + " " + w + " " + h + "\n";             // component height

            byte[] tmpByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tmpString);
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpByte.Length; i++)

            offset = tmpByte.Length;
            maxVal = this.isSigned?((1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1)) - 1):((1 << src.getNomRangeBits(c)) - 1);
            minVal = this.isSigned?((-1) * (1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1))):0;

            levShift = (this.isSigned)?0:1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
        /// all data objects (input, working, output).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ICCProfileException">
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">
        /// </exception>
        protected internal ICCProfiler(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap) : base(src, csMap)

            iccp = getICCProfile(csMap);
            if (ncomps == 1)
                xform = new MonochromeTransformTosRGB(iccp, maxValueArray[0], shiftValueArray[0]);
                xform = new MatrixBasedTransformTosRGB(iccp, maxValueArray, shiftValueArray);

            /* end ICCProfiler ctor */
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components
        /// and the command-line arguments stored in a ParameterList instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">Number of components
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
        /// </param>
        public EncoderSpecs(int nt, int nc, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList pl)
            nTiles = nt;
            nComp  = nc;

            // ROI
            rois = new MaxShiftSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Quantization
            pl.checkList(Quantizer.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(Quantizer.ParameterInfo));
            qts  = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
            qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
            gbs  = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);

            // Wavelet transform
            wfs = new AnWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, qts, pl);
            dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl, "Wlev");

            // Component transformation
            cts = new ForwCompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, wfs, pl);

            // Entropy coder
            System.String[] strLcs = new System.String[] { "near_opt", "lazy_good", "lazy" };
            lcs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Clen_calc", strLcs, pl);
            System.String[] strTerm = new System.String[] { "near_opt", "easy", "predict", "full" };
            tts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterm_type", strTerm, pl);
            System.String[] strBoolean = new System.String[] { "on", "off" };
            sss   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cseg_symbol", strBoolean, pl);
            css   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Ccausal", strBoolean, pl);
            rts   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterminate", strBoolean, pl);
            mqrs  = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "CresetMQ", strBoolean, pl);
            bms   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cbypass", strBoolean, pl);
            cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);

            // Precinct partition
            pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, imgsrc, dls, pl);

            // Codestream
            sops = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Psop", strBoolean, pl);
            ephs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Peph", strBoolean, pl);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
        /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> ColorSpaceMapper instance
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">profile access exception
        /// </exception>
        public static BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
            // Check parameters
            csMap.pl.checkList(OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(pinfo));

            // Perform ICCProfiling or ColorSpace tranfsormation.
            if (csMap.Method == ColorSpace.MethodEnum.ICC_PROFILED)
                return(ICCProfiler.createInstance(src, csMap));
                ColorSpace.CSEnum colorspace = csMap.getColorSpace();

                if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.sRGB)
                    return(EnumeratedColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap));
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.GreyScale)
                    return(EnumeratedColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap));
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.sYCC)
                    return(SYccColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap));
                if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.esRGB)
                    return(EsRgbColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap));
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.Unknown)
                    throw new ColorSpaceException("Bad color space specification in image");
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
        /// the specified component.
        /// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
        /// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the red channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the green channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the green channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
        /// </seealso>
        public ImgWriterPPM(IFileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3)
            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            // Check that the component index is valid
            if ((n1 < 0) || (n1 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (n2 < 0) || (n2 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (n3 < 0) || (n3 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n1) > 8) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n2) > 8) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n3) > 8))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid component indexes");
            // Initialize
            w = imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n1);
            h = imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n1);
            // Check that all components have same width and height
            if (w != imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n2) || w != imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n3) || h != imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n2) || h != imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n3))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("All components must have the" + " same dimensions and no" + " subsampling");
            w = imgSrc.ImgWidth;
            h = imgSrc.ImgHeight;

            // Continue initialization
            if (out_Renamed.Exists && !out_Renamed.Delete())
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
            this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
            src    = imgSrc;
            cps[0] = n1;
            cps[1] = n2;
            cps[2] = n3;
            fb[0]  = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n1);
            fb[1]  = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n2);
            fb[2]  = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n3);

            levShift[0] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n1) - 1);
            levShift[1] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n2) - 1);
            levShift[2] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n3) - 1);

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary> Initializes this object with the given source of image data and with
        /// all the decompositon parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">From where the image data should be obtained.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cb0x">The horizontal coordinate of the code-block partition
        /// origin on the reference grid.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cb0y">The vertical coordinate of the code-block partition origin
        /// on the reference grid.
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso cref="ForwardWT">
        /// </seealso>
        public ForwWTFull(BlkImgDataSrc src, EncoderSpecs encSpec, int cb0x, int cb0y) : base(src)
            this.src     = src;
            this.cb0x    = cb0x;
            this.cb0y    = cb0y;
            this.dls     = encSpec.dls;
            this.filters = encSpec.wfs;
            this.cblks   = encSpec.cblks;
            this.pss     = encSpec.pss;

            int ncomp  = src.NumComps;
            int ntiles = src.getNumTiles();

            currentSubband  = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
            decomposedComps = new DataBlk[ncomp];
            subbTrees       = new SubbandAn[ntiles][];
            for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; i++)
                subbTrees[i] = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
            lastn = new int[ncomp];
            lastm = new int[ncomp];
Exemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> ChannelDefinitionMapper instance
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="ColorSpaceException">
		/// </exception>
		public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
			return new ChannelDefinitionMapper(src, csMap);
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the specified
 /// source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public ForwCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, EncoderSpecs encSpec) : base(imgSrc)
     this.cts = encSpec.cts;
     this.wfs = encSpec.wfs;
     src      = imgSrc;
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> ICCProfiler instance
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="IOException">profile access exception
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="ICCProfileException">profile content exception
 /// </exception>
 public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap)
     return(new ICCProfiler(src, csMap));
 /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> ChannelDefinitionMapper instance
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="ColorSpaceException">
 /// </exception>
 public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
     return(new ChannelDefinitionMapper(src, csMap));
 /// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
 /// all data objects (input, working, and output).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 protected internal PalettizedColorSpaceMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap) : base(src, csMap)
     pbox = csMap.PaletteBox;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
 /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
 /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
 /// <p>All header information is given by the BlkImgDataSrc source
 /// (component width, component height, bit-depth) and sign flag, which are
 /// provided to the constructor. The endianness is always big-endian (MSB
 /// first).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="isSigned">Whether the datas are signed or not (needed only when
 /// writing header).
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgWriterPGX(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c, bool isSigned) : this(FileInfoFactory.New(fname), imgSrc, c, isSigned)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> Resampler instance
 /// </returns>
 public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
     return(new Resampler(src, csMap));
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
        /// the specified component.
        /// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
        /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
        /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
        /// </param>
        public ImgWriterPGM(IFileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c)
            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            // Check that the component index is valid
            if (c < 0 || c >= imgSrc.NumComps)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid number of components");

            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            if (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) > 8)
                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().println("Warning: Component " + c + " has nominal bitdepth " + imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) + ". Pixel values will be " + "down-shifted to fit bitdepth of 8 for PGM file", 8, 8);

            // Initialize
            if (out_Renamed.Exists && !out_Renamed.Delete())
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
            this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
            src = imgSrc;
            this.c = c;
            w = imgSrc.ImgWidth;
            h = imgSrc.ImgHeight;
            fb = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(c);
            levShift = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1);

Exemplo n.º 21
		/// <summary> Class constructor. Each input BlkImgDataSrc and its component index
		/// must appear in the order wanted for the output components.<br>
		/// <u>Example:</u> Reading R,G,B components from 3 PGM files.<br>
		/// <tt>
		/// BlkImgDataSrc[] idList = <br>
		/// {<br>
		/// new ImgReaderPGM(new BEBufferedRandomAccessFile("R.pgm", "r")),<br>
		/// new ImgReaderPGM(new BEBufferedRandomAccessFile("G.pgm", "r")),<br>
		/// new ImgReaderPGM(new BEBufferedRandomAccessFile("B.pgm", "r"))<br>
		/// };<br>
		/// int[] compIdx = {0,0,0};<br>
		/// ImgDataJoiner idj = new ImgDataJoiner(idList, compIdx);
		/// </tt>
		/// <p>Of course, the 2 arrays must have the same length (This length is
		/// the number of output components). The image width and height are
		/// definded to be the maximum values of all the input ImgData.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imD">The list of input BlkImgDataSrc in an array.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cIdx">The component index associated with each ImgData.
		/// </param>
		public ImgDataJoiner(BlkImgDataSrc[] imD, int[] cIdx)
			int i;
			int maxW, maxH;
			// Initializes
			imageData = imD;
			compIdx = cIdx;
			if (imageData.Length != compIdx.Length)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("imD and cIdx must have the" + " same length");
			nc = imD.Length;
			subsX = new int[nc];
			subsY = new int[nc];
			// Check that no source is tiled and that the image origin is at the
			// canvas origin.
			for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
				if (imD[i].getNumTiles() != 1 || imD[i].getCompULX(cIdx[i]) != 0 || imD[i].getCompULY(cIdx[i]) != 0)
					throw new System.ArgumentException("All input components must, " + "not use tiles and must " + "have " + "the origin at the canvas " + "origin");
			// Guess component subsampling factors based on the fact that the
			// ceil() operation relates the reference grid size to the component's
			// size, through the subsampling factor.
			// Mhhh, difficult problem. For now just assume that one of the
			// subsampling factors is always 1 and that the component width is
			// always larger than its subsampling factor, which covers most of the
			// cases. We check the correctness of the solution once found to chek
			// out hypothesis.
			// Look for max width and height.
			maxW = 0;
			maxH = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
				if (imD[i].getCompImgWidth(cIdx[i]) > maxW)
					maxW = imD[i].getCompImgWidth(cIdx[i]);
				if (imD[i].getCompImgHeight(cIdx[i]) > maxH)
					maxH = imD[i].getCompImgHeight(cIdx[i]);
			// Set the image width and height as the maximum ones
			w = maxW;
			h = maxH;
			// Now get the sumsampling factors and check the subsampling factors,
			// just to see if above hypothesis were correct.
			for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
				// This calculation only holds if the subsampling factor is less
				// than the component width
				subsX[i] = (maxW + imD[i].getCompImgWidth(cIdx[i]) - 1) / imD[i].getCompImgWidth(cIdx[i]);
				subsY[i] = (maxH + imD[i].getCompImgHeight(cIdx[i]) - 1) / imD[i].getCompImgHeight(cIdx[i]);
				if ((maxW + subsX[i] - 1) / subsX[i] != imD[i].getCompImgWidth(cIdx[i]) || (maxH + subsY[i] - 1) / subsY[i] != imD[i].getCompImgHeight(cIdx[i]))
					throw new System.ApplicationException("Can not compute component subsampling " + "factors: strange subsampling.");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static byte[] ToBytes(BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList parameters = null)
            // Initialize default parameters
            ParameterList defpl = GetDefaultEncoderParameterList(encoder_pinfo);

            // Create parameter list using defaults
            ParameterList pl = parameters ?? new ParameterList(defpl);

            bool useFileFormat = false;
            bool pphTile = false;
            bool pphMain = false;
            bool tempSop = false;
            bool tempEph = false;

            // **** Get general parameters ****

            if (pl.getParameter("file_format").Equals("on"))
                useFileFormat = true;
                if (pl.getParameter("rate") != null && pl.getFloatParameter("rate") != defpl.getFloatParameter("rate"))
                    warning("Specified bit-rate applies only on the codestream but not on the whole file.");

            if (pl.getParameter("tiles") == null)
                error("No tiles option specified", 2);
                return null;

            if (pl.getParameter("pph_tile").Equals("on"))
                pphTile = true;

                if (pl.getParameter("Psop").Equals("off"))
                    pl["Psop"] = "on";
                    tempSop = true;
                if (pl.getParameter("Peph").Equals("off"))
                    pl["Peph"] = "on";
                    tempEph = true;

            if (pl.getParameter("pph_main").Equals("on"))
                pphMain = true;

                if (pl.getParameter("Psop").Equals("off"))
                    pl["Psop"] = "on";
                    tempSop = true;
                if (pl.getParameter("Peph").Equals("off"))
                    pl["Peph"] = "on";
                    tempEph = true;

            if (pphTile && pphMain) error("Can't have packed packet headers in both main and" + " tile headers", 2);

            if (pl.getBooleanParameter("lossless") && pl.getParameter("rate") != null
                && pl.getFloatParameter("rate") != defpl.getFloatParameter("rate")) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot use '-rate' and " + "'-lossless' option at " + " the same time.");

            if (pl.getParameter("rate") == null)
                error("Target bitrate not specified", 2);
                return null;
            float rate;
                rate = pl.getFloatParameter("rate");
                if (rate == -1)
                    rate = float.MaxValue;
            catch (FormatException e)
                error("Invalid value in 'rate' option: " + pl.getParameter("rate"), 2);
                return null;
            int pktspertp;
                pktspertp = pl.getIntParameter("tile_parts");
                if (pktspertp != 0)
                    if (pl.getParameter("Psop").Equals("off"))
                        pl["Psop"] = "on";
                        tempSop = true;
                    if (pl.getParameter("Peph").Equals("off"))
                        pl["Peph"] = "on";
                        tempEph = true;
            catch (FormatException e)
                error("Invalid value in 'tile_parts' option: " + pl.getParameter("tile_parts"), 2);
                return null;

            // **** ImgReader ****
            var ncomp = imgsrc.NumComps;
            var ppminput = imgsrc.NumComps > 1;

            // **** Tiler ****
            // get nominal tile dimensions
            SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport stok =
                new SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport(new StringReader(pl.getParameter("tiles")));

            if (stok.ttype != SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_NUMBER)
                error("An error occurred while parsing the tiles option: " + pl.getParameter("tiles"), 2);
                return null;
            var tw = (int)stok.nval;
            if (stok.ttype != SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_NUMBER)
                error("An error occurred while parsing the tiles option: " + pl.getParameter("tiles"), 2);
                return null;
            var th = (int)stok.nval;

            // Get image reference point
            var refs = pl.getParameter("ref").Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int refx;
            int refy;
                refx = Int32.Parse(refs[0]);
                refy = Int32.Parse(refs[1]);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error while parsing 'ref' " + "option");
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number type in " + "'ref' option");
            if (refx < 0 || refy < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value in 'ref' " + "option ");

            // Get tiling reference point
            var trefs = pl.getParameter("tref").Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int trefx;
            int trefy;
                trefx = Int32.Parse(trefs[0]);
                trefy = Int32.Parse(trefs[1]);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error while parsing 'tref' " + "option");
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number type in " + "'tref' option");
            if (trefx < 0 || trefy < 0 || trefx > refx || trefy > refy)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value in 'tref' " + "option ");

            // Instantiate tiler
            Tiler imgtiler;
                imgtiler = new Tiler(imgsrc, refx, refy, trefx, trefy, tw, th);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                error("Could not tile image" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                return null;
            int ntiles = imgtiler.getNumTiles();

            // **** Encoder specifications ****
            var encSpec = new EncoderSpecs(ntiles, ncomp, imgsrc, pl);

            // **** Component transformation ****
            if (ppminput && pl.getParameter("Mct") != null && pl.getParameter("Mct").Equals("off"))
                        "Input image is RGB and no color transform has "
                        + "been specified. Compression performance and "
                        + "image quality might be greatly degraded. Use "
                        + "the 'Mct' option to specify a color transform");
            ForwCompTransf fctransf;
                fctransf = new ForwCompTransf(imgtiler, encSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                    "Could not instantiate forward component " + "transformation"
                    + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""),
                return null;

            // **** ImgDataConverter ****
            var converter = new ImgDataConverter(fctransf);

            // **** ForwardWT ****
            ForwardWT dwt;
                dwt = ForwardWT.createInstance(converter, pl, encSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                error("Could not instantiate wavelet transform" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                return null;

            // **** Quantizer ****
            Quantizer quant;
                quant = Quantizer.createInstance(dwt, encSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                error("Could not instantiate quantizer" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                return null;

            // **** ROIScaler ****
            ROIScaler rois;
                rois = ROIScaler.createInstance(quant, pl, encSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                error("Could not instantiate ROI scaler" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                return null;

            // **** EntropyCoder ****
            EntropyCoder ecoder;
                ecoder = EntropyCoder.createInstance(
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                error("Could not instantiate entropy coder" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                return null;

            // **** CodestreamWriter ****
            using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
                CodestreamWriter bwriter;
                    // Rely on rate allocator to limit amount of data
                    bwriter = new FileCodestreamWriter(outStream, Int32.MaxValue);
                catch (IOException e)
                    error("Could not open output file" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                    return null;

                // **** Rate allocator ****
                PostCompRateAllocator ralloc;
                    ralloc = PostCompRateAllocator.createInstance(ecoder, pl, rate, bwriter, encSpec);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    error("Could not instantiate rate allocator" + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""), 2);
                    return null;

                // **** HeaderEncoder ****
                var imsigned = Enumerable.Repeat(false, ncomp).ToArray();   // TODO Consider supporting signed components.
                var headenc = new HeaderEncoder(imgsrc, imsigned, dwt, imgtiler, encSpec, rois, ralloc, pl);
                ralloc.HeaderEncoder = headenc;

                // **** Write header to be able to estimate header overhead ****

                // **** Initialize rate allocator, with proper header
                // overhead. This will also encode all the data ****

                // **** Write header (final) ****

                // Insert header into the codestream

                // **** Now do the rate-allocation and write result ****

                // **** Done ****

                // **** Calculate file length ****
                int fileLength = bwriter.Length;

                // **** Tile-parts and packed packet headers ****
                if (pktspertp > 0 || pphTile || pphMain)
                        CodestreamManipulator cm = new CodestreamManipulator(
                        fileLength += cm.doCodestreamManipulation();
                        //String res="";
                        if (pktspertp > 0)
                                    "Created tile-parts " + "containing at most " + pktspertp + " packets per tile.",
                        if (pphTile)
                            FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().println("Moved packet headers " + "to tile headers", 4, 6);
                        if (pphMain)
                            FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().println("Moved packet headers " + "to main header", 4, 6);
                    catch (IOException e)
                            "Error while creating tileparts or packed packet" + " headers"
                            + ((e.Message != null) ? (":\n" + e.Message) : ""),
                        return null;

                // **** File Format ****
                if (useFileFormat)
                        int nc = imgsrc.NumComps;
                        int[] bpc = new int[nc];
                        for (int comp = 0; comp < nc; comp++)
                            bpc[comp] = imgsrc.getNomRangeBits(comp);

                        outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var ffw = new FileFormatWriter(
                        fileLength += ffw.writeFileFormat();
                    catch (IOException e)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Error while writing JP2 file format: " + e.Message);

                // **** Close image readers ***

                return outStream.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
 /// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the red channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgWriterPPM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3) : this(new System.IO.FileInfo(fname), imgSrc, n1, n2, n3)
Exemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
		/// specified component.
		/// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
		/// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
		/// that will be written as the red channel.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
		/// that will be written as the green channel.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
		/// that will be written as the green channel.
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
		/// </seealso>
		public ImgWriterPPM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3):this(new System.IO.FileInfo(fname), imgSrc, n1, n2, n3)
Exemplo n.º 25
		/// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
		/// all data objects (input, working, and output).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		protected internal ChannelDefinitionMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap):base(src, csMap)
			/* end ChannelDefinitionMapper ctor */
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ImgDataConverter object that operates on the specified
 /// source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fp">The number of fraction bits in the casted ints
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgDataConverter(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int fp)
     : base(imgSrc)
     src     = imgSrc;
     this.fp = fp;
Exemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the specified
		/// source of image data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
		/// </seealso>
		public ForwCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, EncoderSpecs encSpec):base(imgSrc)
			this.cts = encSpec.cts;
			this.wfs = encSpec.wfs;
			src = imgSrc;
Exemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <P>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
 /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
 /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
 /// </param>
 public ImgWriterPGM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c)
     : this(FileInfoFactory.New(fname), imgSrc, c)
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <P>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
 /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
 /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
 /// </param>
 public ImgWriterPGM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c) : this(FileInfoFactory.New(fname), imgSrc, c)
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
 /// all data objects (input, working, and output).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 protected internal ColorSpaceMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
     : base(src)
     this.src = src;
     this.csMap = csMap;
     /* end ColorSpaceMapper ctor */
Exemplo n.º 31
		/// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
		/// specified component.
		/// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
		/// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
		/// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
		/// <p>All header information is given by the BlkImgDataSrc source
		/// (component width, component height, bit-depth) and sign flag, which are
		/// provided to the constructor. The endianness is always big-endian (MSB
		/// first).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isSigned">Whether the datas are signed or not (needed only when
		/// writing header).
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
		/// </seealso>
		public ImgWriterPGX(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c, bool isSigned):this(new System.IO.FileInfo(fname), imgSrc, c, isSigned)
Exemplo n.º 32
		/// <summary> Constructs a new tiler with the specified 'BlkImgDataSrc' source,
		/// image origin, tiling origin and nominal tile size.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The 'BlkImgDataSrc' source from where to get the image
		/// data. It must not be tiled and the image origin must be at '(0,0)' on
		/// its canvas.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ax">The horizontal coordinate of the image origin in the canvas
		/// system, on the reference grid (i.e. the image's top-left corner in the
		/// reference grid).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ay">The vertical coordinate of the image origin in the canvas
		/// system, on the reference grid (i.e. the image's top-left corner in the
		/// reference grid).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="px">The horizontal tiling origin, in the canvas system, on the
		/// reference grid. It must satisfy 'px<=ax'.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="py">The vertical tiling origin, in the canvas system, on the
		/// reference grid. It must satisfy 'py<=ay'.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nw">The nominal tile width, on the reference grid. If 0 then
		/// there is no tiling in that direction.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nh">The nominal tile height, on the reference grid. If 0 then
		/// there is no tiling in that direction.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">If src is tiled or "canvased", or
		/// if the arguments do not satisfy the specified constraints.
		/// </exception>
		public Tiler(BlkImgDataSrc src, int ax, int ay, int px, int py, int nw, int nh):base(src)
			// Initialize
			this.src = src;
			this.x0siz = ax;
			this.y0siz = ay;
			this.xt0siz = px;
			this.yt0siz = py;
			this.xtsiz = nw;
			this.ytsiz = nh;
			// Verify that input is not tiled
			if (src.getNumTiles() != 1)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Source is tiled");
			// Verify that source is not "canvased"
			if (src.ImgULX != 0 || src.ImgULY != 0)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Source is \"canvased\"");
			// Verify that arguments satisfy trivial requirements
			if (x0siz < 0 || y0siz < 0 || xt0siz < 0 || yt0siz < 0 || xtsiz < 0 || ytsiz < 0 || xt0siz > x0siz || yt0siz > y0siz)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid image origin, " + "tiling origin or nominal " + "tile size");
			// If no tiling has been specified, creates a unique tile with maximum
			// dimension.
			if (xtsiz == 0)
				xtsiz = x0siz + src.ImgWidth - xt0siz;
			if (ytsiz == 0)
				ytsiz = y0siz + src.ImgHeight - yt0siz;
			// Automatically adjusts xt0siz,yt0siz so that tile (0,0) always
			// overlaps with the image.
			if (x0siz - xt0siz >= xtsiz)
				xt0siz += ((x0siz - xt0siz) / xtsiz) * xtsiz;
			if (y0siz - yt0siz >= ytsiz)
				yt0siz += ((y0siz - yt0siz) / ytsiz) * ytsiz;
			if (x0siz - xt0siz >= xtsiz || y0siz - yt0siz >= ytsiz)
				FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.INFO, "Automatically adjusted tiling " + "origin to equivalent one (" + xt0siz + "," + yt0siz + ") so that " + "first tile overlaps the image");
			// Calculate the number of tiles
			//UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
			ntX = (int) System.Math.Ceiling((x0siz + src.ImgWidth) / (double) xtsiz);
			//UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
			ntY = (int) System.Math.Ceiling((y0siz + src.ImgHeight) / (double) ytsiz);
Exemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary> Creates a ForwardWT object with the specified filters, and with other
		/// options specified in the parameter list 'pl'.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The source of data to be transformed
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The parameter list (or options).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="kers">The encoder specifications.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> A new ForwardWT object with the specified filters and options
		/// from 'pl'.
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">If mandatory parameters are missing 
		/// or if invalid values are given.
		/// </exception>
		public static ForwardWT createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ParameterList pl, EncoderSpecs encSpec)
            int deflev; // defdec removed
			//System.String decompstr;
			//System.String wtstr;
			//System.String pstr;
			//SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport stok;
			//SupportClass.Tokenizer strtok;
			//int prefx, prefy; // Partitioning reference point coordinates
			// Check parameters
			pl.checkList(OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(pinfo));
			deflev = ((System.Int32) encSpec.dls.getDefault());
			// Code-block partition origin
			System.String str = "";
			if (pl.getParameter("Wcboff") == null)
				throw new System.ApplicationException("You must specify an argument to the '-Wcboff' " + "option. See usage with the '-u' option");
			SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(pl.getParameter("Wcboff"));
			if (stk.Count != 2)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("'-Wcboff' option needs two" + " arguments. See usage with " + "the '-u' option.");
			int cb0x = 0;
			str = stk.NextToken();
				cb0x = (System.Int32.Parse(str));
			catch (System.FormatException)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad first parameter for the " + "'-Wcboff' option: " + str);
			if (cb0x < 0 || cb0x > 1)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid horizontal " + "code-block partition origin.");
			int cb0y = 0;
			str = stk.NextToken();
				cb0y = (System.Int32.Parse(str));
			catch (System.FormatException)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad second parameter for the " + "'-Wcboff' option: " + str);
			if (cb0y < 0 || cb0y > 1)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid vertical " + "code-block partition origin.");
			if (cb0x != 0 || cb0y != 0)
				FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Code-blocks partition origin is " + "different from (0,0). This is defined in JPEG 2000" + " part 2 and may be not supported by all JPEG 2000 " + "decoders.");
			return new ForwWTFull(src, encSpec, cb0x, cb0y);
Exemplo n.º 34
		/// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> Resampler instance
		/// </returns>
		public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
			return new Resampler(src, csMap);
 /// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
 /// all data objects (input, working, and output).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 protected internal ChannelDefinitionMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap) : base(src, csMap)
     /* end ChannelDefinitionMapper ctor */
		/// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
		/// all data objects (input, working, and output).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		protected internal PalettizedColorSpaceMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap):base(src, csMap)
			pbox = csMap.PaletteBox;
 /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
 /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> PalettizedColorSpaceMapper instance
 /// </returns>
 public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
     return(new PalettizedColorSpaceMapper(src, csMap));
Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ImgDataConverter object that operates on the specified
 /// source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgDataConverter(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc)
     : base(imgSrc)
     src = imgSrc;
     fp  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
        /// <param name="src">-- source of image data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> ColorSpaceMapper instance
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">profile access exception
        /// </exception>
        public static BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ColorSpace csMap)
            // Check parameters
            csMap.pl.checkList(OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(pinfo));

            // Perform ICCProfiling or ColorSpace tranfsormation.
            if (csMap.Method == ColorSpace.MethodEnum.ICC_PROFILED)
                return ICCProfiler.createInstance(src, csMap);
                ColorSpace.CSEnum colorspace = csMap.getColorSpace();

                if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.sRGB)
                    return EnumeratedColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.GreyScale)
                    return EnumeratedColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.sYCC)
                    return SYccColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);
                if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.esRGB)
                    return EsRgbColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);
                else if (colorspace == ColorSpace.CSEnum.Unknown)
                    return null;
                    throw new ColorSpaceException("Bad color space specification in image");
Exemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <P>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
 /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
 /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
 /// </param>
 public ImgWriterPGM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c) : this(new System.IO.FileInfo(fname), imgSrc, c)
Exemplo n.º 41
		/// <summary> Creates a new PrecinctSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles
		/// and components and the ParameterList instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">The number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="type">the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific,
		/// component specific or both.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
		/// </param>
		public PrecinctSizeSpec(int nt, int nc, byte type, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, IntegerSpec dls, ParameterList pl):base(nt, nc, type)
			this.dls = dls;
			// The precinct sizes are stored in a 2 elements vector array, the
			// first element containing a vector for the precincts width for each
			// resolution level and the second element containing a vector for the
			// precincts height for each resolution level. The precincts sizes are
			// specified from the highest resolution level to the lowest one
			// (i.e. 0).  If there are less elements than the number of
			// decomposition levels, the last element is used for all remaining
			// resolution levels (i.e. if the precincts sizes are specified only
			// for resolutions levels 5, 4 and 3, then the precincts size for
			// resolution levels 2, 1 and 0 will be the same as the size used for
			// resolution level 3).
			// Boolean used to know if we were previously reading a precinct's 
			// size or if we were reading something else.
			bool wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;
			System.String param = pl.getParameter(optName);
			// Set precinct sizes to default i.e. 2^15 =
			System.Collections.ArrayList[] tmpv = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2];
			tmpv[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppx
			tmpv[0].Add((System.Int32) CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE);
			tmpv[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppy
			tmpv[1].Add((System.Int32) CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE);
			if (param == null)
				// No precinct size specified in the command line so we do not try 
				// to parse it.
				return ;
			// Precinct partition is used : parse arguments
			SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(param);
			byte curSpecType = SPEC_DEF; // Specification type of the
			// current parameter
			bool[] tileSpec = null; // Tiles concerned by the specification
			bool[] compSpec = null; // Components concerned by the specification
            int ci, ti; //i, xIdx removed
			bool endOfParamList = false;
			System.String word = null; // current word
			System.Int32 w, h;
			System.String errMsg = null;
			while ((stk.HasMoreTokens() || wasReadingPrecinctSize) && !endOfParamList)
				System.Collections.ArrayList[] v = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2]; // v[0] : ppx, v[1] : ppy
				// We do not read the next token if we were reading a precinct's
				// size argument as we have already read the next token into word.
				if (!wasReadingPrecinctSize)
					word = stk.NextToken();
				wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;
				switch (word[0])
					case 't':  // Tiles specification
						tileSpec = parseIdx(word, nTiles);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_DEF;
					case 'c':  // Components specification
						compSpec = parseIdx(word, nComp);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_COMP_DEF;
						if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
							errMsg = "Bad construction for parameter: " + word;
							throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
						// Initialises Vector objects
						v[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppx
						v[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppy
						while (true)
							// Now get the precinct dimensions
								// Get precinct width
								w = System.Int32.Parse(word);
								// Get next word in argument list
									word = stk.NextToken();
								catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
									errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : could not " + "parse the precinct's width";
									throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
								// Get precinct height
								h = System.Int32.Parse(word);
								if (w != (1 << MathUtil.log2(w)) || h != (1 << MathUtil.log2(h)))
									errMsg = "Precinct dimensions must be powers of 2";
									throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
							catch (System.FormatException)
								errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : the argument '" + word + "' could not be parsed.";
								throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
							// Store packet's dimensions in Vector arrays
							// Try to get the next token
							if (stk.HasMoreTokens())
								word = stk.NextToken();
								if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
									// The next token does not start with a digit so
									// it is not a precinct's size argument. We set
									// the wasReadingPrecinctSize booleen such that we
									// know that we don't have to read another token
									// and check for the end of the parameters list.
									wasReadingPrecinctSize = true;
									if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
									else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
										for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
											if (tileSpec[ti])
												setTileDef(ti, v);
									else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
										for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
											if (compSpec[ci])
												setCompDef(ci, v);
										for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
											for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
												if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
													setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
									// Re-initialize
									curSpecType = SPEC_DEF;
									tileSpec = null;
									compSpec = null;
									// Go back to 'normal' parsing
									// Next token starts with a digit so read it
								// We have reached the end of the parameters list so
								// we store the last precinct's sizes and we stop
								if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
								else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
									for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
										if (tileSpec[ti])
											setTileDef(ti, v);
								else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
									for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
										if (compSpec[ci])
											setCompDef(ci, v);
									for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
										for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
											if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
												setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
								endOfParamList = true;
						} // while (true)
				} // switch
			} // while
Exemplo n.º 42
		/// <summary> Constructs a new ImgDataConverter object that operates on the specified
		/// source of image data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
		/// </seealso>
		public ImgDataConverter(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc):base(imgSrc)
			src = imgSrc;
			fp = 0;
Exemplo n.º 43
		/// <summary> Initializes this object with the given source of image data and with
		/// all the decompositon parameters
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">From where the image data should be obtained.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cb0x">The horizontal coordinate of the code-block partition
		/// origin on the reference grid.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cb0y">The vertical coordinate of the code-block partition origin
		/// on the reference grid.
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="ForwardWT">
		/// </seealso>
		public ForwWTFull(BlkImgDataSrc src, EncoderSpecs encSpec, int cb0x, int cb0y):base(src)
			this.src = src;
			this.cb0x = cb0x;
			this.cb0y = cb0y;
			this.dls = encSpec.dls;
			this.filters = encSpec.wfs;
			this.cblks = encSpec.cblks;
			this.pss = encSpec.pss;
			int ncomp = src.NumComps;
			int ntiles = src.getNumTiles();
			currentSubband = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
			decomposedComps = new DataBlk[ncomp];
			subbTrees = new SubbandAn[ntiles][];
			for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; i++)
				subbTrees[i] = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
			lastn = new int[ncomp];
			lastm = new int[ncomp];
Exemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary> Creates a ForwardWT object with the specified filters, and with other
        /// options specified in the parameter list 'pl'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The source of data to be transformed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pl">The parameter list (or options).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="kers">The encoder specifications.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> A new ForwardWT object with the specified filters and options
        /// from 'pl'.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">If mandatory parameters are missing
        /// or if invalid values are given.
        /// </exception>
        public static ForwardWT createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, ParameterList pl, EncoderSpecs encSpec)
            int deflev; // defdec removed

            //System.String decompstr;
            //System.String wtstr;
            //System.String pstr;
            //SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport stok;
            //SupportClass.Tokenizer strtok;
            //int prefx, prefy; // Partitioning reference point coordinates

            // Check parameters
            pl.checkList(OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(pinfo));

            deflev = ((System.Int32)encSpec.dls.getDefault());

            // Code-block partition origin
            System.String str = "";
            if (pl.getParameter("Wcboff") == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("You must specify an argument to the '-Wcboff' " + "option. See usage with the '-u' option");
            SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(pl.getParameter("Wcboff"));
            if (stk.Count != 2)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("'-Wcboff' option needs two" + " arguments. See usage with " + "the '-u' option.");
            int cb0x = 0;

            str = stk.NextToken();
                cb0x = (System.Int32.Parse(str));
            catch (System.FormatException e)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad first parameter for the " + "'-Wcboff' option: " + str);
            if (cb0x < 0 || cb0x > 1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid horizontal " + "code-block partition origin.");
            int cb0y = 0;

            str = stk.NextToken();
                cb0y = (System.Int32.Parse(str));
            catch (System.FormatException e)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad second parameter for the " + "'-Wcboff' option: " + str);
            if (cb0y < 0 || cb0y > 1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid vertical " + "code-block partition origin.");
            if (cb0x != 0 || cb0y != 0)
                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Code-blocks partition origin is " + "different from (0,0). This is defined in JPEG 2000" + " part 2 and may be not supported by all JPEG 2000 " + "decoders.");

            return(new ForwWTFull(src, encSpec, cb0x, cb0y));
Exemplo n.º 45
		/// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the
		/// specified source of image data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be
		/// transformed
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="decSpec">The decoder specifications
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="utdepth">The bit depth of the un-transformed components 
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The command line optinons of the decoder
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
		/// </seealso>
		public InvCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, DecoderSpecs decSpec, int[] utdepth, ParameterList pl):base(imgSrc)
			this.cts = decSpec.cts;
			this.wfs = decSpec.wfs;
			src = imgSrc;
			this.utdepth = utdepth;
			noCompTransf = !(pl.getBooleanParameter("comp_transf"));
Exemplo n.º 46
		/// <summary> Constructs a new ImgDataConverter object that operates on the specified
		/// source of image data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="fp">The number of fraction bits in the casted ints
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
		/// </seealso>
		public ImgDataConverter(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int fp):base(imgSrc)
			src = imgSrc;
			this.fp = fp;
Exemplo n.º 47
        /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
        /// the specified component.
        /// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
        /// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the red channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the green channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
        /// that will be written as the green channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
        /// </seealso>
        public ImgWriterPPM(IFileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3)
            // Check that imgSrc is of the correct type
            // Check that the component index is valid
            if ((n1 < 0) || (n1 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (n2 < 0) || (n2 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (n3 < 0) || (n3 >= imgSrc.NumComps) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n1) > 8) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n2) > 8) || (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n3) > 8))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid component indexes");
            // Initialize
            w = imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n1);
            h = imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n1);
            // Check that all components have same width and height
            if (w != imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n2) || w != imgSrc.getCompImgWidth(n3) || h != imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n2) || h != imgSrc.getCompImgHeight(n3))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("All components must have the" + " same dimensions and no" + " subsampling");
            w = imgSrc.ImgWidth;
            h = imgSrc.ImgHeight;

            // Continue initialization
            if (out_Renamed.Exists && !out_Renamed.Delete())
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
            this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
            src = imgSrc;
            cps[0] = n1;
            cps[1] = n2;
            cps[2] = n3;
            fb[0] = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n1);
            fb[1] = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n2);
            fb[2] = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(n3);

            levShift[0] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n1) - 1);
            levShift[1] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n2) - 1);
            levShift[2] = 1 << (imgSrc.getNomRangeBits(n3) - 1);

Exemplo n.º 48
		/// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified File object, to write data from
		/// the specified component.
		/// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
		/// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
		/// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
		/// <p>All the header informations are given by the BlkImgDataSrc source
		/// (component width, component height, bit-depth) and sign flag, which are
		/// provided to the constructor. The endianness is always big-endian (MSB
		/// first).</p>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="out">The file where to write the data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isSigned">Whether the datas are signed or not (needed only when
		/// writing header).
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
		/// </seealso>
		public ImgWriterPGX(System.IO.FileInfo out_Renamed, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c, bool isSigned)
			this.c = c;
			bool tmpBool;
			if (System.IO.File.Exists(out_Renamed.FullName))
				tmpBool = true;
				tmpBool = System.IO.Directory.Exists(out_Renamed.FullName);
			bool tmpBool2;
			if (System.IO.File.Exists(out_Renamed.FullName))
				tmpBool2 = true;
			else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(out_Renamed.FullName))
				tmpBool2 = true;
				tmpBool2 = false;
			if (tmpBool && !tmpBool2)
				throw new System.IO.IOException("Could not reset file");
			this.out_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(out_Renamed, "rw");
			this.isSigned = isSigned;
			src = imgSrc;
			w = src.ImgWidth;
			h = src.ImgHeight;
			fb = imgSrc.getFixedPoint(c);
			bitDepth = src.getNomRangeBits(this.c);
			if ((bitDepth <= 0) || (bitDepth > 31))
				throw new System.IO.IOException("PGX supports only bit-depth between " + "1 and 31");
			if (bitDepth <= 8)
				packBytes = 1;
			else if (bitDepth <= 16)
				packBytes = 2;
				// <= 31
				packBytes = 4;
			// Writes PGX header
			System.String tmpString = "PG " + "ML " + ((this.isSigned)?"- ":"+ ") + bitDepth + " " + w + " " + h + "\n"; // component height
			byte[] tmpByte = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tmpString);
			for (int i = 0; i < tmpByte.Length; i++)
				this.out_Renamed.WriteByte((byte) tmpByte[i]);
			offset = tmpByte.Length;
			maxVal = this.isSigned?((1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1)) - 1):((1 << src.getNomRangeBits(c)) - 1);
			minVal = this.isSigned?((- 1) * (1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1))):0;
			levShift = (this.isSigned)?0:1 << (src.getNomRangeBits(c) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 49
        public static Image FromStream(Stream stream)
            RandomAccessIO in_stream = new ISRandomAccessIO(stream);

            // Initialize default parameters
            ParameterList defpl = GetDefaultParameterList(decoder_pinfo);

            // Create parameter list using defaults
            ParameterList pl = new ParameterList(defpl);

            // **** File Format ****
            // If the codestream is wrapped in the jp2 fileformat, Read the
            // file format wrapper
            FileFormatReader ff = new FileFormatReader(in_stream);

            if (ff.JP2FFUsed)

            // +----------------------------+
            // | Instantiate decoding chain |
            // +----------------------------+

            // **** Header decoder ****
            // Instantiate header decoder and read main header
            HeaderInfo    hi = new HeaderInfo();
            HeaderDecoder hd;

                hd = new HeaderDecoder(in_stream, pl, hi);
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Codestream too short or bad header, unable to decode.", e);

            int          nCompCod = hd.NumComps;
            int          nTiles   = hi.sizValue.NumTiles;
            DecoderSpecs decSpec  = hd.DecoderSpecs;

            // Get demixed bitdepths
            int[] depth = new int[nCompCod];
            for (int i = 0; i < nCompCod; i++)
                depth[i] = hd.getOriginalBitDepth(i);

            // **** Bit stream reader ****
            BitstreamReaderAgent breader;

                breader = BitstreamReaderAgent.
                          createInstance(in_stream, hd, pl, decSpec,
                                         false, hi);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error while reading bit stream header or parsing packets.", e);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot instantiate bit stream reader.", e);

            // **** Entropy decoder ****
            EntropyDecoder entdec;

                entdec = hd.createEntropyDecoder(breader, pl);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot instantiate entropy decoder.", e);

            // **** ROI de-scaler ****
            ROIDeScaler roids;

                roids = hd.createROIDeScaler(entdec, pl, decSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot instantiate roi de-scaler.", e);

            // **** Dequantizer ****
            Dequantizer deq;

                deq = hd.createDequantizer(roids, depth, decSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot instantiate dequantizer.", e);

            // **** Inverse wavelet transform ***
            InverseWT invWT;

                // full page inverse wavelet transform
                invWT = InverseWT.createInstance(deq, decSpec);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot instantiate inverse wavelet transform.", e);

            int res = breader.ImgRes;

            invWT.ImgResLevel = res;

            // **** Data converter **** (after inverse transform module)
            ImgDataConverter converter = new ImgDataConverter(invWT, 0);

            // **** Inverse component transformation ****
            InvCompTransf ictransf = new InvCompTransf(converter, decSpec, depth, pl);

            // **** Color space mapping ****
            BlkImgDataSrc color;

            if (ff.JP2FFUsed && pl.getParameter("nocolorspace").Equals("off"))
                    ColorSpace    csMap      = new ColorSpace(in_stream, hd, pl);
                    BlkImgDataSrc channels   = hd.createChannelDefinitionMapper(ictransf, csMap);
                    BlkImgDataSrc resampled  = hd.createResampler(channels, csMap);
                    BlkImgDataSrc palettized = hd.createPalettizedColorSpaceMapper(resampled, csMap);
                    color = hd.createColorSpaceMapper(palettized, csMap);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not instantiate ICC profiler.", e);
                catch (ColorSpaceException e)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error processing ColorSpace information.", e);
            { // Skip colorspace mapping
                color = ictransf;

            // This is the last image in the decoding chain and should be
            // assigned by the last transformation:
            BlkImgDataSrc decodedImage = color;

            if (color == null)
                decodedImage = ictransf;
            int numComps      = decodedImage.NumComps;
            int bytesPerPixel = numComps; // Assuming 8-bit components

            // **** Copy to Bitmap ****
            PixelFormat pixelFormat;

            switch (numComps)
            case 1:
                pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb; break;

            case 3:
                pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb; break;

            case 4:
            case 5:
                pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb; break;

                throw new ApplicationException("Unsupported PixelFormat.  " + numComps + " components.");

            Bitmap dst = new Bitmap(decodedImage.ImgWidth, decodedImage.ImgHeight, pixelFormat);

            Coord numTiles = decodedImage.getNumTiles(null);

            int tIdx = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < numTiles.y; y++)
                // Loop on horizontal tiles
                for (int x = 0; x < numTiles.x; x++, tIdx++)
                    decodedImage.setTile(x, y);

                    int height = decodedImage.getTileCompHeight(tIdx, 0);
                    int width  = decodedImage.getTileCompWidth(tIdx, 0);

                    int tOffx = decodedImage.getCompULX(0) -
                                (int)Math.Ceiling(decodedImage.ImgULX /

                    int tOffy = decodedImage.getCompULY(0) -
                                (int)Math.Ceiling(decodedImage.ImgULY /

                    DataBlkInt[] db = new DataBlkInt[numComps];
                    int[]        ls = new int[numComps];
                    int[]        mv = new int[numComps];
                    int[]        fb = new int[numComps];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numComps; i++)
                        db[i] = new DataBlkInt();
                        ls[i] = 1 << (decodedImage.getNomRangeBits(0) - 1);
                        mv[i] = (1 << decodedImage.getNomRangeBits(0)) - 1;
                        fb[i] = decodedImage.getFixedPoint(0);
                    for (int l = 0; l < height; l++)
                        for (int i = numComps - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            db[i].ulx = 0;
                            db[i].uly = l;
                            db[i].w   = width;
                            db[i].h   = 1;
                            decodedImage.getInternCompData(db[i], i);
                        int[] k = new int[numComps];
                        for (int i = numComps - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            k[i] = db[i].offset + width - 1;

                        int    outputBytesPerPixel = Math.Max(3, Math.Min(4, bytesPerPixel));
                        byte[] rowvalues           = new byte[width * outputBytesPerPixel];

                        for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            int[] tmp = new int[numComps];
                            for (int j = numComps - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                                tmp[j] = (db[j].data_array[k[j]--] >> fb[j]) + ls[j];
                                tmp[j] = (tmp[j] < 0) ? 0 : ((tmp[j] > mv[j]) ? mv[j] : tmp[j]);

                                if (decodedImage.getNomRangeBits(j) != 8)
                                    tmp[j] = (int)Math.Round(((double)tmp[j] / Math.Pow(2D, (double)decodedImage.getNomRangeBits(j))) * 255D);
                            int offset = i * outputBytesPerPixel;
                            switch (numComps)
                            case 1:
                                rowvalues[offset + 0] = (byte)tmp[0];
                                rowvalues[offset + 1] = (byte)tmp[0];
                                rowvalues[offset + 2] = (byte)tmp[0];

                            case 3:
                                rowvalues[offset + 0] = (byte)tmp[2];
                                rowvalues[offset + 1] = (byte)tmp[1];
                                rowvalues[offset + 2] = (byte)tmp[0];

                            case 4:
                            case 5:
                                rowvalues[offset + 0] = (byte)tmp[2];
                                rowvalues[offset + 1] = (byte)tmp[1];
                                rowvalues[offset + 2] = (byte)tmp[0];
                                rowvalues[offset + 3] = (byte)tmp[3];

                        BitmapData dstdata = dst.LockBits(
                            new System.Drawing.Rectangle(tOffx, tOffy + l, width, 1),
                            ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, pixelFormat);

                        IntPtr ptr = dstdata.Scan0;
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(rowvalues, 0, ptr, rowvalues.Length);
        /// <summary> Creates a new PrecinctSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles
        /// and components and the ParameterList instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">The number of components
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific,
        /// component specific or both.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
        /// </param>
        public PrecinctSizeSpec(int nt, int nc, byte type, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, IntegerSpec dls, ParameterList pl) : base(nt, nc, type)
            this.dls = dls;

            // The precinct sizes are stored in a 2 elements vector array, the
            // first element containing a vector for the precincts width for each
            // resolution level and the second element containing a vector for the
            // precincts height for each resolution level. The precincts sizes are
            // specified from the highest resolution level to the lowest one
            // (i.e. 0).  If there are less elements than the number of
            // decomposition levels, the last element is used for all remaining
            // resolution levels (i.e. if the precincts sizes are specified only
            // for resolutions levels 5, 4 and 3, then the precincts size for
            // resolution levels 2, 1 and 0 will be the same as the size used for
            // resolution level 3).

            // Boolean used to know if we were previously reading a precinct's
            // size or if we were reading something else.
            bool wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;

            System.String param = pl.getParameter(optName);

            // Set precinct sizes to default i.e. 2^15 =
            // Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE
            System.Collections.ArrayList[] tmpv = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2];
            tmpv[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));             // ppx
            tmpv[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));             // ppy

            if (param == null)
                // No precinct size specified in the command line so we do not try
                // to parse it.

            // Precinct partition is used : parse arguments
            SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(param);
            byte curSpecType           = SPEC_DEF;   // Specification type of the

            // current parameter
            bool[] tileSpec = null; // Tiles concerned by the specification
            bool[] compSpec = null; // Components concerned by the specification
            int    ci, ti;          //i, xIdx removed

            bool endOfParamList = false;

            System.String word = null;             // current word
            System.Int32  w, h;
            System.String errMsg = null;

            while ((stk.HasMoreTokens() || wasReadingPrecinctSize) && !endOfParamList)
                System.Collections.ArrayList[] v = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2];                 // v[0] : ppx, v[1] : ppy

                // We do not read the next token if we were reading a precinct's
                // size argument as we have already read the next token into word.
                if (!wasReadingPrecinctSize)
                    word = stk.NextToken();

                wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;

                switch (word[0])
                case 't':                          // Tiles specification
                    tileSpec = parseIdx(word, nTiles);
                    if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
                        curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
                        curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_DEF;

                case 'c':                          // Components specification
                    compSpec = parseIdx(word, nComp);
                    if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                        curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
                        curSpecType = SPEC_COMP_DEF;

                    if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
                        errMsg = "Bad construction for parameter: " + word;
                        throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);

                    // Initialises Vector objects
                    v[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));                             // ppx
                    v[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));                             // ppy

                    while (true)
                        // Now get the precinct dimensions
                            // Get precinct width
                            w = System.Int32.Parse(word);

                            // Get next word in argument list
                                word = stk.NextToken();
                            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : could not " + "parse the precinct's width";
                                throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
                            // Get precinct height
                            h = System.Int32.Parse(word);
                            if (w != (1 << MathUtil.log2(w)) || h != (1 << MathUtil.log2(h)))
                                errMsg = "Precinct dimensions must be powers of 2";
                                throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
                        catch (System.FormatException)
                            errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : the argument '" + word + "' could not be parsed.";
                            throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
                        // Store packet's dimensions in Vector arrays

                        // Try to get the next token
                        if (stk.HasMoreTokens())
                            word = stk.NextToken();
                            if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
                                // The next token does not start with a digit so
                                // it is not a precinct's size argument. We set
                                // the wasReadingPrecinctSize booleen such that we
                                // know that we don't have to read another token
                                // and check for the end of the parameters list.
                                wasReadingPrecinctSize = true;

                                if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
                                else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                                    for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
                                        if (tileSpec[ti])
                                            setTileDef(ti, v);
                                else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
                                    for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
                                        if (compSpec[ci])
                                            setCompDef(ci, v);
                                    for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
                                        for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
                                            if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
                                                setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
                                // Re-initialize
                                curSpecType = SPEC_DEF;
                                tileSpec    = null;
                                compSpec    = null;

                                // Go back to 'normal' parsing
                                // Next token starts with a digit so read it
                            // We have reached the end of the parameters list so
                            // we store the last precinct's sizes and we stop
                            if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
                            else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                                for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
                                    if (tileSpec[ti])
                                        setTileDef(ti, v);
                            else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
                                for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
                                    if (compSpec[ci])
                                        setCompDef(ci, v);
                                for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
                                    for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
                                        if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
                                            setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
                            endOfParamList = true;
                    }     // while (true)
                }         // switch
            }             // while
Exemplo n.º 51
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
 /// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the red channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgWriterPPM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3)
     : this(FileInfoFactory.New(fname), imgSrc, n1, n2, n3)
Exemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <p>The size of the image that is written to the file is the size of the
 /// component from which to get the data, specified by b, not the size of
 /// the source image (they differ if there is some sub-sampling).</p>
 /// <p>All header information is given by the BlkImgDataSrc source
 /// (component width, component height, bit-depth) and sign flag, which are
 /// provided to the constructor. The endianness is always big-endian (MSB
 /// first).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="c">The index of the component from where to get the data.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="isSigned">Whether the datas are signed or not (needed only when
 /// writing header).
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgWriterPGX(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int c, bool isSigned) : this(new System.IO.FileInfo(fname), imgSrc, c, isSigned)
Exemplo n.º 53
		/// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components
		/// and the command-line arguments stored in a ParameterList instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">Number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
		/// </param>
		public EncoderSpecs(int nt, int nc, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList pl)
			nTiles = nt;
			nComp = nc;
			// ROI
			rois = new MaxShiftSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Quantization
			pl.checkList(Quantizer.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(Quantizer.ParameterInfo));
			qts = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			gbs = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Wavelet transform
			wfs = new AnWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, qts, pl);
			dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl, "Wlev");
			// Component transformation
			cts = new ForwCompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, wfs, pl);
			// Entropy coder
			System.String[] strLcs = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "lazy_good", "lazy"};
			lcs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Clen_calc", strLcs, pl);
			System.String[] strTerm = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "easy", "predict", "full"};
			tts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterm_type", strTerm, pl);
			System.String[] strBoolean = new System.String[]{"on", "off"};
			sss = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cseg_symbol", strBoolean, pl);
			css = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Ccausal", strBoolean, pl);
			rts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterminate", strBoolean, pl);
			mqrs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "CresetMQ", strBoolean, pl);
			bms = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cbypass", strBoolean, pl);
			cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Precinct partition
			pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, imgsrc, dls, pl);
			// Codestream
			sops = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Psop", strBoolean, pl);
			ephs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Peph", strBoolean, pl);
Exemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary> Creates a new writer to the specified file, to write data from the
 /// specified component.
 /// <p>The three components that will be written as R, G and B must be
 /// specified through the b1, b2 and b3 arguments.</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fname">The name of the file where to write the data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the image data to write.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n1">The index of the first component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the red channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n2">The index of the second component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="n3">The index of the third component from where to get the data,
 /// that will be written as the green channel.
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="DataBlk">
 /// </seealso>
 public ImgWriterPPM(System.String fname, BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, int n1, int n2, int n3) : this(FileInfoFactory.New(fname), imgSrc, n1, n2, n3)
Exemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary> Creates and returns the Resampler which converts the input
		/// source to one in which all channels have the same number of
		/// samples.  This is required for colorspace conversions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The bit stream reader agent where to get code-block
		/// data from.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">provides color space information from the image file
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The resampled BlkImgDataSrc
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">image access exception
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ColorSpaceException">if image contains a bad colorspace box
		/// </exception>
		public virtual BlkImgDataSrc createResampler(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap)
			return Resampler.createInstance(src, csMap);
Exemplo n.º 56
		/// <summary> Factory method for creating instances of this class.</summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> ICCProfiler instance
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">profile access exception
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ICCProfileException">profile content exception
		/// </exception>
		public static new BlkImgDataSrc createInstance(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap)
			return new ICCProfiler(src, csMap);
Exemplo n.º 57
		/// <summary> Ctor which creates an ICCProfile for the image and initializes
		/// all data objects (input, working, output).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">-- Source of image data
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csm">-- provides colorspace info
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ICCProfileException">
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">
		/// </exception>
		protected internal ICCProfiler(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap):base(src, csMap)
			iccp = getICCProfile(csMap);
			if (ncomps == 1)
				xform = new MonochromeTransformTosRGB(iccp, maxValueArray[0], shiftValueArray[0]);
				xform = new MatrixBasedTransformTosRGB(iccp, maxValueArray, shiftValueArray);
			/* end ICCProfiler ctor */
Exemplo n.º 58
		/// <summary> Creates and returns the ChannelDefinitonMapper which maps the
		/// input channels to the channel definition for the appropriate
		/// colorspace.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The bit stream reader agent where to get code-block
		/// data from.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">provides color space information from the image file
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The channel definition mapping object
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">image access exception
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ColorSpaceException">if image contains a bad colorspace box
		/// </exception>
		public virtual BlkImgDataSrc createChannelDefinitionMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap)
			return ChannelDefinitionMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);
Exemplo n.º 59
		/// <summary> Creates and returns the PalettizedColorSpaceMapper which uses
		/// the input samples as indicies into a sample palette to
		/// construct the output.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The bit stream reader agent where to get code-block
		/// data from.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="csMap">provides color space information from the image file
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> a  PalettizedColorSpaceMapper instance
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">image access exception
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ColorSpaceException">if image contains a bad colorspace box
		/// </exception>
		public virtual BlkImgDataSrc createPalettizedColorSpaceMapper(BlkImgDataSrc src, CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace csMap)
			return PalettizedColorSpaceMapper.createInstance(src, csMap);