Exemplo n.º 1
    public double CalcAvgMonteCaroError(int nForAverage, int N)
        double callOptionPriceBS = BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(sigma, S, K, r, T);
        double avgErr            = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < nForAverage; ++i)
            BlackScholesMonteCarlo mc = new BlackScholesMonteCarlo(sigma, r, N);
            double mcPrice            = mc.CalculateEuropeanCallOptionPrice(S, K, T);
            avgErr += Math.Abs(mcPrice - callOptionPriceBS);
        return(avgErr / nForAverage);
    public static double CalculateImpliedVolCall(double C, double S, double K, double r, double T, double x0 = 0.5, double maxErr = 1e-6, int N = 10000)
        if (C <= 0 || T <= 0 || K <= 0 || S <= 0 || maxErr <= 0 || N <= 0)
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Need C > 0, T > 0, K > 0, S > 0, maxErr > 0, N > 0.");

        Func <double, double> F = (x) => {
            return(C - BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(x, S, K, r, T));
        NewtonSolver s = new NewtonSolver(maxErr, N);

        return(s.Solve(F, null, x0));
Exemplo n.º 3
    static void TestImpliedVol(double sigma = 0.1,  //volatilty
                               double S     = 100,  //underlying price
                               double K     = 100,  //strike price
                               double r     = 0.05, //risk free rate
                               double T     = 1)    //time to maturity in years
        double CallOptionPrice = BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(sigma, S, K, r, T);
        double PutOptionPrice  = BlackScholesFormula.CalculatePutOptionPrice(sigma, S, K, r, T);

        System.Console.WriteLine("Price of a call option using Black Scholes formula is: {0}", BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(sigma, S, K, r, T));
        System.Console.WriteLine("Price of a put option using Black Scholes formula is: {0}", BlackScholesFormula.CalculatePutOptionPrice(sigma, S, K, r, T));

        System.Console.WriteLine("Implied volatiliy of a call option given the price from Black Scholes is: {0}", BlackScholesImpliedVolEuropean.CalculateImpliedVolCall(10, S, K, r, T));
        System.Console.WriteLine("Implied volatiliy of a put option given the price from Black Scholes is: {0}", BlackScholesImpliedVolEuropean.CalculateImpliedVolPut(3, S, K, r, T));
    public static double CalculateImpliedVolPut(double P, double S, double K, double r, double T, double x0 = 0.5, double maxErr = 1e-6, int N = 10000)
        if (P <= 0 || T <= 0 || K <= 0 || S <= 0 || maxErr <= 0 || N <= 0)
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Need P > 0, T > 0, K > 0, S > 0, maxErr > 0, N > 0.");

        double callPrice = BlackScholesFormula.GetCallFromPutPrice(S, K, r, T, P);

        if (callPrice < 0)
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Input arguments violate put/call parity.");

        return(CalculateImpliedVolCall(callPrice, S, K, r, T, x0, maxErr, N));
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Model params
        double r     = 0.05;
        double sigma = 0.1;
        double K     = 100;
        double T     = 1;
        double S0    = 100;
        BlackScholesFormula bsFormula = new BlackScholesFormula(new BlackScholesModelParams(r, sigma));
        double bsPrice = bsFormula.PutPrice(new EuropeanCallPutParams(T, S0, K));
        Func <double, double> putPayoff             = (S) => Math.Max(K - S, 0);
        BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver solverFD =
            new BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver(T, putPayoff, r, sigma, 3 * K, 10, 10);
        double bsPriceFD = solverFD.Price(100);

        uint N, M;

        int numberRefinments = 5;

        // test convergence w.r.t. number of partitions of space interval
        N = 200; M = 100;
        for (int refinementIndex = 0; refinementIndex < numberRefinments; ++refinementIndex, M *= 2)
            BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver solverForThisLevelOfRefinement =
                new BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver(T, putPayoff, r, sigma, 5 * K, N, M);
            double error = Math.Abs(bsPrice - solverForThisLevelOfRefinement.Price(S0));
            Console.WriteLine("Space partitions: {0}, time steps: {1}, error: {2}", M, N, error);

        // test convergence w.r.t. number of time steps
        N = 10; M = 8001;
        for (int refinementIndex = 0; refinementIndex < numberRefinments; ++refinementIndex, N *= 2)
            BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver solverForThisLevelOfRefinement =
                new BlackScholesFiniteDifferenceSolver(T, putPayoff, r, sigma, 5 * K, N, M);
            double error = Math.Abs(bsPrice - solverForThisLevelOfRefinement.Price(S0));
            Console.WriteLine("Space partitions: {0}, time steps: {1}, error: {2}", M, N, error);
        Console.WriteLine("Finished. Press any key.");
        //Console.ReadKey ();
        public static object DupireSsviEuropeanVanillaOptionPrice([ExcelArgument(Description = "the current risky asset price")] double S0,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "constant continuously compounded rate of return")] double riskFreeRate,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "parameter in theta(t) := alpha^2(e^(beta^2 t)  - 1)")] double alpha,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "parameter in theta(t) := alpha^2(e^(beta^2 t)  - 1)")] double beta,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double gamma,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double eta,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double rho,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "option maturity (time to expiry)")] double maturity,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "option strike")] double strike,
                                                                  [ExcelArgument(Description = "option type, 'C' for call 'P' for put")] string type)
                Ssvi   SsviSurface = new Ssvi(alpha, beta, gamma, eta, rho);
                double k           = Math.Log(strike * Math.Exp(-riskFreeRate * maturity) / S0);
                double sigmaBs     = Math.Sqrt(SsviSurface.OmegaSsvi(maturity, k) / maturity);

                if (type == "Call" || type == "call" || type == "C" || type == "c")
                    return(BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(sigmaBs, S0, k, riskFreeRate, maturity));
                else if (type == "Put" || type == "put" || type == "P" || type == "p")
                    return(BlackScholesFormula.CalculatePutOptionPrice(sigmaBs, S0, k, riskFreeRate, maturity));
                    throw new ArgumentException("Input must be either Call, call, C, c, Put, put, P or p.");
            catch (Exception e)
                XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("DupireSsviEuropeanVanillaOptionPrice error: " + e.Message);
