Exemplo n.º 1
        private static IReadOnlyList <IImageProvider> CreateFramedAnimation(IReadOnlyList <IImageProvider> images, Rect animationBounds, int w, int h)
            List <IImageProvider> framedAnimation = new List <IImageProvider>();

            foreach (IImageProvider frame in images)
                FilterEffect cropFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(frame);
                cropFilterEffect.Filters = new List <IFilter>()
                    new CropFilter(animationBounds)

                FilterEffect blendFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(images[0]);
                BlendFilter  blendFilter       = new BlendFilter();
                blendFilter.ForegroundSource = cropFilterEffect;
                blendFilter.Level            = 1.0;
                blendFilter.BlendFunction    = BlendFunction.Normal;
                blendFilter.TargetArea       = new Rect(
                    animationBounds.Left / w,
                    animationBounds.Top / h,
                    animationBounds.Width / w,
                    animationBounds.Height / h
                blendFilterEffect.Filters = new List <IFilter>()


Exemplo n.º 2
        private static IReadOnlyList <IImageProvider> CreateFramedAnimation(IReadOnlyList <IImageProvider> images, Rect animationBounds, int w, int h)
            List <IImageProvider> framedAnimation = new List <IImageProvider>();

            WriteableBitmap maskBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(w, h);

            var backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle
                Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
                Width  = w,
                Height = h,

            maskBitmap.Render(backgroundRectangle, new TranslateTransform());

            var foregroundRectangle = new Rectangle
                Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
                Width  = animationBounds.Width,
                Height = animationBounds.Height,

            TranslateTransform foregroundTranslate = new TranslateTransform
                X = animationBounds.X,
                Y = animationBounds.Y

            maskBitmap.Render(foregroundRectangle, foregroundTranslate);

            foreach (IImageProvider frame in images)
                FilterEffect filterEffect = new FilterEffect(images[0]);

                BlendFilter blendFilter = new BlendFilter(frame, BlendFunction.Normal, 1.0)
                    MaskSource = new BitmapImageSource(maskBitmap.AsBitmap())

                filterEffect.Filters = new List <IFilter>()

Exemplo n.º 3
        public FloatingImage Filter(BlendFilter Filter, FloatingImage Image)
            int Width  = _Pixels.GetLength(0);
            int Height = _Pixels.GetLength(1);

            FloatingColor[,] NewPixels = new FloatingColor[Width, Height];

            for (int i = 0; i < Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Height; ++j)
                    NewPixels[i, j] = Filter.Filter(this[i, j], Image[i, j]);

            return(new FloatingImage()
                _Pixels = NewPixels
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Brush(int Radius, Interpolator.InterpolatorFunction Interpolator, BlendFilter BlendMode, FloatingColor Color)
            this.Radius = Radius;
            int Width = Radius * 2 + 1;

            this.Color     = Color;
            this.BlendMode = BlendMode;
            Matrix         = new float[Width, Width];
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Width; ++j)
                    int    X    = i - Radius;
                    int    Y    = j - Radius;
                    double Dist = Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y) / Radius;
                    if (Dist > 1)
                        Dist = 1;
                    Matrix[i, j] = (float)Interpolator(Dist);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <IVideoEffectDefinition> CreateEffectDefinitionAsync(VideoEncodingProperties props)
            switch (EffectType.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                return(new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new IFilter[]
                        new AntiqueFilter(),
                        new FlipFilter(FlipMode.Horizontal)

            case 1:
                IBuffer shaderY = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_NV12_Y.cso");

                IBuffer shaderUV = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_NV12_UV.cso");

                return(new ShaderEffectDefinitionNv12(shaderY, shaderUV));

            case 2:
                IBuffer shader = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_RGB32.cso");

                return(new ShaderEffectDefinitionBgrx8(shader));

            case 3:
                // Select the largest centered square area in the input video
                uint inputWidth   = props.Width;
                uint inputHeight  = props.Height;
                uint outputLength = Math.Min(inputWidth, inputHeight);
                Rect cropArea     = new Rect(
                    (float)((inputWidth - outputLength) / 2),
                    (float)((inputHeight - outputLength) / 2),

                var definition = new LumiaEffectDefinition(new FilterChainFactory(() =>
                    var filters = new List <IFilter>();
                    filters.Add(new CropFilter(cropArea));
                definition.InputWidth   = inputWidth;
                definition.InputHeight  = inputHeight;
                definition.OutputWidth  = outputLength;
                definition.OutputHeight = outputLength;

            case 4:
                return(new SquareEffectDefinition());

            case 5:
                var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/traffic.png"));

                var foreground = new StorageFileImageSource(file);
                return(new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
#pragma warning disable 618
                    var filter = new BlendFilter(foreground);
                    filter.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveAspectRatio;
                    filter.TargetArea = new Rect(0, 0, .4, .4);
                    return new IFilter[] { filter };

            case 6:
                return(new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new AnimatedWarp();

            case 7:
                return(new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new BitmapEffect();

            case 8:
                return(new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new BitmapEffect2();

            case 9:
                return(new CanvasEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new CanvasEffect();

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid effect type");
        private static IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> CreateFramedAnimation(IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> images, Rect animationBounds, int w, int h)
            List<IImageProvider> framedAnimation = new List<IImageProvider>();

            WriteableBitmap maskBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(w, h);

            var backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle
                Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
                Width = w,
                Height = h,

            maskBitmap.Render(backgroundRectangle, new TranslateTransform());

            var foregroundRectangle = new Rectangle
                Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
                Width = animationBounds.Width,
                Height = animationBounds.Height,

            TranslateTransform foregroundTranslate = new TranslateTransform
                X = animationBounds.X,
                Y = animationBounds.Y
            maskBitmap.Render(foregroundRectangle, foregroundTranslate);

            foreach (IImageProvider frame in images)
                FilterEffect filterEffect = new FilterEffect(images[0]);

                BlendFilter blendFilter = new BlendFilter(frame, BlendFunction.Normal, 1.0)
                    MaskSource = new BitmapImageSource(maskBitmap.AsBitmap())

                filterEffect.Filters = new List<IFilter>() { blendFilter };

            return framedAnimation;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private async void AttemptUpdatePreviewAsync2()
            if (!Processing)
                Processing = true;

                Model.OriginalImage.Position = 0;

                using (var source = new StreamImageSource(Model.OriginalImage))
                using (var segmenter = new InteractiveForegroundSegmenter(source))
                using (var annotationsSource = new BitmapImageSource(Model.AnnotationsBitmap))
                    segmenter.Quality = 0.5;
                    segmenter.Source = source;
                    segmenter.AnnotationsSource = annotationsSource;

                    var foregroundColor = Model.ForegroundBrush.Color;
                    var backgroundColor = Model.BackgroundBrush.Color;

                    segmenter.ForegroundColor = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(foregroundColor.A, foregroundColor.R, foregroundColor.G, foregroundColor.B);
                    segmenter.BackgroundColor = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(backgroundColor.A, backgroundColor.R, backgroundColor.G, backgroundColor.B);

                        _processingPending = false;

                        var previewBitmap = new WriteableBitmap((int)Model.AnnotationsBitmap.Dimensions.Width, (int)Model.AnnotationsBitmap.Dimensions.Height);

                        using (var backgroundSource = new StreamImageSource(Model.OriginalImage2))

                        using (var filterEffect = new FilterEffect(backgroundSource))

                        using (var blendFilter = new BlendFilter(source))

                        using (var renderer = new WriteableBitmapRenderer(filterEffect, previewBitmap))

                            blendFilter.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Normal;
                            blendFilter.MaskSource = segmenter;
                            filterEffect.Filters = new IFilter[] { blendFilter };
                                await renderer.RenderAsync();
                            var wb = previewBitmap;
                            var fileStream = new MemoryStream();
                            wb.SaveJpeg(fileStream, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight, 100, 100);
                            fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            var effect = new LensBlurEffect(new StreamImageSource(fileStream), new LensBlurPredefinedKernel(LensBlurPredefinedKernelShape.Circle, 10));
                            var renderer2 = new WriteableBitmapRenderer(effect, previewBitmap);
                            effect.KernelMap = segmenter;
                                await renderer2.RenderAsync();

                            PreviewImage.Source = previewBitmap;

                            wb = previewBitmap;
                            fileStream = new MemoryStream();
                            wb.SaveJpeg(fileStream, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight, 100, 100);
                            fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                           // var m = new MediaLibrary();
                           // m.SavePictureToCameraRoll("test", fileStream);
                            Model.MixedStream = fileStream;
                           // Model.MixedStream = ConvertToStream(previewBitmap);



                    while (_processingPending);

                Processing = false;
                _processingPending = true;
        private static IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> CreateFramedAnimation(IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> images, Rect animationBounds, int w, int h)
            List<IImageProvider> framedAnimation = new List<IImageProvider>();

            foreach (IImageProvider frame in images)
                FilterEffect cropFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(frame);
                cropFilterEffect.Filters = new List<IFilter>() { new CropFilter(animationBounds) };

                FilterEffect blendFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(images[0]);
                BlendFilter blendFilter = new BlendFilter();
                blendFilter.ForegroundSource = cropFilterEffect;
                blendFilter.Level = 1.0;
                blendFilter.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Normal;
                blendFilter.TargetArea = new Rect(
                    animationBounds.Left / w,
                    animationBounds.Top / h,
                    animationBounds.Width / w,
                    animationBounds.Height / h
                blendFilterEffect.Filters = new List<IFilter>() { blendFilter };


            return framedAnimation;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private async Task<IVideoEffectDefinition> CreateEffectDefinitionAsync(VideoEncodingProperties props)
            switch (EffectType.SelectedIndex)
                case 0: 
                    return new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                    return new IFilter[]
                        new AntiqueFilter(),
                        new FlipFilter(FlipMode.Horizontal)

                case 1:
                    IBuffer shaderY = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_NV12_Y.cso");
                    IBuffer shaderUV = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_NV12_UV.cso");
                    return new ShaderEffectDefinitionNv12(shaderY, shaderUV);

                case 2:
                    IBuffer shader = await PathIO.ReadBufferAsync("ms-appx:///Invert_093_RGB32.cso");
                    return new ShaderEffectDefinitionBgrx8(shader);

                case 3:
                    // Select the largest centered square area in the input video
                    uint inputWidth = props.Width;
                    uint inputHeight = props.Height;
                    uint outputLength = Math.Min(inputWidth, inputHeight);
                    Rect cropArea = new Rect(
                        (float)((inputWidth - outputLength) / 2),
                        (float)((inputHeight - outputLength) / 2),

                    var definition = new LumiaEffectDefinition(new FilterChainFactory(() =>
                        var filters = new List<IFilter>();
                        filters.Add(new CropFilter(cropArea));
                        return filters;
                    definition.InputWidth = inputWidth;
                    definition.InputHeight = inputHeight;
                    definition.OutputWidth = outputLength;
                    definition.OutputHeight = outputLength;
                    return definition;

                case 4:
                    return new SquareEffectDefinition();

                case 5:
                    var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/traffic.png"));
                    var foreground = new StorageFileImageSource(file);
                    return new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
#pragma warning disable 618
                        var filter = new BlendFilter(foreground);
                        filter.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveAspectRatio;
                        filter.TargetArea = new Rect(0, 0, .4, .4);
                        return new IFilter[] { filter };

                case 6:
                    return new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                        return new AnimatedWarp();

                case 7:
                    return new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                        return new BitmapEffect();

                case 8:
                    return new LumiaEffectDefinition(() =>
                        return new BitmapEffect2();

                case 9:
                    return new CanvasEffectDefinition(() =>
                        return new CanvasEffect();

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid effect type");
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static State <FilterChainState, IEnumerable <XElement> > BuildBlendFilter(BlendFilter blendFilter, CoordinatesConverter converter)
            var builder =
                    new XAttribute("mode", blendFilter.BlendModeSvgName));

            return(BuildTwoInputFilter(builder, blendFilter.Source2, converter));