public StatContext stat()
            StatContext _localctx = new StatContext(_ctx, State);

            EnterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_stat);
            try {
                State = 20;
                switch (Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(_input, 1, _ctx))
                case 1:
                    _localctx = new PrintExprContext(_localctx);
                    EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);
                        State = 11; expr(0);
                        State = 12; Match(NEWLINE);

                case 2:
                    _localctx = new AssignContext(_localctx);
                    EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2);
                        State = 14; Match(ID);
                        State = 15; Match(3);
                        State = 16; expr(0);
                        State = 17; Match(NEWLINE);

                case 3:
                    _localctx = new BlankContext(_localctx);
                    EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3);
                        State = 19; Match(NEWLINE);
            catch (RecognitionException re) {
                _localctx.exception = re;
                _errHandler.ReportError(this, re);
                _errHandler.Recover(this, re);
            finally {
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void EnsureTenantInitialized(string schema)
            using (var db = new ListContext(schema))
                // Ensure that the physical database exists (create an empty one if not)
                using (var b = new BlankContext(db.Database.Connection))
                    if (!b.Database.Exists())

                // Ensure the schema exists (migrations won't create it since we are messing with object names)
                db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format(_schemaCreationSql, schema));

                // Apply migrations redirected to the schema
                var config = new Configuration();
                config.SetSqlGenerator(SqlProviderServices.ProviderInvariantName, new SchemaRenamingMigrationSqlGenerator(schema));
                config.SetHistoryContextFactory(SqlProviderServices.ProviderInvariantName, (c, s) => new HistoryContext(c, schema));
                new DbMigrator(config).Update();
        public static void EnsureTenantInitialized(string schema)
            using (var db = new ListContext(schema))
                // Ensure that the physical database exists (create an empty one if not)
                using (var b = new BlankContext(db.Database.Connection))
                    if (!b.Database.Exists())

                // Ensure the schema exists (migrations won't create it since we are messing with object names)
                db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format(_schemaCreationSql, schema));

                // Apply migrations redirected to the schema
                var config = new Configuration();
                config.SetSqlGenerator(SqlProviderServices.ProviderInvariantName, new SchemaRenamingMigrationSqlGenerator(schema));
                config.SetHistoryContextFactory(SqlProviderServices.ProviderInvariantName, (c, s) => new HistoryContext(c, schema));
                new DbMigrator(config).Update();